(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

Hi Everyone,

Im new here..

Just want to ask opinion about Breast Pump.

Which one is better..

Manual or Automatic Breast Pump & which brand??

Anyway here's my details..

Nick: Shnaz
Expecting: #1
EDD: 1st April (April fool)
BB Gender: Boy
Gynae: -
Hospital: KKH

LovJ! U can see baby hair from the ultrasound? Oohh must be such a memorable sight! I must try and stare harder at the ultrasound in my next visit. At 28weeks my bb is 1.2kg! So I think your bb weight should be still fine. Take care on the sugar levels and follow the diet recommended. Good thing is gestational diabetes is only temporary during pregnancy. And like what JamGal says, as long as bb is growing well and healthily, don't worry too much! =)

Thanks tingting, JamGal, Always, SKS, Maya and Juxta for your concern. Dunno why.. I just can't make myself take the packet of antibiotics prescribed. I was given 2 bottles of cough syrup, flu medication, anti-phelgm medication and sore throat medication. No lozenges at all. I only make use of the 2 days MC to rest at home though :p

Ya I also think I should seek treatment earlier but this blur sotong here thought cannot take medication!! So now inflammation already.. I hope resting more will help build up my immune and get rid of those nasty virus. Luckily I did not had fever.. hence my appetite is actually quite GOOD! heh... just cannot talk leh.. and its a torture coz I very talkative one haaaa

So mummies who had any discomfort, quickly go see gynae for medication!! Not worth putting yourself through the torture I went thru.. and its CNY!!!

RE: Nursing Bras
Yo mummies! I think I found one of the cheapest nursing bra in town!! Only $5.90. Beige colour with no underwire. Comes in 34B/36/38/40. Got it at this shop called "Lifestyle" in toa payoh. It is located next to the NTUC (not the one in the hub) but the one near those small small neighbourhood shops. Got a cute yellow newborn button front top at $4.50. They sell bb & kids stuff!

DTSMummy, envy you little tai tai!! Hee so how you u usually pass time since this is also your first baby? As for the clarins sample, I think it depends on the SA also. I think so far taka and metro paragon SAs are quite nice. I usually ask them more about the product before I request for a sample. Sometimes they will take down your particulars to keep you in their mailing list. I am not sure if the Tonic Oil has a sample but I think the cream one does and comes in a tube. So whenever I stock up, I'll ask for MORE samples for travelling, gym etc. =)

RE: Breastmilk expressing at work
Sigh how I wish all breastfeeding moms have a ROOM to themselves hor? hee then no need lug our stuff around the office. Anyways mine oso cubicle style.. and along the corridor! But I heard there is a lactation room on another floor with a fridge to store breast milk! Need to check it out!

And wow! It's a new year and we have more new mummies here!! Welcome Sharifah, Yvonne, Sharon! Remember to come in and post more hor!!
Hi Yvonne Aurias... will do e update for your bb in our LAUNCH LIST....

Hi Veron... wat happen?? maybe try a slightly mild body soap, can try QV, available at Guardian... its good for ezkema condition and dry skin...

Hi Maya... sure can have better supply!
just pump it and latch ur bb to stimulate milkflow.. shd be ok...
have u tried papaya soup or fenugreek before for your #1 & #2?? Heard it works for improving ss wo....

Re: medicine
understand from my GP that so long as its those very common and long-used common medication, shd be fine.. ie. chloromaine -- for flu/cold or those black color cough syrup.. shd be fine too..

Hi Always.... will do e update for your bb into our LAUNCH LIST too!!

Re: mandarin orange
actually its better not to take any of those if your body is heaty cos it will really trigger everything out...
just like me.................

Hi JamGal... it depends how many do u wanna change on daily basis.. and who will wash for you... and if the bra will dry almost e next day.. otherwise, sure nt enuf to change.. wat happens if milk leak and stain ur bra, u may have to change.. for me, i have in total 6 pcs le... of cos, most of them is c/f fm my #1 la.. tis yr got another 2 when i go KL last dec..

