(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

Hi mummies.. im changing formula milk for my gal therefore selling off 8 tins of 900g Friso Gold Stage 1 (o-6mths) at $200. Self collection at compassvale link. Interested, please PM me.. =)


Your bb good weight though born early. Sometimes i wish my bb chubbier but he is growing vertically instead horizontally. He is 65cm now.

I bought one teether before sophie. The one put in freezer but i find it hard for bb to grasp and hold. Sophie is very soft. And easy for bb to grab it on his own. Furthermore, it's bpa free and its painted using food paint. And sophie will squeak if u squeeze the head or body.


I thought so too that it should be cheaper. I was from mar thread actually so i got the info that it is cheaper. My fren went to the supermkt. Cant find it. She found it at a toy store. Mine in a gift box with card of ownership. Is it the same?


My bb on similac. His poo was green for weeks! Brought it up to pd. He said not to worry. The poo should be green before it turns mustard yellow. Green cos it is out in the system faster than the body manage to change to yellow. Its how the digestive system works. Now my bb poo back to mustard yellow.

Juz found out earlier. My cousin's son born 14th feb already eating porridge and cereal. I was dumbfounded. My grandma told me to do likewise. I said no. She said my bb so tiny when put side by side. He is almost 10kg.. I hated it how old folks think. I was pressured to give formula since birth which was my greatest regret. Everyone said my bb super tiny. When they ignored the main fact he was premature. Any mummies can advise how to relactate? I want to bf again if possible. Only see droplets. I tried to pump and eat more milk plus but no effect. My bb refused to latch.
nana, when was the last time u Bf ? If u still puming or Bf, maybe u can try to pump or latch every 3hrs. Can try n see if u can increase the amount ?

BB growth and developement is individual, don't bother too much about how and what the old folks think, introduce semi solids as and when you think baby is ready.

I think most PD guideline is at 6 mths, however i read that if bb is ready slightly before 6 mths, no harm to intro slightly early but only the suitable foods. But not too early as bbs might be allergic to certain foods.
nana, how abt taking more fish or green papaya with fish soup. Try taking more hot drinks/soup or oatmeals too. Hope these will work for u... As wat saro said, try to pump regularly if u can.

Btw, did most of u bring bb for rotavirus vaccine? I'm still thinking if i shld let bb take, not sure if it's too late?
Hi Nana, my boy also refused to latch on initially and I think perhaps my position of holding him was not accurate at first, so he did not want to latch. But I kept trying and I tried when he is sound asleep, about 30mins b4 his feeding time, I tried to latch him on, sometimes it works. You need to be patient. I usu can latch him during the night like 2 or 3am, but it is difficult as I din want him to cry and disturb hb and mil, but yet I want him to latch in order to stimulate my breasts so they won't dry up.

But since 1 week plus ago when I got a new pump, I have been pumping more regularly and I am getting more milk every 24hrs as I pump like every 2-3 hrs. My milk supply increased from about 280ml to 400plus.

Dun give up and keep trying. I was told to drink more fluids to get more milk, perhaps u can try it. Some of the mummies here are taking medicine, but I forgot what was the name, mummies, can you all help?

I take fenugreek but irregularly. My 1st bottle bought during confinement until now still haven't finish! So imagine how irregularly it is. Coz my hb asked me not to take so much medicine or herbs, saying artificially trying to increase bm, will not be gd, just let it be natural, give whatever I have.

Btw, I heard of this supplementary breastfeeding aid, can buy at Mums and Babes at United Square or AMK Hub, around 70plus, it is a bottle with a teat for baby to suck, but the other end has tubes to fit to breasts, so when baby sucks from the teats, it is supposed to stimulate our breasts, not sure how effective it is, actually wanted to get it, but some friends says where got use as baby still sucking teats, and as I have started working, cannot let bb suck often, so in the end I bought a new pump as the old one does not suit me - always takes me 1 hr to pump while my new pump, I just need about 10 - 15 mins as it is a dual pump too.

