(2009/04) April 2009 MTBs

Jam, paiseh, the teats. Seems like pigeon is the best...mabbe i shall get my hubby to go n get one to try. yah i did...slightly better only, still more than an hr n she's drinking BM leh.

Yah i do tt...the rashes are at her cheeks! My aunt says cos her mittens touch milk then touch her face. I really dunno. I read another thread tt Aloe Vera Gel is good. Another aunt told me to clean w her urine. Ecks!! Eh someone wanted to post video on how to do massage right???
Jam, yah i also think v uncomfortable cos so hot!! No leh...its like she will scare herself. No need sound one... I use the thin diaper cloth lor when its hot. Wish i had aircon!!!!

kittybride - same lor! like milia seeds...on the cheeks!! head also got some but looks different...so poor thing!

Ida - really admire u can handle 4 kids at one go. dun be angry la. Jam is right lor, kids will be kids... m sure she din do it on purpose.
re: rashes

my gal has it too.. my dad says its a reaction to dirt/sweat, bcos pple have sweaty hands and arms and bb's face was nestled in it.. so now i'll wipe her face with cotton wool once in a while, wash my arms clean before feeding her, and if visitors carry her, remember to clean her face after that..
in 2 weeks ariel has used up 100 pcs of diapers liao.. this week have to order another carton of nb size ones.. :p *$ fly away*
Even though #2 can latch on, I'm a bit worried that when CL goes back, how I can manage alone...cos #2 drinks every 1hr plus....very tiring...I tried pumping out or feeding fm to gauge how much he drinks & try to prolong time between feeding....but he still drinks 100ml per feed every 1 hour plus...am I over-feeding?? but if I dun feed him, he would cry & cry (I tried burping & feeding plain water but he still cries...only stops after bm/fm are fed)

Any advices??
Visitor problem

Maybe cos it's #2 so not many visitors this time...but I very fierce one...I scold my hubby & parents (CL, too) if they carry bb when bb is sleeping or not fussing. Pil have to give face to hubby...if he keeps quiet...I can't scold him, right...
Think cos of all the "heaty" food that we eat, too so bb would have rashes...my #1 also like tat...they would outgrow it...it starts to disappear after awhile...dun worry...#1 even have cradle cap...we have to stop using J&J Babywash & switch to California Baby...then slowly cradle cap stopped & rashes improved...

Most important is to keep bb clean...dun use too much abasive substance, especially on his face...
ya lor, looked like milia seed.
i even count every day how many til my colig said beta dun count, will get more! old wives tales again i guess.
poor thing is that even the forehead and even head also have leh... i use kiehl's face lotion on his face; very thin spread - hopefully will slowly heal and disappaer!!!

i thk is growth spurt.
my boy is also drinking more frequently but his intake is about 60ml max. so every hr will cry for milk... poor CL. i hope this growth spurt will make him 'pui pui' lor coz so far he's still so skinny! argh...

cool down... kids r like dat, bo pian.
i guess your #1 also felt guilty liao lah, just dun know how to express. dun feel frustrated ya!
Baby Justin is still being monitored closely for observation in the hospital but seems to be recovering well from the surgery.We THANK YOU all for your prayers and well wishes!!!Our hands are full at the moment trying to pacify an unhappy and frustrated baby,as he's only allowed to drink less than one third of what he normally drinks at home ,sorry that we can't respond to your messages on time.Will talk soon!!!
glad to hear justin is doing well.
you & hb need to take care of yourselves too ya during this trying times!
and lots of *hugz* to baby justin!
Hi Mummies,

I'm looking for confinement lady urgently.I'm due in July09. If you find that ur confinement lady is good please recommend me.

Thanks for ur help.
Hi all, hope it's not too late for me to join the chat .. I'm also April mommy. Gave birth 3 weeks ago on 7th April to a baby girl

Hope can get advice on milk supply, seems like no matter how much soup, milk, whatever drinks I drank, seems like I don't produce enough. My girl now drinks 80ml per feeding and I can only pump like 40ml at one time, 60 if lucky!

