(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

Koi, I'm interested to join Kindermusik trial but can only make it for the 31 Jan lesson. Is it confirmed on that date? I may have a couple of friends interested too..


Kindermusik Trial Class (45min)

Date : 31/1/10 or 7/2/10 (Sun)
Time : 1pm
Location :163 Tanglin Road #03-11B Tanglin Mall S247933
Fee: $30 (inc. GST) /$27.50 if there are 12 babies

1. Koi
2. Jean (both dates ok)
3. Baby May 09 (prefer 7 Feb)
4. Sunbeam
5. Tangofango (prefer 31 Jan)
6. Sanni
7. Donroxx (prefer 31 Jan)
8. cocobunz
9. Cynthia (both dates ok)
10. tiny_m (only 31 Jan)

I will need the following information:
1) Baby's Name
2) Baby's Date of Birth
3) Mummy's Name
4) Mummy's Contact no.

Fee is to be prepaid and I need to make payment by this Thursday 28/1. Will PM you all for payment details.


any of your friends giving birth soon and need a breastfeeding cover?

i am setting up a BP soon, selling breastfeeding cover cum shawl...please PM me if interested.

actually am i allowed to post this here now? wont kena blacklisted rite?

i have succeeded in weaning off my baby from breast since early jan, started in dec actually, but it progress gradually, from his afternoon feed, then slowly to morning feed and last is the night-time feed.

For me, I asked my maid to feed him, and most of the time I have to hide in the room. Once he saw me, he will definitely scream and ask for breast. I cant even carry him when he was hungry also...so before the feeding time around 10-15 mins before, I will already hand him to my maid.

If you still have plenty of milk, y dont u continue? just out of curiosity, coz for me I have no choice as I am preggie, orelse I still miss those time when I breast-feed him
Think the trial most probably will be on 31 Jan since the majority prefer 31 Jan now.
Maybe u can ask ur friends whether they are interested to join us as we still need a couple of babies. Thanks!


the reason why i want to stop is because my bb simply refuses bottles...so i am afraid if i dont wean him off now, the older he gets the more diff it will be for me to wean him off later...

for now, i have to spoon feed him his formula milk with bread and gereber puffs...very difficult esp when we go out...

oh so u get your maid to feed him milk using bottles?
Hmm, the GUG class I joined always start and end the session with songs, movements and keyboard leh. M really enjoys them. My mom peeped in whilst M and I were in class today and she said M looked like she's really liking it.

I guess GS is newer, therefore everything looks cleaner and brighter. I am quite finicky about facilities, toys etc and I find GUG OK. Today for the project section, the teachers put toys insects into a tub filled with flour and another filled with water and tries to get bbs to fish them out. M and I were covered in flour and guess what, she stuck her fingers into her mouth and onto her hair! GOSH. Then for Chinese, they were taught carrot and given raw carrot to play with and then carrot puree for them to eat. SO M got a free snack, again.

maybe if u don't want to sit in for GUG's trial, what u can do is peep in the class from along the corridor. That's what my mom did today.
Hi Gallop!

Do add me!!

Date : 2 Feb 10 (Tue)
Time : 3:15 - 4:00pm
Location :UE Square
Fee: FOC
(8 slots)
1. Gallop + baby Keene
2. Andrea??
3. KP???
4. edj??
5. pei??
6. Suraya & baby Ihsan
Hi Koi,

I've PM you the details.


Kindermusik Trial Class (45min)

Date : 31/1/10 or 7/2/10 (Sun)
Time : 1pm
Location :163 Tanglin Road #03-11B Tanglin Mall S247933
Fee: $30 (inc. GST) /$27.50 if there are 12 babies

1. Koi
2. Jean (both dates ok)
3. Baby May 09 (prefer 7 Feb)
4. Sunbeam (prefer 31 Jan)
5. Tangofango (prefer 31 Jan)
6. Sanni
7. Donroxx (prefer 31 Jan)
8. cocobunz
9. Cynthia (both dates ok)
10. tiny_m (only 31 Jan)

I will need the following information:
1) Baby's Name
2) Baby's Date of Birth
3) Mummy's Name
4) Mummy's Contact no.

Fee is to be prepaid and I need to make payment by this Thursday 28/1. Will PM you all for payment details.

my baby didn't take any bottle also previously, so at the initial stage was a very difficult period, he just refuse to suckle the milk from the bottle nipple and I remember asking my maid to spoon-feed him...very messy especially when we go out...I understand how u feel. That's why we didn't really go much during those time, tried to be home for his milk time. But after around 3 weeks or so...he's now very good in drinking the milk from the bottle, sometimes 240 ml he can finish up in just 10 mins... thank God
i wan to join in

JWT kids gym at UE Square

Date : 6 Feb 10 (Sat)
Time : 1:00 - 1:45pm
Location :UE Square
Fee: FOC
(6 slots)
1. Rose + baby Justin
2. Gallop + baby Keene
3. Jean + baby Ethan
4. Eviangal + Baby Valene
5. KP + Isaac
6. Ultrabeary + Jinfeng

Actually I'm more keen on Tuesday Class, if can confirm on 2nd Feb, then I'll join that class and another FTWM can take my place on Sat..