Hope this helps. Just keep trying to latch and pump. Jia you!
Hi Ginn, rotavirus must take b4 6mths my boy finished his at 3rd and 4th mth jab, together with the 5-in-1. So mayb u want to check with your pd whether u can still give ur child the jab?
Hi Liting, ok will check it, thanks!
Btw, good to hear ur MS increase! Ur hard work has paid off!
hey iceblue,

I was recommended to use Mamy Poko. Cos I prefer Pampers and MP is the closest in terms of comfort and useability. My little girl poops at unexpected times so, Pampers is ex!

I've used Huggies newborn and S... but maybe Isabelle's leg is vv fat. She keeps getting red lines between her thigh and groin area.

I switched back to MP after the red lines.
Drypers doesn't hold the pee and the adhesive is quite flimsy!

Sandy - the M size diapers are quite big at the waist. Her thighs are fat lah. I tried the M and she was swimming at the waist. Thats why I went back to S size.

Yaer - your baby is a dream. My Isabelle sleeps only about 4-6 hours of nap in the day. She's up at about 6am to feed and go to my mum's. Then she sleeps till about 10am (3 hrs), then 2nd feed, bath, play and short nap (1hr) till 1 or 2pm feed. Then it's anyone's guess whether she stays up or takes a nap (max 2 hrs). She'll have a feed betw 5 and 6. Short nap till about 730pm (1hr). Play till 830pm cos the whole family is back. Feed at 9plus or 10pm, back to my home and a wipe-down. Bedtime at 10pm or 1030pm. If she's hungry, she'll take another feed at 12mn and sleep till 6am. I tried to do the Gina Ford but like I said.. it's hard.
esp since we come home from work so late! At least 730pm.

I hear that babies grow better if they sleep a lot but *SIGH* she's not cooperating in that department!

Sandy - re: stranger anxiety.
My baby started to recognise ppl about 2 weeks back. She plays with everyone but I must be present. She is OK with PD BUT in the evenings, she is especially fussy between hours of 7-930pm if we are not at familiar places (home or my mum's). If she gets fussy, I must carry her. Think its a smell thing.

Once we had dinner with my aunt. When she finished her dinner, she carried my baby for a short walk. Barely 2 mins later, I could hear baby wailing across the coffee shop! The minute I carried her, she stopped. They start at this age and can get quite cranky with new ppl.

What you can do is to keep bringing baby out and getting her exposed to new ppl.

Just had some friends over in the evening and she's behaving well and very sociable! Hopefully this lasts!!!
Re: Poo

Thanks for the advice. The last poop was mustardy yellow - PHEW!

Ginn - Rotavirus must be taken before 6 mths. It can cause some watery stools but only for betw 1-2 weeks. I got the oral one from my PD for baby. Next one in the next mth vaccine, I think!
Honestly, I've heard ppl who forego it.

To be frank, I've read some o'seas forums and they are quite 'hippie mama' types who don't really believe in vaccines. But in places like the US, kids can't go to school (at certain age) without the necessary vaccines.

Having said that, I am of the opinion that vaccines do more good than harm. Altho you'll know that for some jabs for vaccines, they actually inject the baby with some form of the 'virus' to help build baby's immunity to it.

Rotavirus can affect kids up to the age of 5. Most common from a few months to 2 yrs.

So I'm really all for it. Esp if you plan to send baby to childcare or playschool. You have no idea how to manage other kids' and their cleanliness or hygiene levels and your child will be at risk of getting this from faecal-oral route - through touching each other, toys, and objects.

Can't remember how long the vaccine is for... can ask your PD?

Thanks for your advise. Really my fault to succumb to what old ppl said. I did confinement myself. For us, malays, never heard of cl. We never heard of fish and papaya soup either. Imagine i was stressed out n my family tell me to start formula.

I bf for 6weeks only. Initially i could pump between 60ml-100ml. But i hardly pump. I latch. When i latched my bb was fussing, my family looked over and said my bm pathetic and i was starving my bb. My hubby always away. So for 3rd n 4th wk after his leave over i was alone. But my family came to visit once awhile but i hated it when they come. Always got smtg to say. I was so tired after 2wks i did partial and totally fm after that. I was guilt stricken after that and really really fell into awful post natal depression. It took 2mths for me to recover. I had nobody to talk to. Only my hb. I did post in mar thread but nobody seemed to care. Man, i cried buckets. Better now though.

