(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

Sheepish, dun worry too much, maybe ur gal will grow up to be as slender and beautiful as u?
As long as she is healthy, should be fine, maybe just check with ur PD at next jab. Jia You!

Peachmomo, I was taking multi-vitamin and fish oil all along. Fish oil finished, no time to get, but my latest multi-vitamin is "One A Day Advanced Multi-Vitamin for Women" by Bayer. Got it at Guardian as I needed to stock up and it was on discount too. But my HB and MIL says multi-vitamin also considered medicine, so asked me not to eat too much. Think I will stop once I finished these 180 pills - that is like 6 months!
I drink Anlene milk powder for 19-50 yrs every other day, last time used to drink Similac, Enfa Mum, Mamil during preg and after birth, since I finished those powder, I changed back to Anlene as I have been drinking even b4 preg, I loved milk and cheese! I eat fish every day too, so was thinking no need to take supplement for calcium pills anymore. Maybe fish oil also no need? Anyone got any advice?
Sandy, you are very well-read and really like a mobile interactive dictionary. If I am not wrong, you are also very young too, where you get all those info that you provided us so far? Really salute u!
Sheepish, forgot to tell u, my boy has been taking S26 Gold, poo is sometimes green, yellow or very green, my MIL says maybe bcoz I take quite a lot of veg and I still give ebm to my boy. But my mum also says she heard from pple drink S26, poo will be greenish. But got some pple tell me S26 is quite heaty. I give my boy this coz my hb and all his siblings, nephews, nieces drank this. Hope the info is useful.
Regarding diapers, Huggies is really small in cutting. I find the adhesive for pampers not so strong coz when I tried the newborn and S for my boy, I always have a hard time "closing" the diapers. I was using Drypers. I also tried Pureen, but not so gd as it seemed not so absorbent as my boy was always wet when I used that during confinement until 1 mth plus. Then now I also have Mamy Poko pull-ups as it was selling at discount last week at Giant, about 25cents a piece.

when i have time, i like to read..so i learn from what i read..i read from various sources instead of one ..and some medical knowledge ask hb..some is knowledge from my psy training..pick here and there..

the pampers with the less sticky adhesive..are you referring to pampers active?? me too, find it not very adhesive..other mommies using pampers active, do you all have the same problem?
Hi Nana,
my bb needs lots of sleep too! His play time will be from bout 9am-11am. Followed by nap. Thereafter will be play time from 5pm-7pm. 7pm-9pm nap awhile. Sponged him then it's bed time! =)
yup i am that joanne. as for weaning, u can look for the signs if your child need to be wean already, eg: seems dissatisfied with milk, or start waking up in the middle of the night for more milk..,
signs that he is ready : when u try to feed him, his tongue shouldnt push out the food; able to sit with support n good control of head n neck.

btw, how come u mix chrysanthemum n glucose with FM? u know cannot anyhow mix things with the milk? if there is something your child is allergic to, u will not know wat causes the stomach ache or the rashes... moreover chrysanthemum is very cooling.. i hope u got the right dosage as well. i see u do that, i really worried for your baby leh.

as for vegetable causing green poo, i dont think so leh... if that happens, our poo will be green also liao.

oh ya, how come u buy mamy poko pull up pants? pull up pants is normally used when baby knows how to walk already which make the normal diaper difficult to wear.

baby sleeping is good. it helps a body to recover or self healing. brain need rest to function properly n to learn new things. not good to let him be tired n cranky n hard to learn things. baby at this age average sleep is around 15 hours or so.. could be lesser or more depends on babies.

sippy cup?
i was thinking of getting this :
march mummies had purchased in bulk.. it seems good.
Hi mummies,
the Singapore distributor for Sophie the giraffe is offering us the giraffe for $29 provided we have 24 pcs order. But she will only send it to one mummy and we have to collate payment and orders and distribute among ourselves.

