(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

<font color="119911">owmum,
the cake is nicer den LANA, not too bad, i ate a quarter of the cake, keke.

imperial's soup is wonderful.</font>

Nicer than Lana ah? Hee hee, now I am tempted to go buy!! Lana is soooo tao lor
But go Jane must buy whole cake leh. Hmm, better not think too much, otherwise cannot resist temptation! See no evil, hear no evil....
thanks for the info!

Tan SL,
Wah didn't know the bumbo seat is sooo hot! I don't mind sharing but I am staying in Sembawang, hubby's not in SG these 2 months and I can't really drive so I can't pick it up from your side. If you don't mind collecting from Sembawang, we can share the orders.

Any more mummies wanna get stuffs from Cheong Choon, collection in Sembawang, please PM me k.
Ya lor, we each bring a different cake hor :p Maybe we should organise a high tea session, where each person bring a different dessert!!!!
just took bb jade to have her first chop on her passport today.. but same as bonbon &amp; cait, went JB only hahaha

was out most of the day.. now she's still awake.. thinks she still gets to play i think.. sigh.. hope she falls asleep soon cos I am tired!
<font color="119911">oshgosh:</font> itz veri exciting 2 witness bb's 1st. 4 B1, she did her 1st flip nite b4 her daddy had 2 leave for 10D biz trip. We were so excited coz b4 dat she juz did halves &amp; kept looking @ us 'upside down' like B2 does now. Aft dat evening she continued to turn every day so it was wonderful her daddy was able to witness the 1st x she turned fr back to tummy. Subsequently her 1st step etc we also witnessed -- actuali she was in IC fr 3.5M so come to think of it, I also nt sure if she tried any of these there. Prob nt coz her carers always update me abt her new 'performances'... Bt itz so fulfiling rite when u saw Jade turn 2 tummy 4 1st x?

<font color="0000ff">ipanpan:</font> Think veri worthwhile to get the thermal suit and yes, buy in advance is gd
In my case I suspect even if I buy Size 1 it wld fit B2 oledi. I tried to pass my fren B1's swimsuit whc she wore when she was 10MO -- unfortunately it was way 2 small for my fren's 9MO!
<font color="aa00aa">kris:</font> All girls ai swee lor. Mine 2. She used 2 cooperate by wearing uniform 2 CC bt changes in2 her own clothes aft bathing there. Now she nt so easy to work w liao, every x 'I dun wan diz' or 'I dun like diz 1' <faintz> I let her wear Nepia's diaper pantz rite, &amp; each pk has like 2 designs and altogether there's like 6 different 1. I tell u we really struggle w her coz she'll say 'I dun wan elephant, I wan cat cat' -- bt dat pk we open onli has elephant and penguin, so liao lor... Bt I hv to admit itz partly my fault she so fussy coz I used to trick her by saying 'dun comb hair/wear diz dan nt pretty oledi'. So now she comb hair muz b in front of mirror, she change clothes oledi muz check herself out in e mirror 2. Every new article of clothing she gets she wans 2 try on immediately... Yeap, I created a 'monster'

Y'day &amp; 2mr was terrible w her fever barely going below 37.8 degrees. Mostly above 38.5 to 39.2 so hubby &amp; I exhausted fr sponging her, etc. Worst, she also kena runny nose, nose bleed and sore throat + constipated til onli @ 8pm juz now dan poo (after eating 1 banana...) Bt she refused to nap or sleep early y'day and 2day. However, she finally zonked out @ 10pm juz now. Now I got massive headache, was like being pulled by both of them... Hubby also feels under e weather after pulling e nite shifts... Bt after all e Plaximol &amp; Nurofen (when temp cross 39) she stl like 38+. Hopefully 2mr D3 so her fever wl break as per past pattern otherwise wl bring her to KKH A&amp;E...<sigh> Kidz fall sick reali tough on us parents.
<font color="0077aa">moogey:</font> How did u managed 2 take her photo? I rmbr 4 B1 I plc her in front of white wall @ home and kept taking photos til I got a fairly gd 1 -- bt she was oledi 16M dan and we had planned 2 go Penang. I then submitted photo online. Jade muz hv had 2 gd a x datz why dun wan 2 slp -- izzit she's excited ovr all the stuffs mommy &amp; daddy got her? Was shopping gd?
hope ur daughter is feeling better

yeps, took photo at home. placed a napkin behind her on the bed and took from above. Submitted the application online after following the specs of the photo required.

