(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

<font color="aa00aa">Hi mummies interested in Kindermusik weekend trial,

Are you all okay if the trial is on this Sunday 24 Jan at 2pm? There's 8 vacancies for this Sunday class.
If not, we can go for a trial on 31 Jan Sun 2pm but we need 2 more babies for the class.
Indicate your preference asap. Thanks!</font>


Kindermusik Trial Class (45min)

Date : 24/1/10 or 31/1/10 (Sun)
Time : 2pm - 2.45pm
Location :163 Tanglin Road #03-11B Tanglin Mall S247933
Fee: $30 (inc. GST)

1. Koi
2. Jean
3. Baby May 09
4. Cal(3wkold)
5. Sunbeam
6. Tangofango
7. Sanni
8. Donroxx

how much is the staff discount cf retail price? if not more than 20% then not much difference actually, considering they have 20% promo every now n then..

still surviving my my uno electric pump, next pump maybe wait till next bb ;)
Hi mummies interested in Kindermusik weekend trial,

Are you all okay if the trial is on this Sunday 24 Jan at 2pm? There's 8 vacancies for this Sunday class.
If not, we can go for a trial on 31 Jan Sun 2pm but we need 2 more babies for the class.
Indicate your preference asap. Thanks!


Kindermusik Trial Class (45min)

Date : 24/1/10 or 31/1/10 (Sun)
Time : 2pm - 2.45pm
Location :163 Tanglin Road #03-11B Tanglin Mall S247933
Fee: $30 (inc. GST)

1. Koi
2. Jean
3. Baby May 09
4. Cal(3wkold)
5. Sunbeam
6. Tangofango
7. Sanni (both dates ok)
8. Donroxx (both dates ok)
Edj and Baby_Mummy,

My baby is going to be 9 months old next week, ya lor very tiring to feed him nowadays, somemore now I am expecting the second one, must always bend to force him open his mouth, starting to have backache

I mixed 1 tbsp white rice and 1 tbsp brown rice with 200 ml of water, then will add meat (either beef, chicken, pork or silver fish), then another 3 types of vegies (brocolli, pumpkin, carrot, pea, tofu, sweet potato, white potato or spinach). Now I try to make it more lumpy coz I thought he doesn't like smooth texture anymore, but seems that it doesn't work... having a big headache now, dunno if because his milk intake is too much, he is still taking milk 720 ml a day.

i'm in the same situation as u. will also need to take 1.5 hrs when i feed my baby porridge. so i'm still feeding him cereal most of the time.

glad to know that i'm not alone. let's hope that things will get better when they r older.
yenz, your porridge sounds yummy leh!
720ml milk is ALOT for a 9Mth old. Maybe gotta space the milk feed timing and porridge timing further apart? Mine only drinks 400-500ml when he is on 3 solid meals. I can't gauge now coz I just put him back on solids as he was having diarrhoea a few weeks back. But I do notice he doesn't eat as fast as before. So I tried doing big big animations like AHHH.. MMMM.. to open and close the mouth and keep praising him and patting him on the back. Works for now... but hehe babies change so fast!! Need to use so much of our creative juices to keep up with them!

Oooh u are pregnant!!! Congrats!! Hehe U are the first Apr mummy I knew who is pregnant!! :D Take care, rest more (if you have the opportunity!!)

In the morning I feed him cereal 5 tbsp with fruit, he could finish it just in 20 mins. is your also easier when eating cereal?

Hope this is just a temporary condition
Mommies worrying about babies' poor appetite: Apparently this is quite common among babies at this stage, my boy is taking 0ml from the bottle for now, only latch at night...but i hope and believe that this is a passing phase.
CONGRATS! n tks for sharing ur gd news with Apr 09 mummies. so how long after u stop bf then got good news (if u did bf)? =p
i oso dun mind getting preggy again but still wanna bf bb longer if possible le
yenz, has baby been eating similar stuff and getting tired of it? I put some onions to the food at times so that the food smells more fragrant.
For my baby, I realise when she loses interest in her food, I just have to try a new recipe..
If I eat the food I created for the baby and I think it doesn't taste so good (it's ok to be bland)... it's likely baby might not enjoy it so it will be hard to feed
my bb takes abt 600ml of milk a day with 2 solid meals n 1 serving of fruits/rusks as snacks. am still latching him once in the morn and once/twice at nite.

