(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

petpet: using that for day and night and seems ok.
the only time we notice that it is not ok is when he is in ifc, maybe due to that they dont change immediately when he poos.
but havent change yet for ifc.

thanks for gracie_gal and saro, tried both huggies and fitti. think fitti fits my bb better.

yaer: wow! you brought bb to pcshow?
it was not as crowded as previous shows, but still crowded.
my in-law helps to take care of bb while we went there.
we siao one, bought camera and video cam. samsung, both total up to $800+.

non-stop making noise: bb has been making noise (those ah, ah, er, er) non-stop for the past 2 days.
we are worried that he is not feeling fine, but he is looking ok and happy, and smile when we check on him.
but he will make noise non-stop when he is not asleep!
your babies having the same behaviour?

DJ Mama: Me too, eat non-stop until my colleagues are telling me I will ballon when i stop BF.
Oh.. and you remind me, I have been taking my vits on-and-off.
Got to be more hardworking.

MS: My alternate working days and non-stop fish diet did help in the MS.
Match most of bb's diet except for one / two feeds.
Hopefully can stay that way.

Kwoli: I hate baby & child clinic for its queue.
My first and only visit, waited 3-4 hrs. Sianz.
:p and it is expensive.

toto: Have been wishing to strike before pregnant. Haha, will continue to wish.

hair dropping: my hair drops like nobody's biz.
until the part-time domestic helper ask me what happened and ask me to see doctor.
sianz. got to find time to do that.

Agree with you on vaccines. I'm also giving my girl pneumoccocal.

The ear thermometer is a little touch and go. Babies move their heads all the time so I didn't want to risk it with the ear thermometer. I don't know the exact temperature for fever checks.

I bought the infrared one by Chicco which u just put on the forehead or max 2cm away. The PD said that with such thermometers the temperature to be considered fever is 37.5degs. You may want to call the PD/ nurse to check on this.

Re: Gripewater
I mix about 5ml with 1 oz of boiled water. Depending on the weather - if hot, I use cool (not cold) boiled water. If it's wet and rainy, I put a bit of warm water.
Used to bottle-feed baby after her morning bath and again if she's feeling colicky at night. But now, I just spoonfeed her with her propped up on pillows. Isabelle has been drinking gripe water from week 2.
The only thing is, it can tend to be a bit sweet so if it is not mixed properly, it's waaay too sweet.
hi happy,

the Pampers NB and S has urine indicator but now using M, theres no indicator..i dont know if L has indicator cos haven move on to that yet.

my baby also took rotarix..no problems..my baby is also not going to infantcare but i also gave her all the vaccinations because my hb says prevention is better..she needs it..

as for thermometer..usually u have to check the user manual of ur thermometer..they will tell u if u have to add or minus 1 degree from the reading..but for fever, its always 37.5 degrees for low grade fever regardless of thermometer and does not require paracetamol for baby but just sponging..38 degrees and above is not good for the bb and needs paracetamol + sponging. when my girl was admitted for UTI, the hospital also uses the ear thermometer so i guess its not really restricted to below 6 mths...they are probably concern that the ear thermometer is inaccurate due to the small ear canal the baby has..but i have both auxillary and ear thermometer and i will take temperature from both..so far they show the same temp.

Thanks, but why must give gripewater? If its too sweet, then will baby end up reject other food which is not so sweet?


When u move to L can let me know? I find it so weird, some packets have while some dont have, but same is L size leh... the ones without indicator is tighter actually because of the rubberized area at the thigh side, but the one with indicator is more comfy as its looser at the thigh area leh... hmmmmm, may call up P&G to ask... So for fever is >37.5 but to take paracetamol is 38? I always give if above 37.5 after vaccinations... I kiasu, usually immediately after vaccine, I will give first regardless of whether having fever or not... I heard armpit thermometer is the most accurate though, will go buy the ear thermometer soon as I recall PD say before ear thermometer is for 6 months and older, my PD clinic also uses armpit thermometer

Ok. Will let you know when i buy L.

Actually my PD also ask me to give paracetamol immediately after vaccine but i didnt cos wanna avoid medications as much as possible. So far Naomi only had rise (highest 37.2) in temp after her jabs.
can msn me when you are online the next time? I have a friend's friend who will be going to manila on 28th June. if u like, I can purchase the organic stuff and pass it to you. ur msn connection is quite bad. all my msg bounced

I'm not sure about the actual reason... but my confinement nanny gave Isabelle the gripewater as a rid wind kind of precaution. Esp after her bath time.