And another problem is that my baby girl always fell asleep like in 10 mins during breastfeeding, so she always not full. Then she'll wake up in 1/2 hr or 1 hr time n cry again.. Very tiring!
rash on bb face:
i think e best way to treat e rash on bb skin given it so tender.. is to use water only.
regularly clean e rash area, and it will go off.

Cat: has ur bb always been drinking so much?
how's his weight gain now??
some bb tends to have better appetite...
Rose: thank God e smooth surgery! and u have to take care too! cos bb justin does depend on mummy alot and ur love will definitely play a vital role to support his recovery now..
hi mummies
happy week to you all...
baby's not engaged so come wed, gynae wants to induce me... EDD is May 1st and placenta looking matured so a little worried baby might not get enought oxygen and nutrients?... any advice..
thinking of refusing induction, will wait till may 1st and see how it goes.. if really medically necessary, will go straight to C-section ...
looking forward to hearing your advice..
JIAYOU mummies!!! BFing, popping, stress, full mth celebrations.. etc..
hi pravina!!

wow!!!!!!!!!! enjoy ur pregnancy!!! :D
no worries la.. still have few more days before overdue!
who knows, before u decide to induce or c-section, bb cannot wait to come out naturally!!

just see e cue from ur gynae and decide wat u wanna do..

JIA YOU!!!!!!!!!
Ida, can share with me some tips how you handle 4 kids at home? I find i don't have enough hands. Still got to coach the kids work and attend to them individually. Sometimes so busy with bb really have no time for them. Feel really bad.

Re: visitors
My in laws really one kind. Always come and make so much noise. They will wake the bb up just to play with them. Im really not happy about it but let it be.

Re: Growth spurt
I think my bb also having growth spurt. She drink about 100ml every 1-2 hrs. So tiring having to wake up so often. She drink so much means i have to work really hard to get that much of milk for her.

Pravina, enjoy your pregnancy for a few more days. Im missing it already.

Funny thing when preg i can't sleep well but after bb came out im so sleepy. Want to sleep yet have to wake up so often.

Got to go express milk liao. Sian..

MS nt enuf, can try to drink papaya soup w threadfin fish bone, or fenugreek or try drinking hot milo or cocoa.
Meanwhile, dun get discouraged and keep on pumping and latching!
e more u pump/latch, e more u'll have..

bb sleep 10mins after latching on: try to wake her up by tickling her cheek, chin or rub her palms.
Hi clarie, seldom login since last oct but pls update my details too

BB no. 2
Edd: 12 April
Gender: Boy
Gynae: Dr WK Tan
Hospital: TMC
Launch method: LSCS
Launch Date: April's Fools Day
BB Wt: 4145g
BB Ht: 53cm
BB name: Ashton

Currently waiting for confinement to be over.It was very stressful as my MIL is helping me out. She's the very traditional & demanding person. I feel very pressure and regret not hiring the confinement nanny. I think i got depression, cry almost everyday. *sign*
hi pravina, for me, a poor placenta is sufficient reason for me to be induced. without proper nutrients and oxygen, i understand bb's condition may deterioriate rather fast, so may not be advisable to delay. any reason why u prefer c-section to inducing? do note that with c-section, not only does it take a longer time to recover, if u're planning subsequent babies in like 2 years down the road, it'll be default c-section.


i'm using deodorant.. think so long as u don't spray at the breast area should be fine.. i don't spray just before feed, but usually just after, and i shield my breast before spraying.

btw, read that the milk glands are actually modified sweat glands.. is that why we're smelly? i thought it's the food we're taking... :p


take heart, we've crossed the 1/2 way mark already! i think our emotions are really rollarcoaster during this period.. little things trigger me to cry as well.. still, we must try to find bright sparks to cheer ourselves.. be it reading comics, watching comedies, doing retail therapy (online!), or chatting with frens/at forum..
enunice, the nurses at tmc asked me to use a nipple shield, so that baby can latch on properly. but somehow i keep feeling that my milk ss low is becos of my inverted nipples. how's your milk supply?

kittybride, jamgal, my girl has xuan too..she's yi4 xuan1
jia you!! like wat tingting said, we've halfway thru e journey!
anythings u wanna vent on... there's no other place than SMF Apr 09 mummy thread!!

