(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

where did u go? so FUN!!! I want!! :D
Chimun is so smart!!! AND SWEET!!! hahaha my baby has super extreme stranger anxiety still, can u believe it?

LOL at ur shopping spree!!! Sometimes when I am abit siao-siao also do that but i notice i really have a prob one la, if i am unhappy with certain things at certain times, i use buying to make myself happy (sounds a bit crazy right?)

sorry din log in for a long time. How is your baby now? Sleeping on shoulders: Because baby wants to latch at night so hubby carry her to sleep on d first two nights. So i think since she is teething, she always want comfort. Last night, she cried in d middle of d night so i let her latch as i know she is teething. I know I shdn't do it.. am a useless mommy la... my baby actually dun wake up at night anymore except when she is really in pain from teething. She just learnt not to wake up. Previously also need once or twice of latching. Only when we discovered i am preg, my hb n i decided i shd pretend to sleep at night whenever she wakes up for milk and to my joy she goes back to sleep after making some uncomfy noises. Not on d first night la, took a week or so... Is ur baby getting better every night without night feed? If he is that it's good lo!!

thanks for sharing naomi's sleep/meal time. since abt 15mths my gal's nap time has been a bit funny. at nanny hse, she only took 1 nap. over the weekend at home, she took 2 naps. then started 2 weeks ago, her sleep/nap/meal times all haywired!! there was a night, she slept at 8.30pm and up at 2am to play with me for 2 hours.... need to slowly adjust her time back to a normal one. naomi is an angel baby leh... she can adjust her time well according to the class timing or your timing without fuss.

poor you! hang on there......... hopefully your gal's teeth fast fast cut through. my gal's sleep/nap/meal times all changed. at night i oso wake up 1 or 2 times... worst is ive been sick since last fri till now still sick! cos ive not been resting well at night.

wow... 12hrs of sleep and 3.5hrs nap... dew is an angel bb too, can adjust her timing well w/o fuss.

high 5 to u too! hang on there! r u getting a new maid??

My 'Honeymoon' Week:
im so looking forward to next week! my gal and maid will be staying with my sister for a week. my sister wants me to get away from stress and relax myself to do anything i always wanted to do. my HD oso very excited and alrdy planned our program for the next whole week. i tik i really need a GOOD break! but on the other hand, im going to miss my gal very much!

Hope everyone enjoys long weekend! happy national day!
tat's why they call it retail therapy mah! hahaha...

hehe, she's an angel when comes to sleep... but not so when it's eating time! keeps spitting out food, shaking her head when i ask her if she wans to eat and doesn't wanna chew! haiz...

yeah, enjoy e long wkend!
wow u got a great sister!!! I dun think i trust my sisters (they are younger) to take care of my baby for a week haha... i hope she will not miss u too much too.. ENJOY o!!!

HEY thought u still on holiday??? Hahaha... well, yes yes, every baby, like us adults, have their own strengths n weaknesses. For ours who has trouble sleeping, You're lucky that hers is sleep :D But may b for u, u wish differently. That's why have to remind myself everyday to b thankful... haiz easier said than done!! haha
no lah, haven't gone yet... will be in sep...

haha, true true... but no lah, i'm happy and thankful she's sleeping well... wouldn't trade it for eating... but of cos, having all is best! like naomi... *wink*
wah... think i am missing the forum and facebook...

sandy/sheepish: wah 11 to 12 hrs! han's naughty when coming to z. he is good in eating though. :p

deedee: envy leh! got honeymoon week! even if my whoever can take care of han for a week, my hubby also doesnt want to part with bb for so long.

dj: wah the online spree!
hi gals, happy national day!

but i'm not too happy... my handphone kena stolen when I left it on the table, it's like within few mins nia.

so heartache not becos of the handphone but of the content that is inside... han's latest photos and vidoes, din get to backup yet.
Dear Mummies, my boy suddenly refused to eat anything after a 2mth period of good feeding at my mum's place. Been 2 weeks plus le, and been having diarhorrea of 2 -3 times a day. He's been to PD but he said fungal in mouth (his guess), so gave medicine but not for oral, but for intestine fungal? and some probiotics for improving appetite. Still not much change except from eating porridge full of fish and meat and veg, now, he eats only plain porridge without anything and only half to 3/4 bowl, really heart pain to see him like that.