Hi Tingting.. regular means, regular intervals, ie 3hrs apart or 4 hours... just like a total bf mummy.. feeding on demand lo... we pump on demand la..

i did tat for first 1 month for my #1.. and ss was good.. but after tat, slack to e max.... pump as and when i want.. den................ SS DROP!
so lesson learnt.. pump regularly so tat ur breasts will know when to make milk..

Hi LovJ... dun be sad abt tat... maybe can cut down on carbo stuff, and those sweet stuff..
plus more water to drain ur system...
and ur bb has got hair le!!! tats very cute lo................... wonder if i can see my bb's hair on this fri's appt...

Hi Shnaz.... Welcome to Apr09 mummy thread!!
will update ur bb details into our LAUNCH LIST as well!!

re: breastpump
ive nt tried manual pump before cos i think my hands will be tired out after the whole thing altogether.. so i started with auto single pump for my #1.. subsequently realized, it can be better with dual pump cos more time-saving and 1 time pump 2 side, so both sides can pump milk at e same time.. and also, e fact tat i pump right side, left side will leak... so might as well pump 2 side at e same time.
hence, for #2.. i have decided to hamtam a really good one... electric dual to make things easier for me..
so, got a medela freestyle..

Thanks for the information. I had seen a doc le... and got bath oil from her...

But still needs time for the rash to be cured... so, i think i have to bear with it first...
Hi. My #2 is due 25 April 2009. Baby boy. haven't thot of name yet coz I think it's easier to name girls. Boys' names are too common. sigh...
Thanks for everyone concern...

Think I will cut down and try to control my food intake.. Hee hee Hee

Ya. is cute to see my baby hair.. under the machine is white in color leh.. heehee..
baby size 1.1 kg at 28 weeks.. should be normal right? or issit too small???

I going to be on leave from 30 March 09 onward.. Hee Hee...
Hi tay..... mine also bb boy... ya.. totally agree!! boy's names are quite tough to decide on...
hv been searching net for nice names bt dun seem to like any of those lo... sigh...

btw.. who's ur gynae and where r u "launching" ur bb??
wow LovJ.. tats fast wo!!!!!!!!
so u're taking maternity leave 2 wks before edd wo...

Hmm... i'll take special attn to those white in color stuff.. if nt, just ask my gynae directly.. haa.. easier.. :p:p
cos under tat screen.. everything looks same to me!
Hello, it’s been a long time since I come to this thread.

Ciarie, my details remains the same, no new updates. Thanks!

I used Ameda Dual Electric pump for both my older kids and it is a very good pump. But I think the motor doesn’t last long. For manual pump, I think Avent is the best.
For this round, I ordered an Avent Duo pump from Amazon. Pump + shipping cost half of the retail price in Spore. Heard good reviews about this dual electric pump from friends so want to try it out.
Hi Clarie.

I going C section on 2 April. which is my 37 weeks plus.. That why intend to take leave from 30 March onward.. Hee HEE

Anyway, I opt for C section using epdurial.. so that my husband and I can witness our baby born..

Can anyone share experience??

Just now I told my hubby about the hair thing.. He so funny, still ask me what hair style?? How i know ah?? hahaha
Hi ladies,

Went for my 29th week appointment today & baby is at 1.3kg! doctor says abit overweight! and my tummy is small & so is my size.. what have i been eating? But it seems from some webby its normal at this weight. is it true? getting abit worried coz both me & hubby is very small size.. Do i have any chance of giving birth early due to the weight? hmm...
LovJ... oh.. planned C-section.. so u'll be e first few mummies to "LAUNCH"!!! :D
den ur massage shd be done only later oh...

and i understand, u must try to get down and walk after 24hrs from ur delivery..

Seems tat ur hubb din go to e appt with u today??

Denise... u shd be glad as well.. cos tat shows bb has been absorbing all possible nutrients from your daily food!

guess it really depends how big does ur bb grow at which stage.
cos if its really those big bbs, gynae will have to c-section i/o natural delivery..

Tiger88... will update ur details in e launch list too!! :D
Ya. Clarie.. Is a planned C-section...
My massage will be done 1 month plus later, already inform the massage lady..

