(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

Hi all, been missing for quite awhile as was moving house and the PC was not setup. Parts of the hse still under renovation.

I "struck lottery" and m now down with chicken pox
Think pretty down on luck as Dexter is refusing bottle and alot of my ebm from the prior weeks are wasted just trying to coax him to drink. M now using Nuk bottle and hoping that he will drink fr it. So worried tt the sanitised store of ebm runs out and to switch to FM now may complicate matters as he runs a high risk of catching the disease fr me.

Can any mummies advise me why the Nuk teat always leak? Must we squeeze the teat into the holder or just pull? Mine leaks fr the sides.
Powerball... I'm using NUK with rubberteats. Usually leaks when I dun close tight enough.

Tkthotts: I'm interested. Let me go home and see the link again (now in office not convenient).
DC (xcapism)
you ordering so much???

I tot of ordering 2 boxes only. now you make me think 6 times. haha

Jas J. (jas42), no worries
Powerball: I used to use Avent too. Till my gal rejected. Yar, for Avent, dont have to screw too tight. But for NUK... if the teats are slightly worn (esp rubber), u need to screw tight, or it will leak.

Otherwise, can get a new teat. =)
hi moo mum n idaarshad,
thanks for the insightful recommendations. sounds like it is a handy n practical product to have around the house. shall get it this weekend then. thanks again.

I'm interested in the tea too!

Something to ask: Lactation nurse recommends pumping every 3 hours. That means 8 sessions. Does it work if i pump more regularly in the day (2 hourly) and then sleep through the night? WOuld the supply still be maintained?
<font color="119911">jas,
coz my chest freezer n freezer full liaoz, ss shld b able to last bb till abt 10mths to 1yr old. den oso i wanna go out wif freedom so dun wan to pump liaoz.

juz b more hardworking can le. i c many mummies pump 3-4hrs to up ss, mayb u can try too.

i tink can feed kerryn till 10mths at least ba, depending on hw soon shes gg to start solid. i tink it shld b 12mths ba, 12wks is a lot.</font>
Hi mummies..long time nvr post le..bz doing my assignment..sianz..waking up at 3-4am to do for the past few days cos that's when I can reali concentrate and tink, den when bb slping, I try to do a little do..going to finish soon le..cant wait..

Re: Supply
Pumping every 3 hours wil help to up ss..you all mite wan to try power pump as well. Those wil dual pump. it means pump 10min, rest 10min, pump 10min, rest 10min, pump 10min, rest 10min. This is 1 cycle. Try to do 1 cycle once or twice for a few days..ss will be up. den dun nid to continue, just pump every 3-4hrs.If only single pump, den Left 10min, right10min, left10min, right 10min, left10min, right10min, this is 1 cycle. This was wat I did wen my ss was low at the beginning..

DC: U wan Frozen BM? My freezer is full and I reali dun nid to store. Previously have been giving to my hb fren but he stay boon lay, very lazy to travel down..I know u stay far too but if u dun mind travelling, I can give it to you..feel very wasted to throw away. I have been throwing away BM these few days cos no space le. I latch on totally but sometimes, I still nid to pump cos bb slp too long, den feel engorged..

Powerball: Hope you feeling better..my bb also refusing bottle..dat day I got my mum to come over so that I can concentrate doing my assignment but she refused to take the bottle..so I gota latch..
BTw, I found out something..I cant eat ice cream.each time I eat, my bb poo will be green. I experimented 4 times le. and the more I eat, the more dark green it will be. Could dis be allergy? But I drink milk she ok lei..hmm..
I eat 1 cup of ice cream everyday but my bb's poo every few days is like yellow mustard colour, just for your info. My girl is on TBF too. Maybe you wanna check with your PD should you visit the next time round?
<font color="0000ff">powerball:</font> Oh dear! Muz b veri uncomfortable. Bt I think the silver lining is if Dexter gets it, he won't hv bad scarring. Talking abt dat, u gotta tahan &amp; dun scratch. Apply aloe vera -- kp the tube in the fridge for cooler relief

<font color="119911">moogey:</font> I also hv Greenlife Fenugreek stl hvn't open. Ok, I better try 2 a day n c can help coz ss dropping tho I bf on demand.