So far, baby hasn't rejected any food. Mostly due to the fact that we dilute the gripewater with boiled water.

As for paracetamol... there are diff schools of thought. I'm the hyperparanoid about falling ill type of mother, so I gave baby her dosage of paracetamol in the evening (about 8 hrs past) of her jab. Isabelle didn't have any symptoms of fever at all. Other mums have a 'wait-and-see' attitude. Whichever works for your parenting style and baby's reaction.

DJ_mama, agree with you about the malls. We live near Novena. So I find that we spend all our 'social' time at Novena Sq or United Square. The PD is at Paragon and we've gone there too, the furthest I've done was a trek on foot (with the stroller) from Paragon to Tangs, to Wisma then to Forum. For those trips, was with my mum and the maid.

As much as I love Robinsons sale... it is a very difficult mall to manoeuvre a stroller in. Unless we drive, going to Centrepoint is a bit of a stressful situation.

Honestly, the helper has not enough strength to push the stroller confidently on escalators whilst baby is inside. Mine is also very paiseh. She actually waited for ppl push past her, fill the lift before pushing my stroller to the lift! Imagine, I was in the lift and baby is outside! After that, we only let her push baby when it's not so crowded and we do the heavy lifting, etc ourselves. The truth is, domestic helpers are what they are - helping around with the domestic chores, which mine is perfect at. But I don't think I am comfortable with her caring for my baby full-time.
woah, so many posts juz in 1 day! had a hard time catching up wif e thread... anyway, can't remember who said wat... so pardon me if i missed anybody or anything out...

thanks to all e mummies who have contributed to my homework of checking out e various brands! seems like there are different reactions to different fm by different babies... conclusion: nan pro doesn't result in constipation, but may have watery poos; s26 is heaty and results in constipation; enfalac gives nice poo and no constipation based on e experience of mummies here but another bb not from tis forum has constipation... argh, how? maybe i shd go wif enfalac...

mummies who tried fitti 360, is it gd? is tis e 1 on promo i.e. buy 6 @ $10 each and get free delivery now? wat's e unit price for e different sizes? i only need to find a diaper for use during e day now, as will stick to pampers new/active baby @ nite... i like it cos 1 pc can last my gal thru e nite, it's soft and oso due to e velcro type fastener...

my hubby doesn't like petpet cos of e sticky tape, so it's out... huggies is gd too, so may get huggies dry comfort if i cannot find even cheaper alternatives...

read from a thread wif regards to e indicator for pampers active baby... apparently, e company replied saying they are doing a trial run for e new improved design - wif e indicator... but cos they are not replacing it fully yet, they din change e packaging... they are waiting for customer feedback before deciding whether to proceed wif e new design...

my gal had fever after her most recent jabs - 38.6 degrees celcius! wah, my hubby not ard somemore... was so worried! kept questioning myself as to whether i could have detected it earlier, so tat it wouldn't have climbed so high...

think we are all too caught up wif tis whole notion of bfing... i oso think tat bfing is best and tat when i failed initally, i was so sad tat i had to settle for "2nd best"... but now wat? i managed to tbf, yet my mind keeps asking if i had done e rite thing cos my gal so small size... thus, is tis really e best? did i cause my gal to have a small appetite resulting in her small frame?

my conclusion is, we mummies ought to stop bashing and doubting ourselves when it comes to giving our babies "e best"... be it when they are feeling unwell or when we fail to tbf, it's ok! we din mean for things to happen e way they did and anyway, babies can bounce back wan... we shd stop blaming ourselves for any "bad" tat has happened and may happen in e future, but be strong for our babies to make things tat follow better for them instead... so yeah, let's enjoy our babies and quit worrying!
Hi mummies

I have 1 tin of Similac infant formula (900g), not opened yet. I just bought on Fri, 12 Jun from NTUC. Yesterday I just switch to soy milk for my girl as she is having watery stools (have tried soy for her for 1 week, stools better but after switch back to Similac, stools watery again).

Anyone interested? If so, kindly email me at [email protected]. Willing to let go at $35.

sheepish: enfalac is most ex leh. :p

worrying: haha, my hb keeps saying i "zuan nui jiao jian". i guess being a mother includes some form of worrying. i cant help it leh, though i keep telling myself to take it easy.

bf: on bf, my thinking is the n months is whatever we can give to the baby. later part still have to depend on himself liao. i was telling my hb, my parents also keep telling me rheumatism avoid cold drinks, but i still keep drinking and then complain pain here, pain there.
hehe... until my parents also give up. :p
ur msn kept going down! :p

Option 1: my friend's friend will meet u at manila airport.
option 2: he will send the parcel from manila airpot via LBC. Much faster. Abt S$5 only.

