(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

congrats Yvette

Hi all.. really excited to find out that I'm having a set of twins.. into my 6 weeks now. It's pretty tedious as I get tired and nausea all the time.. no appetite at all...hope this is normal.

I try to drink more milk to replenish my vitamins.. I've taken a month unpaid leave just to stay home. After my miscarriage last year, I'm especially careful this time..
I am using lansinoh milk bag, bought it at S$20 for 25 pieces.. thru a bulk purchase organised by frens, that will be cheaper.. if buy in Singapore, it will cost bomb i think.


Congrats for your twins

I was diagnosed with twins in my #1 as well in my 6 wk..
rc_cola, so u mean that we can ask the bottles from the nursery? But how many can they give us?

Poohwei, so where do we buy those milkbags? I havent seen it before though.. is it exp?

Welcome yvette and hoops&yoyo...
Dun worry, have faith in your babies and yourself.

I just satisfy my craving of drinking sugar cane, so yummy hehehe
Yeah..have faith in my babies and myself..most importantly, God!

Twins... double fun, double action!
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> May,
oh. lidat hv to find other ways....

shall go there ad see.. hope still hv my size..

i vy bored... times fly so slow...... sianz

anyone start eating bird's nest oredi? im goin to buy lohongka bird's nest concentrate... juz need to take a spoon per day... coz im lazy to cook
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> Icyen,
I've nt start hving birdnest. Mayb arnd 14wks then i'll start starting ba. Me too dunno hw to boil birdnest. But i heard from my mum its quite easy. But to hv homeboiled de is better. </font>.
re: infant care.
I tink I got no choice gotta put in infantcare. My maid already taking care of 2 kids, without any help (my mum and MIL do not want to help). Tink my maid will faint (and I won't fang xing) if she take care of the baby also. I told my hubby it's better the baby go infantcare than I leave her at home and worse, she accidentally fall down. My maid still need to cook lunch + dinner, bath my kids etc. Maybe it's no. 3 kid already so it's like anything goes...

re: breastfeeding
BF is very good. My no. 1, I bf till 18 months but was mostly on stored milk as last time only 2 mths maternity leave. No. 2 I bf till 3.5 years old as I quit my job at 6 months so he drink "fresh" milk straight from the breast. Can see my no. 2 is so much stronger and seldom fall sick. But it's true very tiring, pumping like a cow everyday. But after 7-8 months, the bb will drink more each time and so no need so frequent.

Get lots of glass bottles from hospital to store. I bot Avent milk storage bag but it's so troublesome must pour into the bottle then warm up. I prefer pump direct into the bottle then straightaway can drink. I collected >10 then store the milk. If frozen too long, just use and do facial lor. During my 2nd kid, I got so much milk so my 2 kids share. This time, the 3 of them will share so I don't need so many bottles to store. ha ha.
ya.. homeboiled is the best... but i no time plus lazy loh... and i dun wan trouble my MIL.. so no choice buy those instant ready eat de

somemore this time same as 1st pregnant got evening sickness... no appetite n wil vomit watever i eat... so take a spoon of bird's nest in the morning is the best for me
hi ladies! wow! this thread is running so fast! i can hardly catch up!

first congrats to the newbies! welcome! the more MTBs, the merrier!

Re: BF
I wanna BF also cos the formula milk dunno safe or not.. dunno how long i can last.. hope at least 6 months. but sounds really tiring! i had a few colleagues who expressed their milk in office. they always say they going to perform motherly duties. hee hee..

Re: Tests
i dunno what tests i should take. SK, i hadn't talked to Dr Woody about the tests yet so don't know about the one you're talking about. I'm gg to see him again on fri, will ask him about it. so far, he didn't mention anything about tests yet..

