(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

abby, rc_cola and xue r 2nd-time mummies


now alot ppl married young la.. maybe my family tradition haha.. all marry young and also young mother.. i have frens same age as me now mother of 3 ready.. most of my fren all married and have kid liao..
Jacquise, Flommy & Okipoki,

Wow, nowadays I open the forum will see one by one giving birth le.

Getting very excited. Must be a great experience!
yuki, wah your fren all married so young and have kids ah...me consider late liao...all my frens also have kids liao...but good lah, cos they pass me all their bb stuff...haha...
Baby May,
i feel like menses cramp leh ... but not so bad. In range 1 - 10 I only feel ard 2 now. Scared I slowly dilated cos my gynae say can anytime now. But I dunno the tightening I feel that one contraction or not cos regular already. No pain.
Porky, I same age as you, I considered married young leh. All my friends started to get married recently, most are still single. Only 1 have a kid(but her kid is around 6 years old liao) so far. I am the third to get married and the second to have kid. I guess most of my friends don't marry so young. But I also have alot of bb stuff from my hubby's friend and my friend's sister-in-law. My aunt also pass me a playpen and some toys.
Lily, I also experience tightening of the tummy, also not painful leh. My gynae says it is BH contractions. SO I think it is still a long way to go for me. If yours is not painful now, maybe not so soon for you?
hi girls! jus came back from dinner n aft visiting all 4 girls at mt A! ya they can hold party there cuz all same floor n wards quite near each other!

yuki, abby, young mommy is good. i'm 25 gg to 26 in nov n some ppl think i shotgun one lo! esp when they c me n my hb together n he's a year younger than me..

babymay, lily, i have tightening n breathlessness too. but no pain! doc told me dat like dat is ok. once got pain n it comes regularly then u gotta monitor e intervals cuz it might mean the real thing! so we're still safe now!

I feel tightening of the tummy too! And I'm getting more and more nervous. My EDD is on the 1st of may. And now I'm feeling like I'm a pig waiting to get "slaughtered" anytime! Hahahh.. Everyday when I wake up, I will think of "will I have contractions later in the day?". Hahah.. Very nervous yet excited! I'm feeling so anxious! =D

alot ppl always think that young mummies all shotgun de.. as long as they see u young then pregnant means label as shotgun liao..


i got a question, do u ppl have slight pain below? only awhile nia but nt long.. i keep having this pain come and go then my stomach keep on pain le its like stomachache not contraction..
Hi Jamie & Karen, seems like alot of us having tightening of the tummy, not the real thing yet.

Karen, my EDD is 3 days after you. I also have mixed feelings. Afraid of the 'big day', but at the same time very excited and hoping to see baby soon. Everyday, I will ask myself will today be the day. But at the end of the day, like now, I will think not today, maybe tomorrow.
Yuki, yes, sometimes I will also have slight pain below for a while. Especially if I sit too long and suddenly stand up. Mine is really a very short while.

Did you get to see all their babies too? should put them together m take a pic! All born n the same day

How nice.. young mommies... more stamina to run after your kids n more time to try for more kids. By the time , my hubby n i decide to have kid and try for 1 n finally have 1 , we are unknowingly past 30!
jamie, u are back ! so cute looking at all the babies ya

i just finish cooking supper for hubby and myself..hehe

babymay, ya i knw we same age de..but most of my fren and hubby's fren all married young and have kids like 26 or 27...so i am consider late loh...anyway i only accept some bb clothes and stuff...those too old and yellowish one, i did not take...

sk, i think dr a likes to use assisted birth to speed up the delivery....saw a few comments on that...
wow, another mom popped!! Congrats to all 3 new mummies today - oki, flommy and Jacquise...

So funny, all mums from Mt A first then KKH...

I think all late May MTB are in TMC...

YUP YUP!! I'm also thinking that way! Hahah.. Wonder is that what every mother-to-be is thinking. LOL. Next tuesday will be going for check up! =D hope my lil precious will "guai guai" come out next week. The best is on the 2nd lah! Same as his daddy's birthday! =D

Oh ya! Btw, mommies who're going to KKH, do you know there's a breastfeeding video launching at the Patient Service Reception in the Specialist Clinics. Just outside Clinic C. Every monday and wednesday (if I dont rmb wrongly =/). 2 sessions per day. 10am and 3pm! And there's one on saturday. But I'm not sure what time is it. =D and they give out goodie bags too! With one copy of the video, mommy's milk, LACTACYD feminine hygiene for cleaning the vagina, some brouchers etc. =D
congra to all new mummies!!!!

i cant sleep.... stress no labor sign at all...
just finish one cup of vanilla lime ice-cream
OOps sorry Yuki and Baby MAy - din know your EDD.. pie say...

Hey Star, my EDD is also end May, 24 May - one day before Porky. What's Joyce, Tiny M, SK and yours?
Yuki, baby may and Jamie > Thanks for the explanation.

Porky > I called Dr A to talk on my C-sec date but was advised to call his nurses at CCK clinic on Monday cos he dun have his schedule. I have shortlisted 10 May to deliver my baby. It's MOTHERS DAY...yeye....
Hi ladies,

I just gave birth on 19 Apr at 11.36pm at KKH, when my water bag broke at 9.30am on the same day. I used Epidural and had a normal birth. My baby boy was 2.6kg healthy and we came home on Tuesday.

Thanks for all the support and advice through this pregnancy period.

sk, so u decided to go for c-sec ? dont wanna wait anymore ?

yuki, we have some of each others hp number long ago...cos we went for gathering togehter mah...

bbmay, good nite !

i will b sleeping late tonight...accompany hubby to watch dvd..
hi Tinkles,
mine is 15 may

From the last table, these are the edd:
Joyce Yong 16-May
Tiny_M 19-May
SK 19-May (now 10 may

Porky 19-May
Porky, your edd has been changed to 25 may?

Yuki, no leh we don have one another's mobile... maybe we should hor. In case we end up popping ard the same time.. hee...

SK - congrats - what a great day to deliver - Mother's Day. I was just telling my hubby I hope my baby pops on that day too.... but not lucky la - too soon :p

Porky - jamie and glenlyn also delivering in TMC?