I took motillium fr gynae. Didnt work. Callf breastfeeding support grp. Took advise but still trying. Really hard to pump often cos my bb clingy. He cannot be left alone for even 5mins. Haiz. But i still refused to accept fact that my supply maybe gone.. Praying for miracle. Its not helping when i am being looked down fr pro bf people...

Sori for ranting.. And to those who read my post thank u for listening..

u mean we can get the sophie at hypermart (at kaki bukit) at 25?
Hmm....then why not we just go buy from there huh?
U don't think too much ya? My supply was horrible! Each pump was less than 10ml from BOTH breasts!!! Hee.. really thank god for formula. If not my bb will be starving! My point is as long as our bb is growing well, it doesn't matter where the source of food comes from. Cheer up! Don't let the breastfeeding issue or other ppl's comment rob away ur time with bb. Enjoy every moment with your baby! cos before u know it, it's time for them to go to sch, grad, looking for life partner and then we will be taking care of their bundle of joy.

Btw, do u have msn? The mummies there will definitely be there to be ur listening ears!
hey hey mummies...

bought baby to party today.
When baby cry only i can comfort him lay....even maid oso cannot......guess what??!!! i am so happy lay cos ever since i return to work, the time spent with baby is pathetic...so i tot he cannot rem/recognise me..
but after today...i can declare...I AM MUMMY!!!
Re: sophie...

oh...after hearing so many good things about sophie....i cannot wait to get my hands on it....


Oh joanne, like what Nana mentioned, does it come with in a box and a ownership card?
Nana, dont stress too much abt BM. If really MS not enuf, FM is also good, as long as bb is growing and healthy. Try to take it easy and enjoy seeing bb grow rather than stressing urself on BM

Thanks bellebubba and Sandy... i'll just call PD tom. Hope it's not too late.

Btw mummies, for those of u who are still BF, wat kind of food do u snack on when hungry and ur main meals? I'm not sure if i'm taking enuf nutritious food!

Sandy, got a question, the last time u said the peeling of skin ard nails area is due to lack of which vitamin? Thanks!

its vitamin E. i snack on icecream, yogurt, soft boil eggs, cakes, milo, hmm actually i take alot of high fat content products..even fresh milk i take full cream for the sake of fattier breast milk..my breakfast is always oatmeal with a cup of annum..lunch fish porridge, or rice with 1 serve of protein...dinner will be rice, 1 serve of veg and 1 serve of protein....come to think of it, im not really taking fruits...arggh
okie thanks Sandy. Hmm oats is a form of vitamin e rite? I take once or twice daily for breakie or snacks leh.

I take ice cream, oats, cakes, yogurt, biscuits. But i dont drink milk, only take soya bean milk. Think i shld take more fish in the week. For fruits, i'll have an apple daily and sometimes another pear or grapes.
My lunch/dinner, also protein and veg usually.
For breakie, i eat 2 slices of wholemeal bread with kaya/peanut butter spread with a cup of soya bean milk and then oats in the later morning. Haha really eating a lot, i dont use to eat so much before preggie, in fact i dont snack before!
Ur nail peeling ah? i tot i was the only one. My thumb nail peeling too. huh, how to eat vit e?

Are u sending ur bb to infant etc? hmmm, I am not so dun need rotavirus la hor?

Poo Poo
My bb poo poo every 4-6 days leh. Can anyone help me ask their PD whether is this normal? Also, 1st poo poo will be greenish then next day yellow. Afterwhich wait another 4-6 days leh. She is on BM and 1-2 FM.

Giraffe Teether
I also cant wait to get it leh. keke. Wanna take a photo of her holding it

Anxiety with stranger
I brought BB Sarah to my pal daughter bdae party at mcdonald. Gosh, she cry whenever someone talk to her. machiam everyone is alien except mummy. Keep on crying. make me super stress. jialat. When will they not be afraid of stranger? haiz.

