(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs


i usually wait for hb to come home then i take my shower..if i really need to shower before he comes back, i usually feed her and make her happy first, then put her in her crib or the playmat then take a quick shower.
I only take a quick shower (ie, juz wet hair, no shampoo) when I am alone. Will only run in after baby zzzz in the cot. After hubby is back, then I take my normal shower.
lucky u... i didn't see the cutting board at og leh... maybe i didn't notice...

usually i wait till my hubby cum back den i bathe...

it is my hubby ask me to take the jab one... my gynae oso never said anything until i ask wor... so maybe they won't said until we ask for it loh...

yup... i saw the breastflow bottles at robinson...
i guess at this age we still can afford to go for a bath without worrying about them... it is when they knows how to crawl or walk... that will be the problem.

i remember having to go bowel without closing the toilet door, or else my older son will scream outside the toilet for me.
u al mean we can go bath wen baby asleep? its safe? i mean at this moment wen they actly can flip over?hee sry i abit surprise. anth thg is my baby dun sleep long de.. she sleep most 1+ hr then wil wake up but in btw she may sudly wake up also de.

day time my baby sleeps in livin room.. she dun lik her cot during the day!
now wen i tak maternity leave on wkday brg her home, i usually get my mum cm over get my lunchn also tt i can go tak a bath n gt ppl look aft her.
if they can flip already, just make sure do not put any pillow or cloth tat will block his breathing around. i normally leave nothing around him except his toy. they are able to do mini push up, so i dont think they will be suffocated. mine ever did flip once while i was in the bathroom.. came back to find him face covered with milk that he has puked. apart from tat, ok la..
iceblue, so far my baby still haven flip so not sure but so far the bumper pad didnt pose any safety concerns for me...like joanne says, dont put cloth or anything that can possibly suffocate.....but then again, i believe that the babies have strong survival instincts...my girl can push away anything covering her face. but still, if ur girl is alone, dont put any cloth..u have playmat? where in the living room does she sleep in? u will take only 15 mins to bathe i assume? so once she KO, u rush in to bathe?
thks all

i can finish bath within 10 mins..jus water only
probably is i paranoid..too wried tt i dun dare leave her alone outside while i go bath..

usually we dun bath in master bedrm toilet..well nw hav to try liao try brg her in cot wen she asleep(hp she dun sudly wake up once i put her to cot) thenhav quick bath in room toilet.. dun close door..gues tt shld be bet?
just make sure your bumper pad doesnt have any opening big enough for your baby to slide in. the pad should be as close to the cot itself n well fasten.

got to go zzzzz , night all
kwoli: nope it is not baby & child.
it's pd & family medical centre.
i dont quite like baby & child.
super long queue (on a weekday, i waited like 3-4 hrs) and ex.

think i am way over the recommended age for cervical vacc.
Hi iceblue,

I put my son in his cot which is in the master bedroom then i leave my bathroom door open so i can c thru the reflection of the mirror.. then i go bathe lo...hehe smetime he awake i also dun care cos he nvr cry out just talk and entertain himself only hehe...

Eh lonerunner,

Now back to work hor i latch in the morning ,pump twice at work and latch/pump at night when go hme... Before when i got my menses i also tbf leh...also nvr got lazy on the pumping...anyway i think the menses thing hor not only depend on the latch/pumping times la also depend on individual body.... prob my brain is already telling my body that baby already out for so long le time to let the menses hormones resume work liao hahah
oh ya on wednesday i ate honeydew and not so sweet wan la then i let Bryston lick lick haha...i think he lick it cos it is cold...haha...then all his salivia on the honeydew.... :p
Re: menses
it took 2 months for my lochia discharge to stop. and two weeks after tat i had my first menses. and now i am already having the second one. Each continued for 1 week. my bb is now 3 months 3 weeks. i think it will not follow the regular schedule for the first 6 months ..
SY, I no longer have the engorged feeling liao. Initially when I extend the pumping hours, the engorgement was horrible. It lasted for 2-3 days then my breasts got used to it after that. During those few days, I just kept putting chilled cabbage to relieve the pain.