<font color="aa00aa">rin:</font> Strange hor? U taking macha i/c izzit?
Or chk e label &amp; c wat kind of milk used in the i/c and e one u drink e.g. skimmed vs full cream?
Rin - U last time power pump to up ur supply huh? If so, i'll try tomorrow.. very wasted throwing away the BM leh... why not get another chest freezer?

Kidzskidz, Tktotts - Just ordered and transferred the funds to buy the milk tea... how many box u all want?
Back to work today...
and of all days, my bb decides to flip for the first time today! missed it, so sad...

and there's so much to do at work, very stressed liao, dunno if can cope being a full time working mother..
baked potato (baked_potato), ok. we share ok?

<font color="0000ff">Mother's Milk tea 6 Qty or more collection @ Punggol anybody else?
Tktotts x2
baked potato x?</font>

Kris, ya lor, got to be hardworking again.. Back to sleepless nite. ha ha...
i do pump every 3-4 hrs, except if I I went out. Then come hm then pump.

But bcos my bb nt waking up at nite to drink, I also lazy to wake up and pump, my milk ss drop....
hi oshgosh
yep got ur PM. sorry looking for my token. will send u the money asap.

jade can flip already? that's so good! mine refuses to even exert hereself by lifting her head when on her tummy sigh...
Morning mummies..up to do my assignment..one last part before I'm done! shall leave it to tmr..

DC: Yup, that was wat I did. Power Pump. I did it for a few days and I could see supply increasing. It doesn't happen immediately la but over the next few days, it became more and once you get more, have to be diligent to keep pumping at least every 4-5 hrs to maintain supply. I would put alarm clock and wake up in the middle of the nite to pump oso..I'm staying at hm til end of the year and I prefer to latch on. Besides, I read smwhere that BM content changes so dun intend to store. Wil just latch on and hopefully can bf til end of the year cos once I return to wk, tink a little difficult..now stil tinking whether I should further extend my npl..was telling hb that maybe I should stay at hm till bb is 1 year old..hmm...

Re: Fish and Co
I can go if it's after next Tuesday cos got an appt on Monday and gota go down to submit my assignment on Tuesday. BTW, Waraku at Heerens also having promo..you get back 50% in vouchers for next visit. But only if u dine in from Mon to Wed.
Moogey, you are not alone..My bb hates to be on her tummy..she will scream lor..been like that since she was born..doc commented that her neck not as strong compared to those of the same age grp so gota go back in 1 mth time for review but he did say that dif bb progress at dif time..smtimes they are not comfortable yet..
my baby goin for injection today .... wish me luck hehehe

later me n hubby plan to go to Taka, saw on newspaper yesterday they're having promo on the "Liferacer" thermal swimsuit @ $39.80 if not wrong .. original price $50something!!
<font color="119911">dc:</font> I want to order 6 boxes bt itz ok, I juz realise there's collection pt @ IMM - so i'll arrange 4 dat coz nearest 4 me

<font color="0000ff">ipanpan:</font> Get e aqua-cushion ready. Itz been veri handy these past two nites B1's been running fever. Btw when is the Taka offer til? Don't expect I can go out this wkend...

<font color="aa00aa">kris:</font> Decided where 2 go? I'm e 1 needing a break w B1 being clingy since she's unwell and B2 naturally needing mommy...

<font color="0077aa">oshgosh:</font> Wow, Jade can flip liao? Sebastian halfway there onli &amp; kps looking @ me upside down when he's doing his 'half-flip'.
moogey &amp; Rin,
Same here ah, my girl doesn't like being on the tummy, at most 5 minutes and she will start fussing already. She can lift her head like 45degrees only. Wanna give her more tummy time but quite difficult.
Rin, how to judge that neck isn't strong? My girl can hold her head upright when I carry her over my shoulder but still a bit shaky leh...

you were saying cheong choon is selling the Bumbo seat for $60 ah? Seems cheap right... do you know whether it comes with the playtray? I wanna order the Lilac colour one hehe... How much for free delivery ah? Thanks.
Rin - Thanks for the tips!
just did one cycle in the morning...i also want to stay at home till baby is one year old... but i don't think i have the choice like u cos still have to pay my housing and car loan every month... sian....

my bb also can't flip and lazy to lift her head when on her tummy.. don't know whether i'll be able to witness that cos will be starting work soon.... super sian...
today got a little more milk.. Happy....Juz manage to pump abt 150ml out at 1200pm...