Sending BB to PIL
Haiz, is a struggle bringing bb to PIL place. Heartache seeing her cry when we leave her there cos I think she is still not familiar with the place and PIL. Cry super loud. haiz, feel so bad too. When can i strike lottery? Weekend pass so quickly. My first week without BB sleeping overnite at my place! Cant see her blur blur face in the morning! sob sob.

keke..u know actually stranger anxiety usually starts from 8mths onwards, can also start early at 6 mths, peaks at 12 mths and taper off at 18 mths...so far its been 2 sundays that Naomi is fretful when there are outsiders..i wonder how its gonna be when she gets older!!

ur meals are also quite nutritious so no worries...im also slacking quite abit already..not making soup regularly, not eating fruits regularly :p but i take iron pills and multi vites.
tat one i dont know.. got to ask DJmama. she got one herself.

regarding skin peeling, u can go body shop n get vitamin E cream i think.. vitamin E also from cucumber.. mine stop peeling eversince i always put moisturizer for joel.. then hand always touch the moisturizer. i started putting moisturizer for older son too, his also stop peeling
seems lik my gal currently is lik shui bian ..stil dun hav this stranger anxiety etc.. i hope she remains this way.

jus nw brg my gal over to in law place..haha evrytim the moment i leave i wil think y i stil haven strike toto!
My gal just finish Mamy Poko S, now wearing M. Also she started to wear Petpet M during the day. Bought when NTUC have promo, price per piece half of Mamy Poko! I find quite good leh for day time. But haven't try for night time cos sometimes can be more than 8 hours. Anyone use Petpet overnight? Is it good enough?

Don't be depressed because of BM! I used to feel very depressed initially cos MS not enough. When pregnant keep thinking want to TBF. Then turns out supply not enough. Everytime ppl ask about bf I can cry one. Now when I think about it, time spent on feeling stressed should be used to enjoy more with bb. So just enjoy your time with bb ya. BF is just one of many ways to bond with bb..

Wah, you managed to increase ur MS! Happy for you.. So your new pump really helps ah.. I used to pump max 200+ only per day. That was 2 mths ago when mom/MIL came here to help me. After that I'm alone so just latch on + FM. No time to pump. Just try to latch on more and reduce FM compared to the time when they are here

Talking about nutritious food, I think I'm not taking enough. I'm alone during the day and my bb cannot be left alone. She will start screaming. I eat bread for breakfast, sometime with oatmeal. Lunch is the worst. Sometimes I cook more on weekends, just reheat in microwave to eat. Or just eat more bread, or even skip. Dinner hb da bao so not really healthy also. Veg and fruits also not much. I didn't take any multivitamin etc. Ginn, I'm opposite of you. Used to snack a lot. Especially when pregnant. Now simply no time to eat! Sigh. I think I need to worry..

no need to worry..an apple can also be a snack..maybe can stock up on ice-cream, yogurt, cereal like koko crunch, or kellocks or if u want healthier cereals also can..museli bars..we need those high fats food because baby needs fat to grow, on top of protein..lately im quite lazy to use wok or pan to cook, i just steam chicken/pork inside the rice cooker while cooking my rice..rice i cook double portion so that dinner i just stir fry 2 dishes, no need to cook new rice. if u have wolfberry and powshen, u can make steam chicken with powshen and wolfberry..i just wrap the chicken, powshen and wolfberry in the aluminim foil then place inside the rice cooker and cook together...the chicken release the broth..taste like chicken essence..this is the simplest way i find..no need to double boil..then can eat the meat with rice as 1 meal
Petpet - I'm using PetPet overnite for my bb. Can last.
I was like u when I was home alone looking after my bb during my ML. Simply no time to EAT! BUT, the hard fact is that you have to EAT! You have to feed yourself first before you feed bb. Else you have no energy to look after bb. In long run, what if u suddenly faint from hunger, or even fall sick becos u dun have proper meals? Who will look after bb then? Sometimes we juz have to let bb cry a little while we wolf down something to fill our stomach, then we make up for the time lost.
Thanks for your tips. Will try it out

Stranger anxiety:
I think I haven't expose bb enough with different ppl/environment. We don't have relative here and I seldom bring bb out. So most of the time is just me and hb. When she sees stranger she becomes very quiet. But we still carry her, haven't let other ppl carry her yet, only mom/mil. Then the last 2 times we bring her to Compass point, need to change her diaper. Brought her to nursing room, she's ok. The moment we put her on the changing table, she cries. I think she realized that she's not in familiar place and we're not carrying her.