Anyone with increased vaginal discharge? I always have but today like a lot like that. i'm scaring myself, dunno if it's water bag broke? *gasp* anyone can offer help? it's a colorless discharge but a bit more than usual...
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> Anxylyn,
Salute.! you bf for so long.! Need to be persistent to do be able to feed so long. gonna learn from you. Btw, for ur #1, hw many times u express when at work? U bring cooler bag to work?</font>.
Yes can get from hospi, last time i was ignorant, I didnt know can ask for it hahahah..
Youmight want to ask them as many as possible.. may be like CAN I HAVE 20 OF THE GLASS BOTTLES PLEASE
hehehe.. Is it a bit too much? hehehe
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> Icyden,
Ask ur mil or mum to teach ur hb. ask ur hb to boil for u. hehe. My hb sometimes do boiled Dansheng with red dates for me to bring to work. they got to do their part. Somemore is not a difficult task. =)</font>.
Tiny M
dun scare yourself, more discharge is okay.. water bag cant break at this stage.. not to worry

dun fret over tests as well, i believe when the time is appropriate and if it is necessary your gynae will be able to advise you.
My gynae never did any test except normal blood test and urine test.. i think that should be all for me.. hehehe

Can teach me how to boil bird nest and how to buy good bird nest? I didnt take any bird nest at all during Meg's time.
First thing is dunno if it is necessary, second is I am alone here in SG with hubby only, so we just eat as per normal. Gynae kept emphasizing just eat normally will do.. hehe maybe this time round i should take some bird nests
u BF for so long!!.... i onli bf my girl for abt a mth... think my supply not enuff.. she refused to latch on... and i tried to pump oso vy vy litle...
hope this 2nd one i can produce more

my hb 7days workin till vy late... so cant depend on him loh...
ur hb so good..
Re: Birdnest
Icyden, it's very easy to prepare. This is what i do....
i soak :
(1) 1 piece of birdnest in the water for a while to clean it
(2) abt 10-12 red dates (without the seeds) in the water to wash it

Then i put both the birdnest and red dates into the slow cooker and pour about 1.5 bowls of water. Then i switch on the slow cooker to cook for about 5 hours. I only add a few pieces of rock sugar before i switch off the cooker, then can eat liao.

Usually i very lazy, i will do these before i sleep so that i leave it on overnite then in the morning wake up can eat liao.(coz they say morning body absorb nutrients better lo)

Hope this helps
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> Tiny_M,
Dun worry. At this time waterbag cant break. Relax. =)

As for the test, I don think i'll be taking any other tests other the blood test. But ur gynae will advise and discuss with you along the way. No worries. =)</font>.
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> Cola,
My mum boil for me. Btw i can help you to buy birdnest thou. My dad's fren open a herbal shop. selling confinement stuffs and lotsa hebal things. I dunno if its really necessary to hv birdnest.. But no harm taking it. Gd for ourselves too. =)

Oh.. 915 had posted the way to boil birdnest. Can try her way. =)</font>.
thanks for ur receipe...
hmmm but how to make sure the bird's nest no over boiled? i vy scared i over boiled it loh...
coz if over boiled.. no more benefits le
rc_Cola, actually no need to buy too branded birdnest also.. i ask my bro's fren to buy for me..i just settled for the loose pieces instead of the 1 piece sui sui kind coz there is a substantial price diff...hehe..anyway when i got the loose pieces, they are not as bad as i imagined.. in fact 1 loose piece after brewing can give me &amp; hubby a few mouthful of birdnest(more than the 6 pack bottled ones)
icyden, dun think that will happen if u use slow cooker. for me i usually set to boil for 5 hours, but since i switched on ard 10pm at nite, by 7am i woke up, it automatically goes to 'keep warm' stage, so i will just put the rock sugar then eat...whatever left over, i put in tupperware and put into the fridge to drink at nite. It's nice to drink cold birdnest too

Maybe if u want, i can take a pic of my slow cooker, this cooker i used for brewing birdnest and soup etc...so far so good for a cook-idiot like me
Sure that will be great
Afraid if i go outside and buy, ppl will cheat me, coz I never buy before hahaha
Where is the store? think i am gonna need some herbs for my confinement.. last time i used to buy at chinatown, but it is damn expensive..

