(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

hi sandy

Thanks for ur reply!
Just called a pd dentist to make an appt. And guess wat, the earliest available date is 17 Sep! haha... Anyway, the nurse says its prob plaque, but I still wanna bring him for a checkup. The consultation is super ex! According to the website, its $70-$110!

So u mean I can give Raph flouride toothpaste even though he cant spit out? So he just swallows as with the bb toothpaste?

For other mummies interested, here's the website of the dentist..Not sure if its good, I just goggle n found it...

Another one that my fren recommended is the HPB School of Dental Service. She said that one must book 2 months in adv! So I didnt even try....

overload, Congrats u managed to brush ur gal's teeth FInally! hehe.. let me try and see if ur method of brushing works for my gal.

lonerunner, my gal also not speaking many words yet. Are u speaking in a diff language from what she knows during her day time at ur MIL's place? I dont think it's hearing problem too, think for some tods they just need more time. My fren has a kid who didnt talk till she joined child care, cos of peer pressure i think... sometimes they need peer pressure to do things. One good thing about sending them to CC but hopefully they learn good things lah hahahaha.
Is kindermusik mainly just music and playing with musical instruments? I'm thinking Growing up gifted if not then maybe try one near my home.

Thanks Sandy, will go check out the clay. How abt "forcing" Naomi to call u first before u get what she wants? My gal only calls me as and when she likes. Sometimes for nothing i'll just ask her "did u call me?" then she'll reply Ma... hahaha

blueb, my gal's teeth also yellowish already
And i cant imagine bringing her to dentist cos i already have problem settling her down at normal clinic, she'll scream and cry non stop till she gets out!

suzuki violin is for 2 year old toddler.
i was looking at little skool house at bkt timah. they learn japanese too hehe and it's near my place.

but i'm quite reluctant coz baby is still young, what if he gets hfmd there? sigh...but he seems very lonely at home, no one to play with, sigh.
3 days ago baby went for prevenar and varicella jabs, haha, on both thighs, at the same time. i refused to hold him and asked daddy to do it. hehe, was quite cute to see 2 plasters on his thighs after that.

anyway, PD met baby and asked if he could say papa and mama. I told PD he doesn't. He calls us daddy and mummy, PD was rather surprise and asked us if baby can actually call us that. haha, had a good laugh with hubby after that. We even told baby to demo to PD the dinosaur sound, dog sound and rooster sound. A pat on mummy's back.

Setback: MIL still dont think I'm good enough. haha, ironic isn't it? Sry ladies, just had to vent out coz MIL has been nagging and nagging and nagging about baby this and baby that. In fact, the past 1 week I became so "heaty" a sty grew in my eye. Never had that since primary 2. Sigh.
hi mummies,
Long time nv post. Was onli reading the thread.

Regarding about speaking, i tink a bb at tis age does not speak much, is not a problem. i heard frm my mum, i start toking when i was 2. Tat time she stil thought i am a 'ya pa' and bring mi alot of doc, but turn out i am so talkative. Hehe.... My hb always say i am so talkative to make back those 2 yr. Luckily, my bb keitaro is not slow like mi in speaking.

brushing teeth, had be brushing keitaro since he was 4 mths using oral wipe. Nw is using toothpaste and toothbrush.

Wanted to ask ani idea of gd cc to intro?
Ginn...My boy so far ok with doc, except this particular PD in Hougang. Anyway, he ok as long as never take jab. But checking teeth very very difficult. Even for me, he also not willing to open his mouth for me to check his teeth! So from now til his dental appt, I need to tell him everyday about going to the dentist.
thanks to e mummies who responded! will try out either pampers or mamy poko, cos i dun really like drypers normal diapers...

my gal oso not toking very much yet, but am trying not to be too concerned wif it... lonerunner, my hb used "coercion" method... cos my gal luvs honey smacks, my hb will ask "wat do u wan?"... if she juz pts to it, he will say "tis is puffs, do u wan puffs?"... when she nods, my hb will ask "wat is tis?" or "wat do u wan?"... then she'll say "pa"... not very accurate, but at least vocalising... then when she wans something from us, we'll make her call us before acknowledging her request... tat's how she learned to call my mum "po po"...
i do both sandy's n sheepish's methods. For me, It feels funny at first to ask and answer ur own questions or asking the questions repeatedly but they learn fr repetition so no choice lo. And after sometimes, u just get used to it (hearing urself talking nonstop hehehe n ppl in ur house also will not think u r nuts anymore). I think I told u oredi, I am one of those crazy lady u saw in d supermarket pointing to stuffs on d shelves telling n describing to d baby what that this is, what it is for etc... very annoying type hahaha

I think very effective one is a variation of sheepish's method. I ask her a question, answer it and asking it again... may b just like d way ur hb ask her to say papa? hehehe... then even if she answered wrongly/in weird sound, i used to ask her "did u say "the correct answer"??" and if i FEEL she understands but just dunno how to pronounce d word, i'll praise her. (Most of d time i do la, cos naturally I think my kid is d most wonderful being mah haha)...