I supplement FM since she was 5 days old. Started with Nan HA cos heard that it's closest to BM. Poo is like paste consistency. Then try Nan Pro, poo is more runny. Sometimes can shoot out one! So powerful. Almost always overflow the diaper. Frequency once in 1-3 days. Then last month MIL suggested to change to S26. The poo now not as runny. I think this one looks more 'normal'. Frequency 1-3 days also. All along color can be yellow or green. Recently seldom got greenish poo anymore. But I also latch on so don't know whether it's because of BM or FM. Hope this helps
i also alone at home in the afternoon.. but really got me into depression loh.. so now i try to go out everyday to get my lunch. good for exercising, socializing n also get my baby used to seeing pple.
vitamin D which is the sun, helps to prevent depression and also good for the health hehe.

anyway, where do u live? we can meet up for lunch. eversince lili gone to work, i dont have lunch kaki.

vegetable sometimes i buy cucumber or lettuce, i will normally snack on them. or u can buy honey bake ham n make sandwich out of it. fruits, i am trying to buy those mini size one.. so i dont need to cut or afraid i cant finish. mini size one, few bites finish already. yea n like wat sandy says, cereal.. i sometimes eat those too. milk with corn flakes. or sometimes ask hubby buys those bread talk bread... will eat two for lunch.
i dont dare to use it for the night.. cos now my joel will sleep from 12 - 8am or so... 8 hours leh.. then his "thing" the tip always end up red.. so to prevent it, i stop using petpet at night.
looking forward for next checkup next week... abit worried about joel's weight. i hope its not over 10kg will do. he has been drinking lesser n lesser.

right now we already stock up all the L size diapers, cos M size almost cant fit him. got lots of red marking along his thigh already.
Ya lor. I know that. Sometimes I also let her cry when I try to eat. Now she can flip from back to tummy, so she does this very often. Almost everytime when I left her she'll flip. Then she cannot flip back, so after a while she'll start screaming, with the face on the mattress liao. So also scared if left her too long. I'll try to stock up on things that can be eaten easily and without mess. Haha.

I'm staying in Sengkang. You? So far I only bring bb out to Compass Point/Rivervale mall leh. Haha. And PD for checkup. PD is at Raffles, so the last check up we went shopping in Bugis afterwards. For diapers I think I'll just continue to use petpet during daytime, and Mamy Poko at night
my sil's son is 40 days younger than my bb girl and he is a bb sumo in size when put side by side with my bb. naturally my mil started comparing my bb with him. My bb is born skinny and long type. my nephew is born much heavier than my bb. But still, I hear comments like "your BM is no good lah" "bb isnt drinking enough lah" "Better give FM lah". I was pressured to give FM during my confinement days but luckily I was stubbon enough to block comments out, but still, the unpleasant experience left me with emotional scars. Each time when I express my BM, I'll hear slient thoughts that I am a bad mother with no BM but yet wan to BF bb.
Now I get comments like "huh, u still wan to BF until bb is 1yr old ah? 6mths enough already! She is so tiny!". *faintz* very tempted to show the middle finger soon. hahahaa! just kidding lah.
the simz/ginn/rei

Thanks for making me feel better. Always thought i am not being a good mum for not providing the best aka bm for him.


The giraffe teether if in a box comes with ownership card where u fill in birth details of bb and space to paste pic of bb wif teether. I took a pic but really since invention of digi cam i dont print out the pics.

I have facebook. [email protected] feel free to add me.