didnt shop anything for her actually.. heh.. went in to visit my bro in law and family. did buy a FM called Snow. made in aussie, jap brand i think? anyone tried before? i bought a small tin to try for after i stop BF.
dodos: i gt no idea also leh.. but hor.. heard from jamgal tt day tt her friend bought one at ISETAN sale or sth...haha.. but its bebepod nt the bebepod plus..
KIDZ - hope B1 is feeling better -

dodos - i saw the bebepod plus at KP at century square - it cost $130++ or $140++ - but there was a mum selling at $45 for 2nd hand w box some more.. guess some mummy must have taken up that great offer!!! - check out KP if you want
<font color="119911">pei,
i find lana's chocz frudge too floury n not sweet enough n sometimes too dry. at least jane's got the chocolatie taste n its sweet enough n the frudge is soft.

we plannin a buffet lunch next wk, still tinkin of whr to go for gd sashimi n dessert. any1 any suggestion?

kelly oso the same case, she goes out muz tie hair, wear the clothes she choose. at hm she oso wans to wear those gg out clothes or her barney clothes, veri mafan. panty oso muz b barney, faint ah.

she sounded veri sick ah, did u boiled barley for her n make her drink tonnes of water?

i posted out ur wetbag on sat morning, oreadi email u the cost, email me after u trf k. tx.</font>
Morning mummies!

Kidzkidz &amp; Kris: Ya lor...my #1 also like that...everything also I don't want! Even poo poo he also dun wanta change!! So smelly...then we have to chase around the whole house &amp; #1 fins it funny! *faint*

Kidzkidz: Think it's the weather...my #1 also runny nose, cough &amp; diarrhea plus acidic poo...(burnt his bottom until red &amp; swollen..he would cry &amp; scream when we apply Destini) but no fever. My hubby wanta save $$$ &amp; convenient to send to nearby pd. I objected violently cos we did that last time &amp; it took a long while to recover &amp; #1 ended up with allergy &amp; rashes all over his body!
<font color="119911">catherine,
kelly will goes, 'i wan pretty pretty, i wan gai gai, i wan tis, i wan dat.' M still not toilet trained yet?</font>
Kris: Nope...he everything also slower than others...we tried to teach but he simply refused to learn...either run away or act blur...yes, my 2 yrs old knows how to act blur....
yah my #1 also the same, everyday must wear barney clothes, where to find so many barney clothes....

then she will run round the whole house naked when I change clothes for her...

Do your #1 poke your #2 eyes and sometimes hold #2 hand very tightly. My gal always does that. I tell her cannot but she never listen.

She will purposely do all the things I tell her cannot do...make me very angry.
<font color="ff0000">Hi all!</font>
Think finally my B1's fever broke -- it'z been 6hrs since she had Plaximol &amp; temp's now abt 37.5 whc is low grade coz her normal is true 36.7. Best part she managed 2 nap 1.5hrs juz now tho she woke coz of nightmare. Stl she's nt drinking enuf tho wiling to eat another banana. Bt diz is worst bout of fever she's had coz >8 x she hit 39 or cross it &amp; we had to then give her Nurofen. She kena pumped w Plaximol, Nurofen and even Rhinathiol (for cough) so many x in last 3D datz it's a personal record... Bt thank God, she seems 2 b stabilising now...

Present task is to try 2 get her to take a bath &amp; change into Disney Princess dress
Dun wan 2 force her or she'l get agitated and temp go up again <sigh>
<font color="0000ff">kris:</font> Juz 3wks back I got her a Disney Princess dress &amp; was surprised she liked the characters &amp; loved the dress. I hvn't added Barney 2 her wardrobe tho she does like watching his show. Oh &amp; end up I bought the Nutritea Barley drink 4 her bt she onli keen 2 drink plain H2o whc reali shows how sick she is -refusing barley, milk and even Yakult!
hihi...i boug the bumbo recently. Kinda regret as my 3th month old baby feels v restricted in the seat and cannot stay in the seat for more than 10s. Probably its her chubby thighs..

so mummies..do see if ur baby fit well before buying!
<font color="119911">catherine,
when u say M acts blur, i juz tot of ur hb, dunno y oso, keke.