Also when she first started talking the words would not be accurate (sometimes v far fetched) but they will improve with time. Like DJ told us before, she will know what Mer is refering to... so do i. She used to say hallo and pillow both as lolo but i knew how to differentiate them somehow. After a few months she perfected both words. But some words she still like to use short cut, like she knows to say water (she reads it out to me) but she will ask for terter every time she wanna drink water. So at first dun expect much...

I dun think Chimun has a problem at all..They will all "perform" in their own time... of course it is great that we make an effort to teach them. It is our no.1 job anyway. Just dun stressed about it, ok? u r already doing such a wonderful job!!! The inspector n her mischiefs have never failed to entertain us!!!
Naomi still hasn't called u Mommy? hahaha... Miss smartie-pants is a tease to Mommy!!! hahahaha... my baby is worse u know? she used to call me jie like my sisters (i think i have posted this b4) hahaha... what i did was to ignore her when she called me jie/some other gibberish... then few seconds later look at her, point to myself n tell her "mommy", then ask her who is this? (still pointing to self) hahahha very stupid, right? I actually do a lot of silly things around baby... should not reveal too much hahaha... but d good thing is she makes me young again and yes, everyday in love with her
re: brushing teeth
seems like teeth is our current topic... my baby decided to sleep early without normal routine bath/read/latch/brush teeth today. Wanted to relax n read all d posts but instead now kancheong cos she HAS NOT BRUSH HER TEETH!!! geez thanks Mommies!!! hahahaha....
going on batam family trip tmw with little chi mun! yippie! Looking forward to it. my parents already cant sleep well for past few nites anticipating this trip! the last we have gone to 1 was like 12yrs ago! Dun judge chi mun by her size. she has already gotta 3 big luggage bags filled with her stuff already, and I hadnt finished packing! Duno if I'm moving hse or going on short trip :p

thx mummies for all your kind feedback! Have started to put all to practise now! Let's see how things go *keep fingers crossed!*

hehee ... R is very smart! He knows wat the dentist is going to do even before he reached him! :p
hmmm ... my mum said I started talking around this age. My hb is slower. maybe she takes after her dad? I will continue to persevere and repeat words until she gets sick of me! HAHAHHAAA!

hey thanks so much for the tips! Have started practising already! Hope they work soon! I have also told my mil to avoid giving her the pacifier at home becos I read some articles that made me realised that she wont be able to speak if there is something in her mouth! haha! A bit hard to stick to one language leh becos I cant speak canto and mil cant speak eng/mandrain well! But we'll try to see how things go!
But hahahaha ... Naomi really has an unique problem! She can say big words but not mummy! HEHEHEEHEHEE!

ahh .. kindermusik has music component in their class. check out (http://www.kindermusik.com.sg/our-curricula-village.html)
GUG classes have good feedback. no harm sitting in for trial classes first if you like! I also wanted to try out GUG but, I better do one thing at a time first :p
U got a point on the language. I told mil to teach her only canto words in the day since mil and daddy speak to her in cantonese. See if this helps or not. :p

oh u are staying near bkt timah! hahaha sorrie I got confused between u and another mummy then. I read the review for the outlet. Not bad leh. Originally I am also thinking of letting chi mun learn japanese in preschool too but nvm lah, since she isnt speaking much, I'll just let her focus on 1 or 2 first. Anyway with my budget, most CC wont offer japanese anyway! :p
old ppl sometimes very naggy. wat to do. But personally I think u have done great! Pat on mummy's back!

hey welcome back to forum! :p
I think diff ppl has diff concept of what a good CC shld be. For me, it must be (1)Safe - locks and gates at staircase area (2) Clean (3) Diet-healthy food with reasonable portions (4) well behaved kids in orderly classes with caring teachers (5) environment - open air/non aircon classrm and playground (6) NO TV, or at the most only 1! (7) curriculum.