oh my boy poo yday already. I changed his FM to Nan Pro1. looks like enfalac is not suitable for him.
menses during breastfeeding:

i read that when we breastfeed at night, a certain hormone is produced to increase milk production and stops menstruation..so once the frequency of night breastfeeding goes down, hormones decreased and hence, menstruation starts. lonerunner, are you still nursing at night?
sandy, yaer & priviledged:
thanks for e encouragement! yah lor, have to keep telling myself tat it's okie as long as she's healthy...

my gal now pooing once every 2-3 days, but it's e massive kind... have to watch it, if not will overflow kind...

hehe, u are still very young lah! i oreidi past 30, cannot take liao...

i will put my gal in e cot @ her nap time, then go bathe... if ur gal is not safely sleeping in an enclosed space, then u probably have to keep an eye on her... then as for waking up in e middle of her nap, dun carry her immediately when tat happens... sometimes, she stirs becos it's juz a change of sleep phase... she may go back to sleep within 15 mins...

when they can crawl or walk, cannot put them in e playpen mah? then they'll be safe...
hi hi sorry was away so long!
Yesterday I typed this nice post and argh. The comp prog hang! Then I had to log off and leave work already

Sandy- thanks for the tip on the spoons. I will go do my search now. And check out the shops on the weekend!

Btw, I found more info about BPA-free items. I thought it was because bottles are sterilised to a very high-heat on a regular basis and this can cause a chemical reaction, therefore must buy BPA-free.
And the BPA actually has more adverse effects on boys, rather than girls right? So I think those that use regularly like spoon, bottles, must find BPA-free but the rest, don't need to be all BPA-free.

Sheepish - I've read BabyWise and now reading Babywise II for transition to solids, etc. It's quite a good read but for practical, you have to be firm. The first book talks about parent directed feeding, more than baby-led (or demand) feeding. It's easier for me to follow becos I never latch for long so demand feeding is not what we do at home. Also, it's not my style. I like order and a proper schedule but the book gives some leeway on flexibility - just as long as you have the firm principles.

iceblue27 - your baby does it too? Think its the stage. Now her hands always smell of saliva! And she tried to put in both fists yesterday!!! What a greedy bum!

Mummies, need your opinions here - do you often feel possessive over your baby? I don't always feel so but met a mum yesterday who will always carry her year-old boy, even if she is tired, pregnant with 2nd one, etc. She said it was so that the son don't get close to the maid. She even said she didn't like it when the boy smiles at the maid or looks for the maid when he cries. She doesn't allow her maid to carry the child when she's around.

I'm not sure about you ladies but those of us with domestic helpers... I think they are a godsend (esp on housework!) and yes, they are not meant or equipped to be the primary caregivers when we are not around. But truth is, some of us just have no choice. I have the privilege of my mum being able to help so the maid is just a stand-in when either my mum or myself are not available to look after baby. Example, toilet, or going to the market, etc. But if my mum is not around, I would have to rely on this helper to really be the #1 caregiver of baby whilst I'm working.

So I told her to chill out. In my opinion, the child should also feel comfortable and secure knowing that the helper is also part of the family and that the baby can look to her as a source if Mum or other primary caregiver is not available.

She looked at me like I was nuts. That made me feel very, very guilty. So am I normal in thinking that or should I really feel possessive? I mean! I love my daughter deeply and want to be around for her as much as possible. But there has to be some balance and some level of closeness with other ppl who look after her. If I have to be looking at my girl all the time, I will absolutely have no life!