Let me know if u want the organic stuff sent over
sheepish, don't beat yourself up.
Most bfed kids i know are very long and lean. Also, need to see your family genes. Maybe you have a vv petite frame and baby is just following that?

With a slight exception of 2 kids I know who were very 'meaty' from being TBF. The rest of the very healthy and plump kids I know are FM-fed.

To be honest, I myself doubt the advantage of bfeeding. Have friends' kids who were TBF and are allergic to almost EVERYTHING. They can't eat this, have a reaction to that, etc. On the other side, I have also witnessed children completely Formula Fed from birth and have absolutely no reaction whatsoever!

The bfeeding 'builds immunity' thing works to a certain extent but it really depends on the child.

If we have the bmilk, then its good and OK to continue. If we don't, then, we should enjoy bfeeding while it lasted and move on. Honestly, if my milk supply doesn't stay constant, I may give up my partial bfeed till 6 mths idea and start Isabelle on total formula.

Don't forget, most of us grew up with '2nd best' formula and we're fine!
i oso gave my gal watever vaccinations tat are available... agree tat prevention is better than cure!

hair loss
my hubby juz picked up my hair tat was caught in e water stopper, it's a bunch! scary sia... i noe i'm dropping hair but not so much! then when pouring e water out of our iecologi, there's another bunch! gd thing my hair is quite thick to begin wif...

can we ask e supplier if only 16 mummies, can sell @ maybe $30? haha...
juz realised tat isabelle is ur gal's name, shd stop calling u tat... anyway, i oso attend 2nd service! but @ e foyer outside rock auditorium... e nursing rm there is converted from e old visitor's welcome lounge, quite gd... got 4 armchairs and 5 changing stations!
i myself think i "zuan niu jiao jian" lor... my mil asks me tired or not, taking care of my gal when she had fever... told her not tired physically, but tired emotionally... then she said even till today when her children i.e. my hubby and sil fall sick, she oso feels "kek sim"... in her mind, she must be thinking "now u noe wat it's like to be a mum"...

yeah, agree wif u... thanks for e encouragement!
Really? Wow. We may really have seen each other!
I used to serve in music ministry but quit in '05 as I really felt I didn't have enough family time.

How is the situation at the auditorium? Is it still queueing at the start of the earlier service to get a seat?
The thing is, we have to be there so early to queue and feel quite bad when we leave at altar call so Gallery West is a good alternative.

I remember prior to getting pregnant, we were OK with sitting on the flow at Level 4 or 6 overflow but started going to Gallery West since getting pregs last year.

Altho at the auditorium, the number of changing stations, etc sounds good! The toilets at Gallery West are very pared down - only betw 4-6 cubicles and 1 changing table! So when I need to change a diaper, I put diaper mat under baby in her stroller and just push to quiet corner and change.

Thanks for the info on Pamper's Active... I wonder if what the manufacturer claim is true, because where got ppl test mkt like that one, so weird, very dodgy, maybe they trying to clear defective goods haha.. Anyway, I still like Pampers Active, can last through the night, adhesive tapes are ok and material is soft
I just hope I am lucky to be able to grab those packets which are with indicators...

I think all mummies have different ways to care for their babies, for me I belong to the kiasu type, thats why I give paracetamol immediately haha... I remember the last round, naughty mummy never give paracetamol because went shopping after the jab, end up 3 hours after the jab, we checked he doesnt have fever, but he rejected milk, cried non-stop lor, cannot control him at all, he just wailed and breath-holding until he so tired and fell asleep... End up, we gave him paracetamol and he ok liao... We reckon that the jab wound could be painful and the paracetamol helps to relieve his pain... not good to give like that I know, but heartpain to see him cry... hiaz
Sorry want to ask if any Mummy encounters a slight roughness on baby's cheek?

Isabelle seems to be having this cheek thing and it's just next to her mouth. I've stopped allowing husband and family to kiss her till the roughness goes away. But it's still there! After 3-4 days.

It's not rash or reddish, just feels rough. I'm so afraid my poor baby will have bad skin.

