(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

wah, 2 minutes ah. Hmm, I think mine also abt so long. But gd thing is I repeat showing him the toys everyday, at least from day to day, he still ok for a while seeing the toys. But means we need to get a lot of toys? My MIL says they dun now how to play now, so no point buying, she says they only listen to sounds now...is it true? I bought 2 pacifiers unwillingly coz he sucks his fingers, heard that sucking fingers is worse than pacifiers, so no choice lor, had to use, hope his lips will not become too qiao in future and his teeth will not become too ugly in future. But gd thing is he dun really like his pacifier, he will tend to push out with his tongue often. By the way, I noticed he seemed to have a few ulcers at the top part above the throat, dun noe need to see pd or not, coz I dun want him to take medicine unnecessarily leh...


agree with peach regarding attention span..

when i first bought my FP mat, my gal wasnt interested but one day, prob 1-2 weeks after buying, she started grabbing n talking to the toys .. but also last awhile but next few hrs later, when i put her back there, she started playing again. last mth i bought new dangles for her car seat..initially also not interested but after a day or two, she started looking at them n now grabbing already..so must let them warm up first.. i think ur boy needs some toys..not for fun strictly but to stimulate their senses..the colors, the touch...hope this helps.

its partly true that babies dont know how to play from birth n they have to learn how to play..they need to learn how to hold the toys n holding in itself is also a skill so giving them toys is actually giving them an opportunity to learn how to play..keke..am i making sense..


that scenario sounds fine to me lehhh...why cannot??? its just a favour by helping a friend to buy with no intention of earning profit right?
Sandy, my mil intends to give my boy coarse grains ( she says she will ask those chinese medicinal halls to grind for her) and put threadfin fish and meat grinded (not sure how she is going to do it). I told her I buy a food processor to grind dry scallops etc, she says dry scallop not gd, she has a lot but hardly eat, she says ikan bilis better coz the bones are gd source of calcium for bb, but my Chinese sinseh told me ikan bilis have a lot of MSG, salt added to them when they were caught so that they taste nice, so not good to take too much. Anyone got any advice?
my mil intend get brown rice from those med halls .me ownslf hav gotten organic rice cereal.
so fast can eat grinded meat alrdy ah? tot nt sure fast their digestive system can tak meat well?

btw my fren buy ikan bilis do grindin herslf.. hee of cos i wun be so hardwrkg to do tt.. wher gt time? unless i wrk part lik her,or no nd wrk
liting, what about fruits and veg?? she doesnt want to give? im also intending to give ikan bilis grind into powder ..but didnt know theres MSG

why dry scallop no good? i also got alot standby to cook porridge for bb
haiz..thinkwe young inexperience ppl say thgs sure lose to elders de.. esp if they fel they vry experienced kind.. mayb nd to be firm smtimes?but mus be respectful stil .. liting mayb u try talk nicely to ur mil, tel her wat u plan to giv her, n the thgs u nd to buy?
liting, u are still staying with your MIL?? she is the main caregiver of your baby? hai, does your MIL accept your suggestions or its only her way or no way?
Sandy, he does not have fever, no spots on hand and foot too. He actually lost his voice for 3 days, I think it was too hot outside the office at the Breastfeeding Mothers Support Group office where he was from 2.30 to 4pm while I was in the office attendind a breastfeeding workshop, after he came home that day, he seemed to be very heat and the next day he lost his voice. He usu screams loudly when he is happy or playing with someone or himself, when I say scream, I really mean scream, that's y I also scared to bring him out as his screams and cries are very loud. On Mon, I gave him some glucose mixed in the milk, then chrysanthem tea to reduce his heatiness as he 3 days never poo and his lips were very red, then he pooed on the 4th day and he face and lips became less red. But his voice came back today, thank God. But he's back to screaming again.
Oh, I think she said not so early give bb la, and add those fish and meat to porridge, hmm, she is at home in the day while I will be out working, so in a way she decides what to give bb right? Even if I decide and ask maid to give, she may also ask the maid not to give him, I will see how when the time comes...
Amen Sheepish, thanx for the reminder of His great love for us. Its not easy, sometimes we are just so overwhelmed by the things happening in front of us, that we forgot abt his promises. Also, we tend to do things our ways, instead of seeking him 1st. Thanx for sharing & stengthening this tot.

Sheepish - From your post, I could tell you're from NCC. I'm from NCC too!
Babywise is a good guidebook. If you believe in the "Right believing equals right living" method, then the book is good.
My husband and I are quite big on structure at home so we use the 'structure drives behaviour' principle. What we do is create a lot of structure and routine so that baby is used to it. Like grace before meals, a wipe-down every night everyday before bedtime - no matter how late.

Sandy - thanks for the kind words. Truth is, I am worried about health stuff more than closeness! Maybe I'm just wired like this. The truth is, I believe baby will always be close to me cos I'm her mother. So I felt a little bad when I didn't have such 'strong' feelings about my girl. Or rather, my strong feelings are about other things.. like leaving her when I'm working or when she isn't feeling good, etc.

