(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

coolzy,cos if the eye's white is yellowish, this could be jaundice.

ciarie, are you pressing the funnels too hard on your breasts?

eunice, since you are using a nursing pillow, it should be easier for you to latch on cos you have good support. me using pillows/bolsters.

ipanpan, this is normal, when bb are half full they may doze off while sucking. usually i will tease her checks first, if that does not work, then put her down on the mat and move her diaper or her legs/hands to wake up her.

Kris & Cocobunz: ive gt a feeling it cld be e funnel...

im nt really pressing hard leh.. e silicon part will usually suck unto my areola le..
nipple nt pain, its e areola tats bit bruised..
maybe like wat kris said, will go buy nipple cream to apply...
hey mummies, i jus rcvd my nepia diapers this afternn. bought 2 packs of NB n 2 Packs of S.. but their NB seems abit tight for my bb ardy.. don think able to finish 2 packs..
anyone wan?
Finally, manage to log in to read post after a long tired day. Today sent bb to see pd in the morning, nurse said bb's eyes are slightly yellowish but body no signs of yellowish. So ask us to send bb to blood test. Went to lab n withdraw so blood frm bb's left feet...when bb cried i nearly cried too...heartpain..
And luckily jandice level only 13.2 doc say no nd to sunbath...

re: Xuan
kittybride, jamgal, cocobunz: my gal also hv xuan in her name. Her name is Jing1Xuan1

re: bb Justin
Rose: Good to knw that bb justin is fine. Hope that he has a speedy recovery.

Abby: wow u r a staff nurse, no wonder u knw so much

re: BM
for expressing BM, wat is duration do u gals pump?

pravina: u still can tahan n go work when u hv contractions. Really salute u.

My boy same case as yrs. After Man yue, his still yellow. I did bought him to seee PED on 14 Apr. Dida blood test. everything is fine. Doc say after 6 weeks from tat day is born, still yellow, go back for another check. You might want to wait another 2 weeks b4 going back. Juz a guidline for you only.

ow_mummy (chelsey_alyssa), yap I did it 1 week earlier. Now back to confinement again.
Hi Mummies:

Today's my edd. But still no sign of labour...

Going to TMC on this wed to do CTG, then see Dr Woody again. Told him we want to wait 1 week before inducing.
Lilmoo, HappyLittleWoman, Jam - thanks for sharing =)

Lilmoo - i guess ur bb cries n not scream... my MIL says she takes in alot of air when she cries so tt will not work for me... my ss is falling, how did u manage to keep up ur ss for 10mths??

HappyLittleWoman - envious manz ur ss so good...mine dunno y become so little. i miss engorged breasts manz. now i wash everytime n then rinse with hot water (tts my sterilising) first wk i used steamer then 2 bottles spoilt, too hot i think. When i burp her in b/w, she burps leh...

Jam - when she's really hungry, pacifier doesnt work...=P

Kris - thanks for sharing. can leave outside for 4 hrs only in aircon. i dun hv aircon here...so 1 hr only.

cocobunz, dunno leh...when we first got it, it really helped but when she doesnt wanna latch, gd pillow also no use. maybe cos my ss is low n slow now, tts y she doesnt wanna latch. now both breasts together also not enough for one feed =( depressing...

karrie - thanks. i really really hope so...cant wait for the day she wans me.
Eunice. Yah, pacifier only works sometimes. When she mean business, she will only PUSH out the pacifier with her tongue or fling it away with her ever flappy arms..
eunice, have u been too stressed n therefore affecting supply? besides relaxing, maybe try supplements like fenugreek or some tea that's supposed to boost milk supply? lots of fluids also help, and a warm drink before latching/expressing can also help a faster letdown.

understand that if bb is bottle fed, u should burp her once in a while, no matter if the contents are BM or FM, bcos its the sucking motion that bb take in air. If feeding direct fr the breast, no need to burp until finish cos when bb suckles they usually dont take in air.
ting2, i think so... probably not getting enough rest also...sigh. i tot latch dun need to burp at all hehe...yah i burp once or twice when bottle feeding. v satisfying to hear a gd burp.
eunice, I guess we usually envy others but when milk ss is too good, it causes a lot of headaches too. Like I have to diligently pump every 3-4 hours else either engorged like rock, painful like hell or milk starts to leak. Very inconvenient! I intend to breast feed till about 1-2 weeks before I go back to work in mid Sep and I dread to think of the days ahead when I have difficulties going out for more than a few hours cos of the need to pump milk, sianzzz. I start to envy those mummies with not much milk, at least you all don't have to pump so often. I got so fedup that I told my hubby I wanna stop BF!! Plus my freezer is full of milk already, I have used up 20 Avent VIA cups, 10plus glass bottles and a few Playtex milkbags, when my baby is just 10 days old! Hubby's getting a deep freezer soon else dunno how to store the milk also.