Lots of CC I have reviewed failed at (3), (4), (6) (7). Lotta TV time and no curriculum! Goodness! No wonder kids these days wear specs at a young age! Check out e.g. kiasuparents.com for more juicy details, or just google around! Parents really share lots in the forum! hehehee! I'm now following the thread on Primary 1 registration! Quite interesting! :p

hey ur hb's method is the same as my hb's latest method! okok, I shld make him teach chi mun more frequently since it is proven to work for ur girl! hahaha!

hahaha ... thanks for ur encouragement ah. think becos I'd never spend time with kids previously so totally got no idea wat to do with them :p Will try to transform into a talking mummy and repeatly work on her speech! :p

yes, she doesnt call me mommy when she ask for things. she calls daddy (fondly), her grandpa, grandma and my in law's maids (by their name followed by nanny), the names of her stuff toys..anything but mommy. she can also address herself by her name but when i ask her to say mommy, she will smile and kiss me my lips. when hb asked her to call mommy, she will take then phone, dial and say hello (literally making a phone CALL to mommy). the only times when i hear her call mommy is when she has nightmare, and when she got frightened and startled by a loud noise. the rest of the times, she will just command with please and thankyou but without addressing me. i asked pd before and she said probably im forever there for her and there is no one else but me..so she probably think that why am i calling mommy when shes the only one at home anyway :p

hows your #2 coming along gender revealed?
i'm thinking of not sending until 2 years old. anyway, just curious, why is there a rush? if u r thinking of playgroup, we can all meet like twice a week for babies to play together, no need for too early childhood hehe. ok, gonna clear email now. ttyl.
Email from dumex:
<font size="+2">How can I avoid raising a “spoilt” child?
17 months</font>

The greatest fear of most moms is creating a spoilt child. Your child will not become spoilt by being given what they need and a bit of what they want. Spoiling doesn't come from being good to your child in a normal way, and it doesn't happen all of a sudden. It is not about what your child gets, but how your child obtains it, and it never comes from giving too much love and attention. Your child may become spoiled if unreasonable needs are constantly met, annoying whiny behaviour is tolerated, and minor wants are met at great cost and inconvenience to others. In the end, being spoiled is not a product of how much your child has, but can occur when money and material objects continually replace love, time, and affection. Trust the “mother knows best” instinct in you and your child will be just fine!
Morning mummies....

Overload, you are not alone~ Haha... I am also the kuku mummy that is literally spelling out what everything is everywhere to Mer! And self-talking is an art lor... I think I did alot of self-talking since she was an infant. Before she came along I also self-question and self- answer with hb cuz he dun talk much. Hahahahah....but its so nice and cute to read your posts... its like this nice picture of happiness and contentment! And ya, what is baby's gender? I also wanna know! Kakaka...

Lonerunner, how about getting Chi Mun a toy phone? I think it also will encourage some talking. They may start with babbling, then proceed to simple: Hallo, or Wei? and sometimes they will mimic us adults using the toy phone. Or you can give her an old unused HP. Mer has loads of these. she has abt 4 toy phones in different models from her grandparents, mummy and friends.... then she also "owns" the old HPs from my sis, my FIL and my mum. And I remember my favourite toy when I was young was a red toy phone. I would talk to my imaginary friend using the toy phone to ask what is her name and where is she? And ya, Sheepish methods are good too~ My hb does that.... I think men will do that, generally they have more patience... I just go around like a machine gun saying many things to Mer all the time.

Ginn, Kindermusik is very much waitlisted on weekends. I think now, their only available classes are at the 430pm and 5pm slots. I brought Mer with Saro and her boy for the trial before. We all had fun but the timing was just no good. Smack in the middle of their nap time~ I went to take a look at GUG when I worked at Suntec... I think they are a "serious" school. You dun normally hear much sounds or laughter and I think its like a classroom setting. So I wasn't keen. Cuz I think our babies at this age should be bubbly and happy and making noise and creating mess. Haha... but some parents will prefer la~

Sandy, does your hb ask Naomi to call you mummy too? My hb will make Mer ask for me when I am not in the room and somewhere else in the house for anything. Like changing diaper to drinking milk to asking for pacifier, etc etc. It wasn't his method of teaching her to call me tho, more to use Mer to annoy me... haha... but then, thats also how Mer took to the habit of calling me. She used to call my mum Mah mah... and I will just tell myself she is also calling me la... but later on, she corrected her tone then recently, from mama, she calls me mimi lor... and I remember, when she started to call me mama, she for a period of time did not call hb papa anymore.... just stand and smile at him or watch him or just go and take his hand to wherever she want him to go or do. Then, I started to bring her to the window sometimes, when hb goes on an errand, then let her watch out for him coming back. When he is back, I will ask her to call out to him. Took a couple of days then she started to call papa again.