he alwiz gets distracted during meal too and i haf to go like MUM MUM super loud to get his attention. he can finish 1 std soup bowl serving of porridge (if i haf the patience to feed him all)

i made him potato soup (wif carrot, peas, pork, onion) last wkend n he enjoyed it!
<font color="ff0000">Jean, Baby May 09, Cal(3wkold), Sunbeam &amp; Tangofango,</font>

Are you all ok with Kindermusik trial on 24 Jan at 2pm?
Sorry forgot to reply u on tat.
Do they haf Sat session? I actually prefer Sat coz hb needs to work on Sun.

If dun haf, then i'll haf to make arrangment to go down wif my sis or a fren. Wld prefer next Sun (31 Jan) since i'm already goin for 2 trials this wk.
Thanks!!! I was latching him on directly before, only the past 2 weeks started on full FM after a month struggle, he was eating his solid well when he was still on breastfeeding, but now he's getting difficult on his porridge for almost a week liao...will try to cut down his milk intake a bit, but scared he will wake up in the middle of the night coz of hunger. He's a very active baby always crawl around, walking on his walker and standing up all the time

I am now 13 weeks preg, found out in Oct when I was already 4 weeks preg, then in Dec I slowly wean him off from BF, only in Jan then slowly fully wean off from BF. Its a tough process, hearing him crying making me upset, but I have no choice coz I have very bad MS,so no appetite. In fact, my gynae said can BF until 20 weeks preg

Your baby is taking 2 solid meals, are both porridge or one meal porridge and one meal cereal?

That is what I thought as well, he's bored, so everyday keep giving him different menu..until I have headache, maybe its just a phase of the baby's life haha
gallop, pei, edj, audrey, had fun attending the trial with u gals
even more fun when its free..hahaha:p looking forward to bibinogs on fri! hope its good! so conclusion is GUG is better than this pei?
Hi Mummies,

Sorry I have tried but couldn't make a free trial

However, there are trial class with S$40 for the following schedule.

DATE: JAN 26 TUE only avail for 4 babies slot at 3:30pm
PLACE: Tanglin mall, Gymboree

SORRY, I will have to RESTART the list. ONLY UPTO 4 babies!

1) Inya


Anybody wants to try Gymboree? If yes, I will try to create a free trial class.

Date &amp; Time: TBC
Location: Tanglin mall

1) Inya
2) jean503 (prefers weekends)
3) Gallop
4) KP
5) Koi (weekends only)
6) Suraya
7) Baby May (prefer weekends)
8) Yenz2
9) NM
10) Yvonne (weekends only)
11) Cal(3wkold) - prefer Sun if Sat...anyone wan to share cab from sengkang?
12) Audrey
13) Sunbeam
hi, i'm interested for the weekend class too, but if this sunday class if full, then u guys go ahead.


Kindermusik Trial Class (45min)

Date : 24/1/10 or 31/1/10 (Sun)
Time : 2pm - 2.45pm
Location :163 Tanglin Road #03-11B Tanglin Mall S247933
Fee: $30 (inc. GST)

1. Koi
2. Jean
3. Baby May 09
4. Cal(3wkold)
5. Sunbeam
6. Tangofango
7. Sanni (both dates ok)
8. Donroxx (both dates ok)
9. cocobunz (both dates ok)
catherine, Kidz, OMG! i juz read your msg on HFM!! i googled and suspected too, but i tot you need to have spots/rashes on the hands and feet too?
she has month ulcers but no fever, feeding juz like normal and did not have contact with other kids leh. ok tom i will bring her to see doc.
*cross my fingers*
Actually I wanted a Sat class too but their studios are all full on Sat.

It's ok. No worries.

Since most of us are ok with both dates and now we have 9 person on the list. Hopefully, 1 more mummy will be interested to join us by tomolo, then I will be able to book the 2pm slot on 31 Jan.