My hubby didnt go with me to the appt. as he need to work.. 6.5 day.. No leave entitlement.. nothing.. So I told him is ok loh.. but he went with me during the 20 week detailed scan..
why go for C-section????

uh!!! work 6.5 day work week??? FAINT!!!
u r so sweet lo... i'll usually demand my hubby to acc me to clinic...

but of cos, its really a luxury.. if hubby really cant make it.. den we woman must be INDEPENDENT!!

cause i got some health issue.. that why we opt for c section..

ya.. my hubby work very xiong liao.. so dun want to stress him.. everytime i go, he required me to update him.. Actually, I know he also want to be there to see the growth, but he cant.. so also dun want to stress him..

I independent, cause my hubby working hour very long as well.. so I normally alone at home as well.. although sometime i bored but also cant complain..

Anyway, he intend to go study a diploma course.. hopefully after his study , he able to find a better sales job in a company.. which have all the entitlement.. so that he will have more time for us.. For the time being,, just have to endure .. Somemore with a baby coming, he cant afford to stop working...
oh... LovJ... must be strong!!

well.. its really good to see tat ur hubb really thinks for e whole family, and intend to upgrade lo!
its good to upgrade to keep himself employable..

Ya.. maybe can u can ask ur gynae to print e pic so tat u can show him when u see him at home??
Ya.. everytime, i will show him and keep him update of his baby development.. Like his hair...

I strong.. I happy to have such a good hubby as well.. I know he dote on us.. We are still young.. So financial may be a little crisis for us.. But we will still work hard for our little ones..

Main thing is, both must be understanding to each other, and very imptly, do not squabble over $$ which is e evil root tat creates havoc to many families...


No matter how itchy our stretch marks can be, or how much weight we have put on.. or how sweet our blood (due to pregnancy diabetics) is..
hihi all mummies, been a while since i last posted. busy with work =P

Denise, Dun think ur baby is overweight leh. My baby was 1.06kg at 26+ wks & gynae said its normal size. Everybody has commented my tummy looks small also...like 5 mths when I'm actually reaching 7 mths!! Some said its gd so can slim down faster. Im just praying for baby to be safe & can deliver naturally.

LovJ, u r very brave leh. If I need C-sect, I wld want to be knocked out. I'll be too scared. Anw I had a friend who did C-sect under Epi, she said cld smell burning flesh - apparently her gynae used some laser thingie to cut. But she din feel any pain at all & she recovered v well. So hope urs will go v well too! Who is ur massage lady btw? (Sorry to ask this if u hv already said this b4 =P) So cute can see baby's hair!!!! I never really noticed & if gyane dun point out, i dun think I'll know haha. But cld see the face, doc says look more like me than hubby. Wonder how he can tell!

baby_mummy, the nursing bra only B-cup?

ciarie, how much was the Medela freestyle? Got this BP from states selling it for 500+ i think. Saw it on some website going for $800+.
hi eunice.. me gt the freestyle fm the BP organized by trampezz....
think will be abt $500 over bah.. actual amt still unknown cos item nt reached sg yet..
yes.. website selling $800+.... very steep!
I'm in my 28 wks and my bb weighing 1.2 kg! So excited... my gynae just gave my bb a 3D scan, and she looks so pretty like an angel!
so happy!
hellow mummies...
am down with the flu as well.. what is in the air???
wishing speedy recovery to all under-the-weather moms!!!
breast pumps...
cant decide which to get ... electric or manual..
and i think getting the dual action ones might be time-saving..
anyone can comment on the noise factor? like is it really loud when in use??
my office dun hv a room for privacy.. have to pump in the ladies toilet... i find that gross leh ...=(

btw, anyone bought a baby carrier?? like babybjorn or mothercare brand one? looking to get one but is babybjorn the best to buy??