we went to those shop dat print barney pix on the t-shirt n made a few for #1, she loves them. when we go gai gai, she wanna wear those, she will say, barney pretty pretty. i will tell her, barney ugly, for wearing at hm onli. at least she allows maid to let her wear others, else oso dunno hw to go out in barney tshirt, so embarrassing.

surprised ur #1 rejects barley n yakult, these r kids favoutite. at least she drinks plain water, dats gd enough.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">kidzskidz,what is Plaximol, Nurofen and Rhinathiol?How do you get access to them and how to use?Just want to learn how to deal with baby's fever in future...</font>
<font color="ff0000">rose:</font> Plaximol is paracetamol whc the PD give for normal cases of fever -- itz concentration is 120mg/5ml. Itz available ovr e counter 2 bt dosage is according 2 weight of bb/tod. Nurofen is also 4 fever bt onli prescribed when temp is min. of 39 degrees celsius. I suspect may nt b available ovr counter coz itz meant 4 more serious cases. Rhinathiol's 4 normal cases of cough -- mayb can get ovr counter. Bt all dosage wl commensurate w bb's weight so itz actuali different fr watz written on the bottles themselves.

Note: whatever we buy ovr counter can b different in concentration. W B1 I once got panadol for kidz (if I rmbr rite) and turns out the concentration was higher than Plaximol thus the dosage was less than wat PD wld prescribe i.e. w Plaximol mayb 2 give 3ml bt w the panadol it was onli 2.5ml.
<font color="0000ff">kris:</font> So 'shocking' rite dat my B1 dun even wan Yakult. Nvr happened b4. Between y'day &amp; 2day she barely drank 1 bottle of FM 2.

Bt the worst is reali ovr, her temp hasn't crossed 38 degrees. Datz why PD always say wait 3D b4 ordering any blood tests bt all kan cheong parents wl bring kid in the moment fever...
<font color="ff0000">JTS why we stl go back to PD @ Mt A...</font>
Itz nt easy 2 find a Dr we trust -- b it for us adults or 4 our little ones. Juz 2 share why we stl go back to the original PD in Mt A vs going to neighbourhood 1 is coz we realis @ Mt A veri convenient for PD to order urine/blood tests when he suspects some infection. Results usually out in 1-1.5hrs so we can opt to hang around or go back &amp; wait for phone-call -- B1 experienced both types of testing oledi in her 29M of life
If go neighbourhood PD don't hv such access. Anyway itz nt like expect our kidz to fall sick veri often thus end of day the taxi fare we incur to Mt A &amp; back is also small price to pay 4 their health. This plus the PD near home has horrible 'bedside manners'. Also as the PD's in Mt A, he is referred a lot of newborns to follow-up on thus can trust he's nt 'ulu' w his skills. <font color="ff0000">Bt most impt 4 me is he's very assuring &amp; doesn't rush us when we hv to go c him.</font> He always gives me copies of various childcare artciles fr paediatric journals to read up on 2.
<font color="666600">Pei: Ya lor..maybe in future gatherings Justin will come in HK haversack. :S

Rose: U better give Justin more Thomas Trains ok??</font>
for frozen BM, how long can we keep in the freezer if it is in a separate compartment form the fridge?

Can we mix frozen BM with fresh BM way ahead (say in the morning), then evening then give baby drink.
thought of preparing my bottles that way for my MIL to feed when i go back to work in 3 weeks time.
hey april 09 mummies,

sorry i MIA for so long. spunky kid and some PT work have been really absorbing my time. went to celebrate his 3mths last week with some baby swimming &amp; he seemed to really love it. i remember there was some BP on neck floats and inflatable swimming pools last time - anybody has the contact/web address? =)
<font color="ff3399">kiki my personal fav is Powerpuff girls, i got so many of their items for myself, mr bon is strongly against me introducing them to cait.. kikiki by the time cait starts to like things, think PPG gonna be collectors item liao...

rose, i hate barney too!!! kiki y u hate barney when u like PURPLE things? dunno y but when cait saw barney on TV for first time she cried n screamed, then when change to kungfu chinese shows, she smile n wave her arms n legs like kungfu!

moogey, kiki glad we put the passports to use.. i also put cait on her rocker, then lay 2 layers nappy cloth behind n smooth the area, then take pics alr, hubby use photoshop brighten up the photo so cant see the nappy checkered lines

kris, next sat u home? going to visit u wor.. n collect the heavy stuff.. </font>
<font color="119911">bonbon,
i hate powerpuff gers, not educational at all. wait till u watch barney's dvd den u comment. at first i hate it too, i even mocked at frenz who like barney. till i started watching, den i noe its reali gd for kids.

sat im normali not hm coz got to bring kelly go gaigai, but u can always let me noe wat time u wanna drop by n i wait for u, else we can go bfast 2gether.</font>
Alamak, I posted the following in the wrong thread lor :p Must be getting really really old...