He only wants to drink milk when he is fast asleep at nite, so worried about his teeth as I also see discolouration now. He refused to open his mouth for me to check or clean, of course not want to brush, but when he laugh loudly and opens his mouth, could see his molars erupting, so not sure if his diahorrea and food refusal is due to teething, but 1st time like this. Really at my wits' end, just tried giving him soy formula, he refused even when he is fast asleep, are they so sensitive to taste?

Could his food refusal partly caused by eating the same food everyday? Same fish, meat and veg blended into porridge? These few days, he ate a little noodles (shou gong mian) and bread - can eat 1 - 2 slices (the white part) of Gardenia or wholemeal bread each time, even after some porridge, so I am confused what is exactly wrong with him.

Anyone had the same experience before? Can offer advice?
Sandy, my boy also dun like to play with toys. My colleagues said maybe he dun know how to play so told me to show my boy how to play. But he still don't want after showing him. Sometimes he will pick up for a while then play for a while but nowadays so dependent on me, maybe because he is not feeling well, so everything also need me to do with him or follows me everywhere. I also need to hide to be able to take shower.

Anyone's bb dun want to wear diapers and change clothes? My boy will play and run around like a worm, refused to wear diapers and change clothes, really a challenge to take care of him now, refuse to eat, refuse to wear and follows u everywhere...headache.
Hi Mummies,

I want to update my gal's progress at my sis hse. she an angel baby now!!! OMG, the maid told my sis, my gal behaved completely differnt fr home.

- she brushes her teeth without struggle
- she eats very well (almost a bowl of rice) and always ask for 'more' 'more'. she eats tomatoes soup?!! at home she rejected.
- she sleeps thru nite from 9pm to 9am
- she takes her nap at fixed time for 2 hours
- she sit stills at the table to read her story books
- she drinks plenty of water
- auto lie down let my sister do massage to get rid of winds fr her stomach.

OMG!!! she's completely different from home...

my sister has 'corrected' many small details i have omitted out whcih can cause stomach discomfort which resulted in poor appetite and sleep/nap. recently my gal had a lot of winds due to the following reasons:

- the stock my nanny pre-prepared wasnt handled properly. nanny always used stock to cook porridge, noodles and soup. (my sis told me the proper way to prepare stock and re-cook the soup when use)

- fruit was given to my gal to eat on her own which take very long time to finish 1 pc (can cause wind). fruit must be given after the meal but not straight after the meal. good to cut into small pc and consume within few mins.

- 4 holes teat is too small and slow. suck all the winds and take very long to finish milk and most of the times dun finish the milk. (my sis has cut a hole on the teat and the stomach not bloated after milk)

my sis told me she bought a 'lu zhi' blanket (i tik is to get rid of the negative ions fr body) for my gal to cover her stomach so she can sleep well at night. i dun know wat is tis at all. will go my sis tis sat to find out.

i really hope when my gal comes home she'll behave like wat my sis and maid described to me.
hi gals....
long time never pop in.
dunno if anyone still remembers me. sigh...

anyway, anyone bringing their kiddos to the barney live musical?
Hi mummies, been so busy lately, simply no time to come in to even read at all!

Liting, I think your boy is in the "everything is NO" stage. Haha. Dun stress la. Mer went thru a similar stage and she is still doing it sometimes. Ask her anything she will shake her head and tell you no. She also went thru a stage of refusing to change or put on diaper, refusing to put on clothes, refusing to eat anything but drink milk all day. They will come and go de. So take it in your stride. But if you are worried or need to let off steam, then come online to post lor! I tihnk most of us do this. Hahaha....

Ya, Mer is attending the Bilingual Playclub at Julia Gabriel on Sunday mornings. So far so good, I think we are both enjoying the class. Just happened that they want to take class photo on National Day lor. So we dressed up in red n white for the occassion. Haha. End up din hv a chance to take a nice one with her red n white dress. Instead, I looked pretty shell shocked carrying a wet baby half wrapped in a towel. Hahahaha.... But I think thats why its fun!

Wah Jaz~ Long time no see! How are you and bb? Live musical ... our babies are not too young for it mah? I doubt Mer can sit thru a musical leh... and it might be too stimulating for her too. Haha...

Whitegalz, ya, their molars are huge hor.... see liao also wonder how did such a big thing erupt in such a small mouth? LOL.