Any more mummies still keen on getting? Please add you name on to the list that joannelim started ok!
Joanne, I mixed about 80ml of chrysanthem tea with 100ml of water and 2 scoops of formula and gave my boy once coz he was showing signs of getting into fever when he did not poo for 3 days. Then I added half a teaspoon of glucose to his 2 other milk feeds. The next day, he pooed 2 times. Yah, I also scared he too liang but we more scared if he fall sick, worse, need to take medicine. My MIL said the chinese sinseh says chrysanthem tea is ok, but I will try to moderate from now on if I need to feed him again. Thanks for your concern.
My Hb bought the mamy poko as he said more convenient as normal diapers always need to adjust here or there when we put them on for bb, and if price not much difference, may as well get that. Will they affect baby if we use them now?
hi mummies,
anyone tried this PD before? any views?
Baby & Child Medical Group
Blk 828 Tampines St 81 #01-238 Singapore 520828
Tel: 6783 1955
Joannelim...keke the sippy cup look so funny.

iceblue...baby on M size diaper.

Re: sleeping workshop
do u know what does it teach?
My baby still not sleeping thru yet so wondering if this workshop helps.

RE: sophie
If we count the no. of active Feb09 mummies hor..i don think have 24 lay.....can we merge merge with other thread's mummies huh?
Oh unless those mummies here with MSN contact can ask those active in MSN.....
otherwise i think tough to hit 24.
sheepish, my gal having friso1.so i gues i shld cont friso2.she's ok wif it. similac dint wrk for her.

nanA: envy u al hav babies tt can sleep wel. my gal dint hav long hrs sleep wen small nw worst.. lesser sleep.. n mak big fuss wen she sleepy(dint want sleep kp see look til max )
my boy also on friso.. considering to try enfaclac for stage 2.

my boy is a du-du boy. if he drops his dudu in the middle of the sleep, sometimes he will cry and fuss.. and we need to wake up to help pop it in...zzz... duno if i did the right thing to offer it to him in the first place...
my gal sleep from ard 9+ to morning... won't wake up till the time i feed her... between 7am to 9am... the sleeping pattern is like tat since 2nd months... hope she won't change... hehe...

my baby sleeps alot lesser..whole day only take 2 naps.

mommies with babies seeing the same doctor for every vaccination, do your babies recognise the clinic and the doctor ?? i brought naomi for 4.5mth check and her 2nd dose of 5in1 vaccine...the min the doctor start talking to her, she stared warily and cautiously at her..and my PD commented "i know that stare but its too early for that"..she says stranger anxiety only comes at 6mths but theres still some exception..then after staring for a few more seconds, she started to cry..then when i put her down on the bed that she usually gets her vaccine, she started wailing in fear..throwing her hands up in the air and really wailing with the fearful face..and she didint stop crying until we left the clinic 45 mins later. my PD was in panic because she knows naomi isnt a cranky baby...do any mothers experience this???
whao yaer ur gal so gd sia.. mine one shot max 0nly 8 hrs..tts the vry max liao.

sandy, did anyth unusual happen to her?gt kena scare?i mean even ur PD panic sia\

i jus ran to my gal awhile ago. she sudly cry!tis late aftn raing loud thunder n lightnin, 1 came sudden n loud.. me also shock..end up my gal kena scare.n cried.. i wen toilet end up also heard neighbour baby cry.

guess nw stil gt abit shock ba..
usually i will feed her at 7am lah... so she oso sleep like 9hrs onli... but after feed her...
i will just put her on the bed den she will wriggle wriggle abit den go back to sleep...
so i will go back to sleep oso loh... hehe...

so far my gal onli take vaccination twice... both different doc... one at polyclinic n one at raffles...
but she taking vaccination again at raffles on mon... will see then...
Re:stranger anxiety
So far, not yet.
but have a feeling it will be soon since he is reacting so badly to unfamiliar environment.
I think we might need to expose baby to different environment and people.
My niece has no such problem cos we brought her everywhere we go. But baby always confined to MIL's place facing mainly maid and MIL, so i foresee this problem. but of cos i hope not...hmm...

i also bring my girl everywhere..she sees her grandparents, uncles, aunties and cousins every week and play with them..only her PD (whom she sees since birth..this is the 6th visit over 4 mths)she reacted this way but she fine with other people who talks to her in church..i hope its just today if not she'll be frighten on every visit
my gal last time oso make noise at 5am when i move forward the midnight feed to ard latest 10pm...
but tat time i too tired liao... so just leave her to make noise...
continue make noise the next nite... ignore again... after second time den bo liao...
maybe u can try ignore for awhile see if he sleep back mah...
the simz/joanne/iceblue

Thanks for replying. I thought he needs to be more active.