Not only HK haversack lor, maybe HK water bottles etc also!! So what characters will you introduce Xander to?

My HB says he will intro Mikaela to Teletubbies!! Over my dead body!! All of them are so fat, one is sooo gay, one is sooo vain, other two are I also don't know what - but all are bl**dy annoying!!

I was thinking ah, if I go paste nice nice stickers on those encyclopedias, will my girl fall in love with it and read it ALL the time ah?? Wa ha ha...hur hur hur...


What other more manly cartoon characters do you like? Besides Thomas the Train, how about Bob The Biulder or Transformers?
<font color="666600">Pei: I'm introducing Thomas the Train &amp; Bob the Builder to Xander.

His kor kor has got many trains to pass down to hin(most of which is bought by me!!).</font>
<font color="ff3399">kris, haha PPG is not for education one.. its just like cos of the characters :p

sat we gotta send MIL to work in chinatown, cant have bfast tog leh.. if go over will be abt noon time le. if not convenient then i ask jiemei pick up after work abt 6+pm on weekday better?</font>
<font color="119911">Catching a break!</font> Aiyoh, didn't send B1 to CC coz she woke up stl 37.5 &amp; they won't let her stay anyway. Bt after 1 dose of Plaximol she like normal. However she now has phlegmy cough and dunno why her eyes puffy 2 tho she had abt 10hrs slp. <sigh> She so poor thing, nvr sick til like diz &amp; she onli wants mommy when sick so my hubby has hard x trying to help... Miracle of miracles is dat now both of them r sleeping! Best part is I managed to feed and bath them too oledi!!!! Hahaha -- I can't believe it myself. Hope they hv nice long nap. End up nvr send her 2 CC so my parents didn't come and I can't go mtkg so guess wat? I had 2 order in -- juz called Pasta Mania coz B1 loves Fusili kosong and I've run out of it. Used up last pk to cook the Tomyam Chix Pasta 4 gathering @ Karen's
<font color="0000ff">bonbon:</font> Barney drew same reaction fr my girl when she 1st caught his show on TV -- also I think 2 much talking thus she nt engaged... The songs r lousy, they like take other kidz songs &amp; change lyrics. The original Hi-5 series fr Australia was gd w veri gd materials &amp; songs. I dun like the new cast bt B1 does so... Btw, how did home foto-shoot go? &amp; can share where 2 buy e bkground paper + price range? Thinking of getting 1 (if inexpensive) so i can take some formal pics for them now and then -- bt juz using reg digi-cam.

<font color="aa00aa">pei:</font> There's new series fr UK datz characters r better dan Teletubbies. It's 'In The Night Garden' -- characters don similar felt costume. It's on Mon-Thu 9am on Okto. We started watching 2wks back and B1 loves it. The characters r much cuter - Upsy Daisy, Iggle Piggle, etc. I'll try to get her e DVDs tho coz Okto's commercial breaks has all e violent cartoons and stupid drama series like R.E.M., My Classmate's Dad, etc. Feel like complaining to MDA coz it's programming time for pre-schoolers yet the trailers r nt suitable for their viewing!

<font color="ff0000">Baby TV on Starhub Channel 37</font> Any1 planning 2 subscribe? B1 caught the free preview when she was like 12M &amp; was veri fascinated when the prog was nothing bt soft music, swirling windchimes, etc. Bt now they hv more educational progs. When she can't slp we switch to this channel using the mosiac page so e music soothes her...

<font color="0077aa">dtsmummy:</font> If u ok w 2nd hand 1, I saw some ppl selling off the float in WTS page. Or u shadow those WTB threads 4 diz item and PM those who post dat they hv 2 sell. I know my neighbour didn't use their girl's 1 4 long coz it got 2 tight tho supposedly adjustable. They fdbk 2 e seller abt diz.