Think now our babies are getting more and more fun and cute...altho also notti la... hahaha... I took out the playyard that I got her previously again and set it up in a little play corner for her. Wah, she loves it! Now she doesn't need us to entertain her so much. Will head for her play corner on her own, go in and out, talk to her big bear inside, flip some of the books, make some noise or sing some songs... every morning she wakes she goes there, every night before sleep she goes there.... hahahaha...
DJ Mama
my boy seems to love Barney as he will dance when i play the DVD for him to watch.
He'll also ask to play the Barney disc.
So i thought of bringing him to watch lor.
See if there are other Feb mummies bringing, then we can go together.

you still working at Suntec?
Jas, no, I am working at Harbourfront now, next to Vivo. Haha... one big mall to another...

I hv not let Mer watch Barney so far... haha... but she gets to watch Signing Times once a few weeks. I try to limit TV. My mum lets her watch Hi-5 when I am not around tho. Sigh.

Mer also loves to dance leh... basically any music gets her moving. And she has different moves for different music too... hahaha....v funny watching her dance to pop or dance or soothing music.

If your boy loves Barney then bring him bah, think some of our mummies might be interested too~ Hehe...
Hi overload!
Good to hear from u again! Sorry, also havent been logg in for sometime. Well, that night after I posted, tried to let him sleep w/o nursing...he cried nonstop for 1/2hr! I gave up!
But the following nite til now, he has been sleeping with daddy! First 2 nites was on daddy's shoulders. But subsequently, he just rolled around on the bed and fell asleep on his own! I was soo happy the first time it happened! While he was trying to fall asleep, daddy would sometimes sing in the background.
So it has been like coming 2 weeks already and we are going to start weaning off nite feeds! Dunno how its going to be, but will just take it slowly as I want it to be as pain-free and stress-free for him as possible. Actually, for the initial nites when he didnt get to nurse to sleep, he became super duper sticky to me in the day time! Keep wanting to latch the whole day! I think its insecurity that he is feeling. So I just want to take things slowly. In the meantime, will do all we can to brush his teeth and hopefully minimize any possible damage by the nite feeds.

Is ur bb still teething or tooth already erupted? My boy is now teething...his 4th molar coming out...

Congrats! I didnt know u are preg!! How many months? boy/gal? =)
hi jas,

i intend to get one stalk of rose chocolate (like a stalk of rose but the rose can be eaten) for each teacher. then will let my girl make and write her own card to be attached to the rose. so far shes been making her own cards (assisted by me)for the birthday parties we attend.
blueb, just read your post, heartache for you too. I've arranged dentist appt for ning as want her to be comfy with dentist check ups. Also cos teeth are so big like mine, worried not enough space. I took out 4 teeth n wore braces as teenager but have crooked teeth as mouth still overcrowded. Sigh. Anyway, after my long story, what I wanted to say is, read that to prevent dental caries in children under 2, can try to give plain water instead of milk for night feeds. Its the sugar in milk that coats the teeth at night n causes cavities. I read this in 'what to expect the toddler years'. V wordy but has helped so much in the child rearing process.

Sandy, lol naomi is one cheeky gal. Have to share with you that I read how naomi could read n was so impressed/jealous. But then I tried out writing words on magnetic board n she's picking it up quickly. Thanks for prodding this lazy mum to try something new!

Lonerunner, to back up what the others said. What we did with ning was to speak to her as if she understood what we said. It's like one person carrying out 2 persons conversation. I felt a bit silly sometimes n frustrated by the lack of response when she was younger. But then I realized it can take months of repeating a word for her to say it back to me. Best example is baa baa black sheep. I sang to her about 6 m ago but stopped cos got tired of it. Then the other day, just sing for fun and found her pretty much singing back half the song on her own. Of course super out of tune n many words wrong but could hear ' baa back ship' 'any woooo' 'yes yes bag fooo' 'tree foo master one for may' ' one lee boy down laaaane'. Also, heard fr this lady I met that it helps if one adult sticks to one language. Child will apparently code switch depending on who they speak to.

As for comment that amt of vocab will be split between the diff languages, that's apparently the case bit only up til a certain age where they level out n catch up with other kids in school.

Oops never come here for so long but ended up v long winded post. Hi to everyone n chat more soon !
I have been letting Sarah watch dvd twice a day during weekend but guess my in law has been letting watch much more. I also dunno what to say.Guess she needs to let her watch while she do housework.