I remember Bonbon saying about drinking Van Houten Cocoa powder. Bought that to drink just before delivery cos I thought I won't have much milk. But taste good so I continue drinking 1-2 glasses a day with my Mamil Mama. I am still drinking those mummy formula cos I still have a lot at home. Maybe you wanna try this? Take the milk warm too. Most important thing is to relax. I use the Pumpin Pal handsfree kit so I usually use my laptop or read a magazine while pumping, even in the wee hours. Will feel more relaxed like that.
karrie: cosleeping seem to work but like you say, could be a problem moving the bb to her own bed later. #1 cosleep for 8w, then i quickly move her cos scare difficult if i wait longer. she surprised me by adjusting quickly. with #1 she sleeps in the day very well but cries at night. she was cold. we did 2 things that seem to help, one was putting her in a sleep sac, two was changing the brand of her diapers. even tho pampers was sup to be good and exp, she didn't like it. a little bit of pee she wants a diaper change. still dunno what to do with #2, getting quite frustrated with hb having lousy sleep in the living room as he needs to work in the day. but he said better he tired than i tired cos in the day i still have to take care of both kids myself.
clarie: what pump are you using?

eunice: my bb only has 2 modes, sleep or scream. lol when she wants milk, she wanted it 10 min ago. i find ok to let them exercise her lungs a bit. :p

ebm can keep in normal temp for 4 hours, no need aircon. when we bring bb out, we bring freshly pumped ebm then no need to bring fridge to go, hot water etc to warm up the milk.
lilmoo: me using medela freestyle lo....
now, have to hold on to e funnel myself w/o using e handsfree thing so tat i can better control e "suction" between e funnel and my aerola... better le..
but cannot be long term solution...

Happylilwoman: wow!!! u ss damn happening!!!! Envy!!!!! heee....
e Van Houten Cocoa powder sounds nice... maybe later go NTUC and buy...

den after shall pop over to tampines mall for some quick shopping...
B1 birthday coming, hopefully in time to order a thomas train cake for him...
<font color="119911">happylittlewoman,
i agree wif u. milk ss too much oso headache, wan to drag 1hr more oso cant, sure engorged like mad. go out got to b hm within 4hrs unless i bring manual pump out.</font>
same here,wonder how come this thing abt waking up the baby/kids when its not rite time, make noise - tends to be IL quite often? own parents no problem one

same here. today EDD.no signs. seeing dr on Thursday. he not keen to induce so soon as I was c-section. I also prefer not to induce BUT I want to give birth ASAP as baby is more 3.4kg (dr stop telling me weight once he hit that weight)

agree with tingting view. as for default c-section next time, depends on gynae. some gynae do think like that, some dun. must pick carefully.
<font color="119911">ciarie,
when i had #1, i teared so much coz of the engorgement n blocked ducts. hb got to massage or practically squeeze my breasts every session. the pain is traumatising. luckily nw i noe hw to manage blocked ducts, so far can clear all by myself. but i believe as long as u keep pump or latch, ss will sure go up, drinkin lots of water helps oso.

so hw u gonna celebrate for #1?</font>
ciarie, ur boy is also a thomas fan huh? i was wondering if there's another way to get a thomas cake besides the polar ones? the customised ones are too expensive.. i'm thinking of getting a cake topper for a normal cake, but cannot find a nice one..
breastfeeding mummies do you still have spottings? Must spot for how long? It's a on and off thing. Very ma fan. Anyone still have lochia/spotting after 1 month? When im in my 2nd week i still have blood cot coming out. This is the 3rd week on and off spotting. Quite irritating. Sometimes pad is so clean i thought no need to put pad liao and sometimes with alittle stain.

Like that can go back for post natal check up? Cos they will usually do pap smear leh. Or do you wait till all is clear??
jolene, how r u coping with your confinement and mil? me also decided next time will hire CL. mil is traditional and very hands-on, takes good care of me and bb..but just very padang..can't stand it.

mummies, after 1st month, are you going to take care of bb just by yourself? not sure i can cope anot alone.
dodos: from wad my gynae say when do pap smear we must be clean.. haf to wait till all clear lo.. i now 2 weeks plus liao.. my lochia stopped mayb 5 days ago.. but now on n off haf spotting also.. dunno y leh..den i wonder whenis my actual menses gonna start?
happylittle : WOW, your baby is only 9 days old and you're producing so much milk! So ENVY!! my baby is 3 wks old today, and she drank 80ml each feed but i can only pump 20ml-30ml(if lucky) from each breast!!