Thanks 915
Btw, will the dry bird nest smelly or not.. i am phobia to birds, so anything gotta do with birds, makes me scared hahaha...

We seems like very experienced kekeke..

Your hubby so nice, my hubby is someone who never cooked!! not even boil the chrysanthemum tea haha. but he ever cooked for me during my birthday, the spaghetti tastes.. hm.. hahahaha i should say wierd, anyway I am appreciative of his efforts tho
coz he is really someone who never cooked lor, except maybe instant noodle hahahaha
For soup thingy, I normally boil myself, ya not difficult actually, just put all ingredients in and let it boil, that's all.. if need be, put a bit of seasonings..
rc_cola, not smelly leh...but i do hear that some dry birdnest we buy will be dirty coz they are cleaned properly, maybe got feathers or something...but so far the ones i bought still quite clean. still remembered the first time i boil birdnest, i wash and wash and wash the birdnest coz i was not sure whether it is clean already or not until my hubby has to tell me if i continue washing then all the bird nest start falling off and goes into the drain liao..heheh

actually birdnest is quite smooth and nice to drink.
wao cold bird's nest.. yummy
i like cold drink!!!
wat's ur slow cooker brand?

ohya.. anyone oredi start the gynae's package? i heard that can claim from medisave?? izzit true
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> cola,
i think the shop is at bugis. hv to check with my mum. Spaghetti.. yummy.. last thurs i ask hb to cook spaghetti for me and poor hb, has to rush down to tpy to buy the ingredients when the convenient store doesnt sell.
Ur hb really makes the effort. Thank God we got ourselves gd hb.

as wad u said the raw birdnest might hv some feathery stuffs stuck there. so my mum will wash and pick up those stuffs. Needs very gd eye sight to do that. She insist to do tt thou its already quite clean. Appreciate wad my mum has done.</font>.
Thank, maybe i should buy some and try.
Xue, can help rite?

My gynae no package, except the ultrasound scanning from next visit till i give birth - S$250.. (per scannign is S$60 each time).. that's all..
consultation is stil per visit S$60, vits and medi are to be paid separately..
Actually the nurse did give me a letter to claim from Medisave during my last few visits.. but anyway I have spent bomb.. so the medisave claims are really nothing much..
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> cola,
Yup. Can ask my mum to get some for you as well. =)

my next visit (11.5wks) will start the package. I think Medisave can claim back $450 if im not wrong...</font>.
we r seeing same gynae... my next visit (12wks-24oct) for oscar test and will start the package too
Thanks a lot, perhaps when we meet you can pass to me, and I shall pay you k.
Remember our baby's gathering is not on yet hor.. :p

Last time i think i claim S$550 from medisave - must emphasize hubby's medisave hahaha

Ya i will be seeing my gynae on 20Oct as well, I would be 11.5wks then.. hahaha wondering if i should go on 28 Oct, coz i will be on leave on that day and will already be 12.5 wks.. hehe
icyden, i also dunno what brand is my slow cooker. My mum used it so she recommend to me, and i find it's idiot-proof so i also use it now..i go home and find out for u
xue, agreed that the bird nest got feathery stuffs..initially i also scared scared coz i scared i cannot tell whether clean or not. but luckily when i bought my birdnest, my mum said this is pretty clean..(coz i dun see any visible feathers'..hehe
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> Icyen,
my next visit on 13 oct. mayb someday we'll be seeing Dr Joycelyn on the same day. =)