Sarah has been going to My Gym but fell ill twice during this period. Not sure whether izzit other kids spread to her. Anyways, she always cry a few times during lesson. She dont like the instructor to teach her "stunt" and hates to sit on swing. hmmm, i suspect she dun like others to touch her. dunno why. Hope she can overcome it soon.

Are you mummies giving vitamin etc? I guess I need to let her eat some as she has been falling sick quite regularly. Cant imagine how much more times will she fall sick when she were to go sch. Pls share and where to get? thanks alot alot

Nite feed/dentist
Sarah still drinks midnite feed. faint. at 2-3am. Is this normal? Maybe we shld just act blur and dun give her the milk. haha.

Barney show
I tot of bringing sarah there too but worried she will be too overwhelmed by the loud sounds/clapping etc. she is quite a scary cat. geez.

Apologies for posting in your thread.. but am..

1. Urgently in search of many tins of Enfapro A+..

If you've any to sell, pls pm me.. Budget's ard $10+- for the 400g tins..

2. Haenim Play Yard 6 panels (usu'd have 2 activity panels, 1 door, 3 plains with connectors) and ok with 4 panels too..

Budget's ard $100+- for the 6 panels

3. Steriliser
Looking for Pigeon Rapid Steam Steriliser

Budget's ard $20 to $30.. hopefully no rust..

4. Safety Gate needed to fit doorway of at least 118 cm..

Budget's $30++

5. Twin Stroller, just need one tt works, so on v tight budget constraint..

Pls pm me if you've any of the above tt ya letting go..

Thanks v much in advance! =)
Hi Mummies,

I'm from Dec 09 thread & am looking for a gd condition exersaucer/Jumperoo. If u have any to let go, pls PM me pic + price. thanks!
Which mygym branch do u guys go? We just signed up in tampines and we go every Sunday at 1230pm. Cas loves doing the stunts but hates the swing and gets impatient when we are all sitting down! I guess she wants moving around all the time!

For vitamins, I'm giving her ceelin and seven seas orange flavor. Can get in unity or guardian.
Hi mibebe. I'm going tamp too on sat. Sarah hates e swing and cries when she is being put inside. She enjoys the free play but not e class. She dun like the teachers to try stunts on her. Haiz. Dunno how. Hope she gets better. Haha.
hi mummies, hope everyone is doing well. Been busy since I started my new job so no time to log in to read at all.
liting, my boy has stopped taking solid food for 2 weeks too since Aug. last weekend, I bought him to chinese doc at kembangan for massage and surprisingly, he started taking food now. You may want to try that. It's called Yu Guo near kembangan mrt. a doc will see him first then proceed with massage. she also gave him a bottle of medicine. she told us to go for consecutively 3 days so then will see the effect. let me know if you need address cos I need to dig it out. according to the chinese doc, if they drink milk only without solids, its heaty and his stomach got more wind, so the longer it drags, the worst it will be. so you may want to dilute the milk for now. one funny thing she told us, if your kid sleep with mouth open in aircon room, he will suck in wind, thus more wind in stomach

I am also thinking of bringing my boy to barney cos he likes barney. but dunno which category to pay for..cheap one scared cant see anything, exp ones too exp leh.
Hi mummies,

itz been months since I last came into the forum!


I'm bringing my boy for Barney's Musical on the 12sept 2pm! When will you be going? will be nice to say "Hi!" =) any other mummies going too?


Wow! your girl is so independent! Wake up already can go play by herself! M envious! My boy usually shouts "Mummy!!!" and if I dun run to him fast enough, then he starts crying! gee...
How's the Billingual class ? My boy goes for the English class and think he's getting real bored with it...Always wondering around the class...
hi Ja,

really? my girl is very happy and gets ecstatic whenever we approach the school premise. on the way to school and at home she will also sing the songs.in class shes also the eager beaver in class, first one to respond to the activities. how long has he been attending the English class?
Hi Sandy,

This is his 3rd term @ JG already! Which one is your daughter at? Forum or Evans Road? He's going to PlayClub in the next term. How bout your girl? Should be upgrading to playclub too yah?
hi Ja,

oh he is still in playnest?? my girl has been attending playclub for 1 term already. she started playclub before turning 18 months. we are not residing in singapore..we are attending JG in manila
hi mummies, long long time since I last wrote. Finally my boy's refusal to eat episode is over. Thank god. The thread is rather slow nowadays. Guess everyone is busy with work, taking care of our little ones, who are now very fun to play with but super naughty...except for a few well-behaved ones like Naomi - always the envy of all parents!