JWT kids gym at UE Square

Date : 2 Feb 10 (Tue)
Time : 3:15 - 4:00pm
Location :UE Square
Fee: FOC
(8 slots)
1. Gallop + baby Keene
2. Andrea??
3. KP???
4. edj??
5. pei??

Anybody else??
<font color="aa00aa">since the 6 spots have been filled,I will call them to book our places! I called once but noone picked up and I was directed to voice mail and noone called me back!</font>
can't help but to think tat my bb is self-weaning, coz the amt of time he stays latched is getting shorter n shorter ;)
i started replacing his night feed 1st, coz he used to fuss alot b4 bedtime. now he can't sleep till he gets his 1 btl at night. wonder if tat's dependancy?

actually the Baby Book recommends tat we let bb self-wean, so we need not no anything really.. the day will come when it comes
one of my fren's bb juz refused to latch on overnite, after a road trip. the mummy wasn't prepared for this so she was quite sad..
but bb's behaviour alwiz changes so i guess we juz haf to be prepared for this one day ;)
<font color="aa00aa">called them up already.The lady said a mummy called earlier and chopped 5 slots so she will call me back and let me know how many slots still available. I hope she can get all of us in but in case cant,I will book based on this order</font>

JWT kids gym at UE Square

Date : 6 Feb 10 (Sat)
Time : 1:00 - 1:45pm
Location :UE Square
Fee: FOC
(6 slots)
1. Rose + baby Justin
2. Gallop + baby Keene
3. Jean + baby Ethan
4. Eviangal + Baby Valene
5. KP + Isaac
6. Ultrabeary + Jinfeng
if ur last attempt to btl feed was quite some time back, try again.

if my past experience is of any relevance, my bb used to hate drinking water fr btl too. so we spoon fed. after a while we tried using btl again n he took it.
he used to hate the pacifier too, but now he got used to it. well, wat can i say, their preference alwiz changes!
<font color="aa00aa">ahhh,I can't book on all your behalf.Cuz the lady wants us to fill a form and email to her.Please pm me your email address and I will forward you the email.Quick first come first served.</font>
hi koi, i m tiny_m's friend from may thread -- my baby girl would like to join in the trial class this sunday

Kindermusik Trial Class (45min)

Date : 31/1/10 or 7/2/10 (Sun)
Time : 1pm
Location :163 Tanglin Road #03-11B Tanglin Mall S247933
Fee: $30 (inc. GST) /$27.50 if there are 12 babies

1. Koi
2. Jean (both dates ok)
3. Baby May 09 (prefer 7 Feb)
4. Sunbeam (prefer 31 Jan)
5. Tangofango (prefer 31 Jan)
6. Sanni
7. Donroxx (prefer 31 Jan)
8. cocobunz
9. Cynthia (both dates ok)
10. tiny_m (only 31 Jan)
11. adv_sports (prefer 31 Jan)

I will need the following information:
1) Baby's Name
2) Baby's Date of Birth
3) Mummy's Name
4) Mummy's Contact no.

Fee is to be prepaid and I need to make payment by this Thursday 28/1. Will PM you all for payment details


If the class is confirmed, I will PM u the details

Do we need 1 or 2 more babies to make it 12 babies? Is baby_may ok for 31 Jan?
Little Neuro Tree
Sorry mummies, no luck for free trials at LNT.
The only trial they offer is 3 lessons at $180.
Full term is 12 lessons at $600 (weekend) or $550 (weekday).
1 lesson per week. Each lesson is 1 hr.

They do organize quite frequent preview talks for those who r interested to find out more.
I'm goin this Sun to the one juz outside my hse (Upp Sgoon Rd). Any mummies wanna join me? ;p
Rose, I called them earlier on when I saw got 5 bbies already, kiasu lah, was afraid the slots got taken by somebody else..

So relax.. they'll be emailing the form to me and then I'll ask for the details later
<font color="666600">Schoolhouse by the Bay
Hey mummies, I've asked my fren. She says 1 day, either this wk &amp; next wk afternoons(@ 2.30pm); is good to arrange for a tour around the sch. She will personally guide the tour; followed by Q&amp;A if required. She will also advise on how to select a pre-school.

Mummies interested please fill in accordingly dates preferred. Once a date is fixed, I'll arrange for the tour.

Guided Tour @ Schoolhouse by the Bay (Coffee &amp; Tea is provided.)
51 Kampong Arang Road, 438178
6348 4223‎
Principal: Cynthia Lee
Date: 27/28 Jan / 4/5/6/7 Feb
Time: 2.30pm
Max Pax: 50

Topics she will touch on:
1) How learning centres help your child
2) How to choose a preschool
3) How to prep your child for preschool
4) Which preschool suits your child?

JWT kids gym at UE Square Tel: 63338511

Date : 2 Feb 10 (Tue)
Time : 3:15 - 4:00pm
Location :UE Square
Fee: FOC but need 3 babies to start a class
(8 slots)
1. Suraya + Baby Ihsan
2. Andrea??