looking forward to my 28weeks scan... still at 26 weeks.. loads of movement..
soo exciting to hear abt all your scans and the stuff you see... sooo cool!!
i was on 2 rounds of antibiotics for a chest infection in nov last year and i am worried sick that it might affect the baby.. i had to take them as i was not getting better and i was even put on the nebulizer and asked to return 2x a day!!.. 4 days of MC... did not like that one bit!!!
now, the moment i got runny nose and sorethroat, i went to to see the doc... more so cos i started coughing and it started to hurt my back. hiaks!!
love OJ and mandarin oranges though... have not had my fill of them yet!!!

baby cots
any one bought babycots yet?? been trying to go to Baby Kingdom .. but tried calling before going down, but no one answered leh ..are they still closed for CNY??

confinement lady
did you gals hv a chance to like meet the CL and have a chat and all??
is that the same for the massage lady too??

still looking for a CL...=(
Hi shanaz,
maybe you don't but any breastpump till after your delivery. Me too did not get 1, till my postnatal therapist frm traditional & holistic advise me to get Ameda trial pump frm momsinmind and I find that its really gd compare to some frens who've bought madela. The price is also reasonable. As my therapist say many of her clients have use ameda pump and that why after have the trial and I bought 1. Till now I'm still using it at my office.
HUAT AH!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: medicine
ysterday buah tahan... went to see doctor, and doc gave me cough medicine & some phelgm medicine plus lozenges as well...
But till nw, insist nt taking, see if water can help ease e phelgm or nt..

pravina.. u best le! 2 rounds of antibtiotics + nebulizer...

tat round must be very sick and tough for u!

tips for mummy: a vit C a day, keeps e doctor away!
the other day, i read, apples are good for mummy and baby as well!
it seems tat e report shows mummies eating apples during pregnancy stage will lower bb having asthma-related sickness...

re: baby carrier
heard babybjorn is a much more popular brand for baby carrier. I personally use sling, so no comments which brand is better..
but most of my frds use babybjorn...
Good MOrning everyone..

Hi Clarie.. Thanks for your encouragement. Ya I agree with you. $ is just secondary factor.. We just have to learn overcome it.. Sometimes, I also quarrelled with my hubby on $$ issue. but later on, regretted...

Hi Eunice..

I not brave.. actually have a bit of fear.. but I want to witness the birth of my baby.. so no choice..I hope I can go thru all these.. heee and it will be successful as well.
As for the massage lady, I never do much research as well. Just happen to see Babywoofie posting on her massage lady- Ida, then just called her and enquire. just feel the price is reasonable and confirm her service.. fast decision just solve 1 problem in my mind.. hehee

Hi Pravina,

I bought my cot in Baby Kingdom.. cost me $300 include delivery and installation. My mattress size is 27x52x4. Think you may just go Kiddy Palace and look first.. cause i feel they all get their product from the same supplier.. Hee Hee
Take care all mummies..

Realized a lot of you are getting sick.. Have a speedy recovery.. and remember to drink more water
Hi Ciarie,

Add me please... Thanks ^^

Nick: Tiger_mama
Expecting: #1
EDD: 12th April
BB Gender: Girl
Gynae: Dr Adelina Wong
Hospital: TMC

Last week, my 28 weeks appt with doc. BB weight was 1.3kg. I'm also quite small. Doc told me that BB size is okay but slightly more than normal kkk I'm eating lots of sweet stuff lately maybe.... i should be moderate.

Started baby room deco. Bought a cute curtain at Ikea. they have many cute stuff. also cot & shelf units are quite cheap.

I decided to get a good mattress so, didn't get one from IKEA so, overall it was quite a good deal compare to other BB stores for BB furniture.
hi there all mummies.. me getting a sore throat liao.. and also cough cough like throat bledding... and then some more.. when cough .. like wanna urine...a rrghhh

ciarie.. thansks.. the update is good!!

btw mummies.. wanna share a lobang i had from a fellow mummy in SMH.... wanna get new born diapers HUGGIES ULTRA @ 0.25 each.. it comes in two piece pack and she is helping a fren to clear his stocks frm his shop that close down.. i may arrange to collect.. but mummies must tell me when they wanna collect from my home in SK.. i have to go collect at Bukit Gombak...just tell me how many pieces you need and i will consolidate orders.. i tink super good buy as outside huggies ultra very expensive.. tried on my son a sample.. super comfy and good qaulity.. 100pcs only $25 mah.. i already reserved 100pcs. she only has in newborn size and up to 4kg... if she got s sure i will buy more... scared my son already out nearly 4kg...like my last one last year 3.845kg.. haiz... mummies let me know... sms me also can..81703429 .. now i start ball rolling...