Np. can claim so much??? I thought they had a limit to hw much we can claim...</font>.
ok.. thanks

yeah... finally 4pm+....
tmr on childcare leave to bring my girl for jab..
yes can rest at home.. hapi
I express about 3 times. Once before lunch, once around 3pm and once before go home. Usually can fill up 2 large bottles. I buy ice pack (from robinson) and put in cooler bag. So that can keep the milk cool for few hours while I make my way home. Once, I got no time to express then the breast so hard until crack, the milk spurt out and was pink color (mixed with blood). I was so scared thot my arteries burst or something.

re: birdnest
Can we eat bird nest at 1st tri. Usually, I thot pp eat at 2nd and 3rd tri. Cos scared the body cannot take too much bu ping.
<font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma"> Icyen,
Even thou we are there the same timing, but we nv meet each other before.! hahaha

Woah !! You hv very gd supply.! But first time i heard abt the spurting in pink colour..
Might need your advise on buying cooler bag and ice packs le..

Birdnest :
the reason y ppl take during 2nd tri is that it is the time wen our bb is absorbing wad ever we eat. Can 'bu' ourselves and bb too. =)And of cos, u can take during 1st tri too. </font>.
thanks! correct le. she didnt reply me which is weird coz she replied me in the past. she was my gynae for my first. trying to ask her if she agree take my case again as mine had serious complications..
rc_cola - Haha, I will try to ask from them next time.. just ask first. if they can give good loh.. scully they charge to my bill! haha...

Icyen, my package is $1375 from 2nd visit, includes urine and scanning until birth.. but excluding OSCAR...

RE: claim - I ask the nurse, she told me I can claim $450 for the pre-delivery visit.. duno is it pte hospital so can claim lesser?

Anxylyn - wow your supply is really good hor... so you need to buy a cooler bag.. is it like those ppl used to store ice cream kind? silver colour?
hi im from nov thread
my confinement lady last minute cancel our booking. anyone here got any good confinement lady to recommend? Please Pm me, thanks
Hi rc_cola,

Playtex liners cost USD$4.99 b4 shipping for a pack of 140s. You need to purchase it thru overseas spree. So its very very cheap. Yes, storing bm in milkbag is very troublesome, but it beats storing in glass bottles cos i prefer to feed my gal with fresh bm. I can just throw away the plastic milk bag but not the glass bottle.

Re: Glass bottles
Think i still ahve ard 30-50 glass bottles and plastic caps at home. Just need to be a little thick skin to ask for the bottles. Can you imagine i devoted my entire freezer to BM and bought another fridge to store the rest of my stuff...Like Anxylyn, i had enuff milk to feed 2 babies..Big storage problem..
Hi Mummies,

Wow... this thread really moves very fast. Only did not login for a week.

My MS really drive me crazy. I has not been eat well. Whatever I eat, it will all come out.

So sad.... Any advice?
baby512 angel,
May be take smaller but frequent meals each time? I think it should subside after 1st tri.

Wow you really v productive leh. This time I try whether can feed 3 with my milk or not. Sure can lose weight very fast. Read from somewhere every baby that you bf, the calories burn = swimming 15 laps on olympic pool. No need to go slimming centre also can slim back. Ke Ke..

I bot my Tommy Tippy cooler bag (soft material type, inside silver color, outside black) many years ago but I tink there are many types sold in Taka / Robinson now. Mine is enough to put in 2 big bottles or 4 small bottles. I prefer the soft cloth cooler bag cos lighter and more discrete. When I put in office fridge, everyone thought it’s in my lunch bag. You can check it out in the nursery department or water bottle department in shopping centre (where they sell cooler bags and ice pack for sports use).

Hi Anxylyn,

Its true that BF burns a lot of calories. My ore-preg weight = 56kg. Preg gained 14kg. By the 3rd month after birth, i dropped to 53kg. BF is free slimming programme. I target to pump lotsa bm out this time to slim down..hahahaha...

Re: Cooler bag
I strongly recommend Fridge to Go brand. It can last for 12 hours and its small. Think they have warehouse sales once a year. Grab them when they are on sales.