Think I'll join the Sat class since it's confirmed..
where is ur plc? mine's behind the Punggol nasi lemak, keke. I'm goin at 10:30am this Sun. Wanna come along? Ya they say can bring bb but no activities le.. juz a talk.. i may juz stroll there alone if bb still slping..
SHBTB, so many dates available, juz choose any 1 day? or only a few dates will b confirmed? r u goin to consolidate the list for all the dates?
sorry still a bit blur abt the event. tat means only 1 date will be confirmed eventually? wat r the chances tat 6 Feb (Sat) will be the chosen date? abit hard to consolidate le =p
I see. The GUG trial class I went, the teacher didn't use keyboard. They played CD.
Glad to know that M enjoyed the class. Think regardless which class we sign up, the most impt is our babies enjoy themselves.
JWT kids gym at UE Square

Date : 6 Feb 10 (Sat)
Time : 1:00 - 1:45pm
Location :UE Square
Fee: FOC
(6 slots)
1. Rose + baby Justin
2. Gallop + baby Keene
3. Jean + baby Ethan
4. Eviangal + Baby Valene
5. KP + Isaac
6. Ultrabeary + Jinfeng

Ok, we are confirmed for the trial class on Sat 6/2. JWT has emailed me the form to fill in, I need baby's name, DOB, parent's name, address, HP no and email address, think better to PM me the details. They've also emailed me the promotions and prices so I'll forward it to you all when I get your email add.
The door is shut. But in the wall, there's a small opening covered by glass. I guess it's meant for mommies/carers to peep in and see how the bb is doing. But I tried peeping and can't really see much, esp what's happening at the floor.
Jean, I'm staying at hougang st 21, somewhere opp MacDonald's there. Probably will give the LNT preview a miss if it's talk talk type cos after that still gotta go for the kindermusik trial, wanna squeeze in some spring cleaning before going. Mabbe u can share with me what you think about LNT during the Kindermusik trial..
Can we just turn up at 10.30am on the day or do we need to register first. How long will the talk last? I am quite keen on the talk. Oh, I stay at Serangoon Garden, so quite near too.
will PM u my details. u're the most efficient trial organizer! haha

alrighty, will seeya during Kindermusik this Sun then

u're nearby too! erm, i think they're quite open to visitors (i actually popped in once n they juz invited me to join in the ongoing talk), but better to register juz in case? i called them to ask abt more things but u can juz click here to register:
<font color="aa00aa">ok,I'm so confused now! I had to run out to see renovations for the new house.But I instructed my girl to check my email for the form that JWT kids gym promised to send me.Also told my girl to help me forward the form to some of you whom had pm me as well as gallop cuz I have your email add.My girl also very nicely helped me to fill up my form and send back to the lady of JWT. Vivien,my girl also helped you to forward your form.So gallop,i think we might get some repeated names in your list as well as my list....duhhh...sorry for the confusion...I wasn't able to sit around so i delegated to my staff not sure if I made things more confusing this way</font>
<font color="aa00aa">jean,I believe you have the form as well as the pricing yah?

I'm going for gymboree trial this sat at HF
It's for Music 1 will feedback after the session
Who wants to come can join me too,it's the 11.15am session</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Am keen!Will go with majority on the date cuz I will take off for this!</font>
Schoolhouse by the Bay
Hey mummies, I've asked my fren. She says 1 day, either this wk &amp; next wk afternoons(@ 2.30pm); is good to arrange for a tour around the sch. She will personally guide the tour; followed by Q&amp;A if required. She will also advise on how to select a pre-school.

Mummies interested please fill in accordingly dates preferred. Once a date is fixed, I'll arrange for the tour.

Guided Tour @ Schoolhouse by the Bay (Coffee &amp; Tea is provided.)
51 Kampong Arang Road, 438178
6348 4223‎
Principal: Cynthia Lee
Date: 27/28 Jan / 4/5/6/7 Feb
Time: 2.30pm
Max Pax: 50

Topics she will touch on:
1) How learning centres help your child
2) How to choose a preschool
3) How to prep your child for preschool
4) Which preschool suits your child?

1. Rose
Rose, hahaha.. u also super efficient!!
Ya I already mentioned it to Emelda that you are part of my group..

Jean, no lah, just happen that I'm free today and I also want to confirm everything fast as usually saturday classes very fast full! Actually when I called them this morning they told me only 6 slots left as they prefer to only have 8 bbies per class, but then their email mentioned 10 participants.
Really ah, gymboree cheaper? How much is it in gymboree? But they are waiving the membership fee of $60..
Btw received your PM
Rose, let us know how u find gymboree ok..
Actually considering if want to try out gymboree, but since JWT is free, might as well try this first..
I like the Gymboree timing at HF! Can i join you for tat session? How much r they charging for the trial at HF? $40 also?
I called up their Tanglin Mall branch but din like the timing (3.45pm)
<font color="aa00aa">Jean,of course you can join lah,It's open to anyone interested mah

Only $28 for the trial cheep cheep cheep see you there

Ok knock off work time.bye!</font>

Oh just found out that Gymboree offers 2 types of trial for bb our age:
1) Music - $28/trial
2) Play&amp;Learn - $40/trial

I was thinking more of the P&amp;L actually..