Actually also intend to name my gal Yixuan but the master calculate say cannot. So no xuan. All my kids got Yi infront so no choice got to follow. Xuan is a nice name. En also nice but also cannot.
Hi tingting & ciarie,

thks for the encouragement. btw, i wouldn't be able to login as often until my mil went back hm after my confinement. i'm online now cause she's not around until she's back 2nite with my daughter. hav to look after my 2 'bao bei' & listen to her nagging of the maid not doing her job. still complain to my hubby abt me. tis is driving me crazy!!!! btw, do anyone know how much should i give my mil for doing confinement for me?? should i follow the market rate??
hey mummies,

my girl did not have jaundice in her first days and weeks. only 10.6 doc says dun need 'photo'. now she's 1 month old already and my mil keep saying she's yellow and wan to use what chinese powder and bath her!

do u think its my breastfeeding and confinement food with ginger has caused her to get jaundice in the later weeks?
jam, kittybride, cocobunz, wanted to name my girl yi2 xuan1 but end up cos too similar to another cousin's baby yu xuan so we chose to name her yun2 yi1 instead.. haha later u all scream "xuan xuan" all the babies turn around together.. :p

re: rashes
i also notice my baby has some pink lil dots on her cheek and top of eyelid today. 1 on forehead also. dunno the diff between heat rash n milk rash, but my MIL gonna cook her the "jin yin hua" water again n add 2 spoon into her milk later. told her just wash with water n air the baby more n put powder. but she said drink the water it's suppose help remove the heat n dirt from body.. let u all know if it works..

mummies, its safe to do hair treatment and color hair when BF-ing rite? hubby n i planning to go do hair on Thurs together kiki
Eunice & Ida, he sucks most of the time. Now using Avent bottle but only give ebm when i am busy or out which is not very often.

Bonbon, thought if total bf, then don't need to give water. My bb also have those spots but my CL n sis said is common as goes away after 2months. Bb books also say tt.

btw, thought u did your hair just before u delivered?
jolene, my MIL also doing confinement for me.. she alr told my hubby have to give my FIL angpow cos he do the laundry and other chores that usually FIL wun do. she din say about herself but i guess have to give as well. i tot since save abt 1-2k on CL, shd give them like $200-$400 each.. give too small like $88 wait my MIL remember for life also no good.. haha old ppl quite particular i feel on AP amt, but depends on budget also, since the 1st mth shower alr spend alot..
jolene, my mil did my confinement and gave her $1K ang bao and $500 to buy food for that mth. i tot she will return me the 1K but she didn't hahaha.

bonbon,i went to cut my hair a few days ago.wanna do color too. but the stylists told me wait until 3 mths later, if really wan to do must not touch the hair scalp.
powerball, din manage cut hair before delivering cos last min settle all the misc things, plus my hubby say cut after confinement more shiok.. haha.. i rem my fren color her hair while BF cos LC in parentcraft said its totally safe. just that her baby was 2mth when she color, mine still 1mth so i dunno safe to do it or not.. haha must throw the first EBM away or not
dun think MIL is FOC...best if FOC .. but since she sounds a bit diffficult ( sorry ah Jolene), better offer a token ..so she wont say somthing abt the lack of a hongbao/token later... just my thots..

Thanx for the advice abt induction and all.. dun want to delay .. and been trying to do squats to encourage baby to engage soon .. also was told to try nipple simulation and intercourse.. so might try that if squats dun work ...

check your baby's eyes and see if the whites are yellowish or whitish .. thats a better area to check that skin color cos skin color in developing babies can vary from day to day and ppl view skin color differently..
have you already had a PD check her??
what chinese powder to bathe her with?

deoderant >> hey, try the smearing ones and not the spray ones if can so at least you know where its actually adhering too... been using thru out pregnancy and checked with gynae; had the clear go-ahead. will check again when i see him on wed.
wah cocobunz.. 1k AP alot wor.. haha.. i gave her 1k to buy the herbs n foods for the month.. have to decide her AP amt soon cos Wed haf to give her alr i think..

going to have lunch then bath then pump.. think pumping is the most sian!! like routine like that..
how much should a 2-3w baby drink? i know each bb is diff, but roughly? i think my girl is drinking about 90-100ml per feed. too much?