Idaarshad 100 $25
Hi Jamgal,

Yup, our edd is very close(ex-iwry:p) but dr adrian says my placenta is still low leh, so march will see if placenta moves up, if it doesn't will have to do planned csect around 2 weeks early:p

Clarie, think u can update the table as kgal instead..heh..our stock for freestyle is arriving soon, price inc of gst and shipping shld be ard 530sgd+-, any mummies still want can let me know cos a few others still interested so can order again.

Btw mummies, I've got cot lobang with latex mattresses if you're interested at attractive pricing..

Btw, what do we need to pack for hospital bag? Anyone has a list to share??
Hi All, a very good morning. Feeling very sore today....

LovJ, don't worry about it. It will be a breeze and a very happy moment. Been there and done that 2x. And now waiting to go thru again for the third time. But since it is a different gynae, a little bit fear cos not sure of his stitching skills and stuff. Going for epi again!

But do remember to take care well during the healing process.
Hi (idaarshad)

Where is your home? Between I a first mummy, how many pieces should i buy for my new born.. How many pieces in 1 pack??
Hi mummies, thought I would share with u all on free sample for diapers, i ald received them, so do call them up!:p

WTShare: Free samples for diapers n milk powder


1. Babycare BookBook
Welcome to Motherhood Homepage
2. Drypantz / DrypersDiaper 1800 466 3002
3. Fitti / Pet PetDiaper 6861 9155
4. Huggies / Pull Up Pants / Little SwimmersDiaper 1800 484 4437
5. Mamypoko / Pull Up PantsDiaper 6265 1648
6. Dumex (Mamil series) Milk
Dumex Singapore
NutriLine at 1800 265 3188
7. FrisoMilk
Friso hotline at 64198484
[email protected]
8. Abbott (Similac / Gain / Grow / Pediasure / Isomil) Milk
Get a Free Sample
9. Wyeth (Promil Gold / Progress Gold / Promise Gold) Milk
10. Nestle Milk 800-6011633
11. Mead Johnson (Enfa series) Milk
12. Karihome goats milk MilkPunggol Plaza 2nd floor kids shop
13. Baby Bliss cashcard worth $38 Misc
(Reside in South West District)

Abbott - You can get free samples of Similac, Gain, Grow, Pediasure, Isomil milk powder. If you are expecting, they will also send you this booklet on “Naming your baby”. Sign up as their member too! They will send you a 400g tin of milk powder when your baby is 6 months old and 1 year old. And I must say they are very prompt in this too
Dumex - You can get samples on their Mamil Gold series or the Nutrakids Cereal if your kid is ready for semi solids. For pregnant ladies, you can get the Mamil Mama!
Enfa - Here’s the Enfapro, Enfagrow & Enfakid or Enfamama milk powder. If you sign up as the club member, they will send you a 400g tin of milk powder when your baby is 6 months old. After which, they will send 2 packets of the 1 year old milk powder. But if I remember correctly, their membership has an expiry date.
Nestle - You can’t ask for free samples over the Internet for nestle. But there’s a customer service number which you can call to ask for NAN sample and Brown Rice/White Rice cereal samples.
Goo.N Diapers - Register and get a free sample of the Goo.N Diaper.
Huggies - Register and request for samples. You can request up to two samples per product per household.
Sometimes Drypers also gives samples but information can be found in their advertisements in magazines for mothers. They will usually require you to sms to ask for samples. Huggies does that too. So look out for those advertisements!
Collect a free babyplus bag when you join the FairPrice BabyPlus Club. There are goodies in the bag!
Depending on which hospital you gave birth to your child, you will get a Bag of Love or the Baby Plus guidebook. Check out here.
If you are staying in the southwest district, you can get a babybliss cash-card valued at $38! This amount is good for paying off some ERP or car park charges right?! For those who do not drive, you can buy your baby items and pay off using the cash-card. Check out details here.
LovJ .. i am stayng in sengkang and werk in chai chee.. so will help mummies to collect where u want lah... they sell the loose 2pc per pack not the big pack.. and i tink 100 for newborn size should be ok.... last less than a month if u keep changing the nappies for the first month. then u can decide to proceed to size s or buy more newborn - those cater to bigger sizes... this really good buy.. i just bought drypers.. at 7.75 for 28 pcs.. which is about 0.28 per piece and huggies ultra is super good quality leh..
Yup, so far I've nepia, huggies, mummy poko, drypers - huggies sent me 6 samples in total:p so yup, quickly call and get them before baby is born.