I've got a friend who can pump 280ml from each breast! I was like ... WHOOAAAA ...

cocobunz: for me, at first I want to take care of baby myself, but my mom sez it'll be very tiring, furthermore 1st baby (i'm clueless in taking care of babies). So, with mom's suggestion, I've hired a maid to help out with the baby ... So far the maid very helpful, cos she herself is a mother of 3, so she knows how to take care of children. At night, she take care of my baby ... so my husband n I can sleep better
Check you with all if bb after drinking milk refused to sleep at night how ah? Im going crazy if this continues. Im sure i have feed her enough. If she poo worst still. After changing diaper eyes so big. I don't dare to change diaper for her at night also. Even if change already still the same. Just what is the problem?? I have no time to express milk at night like that. If she sleep plus after expressing i'll have no time to sleep again...she will wake and be hungry again. There goes....whole night cannot sleep.
I read it's normal for breastfeeding mum to have on off spotting. Just when will it stop. Means i need to change my appt maybe 2 mths later. If that's the case why gynae schedule us back 4-6wks later if cannot do pap smear?
dodos: for my case right, most of the time its becuz of her wind in stomach, so her eyes bigbig awake.. once after i put the Ruyi oil she will slp soundly after tt until next feed..
dodos, my gynae arranged a date for PAP smear exactly 2 months from my day of delivery, but he did tell me that if I am not 'clean' that day, need to postpone to another date.

Kris, agree with you! Now I also massage everytime as I pump to clear the ducts. My massage lady said if we don't clear the ducts, will get breast cancer in future! Sounds scary... By the way, how did you manage to stop breastfeeding for your #1. Need to have injection or medication? I asked my friends, they said just let it be engorged, pump out a bit each time, but like that very painful wor!

Ciarie, I agree with Kris, actually the more you pump, the more you get. My CL told me that out of so many post natal women she took care of, my milk supply tops all. Very exaggerating la. Now I just stock up for baby when I go back to work lor. You wanna try getting the Pumpin Pal Super Shields? I just bought a set, now I don't get so much milk leaking while pumping already. The shields actually cup your breasts very tightly so can lean back and relax.

pravina, Dr Ang will offer 2 choices for you if you agree to be induced, which is either natural or C-section. If there is no dilation, failure rate of induction is 60%, if there is dilation, failure rate is 40%. So it's really up to you. I wanna go for C sect straight but hubby onjected. If induction fails, it will be classified as emergency C-sect, so need to pay for double Dr fees for both natural and C sect delivery, plus use of labour ward. Just for your consideration. I would say natural is definitely better. You recover faster and the tummy contracts much faster too.
HappyLittleWoman, can u PM me your CL name also?
She is pro bf and clean? Does she do "freelance"? If she does freelance, can also PM me her contact? I on the lookout for CL for my sis. My current CL also from PEM. She pretty ok also.

JamGal, i also using Ameda. So to confirm, just rinse after each use and sterlise once a day?
Ida, tks for the welcome

old liao difficult to follow all the thread

bf mums, keep going, dont be so stress up, sometimes we got too engross with breast milk to the extend that we give ourselves pressure unnecessary. Do remember, giving formula milk is still milk for ur bb, so dont get so stress up, if really not sufficient, then supplement with fm, its ok de, or make it 70%bm, 30%fm still ok de, don be so stress up.

btw i took fenugreek and it helps. Bought from the bp thread 200 capsules $22, so much cheaper than gnc selling 100 capsules at $30plus, heres the url for those interested


I read from another thread that there is this teat call chu chu teats, it can be used for those who wants to latch and bottle feed at the same time, and can prevent nipple confusion. Anybody use b4?Hers's the url can take a look;


my right breast still feel hard after pumping, tried pumping longer to empty the breast but no more milk comes out. Anybody has this experience?

Audrey and abby, induced, don worry so much, i was also induced, looking at the bright side, induced makes u well prepared for the delivery compare to natural contraction, as long as ur bb is full term its ok de, i was also induced at 41 wk, don worry and jia you lor

ow mummy, ur nepia nb got spare for me? can i get my hubby to get 1 pack fm u also? like to try out b4 ordering
Kris: ur experience sounds terrible! but i still thk its a good problem.. :p:p
sometimes for me, jus feel sick n tired tat i have to pump every 3hrly to maintain ss.. and esp wee hours, eyes cannt tahan already, still die die must tong to pump lo!!

eh.. celebration for #1 >> go get a thomas cake, simple family dinner only lo.. cant do much also.
will be askin my MIL and SIL to come over as well..

tingting: ur bb also thomas fan too?? my bb just like train.. and he loves to take mrt train lo! haa..
i dunno wats e price leh.. tats why popping over to tampines mall to see if price is ok.
see Yiling Confectionery, 2kg thomas cake for $74..
hubby said too big and exp wo... :p:p
Kris, thanks for sharing. Btw u mentioned that drinking water helps to increase ss, is it plain water?