Hi DJ Mama, thanks for the advice. I think my boy was erupting his molars, 4 at one go as I can see the teeth very clearly now, they are big! So, i guess maybe that's why he refused to eat.

Ag_gal, can you share the info on the massage here? Maybe some mummies here might be interested too? My boy also refused milk the other time. He will refuse to suck from the bottle when he is awake so we have to spoon-feed. When he sleeps, it is the easiest to feed him, so I am guilty sometimes that I choose to feed him after he falls asleep. Really worried about his teeth condition now, after reading posts on teeth decay here. I have toothbrush for him but he will just bite on the bristles, refusing to let me teach him or help him brush. Is it safe to use floride-free pigeon brand toothpaste? I am sure he will refuse to rinse his mouth or even spit out if I let him use toothpaste.

Sorry ah, mummies, what is drinking milk/nursing to sleep? Such a silly question right?

Anyone can share tips or advice on Shichida? My boy now on the course but recently, seemed not to enjoy the class, always end up crying or throwing tantrums halfway in the class...Anyone has anything from Shichida to sell away? Please let me know, thanks a lot! ;)
hi liting and mummies, the chinese physician is as follows:
Yu Guo Chinese Physician
8B Jalan Masjid #01-08 Kingston Palace
Spore 418929 Tel:64474761,63486415

btw, have u mummies brought ur kid for the 18mths vaccination. anyone knows what is this jab? bcos of my boy refusal for solid and he still have a bit of running nose, I am thinking if I should bring him for this vaccination.
hi AG-gal,

the 18 mth vaccine is the booster jab for 5-in-1 and is compulsory. maybe you can try calling the pd and tell him your boy's condition and ask if he should postpone the vaccine.
<font color="119911">dear mummies, sorry to interrude, im lookin for ergo/manduca carrier for my sil, pls PM me if u are sellin one. tks! </font>
Hi Ja,

Mer will wake up and call Mimi... as well... haha.... she sleeps in her cot next to me, so I am quick to respond. But some days when i am really darn tired and ignore her, she will whine lor... hehehe...

She is enjoying her class so far, altho she is getting involved in the wrong way... getting quite fidgety now that she is familiar... and always trying to get out to the playground. Otherwise, I think she is ok bah. I enjoy the classes tho....wahahaha... I love the songs, enjoy the puppet shows and find the teachers really interesting and amusing. hahaha...

Liting, if I rem correctly, your boy also quite a heavyweight like my gal when he was younger rite... is his weight n height development stil as good? Actually, when they teeth its ok sometimes to just let them be if they dun want to eat or take their milk. Could be he wants something hard to bite on, so you can try to give some teething biscuits or cold apple for him to sink his teeth into? My PD is always telling me Mer can afford to eat abit lesser during teething de since her height and weight seems to be ok. Spoon feeding FM seems like a tedious thing to do ah... hahaha...

AG, if he is hvg flu, then better to hold it off a couple of days but I think not too good to drag the booster jab also...

Sandy, nowadays Mer also quite looking forward to school.. hahah...we will tell her we r going to school today, do you want to go to school? Then she will happily get out of bed and nod her head and laugh. hahaha...
Hi Sandy,

Yah, he's still in nest, oldest baby in the class now, if not he's underaged for Playclub previously, so not sure whether he's be ready so i left him in Nest till he met the age requirements =)


yeah! the classes are gr8! Love it when the kids get to do things that they dun get to do very much at home, floor painting, playing with sand and goup... keke Is Mer ok with the 2 hour class?
Just to share:

SSO Babies' Proms

Peter Moore conductor

Let the SSO and Uncle Peter take your babies and toddlers on a thrilling musical adventure like no other, where they will explore and discover the fun and fantastic world of classical music. The one and only concert in Singapore specially tailored for the little ones, the SSO Babies’ Proms feature delightful excerpts from the best loved classical music ever written. Not to be missed!

Suitable for children 6 years and below. Tickets required for children 2 years and above.