Should I put something on or see the doctor?
maybe we did see each other before! we used to go to e overflow rms @ level 4 or 6 too... i was serving in choir in 2000, but stopped after 8 mths... were u oreidi serving then?

yeah, i think still need to queue to get into auditorium... even e queue for parents wif children, preggie mummies & 1st time visitors etc is very long... but they'll usually let parents wif children in 1st after allowing some of e ppl in e regular queue in...

so, we dun go early to queue... juz reach @ 11.30am, wait a while then can go in liao... i used to always wait till e end of e service when pastor pronounced e blessings before leaving, but now i oso leave during altar calls... easier to leave then wif bb in tow, haha... maybe after i start my gal on solids and 1 feed is fully replaced by solids, then i'll put her wif e nursery...
yah, i agree it's very dodgy... tat's why i oso kept following tat thread.. tat mummy said she called and tat was wat e company responded... she bought from ntuc and complained to them too... so ntuc asked her to bring back and they'll refund her, cos they cannot guarantee e next pkts she gets are those without indicators... anyway, i tot if e 1s wif indicators are like pampers new baby nb & s, it's okie mah... very soft and i like e indicator! every morn when i change my gal's diapers, seeing e yellow line becomes blue totally makes me quite happy! like tat means, e money spent very worth it leh... 1 diaper for 12 hrs! haha...

my gal oso got some rough patches on her legs, dunno if it is e same on ur gal's face... but anyway, our pd gave her a more intensive moisturiser called physiogel to apply... cos we got apply calendula cream, but he said now need to repair e "damaged" skin so gave us tat... we din go see him deliberately lah, he happened to see them when we brought my gal for her jabs...

my girl had that when she was 7 weeks old..even her legs..i dont think its from kissing..but on a side note, do u mommies and relatives kiss baby on the lips??? its not advisable to do that k.
i just bought the breastflow bottle from robinson, going to try that later. basically i tried 2 types already. momo n Nuk.. nuk first two days still okay.. subsequently he really struggle with us for nearly 1 hour.

hopefully this new bottle will work.
listing for sophie the giraffe (teether)
1. Joannelim
2. gracechua
3. sheepish
4. Roxanne (whitegalz)
5. Crystal
6. lili
7. olively (interested not confirmed =P)
8. princessdella
9. SY
12.kkf (maybe)
14.The Simz
15.gernise_jingxi (interested)

dont think its possible to drop the price further. cos initially they quote us $33 for 26 pple?
Maybe bring your baby to PD to take a look, should not be anything serious but better to bring there so that can bring home some cream for the baby to regain the soft and smooth skin

Wah buy so long already still can refund meh? But they all really dodgy lor, sigh... Pampers so reowned in the diapers market yet resort to such tricks hor, shame on them... On the contrary, everytime I see my baby's pampers not full I will feel wasted haha, because having read Sandy's post on her daughter having UTI, I adopt the policy to change my boy's diapers every 3 hourly regardless full or not unless overnight keke :p

Why cannot kiss lips huh? :p
tried looking for e thread, but it has been removed liao... cos it was not a discussion thread, but was posted in e wte section...

yah, i oso try to change often during e day... tat's why i dun use pampers active in e day, looking for cheaper alternatives... if not, very ex leh! so using it in e nite very worth it lor...

Wif regards to sophie. Only initially got rubber smell but i kept washing after my boy chewed it and smell gone.


Any idea what kind of allergic reaction would bb have after u intro a type of food? I am just wondering. Is it diarrhoea? Rashes?

Re:hair loss

I've been using system 4 bio botanical products since pregnant. Hair tonic, shampoo and conditioner. It helps minimise hair loss alot. My hb commented he didn't see much hair strands around now. Bought fr beauty language.
toto: hehe i nw go check whether i got strike anot

diapers:read tt several of u al using mamy poko. any idea can last hw many hrs? cos huggies gt several types n got say can last hw many hrs.

Juz wash as per normal. For boys foreskin can accumulate dirt. My fren's fren son.. It got quite bad that must circumcised. I have already circumcised my boy at 2mths. It is hygienic and my religion must do also.
Isabelle’s mum
Ya, I leave my bb with my MIL and I visit her every evening

Ag gal
Hmmm, but I only feed her 1-2 feed of frisogold. 2 feeds have such big effect ah? Aiyo… dunno which is good leh. tink i will giving her BM without FM for a few days n see how.

So many posting..no time to read, can only glance through. Haiz, anyways, my BM supply is decreasing more due to work. Haiz. Quite troublesome to pump at work. eeeks
Ya lor Pampers Active very siong, if no promo also cannot manz haha

Can I know need to wash for how long then the smell will go off? Is it ok (like what the manufacturer claimed) to put inside the mouth since the rubber smell so strong? I want to buy but quite concerned abt this... Wow u circumcised your boy at 2 mths, so small yah....