Btw fitti s size for what weight? Now got promotion till aug. $10 per pkt. Free delivery for 6 pkts. Thought want to try for daytime use. Been using pampers since day 1. Stock up fr japan. 26ct per pce. But i want to use pampers for nite or going out. Cheaper alternative for day use.
no chance to meet for lunch haha cos i am at Jurong west.. extreme west. Me mostly jurong point, the nearby coffee shop which needs to take bus n the furthest i took him is to visit my friend in gleneagle hospital.

oh ya bf until 1 yr old hor.. u must make sure baby has iron fortified cereal.. cos the iron in our bm not enough for baby's intake to grow well.
sat gave my older son my breastmilk with milo.. hahah so funny kept saying its taste so good..

just manage to settle down my gal to sleep... just came back from kk hospital...
my gal was having high fever 38.8 degree...
luckily when we rush her to kk her fever went down to 37.7 degree...
test for unrine infection n luckily turn out negative...
so the doc said she caught some virus from other pple...
but my family nobody is sick leh... so i suspect she got it when we are in suntec on sat...
so gulity... should have stayed at home n let my hubby go pc show himself...
Hallo Mummies,
Been a short a bz weekend for me and bb...just managed to log in to read msgs from office this morning..hee...

Olively, Sophie comes in the box with a card. Very nicely packed. I kept my box somewhere at home...hahaha....figured that next time can keep Sophie back in as a souvenir for Merisse to remember her babyhood.

Seems like my girl is one of the first to upgrade to L size. She's been wearing Mamy Poko L size since 2 weeks back... big bum and thunder thighs....lol... I tried her on a bumbo too, and when I lifted her off the seat, it came up with her off the floor, still attached to her bum! LOL...

Merisse went for her 2nd jab last week and now weighs 8.15kg, 63.5cm tall. Hehehe.... PD is happy with her development altho he did mention she is heavy.

Sandy, Naomi is pretty smart leh if she can recognise your PD and associate her with taking jabs. Altho it can be abit of a headache, but hey, on the up side, she is very good with memory and faces then!

Stranger anxiety: Merisse is still pretty ok with strangers altho she cannot remain in someone else's arms for too long before she starts to cry for me. Also noticed that she is starting to fuss when I am at my mum' on weekday nights. She refuses to let me leave my mum's room where she sleeps at night. We suspect she wants to sleep with me instead....so she can have 24.7 hrs access to my boobs! LOL...

I have been bringing Merisse out almost every other weekend with my hb, for lunch or dinner, then sometimes to meet friends. So far so good, except when she major poos outside then she cries, maybe because paiseh she stained her clothes? One thing is for sure, she gets very cranky when we go to a noisy and crowded mall. So nowadays we just stick to quiet malls like Square 2 or United Square. Paragon seems ok for her too.... she absolutely hates Cineleisure! :p
Take care... nowadays have to avoid crowded places with bb becos of viruses going around. Don;t worry, bb will be alrite soon. Just keep monitoring her temp to be sure.

Diet during bfeeding:
I am so hungry nowadays. I eat more than I did when I was pregnant and I actually put on weight. Sigh...yet to shed my pregnancy weight and now still putting on weight. Just started taking multi-vites cuz my colleague told me my hunger could be my body searching for nutrients and sending signals for me to eat. Hopefully that should help my body replenish and provide nutrients to my BM without causing me to binge every other day.

I am still trying my hardest to improve my MS. Eversince I came back to work, I can pump twice in the day without my mum giving me disapproving looks and now I can do about 100-120mls per session. Plus my latching in the morning before I go to work and in the evening when I come back, I think I am able to provide at least 50% of BM into Merisse's diet. I hope to see the day I can discard the FM and TBF her! Hahaha...
SY, not sending my gal to infant care. Just heard ppl saying better to just let bb take the watever vaccines there is, prevention better than cure. So tht's why thinking maybe shld let my gal take... hmmm

Sandy: i'm also taking multi vit and calcium pills. I still have iron pills but not taking it, maybe i shld just take it eh?

Skin peeling: oh ya Joannelim, my gal skin is also peeling at the nail area. So must be lack of Vit E from me?!

Rei: Try steaming food or oven bake chicken.

Hair: Just brought my gal to trim hair, now she looks so boyish with the crew cut! I've also trimmed my hair shorter, hoping hair dropping wont be so bad... sighs.. hope i wont go botak!

Nana, Fitti cutting is quite generous. It's quite similar to Mamy poko cutting ie bigger cut. I wanna try Fitti premium, yes the promo is cheap! But dont want the risk of getting 6 packs first. U can mix the sizes 3 each for the promo.
Btw i'm using Fitti Basic for the day, cheap, only $0.16 per pc and i find it good for day use.