17-18 Nov 2010
Wed &amp; Thur, 10:30AM &amp; 12:15PM

Approx 1 hr

Esplanade Concert Hall

TICKET PRICE (Exclude Booking Fee)
Standard - S$25, S$20
Hi DJ Mama, yah, my boy was heavy weight and now he is still heavy - about 14kg. Having problems carrying him sometimes. Trying to introduce him to brush his teeth but he always insist on biting the toothbrush instead and yesterday, his gums bled after he bit or 'brush' too hard, he always refused to open his mouth for me to clean, not even when I let him bite my finger when i clean with cloth. No choice, got to make him learn slowly...
liting, kylene also dont like to brush her teeth.. she only enjoy eating the toothpaste.. She will nvr open her mouth for me to brush de.. Hope her teeth will not decay!
Wah, liting, sounds bad... so far, I think Mer still ok... we always brush in front of her and I do funny dances when I brush in the morning to make her laugh... been doing that since she was young... hahaha... so she thinks brushing teeth is fun. Then again, whatever I do, she likes to mimic la... haha.

Whitegalz, for awhile Mer also just like to eat the paste so I just stopped using the paste. Let her brush with no paste lor, she also dunno how to rinse her mouth yet. Then she actually brushed leh. Maybe you can try omitting the paste and just give the toothbrush to Kylene, see what she do...

Ja, Mer so far seems ok with the class leh... just abit tiring for me cuz we keep hvg to sit down, stand up, raise them into the air, etc etc. V busy la... hahaha... I heard abt the concert thingie also... want to bring her there as well...shd be fun hor!
hi mommies,
just wanna say hi!!!
have not read the thread in ages.

My baby is also giving me headache. Still the same old story, Sleep Problem and When meeting strangers, she will cry n cry n cry... I feel very bad cos I dun have much time to accompany her everyday and we have not started her on any classes yet. Oh My... I really want to but HB and IL are totally against it. Sigh...

Wahh ur boy really big!! I think I can't carry :D HAHAHA

How big is Mer now? My baby no more heavy weight lo. She has not increased much weight since 6mths old. HAHAHA... so now she is still around 11kgs and slim slim liao. Can still wear her 6mths old tops n dresses, tops become belly-show kind and dresses become tops hahaa... save me loads of $$$

Oh ya... almost forgot I must announce my #2 is another girl!!! hahaha...
hi overload,

congrats in having another girl
a nice companion and playmate for #1.

wow im surprised to hear that your girl maintained her weight lol..Naomi also still looks slim and petite ..shes 10kgs now and sometimes im thankful because i cant imagine having to carry a heavy baby!!

does ur baby get a chance to interact with different people or usually stay at home more than going out? this might explain why she cries when she sees strangers? how come ur hb and ILs are against going for classes?

Wah, I have been missing you. Haha... congrats on having another girl... will be nice hor, imagine next time bring both girls shopping and spend some quality girl time... haha...

Mer is now 11.5kg... and yes, also noticed she can wear bk her old rompers and clothes but I did not attempt 6months old de leh... the 9months old de seems to fit nice n loose on her but I doubt 6 months old de cna wear leh... might be too short for us to button her in... I think Mer seems to hv grown taller... she is 83cm now.

Sandy, how come 1kg difference on our girls and my Mer still looks fat... sigh... think she inherit my round face and fat bum bum...

Overload, ya, how come hb and IL against bringing your girl to class? Actually its now a fun time for them to be exposed to different things. Maybe do it like us, only once a week? I also not v keen to let Mer go to anything more than once a week since she is so young and really no point stressing her. Now their job is to eat play and sleep mah. You try to nego with hubby?

Ja, you bought the SSO tix liao mah? So happy, I bot the tix le, so we r going! But this mummy is more excited than the baby la. LOL.

Sandy, DJmama:
ILs n Hb r against it because of a number of things, I think I have shared hb's borderline germophobia? Hahaha Something like that and they prefer not to pressure baby? I used to do flash cards with her but my MIL prefer her to play cooking and doll etc haha... may b that's why cupcake doesn't like strangers.

My cousin came with d family d other day, she cried and cried. After sometimes, she was ok n played with the 2 sons. I thought ok, we can go out and have some food. I put her in her carseat at the back with those boys. To my horror, she cried again!!! Aiyoh *faints* My cousin just laughed n said I was also like that... we have 8yrs gap so he remembers... so not funny!

How come this thread is so quiet now? Where is Lonerunner, sheepish n who else? OMG i have pregnancy dementia....