Pls share your thoughts on this.
I'm slightly upset today... with husband especially! I've been telling him all of last week to keep healthy and ensure he gets enough sleep coz I don't want him to get sick when I'm gone. But NO, every night stay up late... today he's sick!!! And I leave tomorrow and he has to care for the baby! How to care when he's sick? What if he has swine flu and passes it to my baby???? And I'm away? Sigh...
yup, read babywise 1 and agree tat's gd... babywise 2 is gd too? cos i haven't bought it yet, maybe will go get it if it's gd...

haha, dun feel guilty... i do feel possessive towards my gal @ times, happy tat she only smiles widely @ me... but i'm glad for e love tat everyone ard her is showering on her too... it's gd to have ppl whom we can trust to look after our children in our absence... maybe for her, she doesn't really trust her domestic helper yet she needs her to be ard hence her behaviour... so it's really all abt how we see things and decide to do things - no rite or wrong...

i'm always reminding myself to trust Jesus, tat His blood covers my gal and keeps her from sicknesses, viruses, diseases and infections... tat by His stripes, she has been healed and by His broken body, she has been made whole - wif a perfect immune system... if u've been following my posts abt her weight, u noe how much these words means to me... it's a struggle everyday to remind myself of His love and gdness - tat He can and will take care of my gal more than i can... hence, i wanna encourage u to hold on to His Word too... psalm 91 is perfect for u today! and e peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard ur heart and mind in Christ Jesus!
haha i wen out makan walk awhile my cleaning aunty came liao..haha sit on ppl's bike waiting for me.
nw she doing cleanin , i do laundry n surf net!keke
wah liao weather super hot de lor
AG gal, did ur milk supply dip a lot after u extend and pump twice a day? Hmm was thinking of 2-4 pumps a day after baby is 6mths.. but not sure if MS will be too little and eventually dry up fast.

Sandy, i read abt the breastfeeding at night too, think especially at 2+am if we pump or feed. I'm still waking up to pump twice every night and realised MS is more during these hours. And this is perhaps why my menses has yet to come.
okie lah, if patting works for u... cos my gal can open her eyes, stare blankly ahead then go back sleep... she will wake up if i touch her, so i usually ignore her until i'm convinced she's awake or when it's time for her to wake up...

yeah, weather super hot... been switching on e aircon these few days! hubby was commenting on e electricity bill until tat day he was on mc... so hot, he couldn't take it and on aircon too! haha, he never realised e sweltering temperature since e aircon in his office is on fullblast...
can put in playpen lah. me dont dare only. cos my older son when he learns how to stand up, he actually manage to climb over the cot which i put him in and fell over 3 times . the railing of the cot is pretty high, he still manage to climb over. still not sure how he did it.

also when he knows how to crawl, he doesnt like to stay in the cot alone which is in his own room. i dont have playpen.. so cant put in the living room. basically if u have playpen u can put baby there, cot, not advisable.. cos it is made of wood and if they fell off, its gonna be painful.

agree with sheepish that there is no right or wrong in this..you dont have to feel guilty about it..im also possessive at times but i also want my baby to be close to hb, in laws and my own parents..i feel that your friend might be feeling insecure and she worries that her baby might one day prefer the domestic helper rather than her. lastly, you dont have to be possesive to be a good and loving mother..so dont feel guilty
Though the verse is not meant for me but I want to Amen to that!
Many times I m always worry over slightest thing over my kids thinking no one except Me is the best for him. It causes me to have mummy-fatigue. But I know if I love my sons alot, God loves them even more than I love them. So got to pray n learn to let go knowing God is always taking care of them n have the best plans for them. Hey there is a Christian book worth investing in, it's called " the powers of praying parent" by stormie omartian. Thanks for your powerful reminder.

Your hb is like mine. Mine is stubborn. I told him to sleep after 12 everyday n take care of himself when he is overseas. He dun listen n I give up nagging cos I dun want to b a naggy. He fell sick few mths back during his Beijing trip cos lazy to bring jackets n caught a chill. Passed the flu to my toddler n resulting him very sick for couple of days. After that, hb knows the importance of staying healthy.
Hi mummies who took the cervical cancer jab, what is it all about? How come my gynae never say anything about this leh...