Btw, my gal is using Mamy poko at nite. When i wear for her at night, it fits so nicely on the waist but in the morning when she wakes up, the whole diaper will be at her hips area causing her pee to leak!!! Sigh must be because she wriggle too much at night.

Stranger anxiety: Same for my gal esp so hard to feed her in a new environment for her. She doesnt drink much outside and i'll wait till she's very hungry then feed otherwise she wont wanna drink.

Yaer, hope ur gal is better now.
wow nana, ur nephew born in feb already 10kg? thats ssscccarrry. i heard big babies also not good leh, heart pump faster, so needs extra care during injections?

REI, me staying sengkang too...

Wow envy some of u bringing babies out. i dun really dare to bring my gal out cause she will scream before milk and sleep...very scary one.

DJMama, wow ur gal is on L size diapers liao...I stock up liao, but haven't start using cause my gal hasn't reach 8kg...

Regarding diapers, i still prefer huggies ultra. find it close to pampers and whats good, it always come with free gifts and promotion! Right now, if you buy huggies diapers can get free ladybird storybook worth $4 plus! and once u collect 7 barcodes can change for a little tikes toy!

Haydensmom, hope ur baby ok now...my gal got bronchitis before...understand how worrying. was blaming myself so much tat time too.

those mummies who are still breastfeeding, great job!! your babies will def be stronger and closer to you.

actually most of ur babies are 8kgs liao, shd be on L size diapers already...
i tried baby & child clinic @ tampines. u intend to bring your bb thr?
got 2 docs at the clinic, both ladies - Dr.Ho & Dr.Loke. I prefer to see Dr.Ho. If you want to bring ur bb thr, pls get ready to wait for at least 1 hr.. everyday the clinic is full of patients..and the waiting time is superb long.
everytime when my elder son is having bad cough & cant recover aft seeing GP, i will bring him thr..and to my suprised, aft 5 days of thier medicines he can recover.. but the bill is superb too.. i jus bring him to see dr.ho last week for cough & flu.. total bill $116.00+
but boh pian..thumbs up for this clinic..
why u intend to bring ur bb to this clinic ?
thanks for sharing.
cos the ABC PD i went in hougang also super long q. happen to pass by and tot this can be an alternative in case need to consult PD. and morever, this one can use CDA to pay, not bad mah.
haiz. i think all popular PDs need to Q v long... i really hate the waiting period...
Hi mummies,
I'm loggin in at work, in between mtgs and discussions *guilty* so gotta make each post short!

Olively - completely agree with you! I had the 'I AM MUMMY" feeling just on Sat. Whilst Isabelle is OK with most strangers, relatives, etc, she tends to be really clingy at bedtime (around 8plus -9). She wailed and wailed till I carried her and she fell asleep instantly. Same thing happened last night. I felt like a superhero man!

But the downside is, she needs to be 'aided' to sleep. In the day time, she can fall asleep on the cot in my mum's place! All by herself. GAG!

SY - you leave baby with in-laws for the whole week? If so, do you see baby after work?

iceblue - I always tell my husband that the minute we strike the lotto, I'm quitting to be a tai-tai! As much as I enjoy working and the financial independence, it's difficult to tear myself away from baby every morning

Yaer- don't feel too bad. Babies are more susceptible to illnesses but if u are bfeeding, can bfeed baby a bit more often to try to keep baby hydrated and build immunity?

But agree with you. Crowded places, PC show, GSS... is OUT. Esp with this swine flu.

All the new cases have children in the mix. Plus young babies (under 2) are most at risk of getting infected with H1N1.
Btw, the new cases of the ppl on the flight from Melbourne to Sgp? They've actually gone about their normal activities- gone to RJC, Bedok North Sec School, the dad went to work, etc. Imagine the spread! How to do contact tracing? They've been in touch with so many other ppl!

Basically, I think ppl are irresponsible. If they come from a very 'hot' spot for the flu (such as Melbourne), they should inflict a self-quarantine for at least 3 days before they head out! So selfish! Now contact tracing, etc. From 12 cases, we're very quickly up to 40 cases in 1 week.