My boy loves it. He chews his fist always. $29 is a good buy. My fren bought for me in paris for 17 euros. I thought it'll be cheaper from cty of origin but am wrong.
nana09, my girl is borned 5 weeks plus premature at 2.778kg too!
I think sleeping is good leh for babies, it help them to grow leh, they grow when sleeping! so let him sleep!

whats the giraffe thing? interesting! I bought a lamb from bulk purchase, my gal loves it too! thinking of getting something similar...
Just wondering how is Sophie Giraffe teething different from normal ones? haha my hubby commented will bb get violent next time when they see any animals and wanting to bite them!!! :p
giraffe teether, if we manage to get 24 of us, DJmama can help us get it at 29 i think. if not, wait til sept for pumpkinseed to help us get it from france.


listing for sophie the giraffe (teether)
1. Joannelim
2. gracechua
3. sheepish
4. Roxanne (whitegalz)
5. Crystal
6. lili
7. olively (interested not confirmed =P)
8. princessdella
9. SY
12.kkf (maybe)

plse add your own name to the list, i sometimes lazy to read all the msg lah... so could miss out some of u. if u interested in getting 2, just put 2 names. i might get 2, one for my best friend's daughter.

the sophie giraffe's description can be found here : http://www.sophie.sg/

not sure how come u got it more expensive. cos according to pumpkinseed, she got it for around $25 in hypermart there.

i am not sure is it stranger anxiety, but tat day when my mum visited me, joel cried when saw her. but after she started to talk to him more, he smiled already.

someone in this forum will be doing a DOIDY cup spree soon, but her price steeper than the price if we going to get it ourselves. if u all interested, we can get our own bulk purchase just like wat nov 08 mummies did.

i see who else interested, then see who got a better price. australia side seems cheaper cos of the exchange rate. there are alot of colours to choose from. if we got more pple getting, then can just do it. alot of colours to choose from

1. Joannelim
2. Yaer
giraffe teether, if we manage to get 24 of us, DJmama can help us get it at 29 i think. if not, wait til sept for pumpkinseed to help us get it from france.


listing for sophie the giraffe (teether)
1. Joannelim
2. gracechua
3. sheepish
4. Roxanne (whitegalz)
5. Crystal
6. lili
7. olively (interested not confirmed =P)
8. princessdella
9. SY
12.kkf (maybe)
14.The Simz
Hi mummies..
I just want to ask something.. Do you girls find that you are slower when you get back to work? I'm finding myself slower in reaction and brain like not wake and very forgetful.. I'm getting quite depressed experiencing this and especially so when i'm in the super fast paced industry and my current project doesnt allow for me to take my work in my own pace and stride..
hi mommies, browse thru the thread but no time to read all the posts.. Work has been super busy, no time to come into forum at all...
Lesser time with baby too, i try to latch at least once a day now unless baby is alseep.

High Chair
I bought the ikea one already !!! So happy with my purchase ! Mummies eyeing ikea ones go grab before OOS again !! It comes in blue and red now and sells the tray separately at SGD$4.90.High chair at SGD25 ! Wanted to get FP booster seat but figured this might be a better option !! hehe

Sippy cup
I got the mag mag by pigeon and Combi one, haven used though, will update which is better when i start using, but i have tried to spoon feed water using the combi weaning set. So far ok ! bb drinks

Update on Joel at 4mths
Weight : 8.23kg <97th>
Height : 64cm <75th>
Head : 43cm <97th>

Conclusion Big head, short Fatty Boy !! Kekeke
same here! So demoralised to go back. Superior thought I don't want to work but it's really the brain not like the days before preggy.. haiz... any way out?? Hee.. be a SAHM!
listing for sophie the giraffe (teether)
1. Joannelim
2. gracechua
3. sheepish
4. Roxanne (whitegalz)
5. Crystal
6. lili
7. olively (interested not confirmed =P)
8. princessdella
9. SY
12.kkf (maybe)
14.The Simz
15.gernise_jingxi (interested)
Gracecmx, simz
I feels the same too. abit retarded leh. Only started work one day on last fri. Hope it gets better. Haiz. Stress. My 1st weekend with bb too, weekend seems so fast. Eeeeks. And like no time for my own rest. Can still remember times w/o bb when i was working, i will nap quite abit on sun. I think now no hope liao. geez.
wow saro ur boy big big good! my gal only 6.9kg at 4 mths...hope she catches up soon! she is going 5 months...
Hey there mummies!