AG-Gal! I'm with you! I used to pump at 2 or 4am for baby but I just got so exhausted in the day time and I need a nap at 3pm in the afternoon. How to nap at work? Already such a challenge to pump twice at work... how to find time to nap?

peachymomo - I still take calcium pills, can get the pre-natal ones from ob-gyn. Basically, if there's not enough calcium from diet, they take it direct from mummy. And it can cause osteoporosis in future.

I also take my pre-natal multi-vitamins as well as DHA pills. I know it's like a major pill haven! So I drink tons of water. 1 glass when I wake up, 1/2 glass before I leave for work and one full glass after I pump everytime.

When I went back to work, my supply dipped like crazy. Now trying to build back to the same amt each pump (before work started, it was 5 oz) but only 3 oz each time.

But when I drink more water, it increases a little. Now I'm back to a consistent 4 oz but sometimes in the afternoons at work.. 3 oz only! Just gotta keep going on till she's weaned off and on solids.

Selling my Bjorn air(+ 2 bibs) for $80 and bumbo for $35
both in v good condition 9/10. Both comes with box.

pls pm me for pictures. i dont need them. Used less than 4mths
ikan bilis is gd source of calcium, like ur mil said... but i dunno how to remove e salt or msg too... maybe can ask around?

are u e mummy sitting on my rite @ e changing appetites gathering?

gd to meet u here! wat a small world, haha... who noes, we may have even met in e nursing rm @ church!

okie, i'll go borders look see 1st before deciding then... thanks for e input! yeah, i like e structure and orderliness tat has been brought abt after following e principles recommended... allows me and hubby to have our own time instead of being consumed by e day-in day-out tasks of caring for e bb...

u gonna stop bfing after 6 mths?
I don't carry bb all the time that he's awake. In fact as long as I'm not feeding him, he's playing in the playpen, or in his bouncy seat, or in his bed. So I can go to the bathroom, cook etc. If he cries, then so be it. I try to do things faster, then 'rescue' him.
He sleeps in his cot, so I can do things then too. He flips really fast these days, and can go from one corner of the cot to the other. I don't have a bumper, but he doesn't seem to have a problem. Bumping his head doesn't bother him. Sometimes he likes to stick his hand through the slats. And he chews on everything he can get his hands on.

I used to give my kids ground up ikan bilis. I buy the expensive type, so it's not so salty, and wash many times, then dry bake til crispy and grind into powder. I did the same with the 银鱼 as well.
Sheepish: Thumbs up for yr verse! It made me reflect on my recent thoughts and behaviour! To put trust in Him and not over exhaust myself.

Our feb thread moving fast...well into the topic of feeding bb with cereals. Aidan is cranky over his formula feed (drink less than 50ml every 4hrly)...and insist on breastfeeding. However as a working mother, im only able to bf him when im back frm work. Solution offered by my PD is to start him on rice cereals in daytime so that he can gain weight and get his nutrition.

However, im quite reluctant to follow so as he is 4mths old only...and ive read so many research articles on negative effects to start cereals too soon. Suggested age should be 6mths onwards.

But our feb mummies seemed to be ready to spoonfeed bb soon. I really need more suggestions...Thanx!
hi aidan,

im intending start semi solids only at 6mths onwards..starting next week my baby will be away from me for about 4 hours from mondays to wednesdays and i will have to see if she will feed well during the period that im not around. ive been total latching her for the past 4 months and only recently introducing bottle to her..so far so good (after changing bottle) cos im the one giving her the bottle. have to wait till next week to see if she accepts bottle feed given by my hb. i will still prefer to wait till 6 mths onwards before i start cereals


my girl is still wearing M size pampers active.

im doing postgrad course so have to go for classes in the evenings next week onwards.

oh huggies cutting quite small ...its better to use bigger..ive learnt my lesson ...my girl got UTI when she wore huggies ultra S size and each time she poo, all the poo got pushed to the front..everytime when i open, the poo is on her pee area..
Sandy: Aidan has been well in latching and bottlefeeding for the past few months...but now suddenly refused bottlefeeding...even though my hb tried to coax him. Pd says maybe Aidan can recognise ppl and things around him...that is the cause of the sudden "rebel"! Really in a dilemma whether to start cereal or wait till 6mths (which i believe so).

aidan wearing Huggies Ultra L size although he is 6kg only... M is also good for him but his massive poo will always leak or either pushed to the front too!
my gynae said doesn't matter wor... he got patient 30 plus oso take... still effective... so if u wan maybe u can talk to ur gynae...

i check out at daiso for the baby cubes todae... it is actually ice cube tray wor... somemore with lid one onli got for those mini size ice tray... so never buy... went back to robinson to buy again...

yesterday nite my gal flip in her sleep wor... yeah... 1st time!!! n i manage to see it... haha...
but once turn oredi she oso slept like nothing happen... stay in the position for long time... haha... got to flip her back...
tis is the one n only time i saw her flip... bo liao...