I also hate parents who let their young kids (2 years and up) to walk around food courts, playground with cough! They don't know how to cover their mouths, of course the spread is rampant. I'm also sure this is how HFMD and the common flu is spread in childcare.

This topic of hygiene in public places gets me very riled up.

Better talk about Dieting during bfeeding. I actually eat better now than I did when I was pregnant but I've put on 3 kgs more. Pre-work/ post-preg weight was 66kgs. Original weight 62kgs. 3 weeks into working, 69kgs!!!!! And i thought I was more stressed out!

kkf - my girl is still a petite 6kgs, altho she was born 28 Feb. She's long tho.. 61++cm. She's not even graduated to M size diapers yet big *SIGH*
ginn and other hair-droppers,
I trimmed my hair over the weekend and my hairstylist actually said my hair is so dry, almost like hay ); Used mask, daily conditioner, leave-in, and it still looks dry.

Seems like we have to wait for a few more months for new hair to grow. I've already eating a lot of zinc and iron rich stuff (dark kai lan and nuts) which also help nails. My nails are OK, cuticles just drier from washing/ sterilising, etc but my hair is really looking like the top of a haystack!
SY, since I changed to NAN Pro1, my boy has been pooing everyday for the past 3 days. I am so happy. With Enfalac, he poo every 4-5 days.

my boy just had his 6in1 jab on friday and he had fever over the weekend. I am so tired looking after him all by myself as his daddy was working..haiz how I wish I can sleep the whole day today.

for diapers and FM, anyone knows where we can buy or order cheap ones in bulk?
Wow this thread is moving so fast!

Re diapers,

My baby is also using pampers active but he is already wearing L size... My friends commented that so fast wearing L but i realised for pampers active, the thigh area very tight, so when i switched to L size, its more comfy for him and i am already sticking onto the no 2-3 area liao... My boy is now abt 8kg at 5months old... i find the adhesive tape ok leh, can refasten quite easily, although it looks like its not very sticky but so far no leakage so quite good, easy to take out and also to fasten...
Sandy, pampers active so cheap in Philippines!!! U shd buy some back to SG to sell hahahaha...I bgt it with promo in NTUC, cost me like 38 cents per piece leh... btw, do u see indicator on the pampers? because for NB and S size got indicator, then M size dont ve, L size got one packet have indicator, but some dont have, wonder is it defective goods thats why they have promo to sell cheap, so hope someone can advise...

Re stranger anxiety:
my baby started having stranger anxiety since 4 months old... sometimes he is ok with ppl talking to him and looking at him, but sometimes cannot, and when unfamiliar ppl carry him, he wails and can see tears rolling down, but when we carry him over, he will stop immediately... can imagine even my parents carry he also cry and he sees them twice a week! yesterday was exceptional, he was so happy that he was ok with whoever that carried him haha

Re giraffe
Nana, can you please advise if the giraffe have rubber smell? i went to read some website for reviews, and they say its a lousy toy due to the rubber smell... pls help, thanks

Re Enfalac,

My boy drinks Enfa from birth till now, so far touchwood no constipation and poo is mustard colour, quite good, he poos almost everyday with the exception of weekends, because weekends he is in my house, then he dont poo, leave all the shit to go back to my mil house to poo on weekdays ;)

Mummies can help? ppl with boys can tell me how u clean the genitals, esp the penis part which is sticking to the testies... its so delicate i am so afraid to clean for him and end up now i see its quite red, need to monitor him, if still red, i think i better bring him to PD soon....

How i wish i can be SAHM, SIGH..... bad monday to start with today, so sian, wish i can clone my MIL to be me and to take care of my boy exactly the way i want to, but why is it so difficult SIGH


Take care, hope your baby get well soon!


I think better to give rotavirus because prevention better than cure mah, only 2 oral dosages if u take rotarix so still ok la, my boy not gg infantcare but i also gave him rotavirus and pneumoccocal, i kiasu hahahaha i think its ok for babies not to poo for 7days if i remember what the PD told me correctly, really forgetful these days!

btw, mummies for ear thermometer, what is the temperature to be considered fever? armpit is 37.5, but i heard ear is 38, is it true? and also, babies can only use ear thermometer from 6 months onwards right? btw, can give gripewater to babies from what age? thanks!