Kindermusik Trial Class (45min)

Date : 24/1/10 or 31/1/10 (Sun)
Time : 2pm - 2.45pm
Location :163 Tanglin Road #03-11B Tanglin Mall S247933
Fee: $30 (inc. GST)

1. Koi
2. Jean (prefer 31 Jan)
3. Baby May 09
4. Cal(3wkold)
5. Sunbeam (both dates ok)
6. Tangofango
7. Sanni (both dates ok)
8. Donroxx (both dates ok)
9. cocobunz (both dates ok)
i can only cook for bb during weekends or when i'm on leave, since i'm a FTWM. on those days he'll b on porridge twice a day.
during weekdays he's usu on cereals/fruits more coz hb/ MIL don't really cook for him.

fr wat i see, my boy quite like to eat le. maybe he hasn't reached the food strike phase yet ;p

tks for coordinating d Kindermusik trial. hopefully 1 more mummy can join us. so 31st Jan is ok for all?

i can't join Tue Gymboree too unless i take leave. I guess for now i'd haf to give it a miss too.
KP, gallop, pei, edj, audrey
how was Genius Space today? can share so we know wat's gonna happen when another 5 of us go on Sat?
I think mommies enjoyed the session more than bbs :p hehehe... ...
Just get prepare tat u n ur bb will get dirty with water colour!!! Overall is fun, just like wat KP said, "even more fun when its free.." :p
hi mummies,
tomorrow having lunch at United Square - Swensen, at 12noon, so far I have bbmummy &amp; Pei.
Come over have lunch together
See ya!!!
I called aquaduck this afternoon, n they promise will reply me by today, so disappointed with them, as till now I havent get any reply
Yes, it's even better when/if it's FREE! I think the session is as much for us mommies to socialise as it is for babies to have fun! Is mine the only silly bub that ate paint??!!! KP, I do feel that GUG is better, but that's just my personal opinion. However, I am still keen on observing a JG class. But not next week, because hb will be in London.

12pm at Swensen's tomorrow. See you!!
<font color="119911">Cocobunz:</font> According 2 my family Dr, dun nd all three symptoms 2 cfm HFMD. Also, sometimes juz a few rashes. Bt nt reali rashes, it appears as veri small red spots under e epidermis dat I cldn't b sure &amp; in my gal's case like she dint hv rash or fever - juz a few spots for 4-7D. Dan more. PD says spots juz appear behind knees, on buttocks &amp; lower back.
mummies any of ur bb's self-wean BF?

mine recently gets v distracted during BF. can tell he's sucking for comfort more than food. coz he can don't aim n juz bite any part of me then start sucking. tat juz makes me laugh out loud sometimes.

when i latch him on oso he finishes v fast.. like within 5-10 min. then starts to get distracted again. after a while he wants to suck again. then gets distracted again. but if he really wants more, he'll yell n only quiet down when i latch him on the other side.

i was hoping to BF him till 1yo but ss is dropping quite badly. at this rate i dunno how long more i can tahan.. shld i let him wean on his own?
Yenz....i thinking to have a 2nd baby now...but dunno how to manage...cos i have have conflinct with my mum. so envy.... their age gap will be close.

sorry mummies...i will remove my names...dun think these 2 wkend i can make it cos me and hubby has not got CNY clothes yet..nd to go shopping.

Kindermusik Trial Class (45min)

Date : 24/1/10 or 31/1/10 (Sun)
Time : 2pm - 2.45pm
Location :163 Tanglin Road #03-11B Tanglin Mall S247933
Fee: $30 (inc. GST)

1. Koi
2. Jean (prefer 31 Jan)
3. Baby May 09
5. Sunbeam (both dates ok)
6. Tangofango
7. Sanni (both dates ok)
8. Donroxx (both dates ok)
9. cocobunz (both dates ok)
<font color="0000ff">Waterfun Aquatic Centre:</font> Moms keen on water explorer prog 4 bbs kan chk out diz one. Got 2 know abt them coz they operate @ NTU Alumni Club where B1's cc is located. Any1 wanna call 2 chk abt trial? The kidz pool @ diz club is veri nice &amp; e adult one has a glass wall on one side. I understand e progs @ e club r available 2 public @ a premium fee (we're nt mbrs)
Link to e swim prog: http://www.waterfun.com.sg/index.php?subid=1

Link to NTU Alumni Club pool: http://www.ntualumni.org.sg/index.php?option=com_content&amp;task=view&amp;id=24&amp;Itemid=27
Pei, why cant we have more free trials??!! hee..
U shld be coming out more when hubby is in london!!
Yoh!!! Silent reader!!!
Free for lunch tomorrow at United Square?
bb E also starts to stand n walk with some support too!!! just wonder when will the day comes where she can walk without support
so excited!!!