Sheepish - No lah! I've not been to the nursing room. I go to 2nd service at Gallery West overflow. Was in the kids room (maybe thats nursing room?) 1st time and there was a 3 or 4 yr old boy who puked twice on the carpet. Both times, his parents just continue to sit there after it was cleared. Doesn't it signal that the boy is maybe quite sick?

Anyway, I now sit in the open hall where the strollers are parked at the side of the block of chairs. Easier to escape during altar call too *oops*

The_simz - Hello fellow new creationer!

OK my thoughts on formula.
My girl has been on combi bfeed and formula since birth simply because she is not fussy. She is also quite a slow latcher and born early so part-formula was a good way to ensure she puts on weight fast. She started with 3 FM feeds a night from 10pm (then 2am and 5am or 6am). The remaining daylight feeds are all Bmilk.

We have used Similac as I've heard that the taste is the closest to breastmilk. We have used it since birth and she doesn't have a preference between FM or Bmilk. So when we go out and it's hard to heat up my EBM, she will take 1-2 feeds of FM. When we get home and feed Bmilk, no problem either. She poops every day and at best every other day.

Noticed a lot of you recommend Enfalac. According to my colleague, her son, just turned 1 yr old. She has been feeding him Enfa from 1st month and he's been constipated. Poo-ing every 4-5 days only.

Isabelle's only had 1 or 2 Enfa feeds in hosp (before we got the nurses to switch to Similac) and I didn't experience any constipation but you may want to ask around about that.

gracecmx, popkorn2009 and the-simz:
It's been extra hard to concentrate at work. Esp every few hrs I'll call home to check on baby at my mum's. Then, I've gotta pump, etc.

Worse yet, I'm always called out for meetings here and there. Pumping is even harder then!

Can't remember who asked me about the bfeeding till 6 mths. Sorry... forgetfulness comes with the 9 mths! But yes, 6 mths thats the long-term goal!

Honestly, when I was about to deliver baby... I convinced myself that I would only bfeed for as long as I could - which was vv brief! I'm quite pro-FM cos I've seen some friends who've had a tough time with bfeeding. After I got over the not latching thing, I thought pumping bmilk is just as good.

My goals then were real short. At birth, I thought, OK lah... 1st week can then continue to 2nd week. 2nd week can, then continue to 1st mth. Then 6 weeks... and now it's been 3 1/2 mths!

So I'm quite a short-term mummy in that sense. Anyway, since invested in all the Medela stuff... might as well continue for another 2.5 mths right? But what I do now is increase her FM feeds by 1 x. Once she is used to that for another few weeks, I will reduce the bmilk. Anyway supply has decreased since I started work. Even my husband noticed it!

Sandy, lonerunner!
Thanks for the tips on the spoons. I got some from Mums &amp; Babes at United Sq. Brand is Nuby? Is BPA-free and is like a weaning spoon, changes colour when too hot and all that. Fed her gripe water using that spoon yesterday, baby is receptive! So hopefully, switching to solids will be a less difficult transition.

Question, all mummies! Recently, baby's poo has changed colour from a mustard yellow to green. Does this mean anything? Or is it a sign of diarrhoea?
Forgot to add!
iceblue27 - my baby is still on Mamy Poko size S.

Bought her M but it's a bit too loose. There's an offer for Pampers Active Baby now and I really like it cos when she was born, the Pampers was quite comfortable! But Mamy Poko is a close comparison!

Think will be using S for another month or so... the M is still quite big. Even tho she's 6+kgs and can qualify for the M size... it's really quite loose. I'm afraid the pee and poo will leak!

Hope this helps.

Violet has a good weight! Naomi at 4.5mths is only 6.1kgs, 63cm.


How come isabelle cannot fit M? Naomi started wearing M (for mamypoko and pampers) when she was 5.8 kgs 1mth ago.
If on total bf, green poo means too much foremilk but u are supplementing for FM, not too sure if its the same.

sandy: my bb also sleeping much lesser. din even really nap, just 10-20min sleep after feed and then the rest of the time making noise on his own.
keep wanting to be carried. he doesnt look sick cos still smiling when we talk to him.
it is so tiring this weekend.

gracemx: yah, much slower and more difficult to focus now.
think boss is getting impatient too. sianz.