My menses also haven't come yet, and I dun bf at night often, actually stopped bf at night more than 1 week ago as my boy dun want to latch on and I am too tired to pump during the nite. My last pump is around 10plus at night, then morning about 7am. Hope my menses dun come so fast too! My last discharge lasted until 50th day after birth, but in between on and off sometimes 1 whole week nothing at all and the flow was not heavy, maybe coz I had C-section?

Anyone have similar symptoms?
yup, now he tells me can on lah if really hot... haha!

yup, i attend ncc...

wah, ur boy quite li hai leh... put in cot still can climb over! think i better observe in 1 corner next time when my gal can crawl and walk, before i leave her unattended... cos my hubby and mil wanna accident-proof e house, but i said no need... cos she will only be crawling or walking abt in e house when i'm wif her... e rest of e time, i will put her in playpen... so tat's not foolproof for every bb!

thanks for e book recommendation, will go check it out!
i'm saying those words to myself as much as to i'ching... glad tat it speaks to u too! it's not easy not to worry upon being a mummy, feel so helpless @ times...
Also, is it necessary to get those blenders, food processors, containers for storing hot and cold food? My MIL don't really like me to buy things as I am given very little "storage space" at home as I stay with her and I asked her just now, then she goes, for what, dun need all those la! As if you are going to bring the food out, dun think of bringing baby out for long, so troublesome! This is y until now, my baby has only been to shopping mall - Causeway point once and for only 2 hrs. Haiz....
I salute you mummies. haha, I am a lazy mum. I can't take it if I still have to wake up in the middle of the nite to pump. I am already zombie at work now, my brain can't function well. I am so deprived of sleep.
ginn, I guess in a way my supply dropped cos I only pump twice a day so only have 3 bottles of EBM for my boy everyday. usually in the morning only 1 bottle (about 125ml) and in the evenings 2 bottles. last time, my supply is enough for my boy for the whole day.
I've been so sick for almost 1 week. Been on MC and also busy with work.

You all already started feeding cereals to your babies ah? My mom and I were contemplating. Then we decided, ai ya no need so eager to start. So just leave it as it is. Maybe when we bring him for the jab in end June, we will check with the PD.
I bot a Moulinex chopper. It can chop food into very tiny pieces so i think thats very good. I also have a blender (for smoothies that kind) so no need to worry about getting one. But the food processor sounds so cheem ah?

Why do we need to freeze the food into cubes?

sigh.. still coughing and drowsy from my medicine.
oh my breast milk supply dip for the whole week. Maybe cos I got sick??

Those breastfeeding mummies, do you still take calcium pills ah?
ya , we were quite shock tat time that he could climb over something which is that tall. not sure did he push himself over or wat.. very frightening incidents actually.. cos from the 3 falls, twice he cut his lip n bleeding away. good thing nothing more than just a cut.

hi mummies
something happened.. just want to ask if a company is an exclusive distributor in singapore, does it mean, no body else can sell tat product in singapore if they ship it from other country? do they have the right to sue?
By the way, regarding toys, saw someone talking about it,is it gd to get toys for our children at 4mths? I tried once - the FP playmat and was "scolded" by hb and mil as baby was crying after 20 mins, now I need to make sure baby will like the toy, then I buy, else later gena suan (face sarcastic remarks) by them again. But I have some toys (my BIL's daughters) that I play with him, 1 got music one, but he gets bored very fast leh. Seemed like he prefers to have people talking and playing with him as he will smile so happily whenever we talk to or call him, or play with him, especially my mil. But we don't have so much time leh....
I think their attention span is just very short la. Its not that they dont like the toys. I have alot of toys for my son. Also he play for like 2 mins.. he dont want to look at it liao.

exclusive distribution shld mean that selling of that product/brand is limited to one outlet or one company that holds that exclusive distribution rights. the company that sells this exclusive right to someone/company in singapore shld not allow another company or someone in singapore to sell the same brand or products. this is my understanding from my family business.
oh..joanne, n usually theres some form of contract signed to signify that exclusive distribution rights to that person..if no contract, n only verbal agreement, hard to sue..by the way, who is sueing who?