HappyLittleWoman, same Q with dodos:
What is a Pumpin Pal Super Shields?? How does it look like? Where to get n how much? Cos my sil pass on a medela pump in style advance, but some BM always wasted cos milk leaks at the sides of the sheids, milk ss oredi low still waste ...haiz
hey mums using pumping pal super shields, from the chart given got Med, Large size, how do u all choose? by Cup size shd be a Medium, yet the nipple diameter for that Cup size is 20-30mm, but i think the actual nipple diameter is more leh, even like 50mm. dunno am i measuring correctly or not..
JamGal, powerball how's the review for the ameda pump? currently my fren lent me her medela PIS. but thinking of buying ameda since its cheape.

mummies, i also have 2 packets (60 pieces each packet) NB Nepia to sell or exchange for S. you can buy and try, its soft and simliar to pampers.

ciarie, Kris, so envious you gals can store so much excess milk. milk ss now is just enough for daily. my SIL who deliver 1 week aft me has alot of milk too, but she throw them away. so wasteful man!
twittymon: u n audrey see who more convenient to pick up frm my place lo.. if audrey ok w pick up location, den maybe i can give u a few pieces to try...=)
Kris, do u store ur EBM in a separate freezer? where did u get it and how much did it cost ah? coz my mil's freezer not enuff space liao..and i feel pai seh cluttering up the space with all my EBM also. I'm pouring away a lot of EBM coz i have no more glass bottles to store them, and im waiting for my milkbags to arrive. should have stocked up earlier.

lilmoo, yahloh, and also my hb is overweight. really scared one of us will crush her if she sleeps on our bed as well. i really salute u, handling 2 kiddos solo with c-section...i think i'd go nuts...my girl loves to be swaddled but i notice she'll perspire...and if i make the aircon a bit colder she'll complain...she just loves to perspire??!?! weird baby. wonder if the swaddleme blankey helps. cos the receiving blanket's getting too small.

dodos, pumpin pals supershields are GOOOOOD. i advise u to use with the handsfree strap. can relak and read/use laptop when pumping. can get from www.mumsfairy.com

cocobunz, ameda pump is good. just remember never to store or transport it vertically. always place the pump horizontal/flat.
Ya, busy with the little 1. REally envy u got so much ss. I only get 300ml per day the max. Sigh.

Ya, will monitor a few days, if the yelloish dun fade away, will bring him to PD again.
<font color="119911">dodos,
im in my 4th wk nw. discharge quite cleared le. nw i onli wear panty liner, it seems ok.

i drag the frequency n pump lesser duration, slowly drag den managed to stop.

nw i still got to pump every 4hr to store ebm so i can close shop in 6mths time. i set alarm clock to wake up at nite, but sometimes juz cant get up, after dat will regret big time, leak n engorge.

nw i still doin confinement, so i drink a mixture of red dates tea n plain water. after confinement, i will drink plain water, juz make sure u got enough fluid intake.

y ur SIL throw away? not storing? mayb u can get frm her to give ur bb?</font>
ipanpan, wow your friend is even more powerful! I cannot imagine how she stores the milk hehe...

karrie, I am looking out for a freezer too, hopefully can get a second hand one, then sell it after baby finishes all the milk stock. Went Courts to look at the deep freezers, cheapest one about $200++, almost $300.

dodos &amp; chocz, karrie is right, you can get them from mumsfairy. Do check it out here:
I only managed to get the super shields a few days back and am using it with my Ameda pump. Before I got them, the funnels kept slipping out when I use them with Pumpin Pal handsfree kit and it was real frustrating to have the milk dripping all over my shorts/pants and tummy! Somehow the super shields adhere tightly to the breasts, hence you can lean back and milk won't leak so easily while pumping. To me, if you gonna pump for the next few months at least, then it's worth to get. I got mine via ebay from a local seller, as she was selling a brand new set at a lower price. If I am not wrong, mumsfairy is selling a set at $32 including normal postage. I would recommend you all to get the handsfree kit as well, then it would be an ease during pumping.

powerball, yes my CL is pro-bf and she keeps herself clean, very into hygiene. We have asked her, she doesn't do freelance due to work permit issues, so you can only request for her via PEM. I will PM you her name.

happylilwoman, what size shields did u get? i thinking between medium n large dunno should get the small one to cup the breast tighter, or the larger one so nipple can have more space in funnel.. how's ur ameda pump? i really considering a dual pump cos single really take up 40-60min to pump each time

Jam, coolzy, i rem u said that time u also using ameda? hehe.. where did u all get it from? mum's fairy selling 420 with pumping pal's handsfree n super shields, is it considered cheap? i also thinking of pisa but 400+ conpare with pisa 600+ thinking get cheaper one..

KP, us import pisa no warranty rite? then need to buy the power transformer for the voltage?