Btw, mummies can recommend where to do hair shaving? I want to do for my boy but cannot bear to... haha I want gentle plus good hairdresser... How is hua xia?
Re: Kissing baby
We used to kiss niece on lips etc and she too kisses back.
Then PD warn not to do that cos mouth not very clean...can pass things like cold sore etc...u know cold sore once kana will keep coming back one.

Re: Doidy cup
Joannelim, how much??

Re: Cleaning "birdie"
Yar i oso dun know how to clean.
Last time i tried to put the foreskin once, then mummies here advise NO....cos might tear...ever since then....i just wash wash like that ...splash water.....quite lame. but i dare not do anything more than that...
Nana, so small can circumcise? what is the procedure like? must hospitalise etc?

me went to huaxia for his shave last last week. Ok.....
Intially i oso scare that the gals there like cannot make it....but the one that did it for me....quite ok....baby did not realise that he was being shaven ,....whole process no fuss.

olively answered your question keke..basically it is to avoid transmitting any bacteria or viruses to the baby..because our mouth and our saliva isnt sterile
dj, ginn, kkf, Bellebubba, happy, grace,
thanks for all ur concern...
lucky so far the fever did not cum back... hope tat the fever will not cum back anymore...
actually i didn't bring my gal to the pc show... just waited outside at suntec for my hubby...
but outside oso alot of pple...
but no choice cos i drive my hubby there mah... cos to wait for him...

i stop bf for quite some time le... hmm... my gal dun wan to latch on n i cannot find time to pump... so give fm loh...

my gal oso got rough patches ard the belly button n some part of the tummy leh... somemore got skin peeling off... check wif doc at kk yesterday... the doc said nothing leh... just skin dry... put some moisturiser can liao...

sophie the giraffe
initially the rubber smell quite strong leh... but i wash it every nite after my gal sleep... now not so strong oredi.... so maybe need to wash it a few times 1st loh... anyway my gal quite like it so i tink worth it loh...

ear thermometer
im using the braun ear thermometer... to me anything above 37.5 degree is consider fever liao... better be safe loh... the doc at kk n raffles oso using ear thermometer wor... so should be ok ba...

is the momo bottles gd? i bought at the motherhooh fair leh... still haven try yet... dun noe my gal like it anot...

me using huggies dry comfort now... so far so gd... last time me oso using mamy poko... but after a few packets... buay tahan on the price liao... very ex leh... so switch to huggies... at 1st my gal keep leaking wor... but after she gain weight den ok liao... now she is wearing m size...

making noise
my gal oso keeping making noise when she is beginning 3 months wor... den suddenly later part of 3 months she stop making noise oredi leh... no matter how i talk or sing to her she oso dun make noise leh... is tis normal??? me scare if there is anything wrong leh... any mummies can advise???
Re: baby Recognising the "Mother's smell"
I kept hearing about this on baby recognising mother's smell....such that i never put on any pefume/powder and such liao cos i scare baby cannot recognise...
but i wonder if it matters? mummies are u all stil using frangrances?

Re: Making Noise
Yaer, glad baby is well now.
My baby is reverse lay...last time, he is very quiet and cool...no noise nothing unless super buay song.
Now he make more coos and ah and shouts and laughs.....
Ur baby due for her development jabs and checkup liao? if so, can list it down as one of the questions to ask....i always try to make a list and run it down as best as i can with the doc...cos like one of the mummy mentioned, the Singapore baby clinic like fish market...PD not much time to entertain me....
the last vaccination check up she is ok leh... make alot noise when the doc check her...
her next vaccination check up should be today...
but she is having fever last time so postpone until 2 weeks later loh...
olively.. i been using fragrance..haha but end of the day.. become own special fragrance-> frangrance+sweat..so i dunno baby recognise whic?
Re: allergic reaction
Rashes is quite common.
the other is sausage lips....my friend's son kana...then become sausage lips.
me use onli if im going out wif baby wor...
me more concern abt the chemical on the clothes...
cos my gal like to rub her face against my chest...
cos confinement and during ML no put frangrance mah....so i reckon baby recognise that orignal and "long time no shower" smell...
Scare put frangrance he unfamiliar

pls dun!!! haha... tat is the onli toy she like to grab n suck... i tink should have ba... me oso dun noe.. cos i bought from a bp here...
yah loh... my colleague n fren oso said tat...
all ask me tat i bring her to salon n blow her hair izzit... faintz...
hope she really got gd lfe in future