Forgot to wish all mummies a blessed chinese new year
Hi Ciarie,

Add me too..

Nick: Marie Kwek (felicitybaby)
Expecting: #1
EDD: 10th April
BB Gender: Boy
Gynae: Dr Adrian Woodworth
Hospital: TMC

This thread is moving so fast.
Hi Idaarshad,

Maybe you help me buy 50 pieces.. I will collect from your home.. Is new one hor..
Think is a good buy.. if it is Huggies brand..
Hi Idaarshad,

Can help me get 50 pcs too? Possible to collect form SengKang MRT? Let me know and I'll transfer money to you.

Thank you.
Hi All,

It's been a long time since i post here. I think i'm quite lucky.

I'll be using the breast pump from medela. The one used in hospital(blue colored) cos my uncle bought it for my aunt during her delivery. For mummies who are for breast feeding, please think positive that you will have enuff for ur baby.

My baby will sleep in playpen. No cot cos i realise quite a number of my frens baby after 3mths all end up sleeping with daddy n mummy, or mattress on the floor.

I recommend all mummies to buy Baby Safe mattress/pillow. It's a little expensive but safe. Kiddy Palace is selling them.
Hi Idaarshad,
can you help me order 50pc of the huggies ultra please?
i live in AMK but can meet at MRT to pick up...
can PM the venue/time for collection..lemmknow how to transfer monies..
thanx thanx!
hi sharifah,

would like to charge wat are the charges like for your checkups? ask i saw you dont have a gynae, did you get a referral from the polyclinic?
Hi Idaarshad,
can you help me to order 50pc. may I know if diaper got expiry date? i m first time mum so don't know but worry if stock been kept too long..
i live in punggol, can meet at sengkang to pick up...
Pravina: Alot of mummies seem to be using Baby Bjorn, but it cost around $200+ in SIN, so I ordered one online from the shopping spree, USD49 for chilli red carrier and USD54 for black.

Did you try calling Baby Hypermart as well? It's a few shops away from Baby Kingdom. They have a wider range of cots/playpens so I would advise you make a trip down to check it out. I bought mine at $300 (wooden cot + mattress + bedding set: 1 pillow, 2 bolster, bumper, comforter). Kiddy Palace don't seem to have such a big range.

Kgal: Hope your placenta will move up soon for natural birth. I will be seeing him next Tuesday, that will be my 30th week. Got questions to ask man, like am I safe for natural birth, if I should opt for epi, is the baby head down already, is her weight ok, etc etc..haha...

Idaarshad: please help me to reserve 50 pieces too. I also stay in sengkang, can arrange to meet up. Thanks


---Wanna get new born diapers HUGGIES ULTRA @ 0.25 each
---It comes in two piece pack.
---Only has in newborn size and up to 4kg.
---Collection: Idaarshad's house @ Seng Kang

1.. Idaarshad, 100pcs, $25
2.. LovJ, 50pcs, $$12.50
3.. Coralmarine, 50pcs, $12.50
4.. Marie Kwek, 50pcs, $12.50
5.. Pravina, 50pcs, $12.50
6.. Yvonne Yeo, 50pcs, $12.50
7.. Ciarie, 50pcs, $12.50

Pls keep e list going....