Thanks for the encouragement! I do feel better today. Anyway, no choice coz already now at airport lounge leaving... At least my mom is here to help. I think after seeing baby sick two weeks ago has gotten me very protective over him but I know I do have to let go.

Also, fathers experience a very different kind of bonding with kids than mothers do.

This morning, at 4am, I went into his room, he was sweetly sound asleep in his crib. I kissed his cute cheeks and said Goodbye but he wasn't aware of it - so painful... My mom thinks that I'm being overly emotional about leaving my son but I think you mommies here know how I feel...

On a different note, any recommendations on a good sippy cup? Thinking of getting it while I'm in the US...
Hi I'Ching,

haven tried any sippy cups but the reliable BPA free ones are avent magic cup, munchkin mighty grip trainer cup, nuby no spill cup with soft silicon spout and handle, or the one with no slip base(although nuby is american, some cups are made in china). oh since u are there, the fisher price booster seat is cheap..27usd only..i paid 70sgd for mine

have a safe trip and enjoy the shopping!
aidan:hehe me goin to dwn grade liao cos ultra no promo wil ex sia.. so i use the red color pakagin de.

sandy: pampers shld is much more ex rite?
any mummies here giving enfalac, s26, nan pro or mamil gold? can feedback on poo pattern and if it's sweet? thanks! still doing my homework for stage 2 formula...
i use nan pro to top-up her evening feeds, usually once a day. as at other times she is on BM, my advice on poo pattern may nt be useful. bt just to mention, the first time we tried it, i was replacing two of her feeds with FM, and tat time the bb did not poo for one week. bt the doctor said she didnt have constipation, it was actually an infrequency, and the FM part was just a coincidence. bcoz she put a suppository for her, and the poo came out so soft. since the day we visited the doctor, she is back to her usual pattern and poos every day. as she takes only very small amount of FM, the poo color didnt change. regarding the taste: no it is not sweet at all.
haha, my bb can still fit into S-size mamy poko. and it is no where near small. but my bb is only 5.9kg at 3 months 3 weeks.

i still take obimin tablets every morning, and i also take calcium tablets like once every two/three days.
my gal vry naughty nw.. b4 sleep sure make a big fuss.. last x she wan sleep wil jus sleep.
nw mus carry n rock sio much.. no longer able put her mattress pat to sleep
okie, will check wif my gynae if need be... thanks!

e fisher price booster seat is wat i wanted to ask i'ching to help me bring back! amazon even cheaper, only us$19.99... but tat's e basic orange & red 1... e 1 selling in sg is different, blue and green @ s$79.90... but dun really noe e diff between e 2...
my gal wearing pampers new bb s @ nite...

no, am not giving formula now... tbfing, but thinking of giving formula after 6 mths... so checking out which is gd... u using enfalac? is it gd? how's bb poo?
not too sure which sippy cup is gd leh... got 1 fisher price given by fren, so will juz use tat i suppose...

anyway, u have a great trip! yeah, enjoy e shopping and cast ur cares upon e Lord!
hi mummies

Need your advice. My boy born 10th feb prematurely 5wks. Born 2.36kg. Now 6.26kg.

He hates tummy time. But he loves to nap. During daytime after feed he always nap. He will be cranky if he doesn't get to sleep. Doesn't like to play much. Any mummies like that? 4mths old baby always sleeping. Wonder if i should be worried. Thanks

the one i bought is also the blue and green one..the deluxe version but i bought it in red and brown..the basic orange and red has 3 layer tray that u can stack ontop of each other..i think the second layer is food tray..
Joannelim, are you the Joanne I met at Changing Appetites that day? You mentioned ur boy also a heavy weighter? I also intend to give my boy cereals after 6mths as advised by my PD. But sometimes, it is hard to decide if too early or late to give what food as I was also told by the PD's nurse that every boy is different.

Priviledged, my MIL also said her ikan bilis are the gd type, but when she cooks soup for us, still taste very sweet leh, so I scared got MSG.

Hi Aidan, I intend to give at 6mths or after, but depends on my boy also, if he shows signs that he needs cereals, also no choice got to give. Now, I have 2 bottles of Heinz purees, 1 organic, 1 normal type to stand by also, coz starting from last Sat, he was refusing milk, only drinking a little, so I thought maybe he wants to try new food, but I think in the end, he was just feeling "sick" as he was out in the afternoon and the weather was prob too hot for him, so he din have appetite. I gave him glucose and chrysanthem tea mixed in formula for 2 days and he went back to normal feeding on the 3rd day. But then, my PD's nurse did say my boy may be telling his body system to slow down in his growth as he is severely overweight - 9kg at 4 months, so he is reducing in his feeds. But sometimes, when we give 180ml of water with 2 spoons of formula (should be 3 spoons, but he refuses water, I scared he later too heaty, so reduce powder), total about 190 - 200ml, he sometimes also finished it up! He was actually drinking about 160ml of water with 2.5 scoops. So hard to estimate how much he will drink each time too and ebm, I always give lesser, if not sometimes he only drinks 100 or 120ml, then I end up drinking the rest as I din want to waste it. FOr me, it is so precious!