Can have more free trials, but must be when hb is around. Because then he can manage her nap! He's the logistics controller lor!! When he's not around, my mom will come over to my place so very difficult to go out. Don't organise anything for next week hor! You joining us for lunch tomorrow?
re: tricks
Read ur post n make me laugh lor!!! There r so many tricks to play with bb then ur hubby teach ur boy bang head!!! ***FAINT!!!*** not farny if they really bang on e wall too hard!!!
<font color="aa00aa">Audrey:</font> Yeah, dunno why bt seems quite a few of my male frenz also teach diz trick 2 their bb. Tink coz men hv thicker skulls?
<font color="ff0000">Revive: Lunch @ Holland Village</font>
Dunno if next Fri, 29th, wl b gd x? I'll juz start e list coz I noe Pravina suggested it b4 Christmas... Wl add in names of the <font color="119911">Usual Suspects</font>

<font color="0077aa">LUNCH @ HV</font>
Date: Friday, 29 Jan
Time: 12 noon
Venue: 3 Monkeys (new family plc near Swensens) -- if nt dan Swensens, Essential Brew, Foster's The English Rose Cafe, etc?

1. Kidzskidz &amp; Sebastian
2. Pravina (?)
3. Eviangal (?)
4. Audrey (?)
5. Gallop (?)
6. KP (?)
7. Pei (?)

Attractions: Well-stocked Song &amp; Song clothing shop, various children's wear, toys &amp; educational items stockists in HV Shopping Centre. Got Guardian, Watsons, beads supply shop, etc. Provencal bakery... &amp; one thing I dun get: lots &amp; lots of nail spas -- veri high concentration in diz area (esp w/i e shopping centre...)
hehehe... ... but my hubby don do tat to my kids!!!
fun to play but once bb master n practise it on e wall or floor, huh will have e hard time to stop them!!! tat time not fun for mommy!

<font color="0000ff">LUNCH @ HV </font>
Date: Friday, 29 Jan
Time: 12 noon
Venue: 3 Monkeys (new family plc near Swensens) -- if nt dan Swensens, Essential Brew, Foster's The English Rose Cafe, etc?

1. Kidzskidz &amp; Sebastian
2. Pravina (?)
3. Eviangal (?)
4. Audrey
5. Gallop (?)
6. KP (?)
7. Pei (?)

Attractions: Well-stocked Song &amp; Song clothing shop, various children's wear, toys &amp; educational items stockists in HV Shopping Centre. Got Guardian, Watsons, beads supply shop, etc. Provencal bakery... &amp; one thing I dun get: lots &amp; lots of nail spas -- veri high concentration in diz area (esp w/i e shopping centre...)

Next week hb in London leh, very hard for me to be out for a ling time as M needs her nap. Can postpone to next next week??

Wah there's children's wear shop? I need to get bottoms for bb. Oh you remembered you recommended me jcastor (or something similar) website to buy hats? I bought 2 and loved it. Do you know of a similar website or shop that sells hat? Need to get a few for my sun-shy girl!!
It's ok. Enjoy your CNY shopping!

If I cannot get 10 babies by tomolo noon, I will confirm the 24 Jan class for those who are ok with both dates. Is it ok?
Sorry, need to confirm the class quickly as I'm afraid the slot might be taken up.

Sorry, r u still interested if we are going for the 24 Jan class?


Kindermusik Trial Class (45min)

Date : 24/1/10 or 31/1/10 (Sun)
Time : 2pm - 2.45pm
Location :163 Tanglin Road #03-11B Tanglin Mall S247933
Fee: $30 (inc. GST)

1. Koi
2. Jean (prefer 31 Jan)
3. Baby May 09
4. Sunbeam (both dates ok)
5. Tangofango
6. Sanni (both dates ok)
7. Donroxx (both dates ok)
8. cocobunz (both dates ok)
u girl so fast! din manage to catch her b4 she swallowed the paint? hahaha i hope the paint is edible
tat reminds me tat i shld bring extra change of clothes for the trials.. coz lazy mummy here alwiz brings only the bare minimum everytime we go out

seems like all of u had fun at the GS trial! now i'm reeaallly looking fwd to it!