DC (xcapism),my 1st boy, I stayed hm till he was 18mths old then I go back to work. Everyday struggle to pay bills. Till I started BP. Help to snowballs all my payments. But when I started work, I almost hv no income.. Clearing bills &amp; bills. Hv nt work more then 1 yr, I preggie again. Ha ha.

I was offered a jon then when my 1st boy was 4mths old. pay was $2.6k with a car. But I did nt take up the offer cos I was worry that nobody helps me to take care of him.. Kind of regret but also did nt regret... (You nod wat I mean)

ow_mummy, yr cakes are waiting for you. Hurry come and collect
Kris, how old is your gal? My #1 gal is 32 months and she will go crazy on weekends if we dun bring her go gai gai...she will grumble and grumble till we get headache, if you know what i mean
yeah, my bb can flip already.. was very surprised too when i first it..but i witnessed it for myself last nite and this morning..
but each time she turns onto her tummy, one hand gets stuck under her tummy and she will start "asking" for help.. very cute.. haha..

it started when she started to lift her legs v high in the air... and also when we put her on her rocker, she will try her best to lift her head up.. very funny to see..

tats the problem with working mothers, end up missing all the "firsts"..
<font color="119911">kidz,
we went dim sum den go gallop stable, nw juz reached hm. a tiring day.

my #1 is 26mths old. she everyday wans to go gai gai. dun wan to wear uniform, onli wan to wear pretty pretty, faint.

i juz got a chocz frudge frm jane's station, hoepfuli its gd.</font>
kris : thx for d concern!

So far she's okay ... just now when halfway through 3 mths assessment she start screaming already, so the doc quickly gave the oral rotavirus and the injection. After that quickly get d maid to carry then she fell asleep!

baby ilyssa is at 14 wks 4 days, 6.1kg and 63cm tall
kidz : promo is from today till Wed 26 July at B1 Talking hall.
The Liferacer thermal swimwear is at $38.90 (U.P $59.90!!), but smallest size only size 1, which is for 1yrs old but better to buy slightly bigger than small rite
There's also promo of the other liferacer bodysuit with UV protection at $32.90 (U.P $40++) Also got promo on tankinis, bikinis which I forgot at how much .. think it was between $15-$20. Boy's trunks was cheap cheap at $5 if not wrong.

I also bought new swimwear for myself kekeke, cos i can't fit my old one (everytime my tummy will pop-out) hahaha from Arena at only $30 (U.P $80++)

btw what's aqua cushions? Issit those blue gel thingie??
TKTOTTS: i haf gt no time to go over ur plc to collect leh as i m over at town area(my mum's plc) throughout e weekend..do u mind taking over the cakes??

Happylilwoman..: Bumbo $60 w/o playtray..as CC don sell the play tray.. but its consider much cheaper from retail ardy..the one i bought is lilac also..haha..they do free delivery as long as got $150 purchase..maybe u can order other stuff for bb together lor...
went to vivocity today..ate dimsum at imperial..den walk walk at daiso...den walk ard..hubby buy a jersey..lolx.. forever buying jersey.. CHEALSEA new season...kns..waste money lo i find..haha.. one stupid jersey 99 bucks.. den i nt happy so i go MANGO n buy tops for myself..lolx.. n also FINALLY!!! we got bb chelsey a new stroller=)
I wanna order the bumbo too. It is out of stock at kiddy n metro in compass. Can order together for free delivery? I live in punggol.

tan: ya..seems like bumbo is oos at alot of plcs.. Jamie: I bought maclaren quest sport, cuz Hubby find techno xt or Xlr too hot for Bb...I want to get pliko p3 de,cuz gt promo..but found it too heavy to use on my own... So jus buy e quest sport..