Lonerunner, what pri one reg thread are you reading? You know I went to see MOM webbie on the different phases... I feel abit confused. how does this thing work man? So sian... looks like a lot of work for parents to do if you want your kid to be in a good school but you are not in the alumni...
sandy, kylene also like that...

she will call "papa" like "paaaa paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" in such a sweet and "teh teh" sound.. and her daddy will reply " ling linggggggg"...

the 2 of them will do this every now and then.. but, kylene will not automatic call me de.. unless she wants me takes things for her..

even when she take up her phone and answer, she will say "hello, papa"... so far, only once, "hello, mama"...

recently, she has the habit of say "milk milk"... thought she is hungry but is not.. waste my milk!

ya, hb keeps asking naomi to call mommy. then if the phone is within reach, she will take and call. if no phone...she will use her hands and make a phone call action...so when he ask her to call mommy, she literally make a phone call..so we switched to "say mommy"..she'll just smile and kiss me on my lips...in fact since newborn, we add a mommy and daddy in each sentence. like mommy will do this for you, daddy will do that for you. when i showed her my photos, she will point to the photo and say mommy. only for photos....maybe she really thinks that im part of her cos we are 24/7 together.
So sad....I think Raph has cavity in both his upper lateral incisor =( I have just made an appt with another dentist tmr morning...So worried...
DJ, thanks for the feedback on the classes. Ya i also read that kindermusik very well liked among the kids too. Hmm let me go think think.
Right now i'm too tired, my gal has been waking up past 2 nights and cant get back to sleep till 2 hrs later, crying and seemed difficult to go back sleep. Think it's teething but dunno which tooth, cant see, or either that it's the same molar that came out half way and now slowing erupting the other half. I kena 4 "love" bites from her while carrying her, bit me so hard on my shoulder! ouch!!! This whole week she's been difficult, refusing nap, throwing tantrums etc... hoping it'll end once the tooth erupt if there is any.

hopefully your girl's teething woes will be over soon


dont worry so much..if the cavity is not too bad (early stage), the dentist should be able to fill the hole instead of removing the teeth.
naomi is so clever! ive tought my ger to rinse her mouth using your method but until now she still dun know how to spit out the water! worst is she has been refusing to brush her teeth since last month. i really dun know how! oso, she has been drinking milk to sleep. BTW mummies, where can i get barney/hello kitty or cute tooth brush?

my gal is currently with GUG. not 'serious' teaching leh! i still find too much plays in the class, as compared to schichida. they have music class, interaction activities, creativity, zoophonics,etc. they are not in the class room seating arrangement.

i bought my crayola fr kino and toyrus.

i got the mickey mouse dough set at $5 fr taka toy fair. not sure if it's non-toxic or not. when i make dough for 'ban mian' or 'me hoon kuay', i'll let my gal to give me a hand to roll and press the dough! she enjoyed v much

last weekend i brought my gal to east coast park for cycling. she enjoyed sitting at the back while holding my waist. when we want to go home, she refused to get down from the bicyle and hugged me tight without letting me go. so funny!!!
Sandy, I dont think it is v deep...but I am worried about how he is going let the dentist treat his teeth!!!! ahh!! Not going to a pd dentist tmr as those need adv booking. The one I bringing him to do for kids too, but isnt a pd dentist...Just hopes everything goes well tmr...
my gal is v talkative but then my PIL commented why she dun speak proper sentence w at least 2 or 3 words?! do your babies speak more than 2 or 3 words in a sentence? i always call home to talk to my gal over the phone and she can 'talk' non-stop with me but i dun understand a single words at all. when she reads a book, she oso babling but none of the words she speak i can understand. is it normal? she speaks one word only so far. her favourite words i guess is PaPa, MaMa and Baby. When the floor is wet, she'll keep saying 'wet wet' and walk extremely slow and careful...

i think nowadays the more popular approach is progressive teaching method...i.e. learn through doing and playing is part of it and they learn. i find this approach good too cos naomi can remember everything she learnt.

in terms of speaking in sentence, the longest naomi managed is 4 to 5 words but this is not a daily affair "i want the bowl", "i want to eat now"...usually her sentence is 2-3 words long like "yes i want", "daddy come", "go out". i guess they will master the single words first then as they learn the concept, they know how to use it together in a sentence.
Sandy, yes hope she'll be "normal" again!

btw mummies, how many hours are ur tods sleeping now, night + nap?
FOr this wk, my gal waking up at night (total of abt 9hrs of nite sleep) and nap only 45min during day, i'm surprised she is not as tired as i thought she wld be, i dont see her yawn, her usual is 13hrs total... read that 1-2yrs sleep abt 10-13hrs?

deedee, does ur gal enjoy GUG class? sounds good that they have a mixture.. quite like the idea. My gal is still babbling too when she reads book, she'll point at the words and babble.. haha quite cute actually, imitating like how i wld read to her.
Hallo mummies.... wah seh... today super duper busy... and i just got back to my desk not long... feel like i am rushing so much like it is LS liao. Sigh.

deedee... hmm...maybe when I went to kaypoh during my lunch hour, they were doing some teaching and not play bah... I wasn't inside v long either. But everytime we pass by, can hardly hear anything happening inside de.... the Brightstars in the same area is rowdy compared to GUG lor... hahaha....

I have also been going cycling with mer for a few weeks now... its a regular thing we do on sat... so far she sits with her daddy and she is seated in front leh...so that we can see her.... its not dangerous to seat them behind mah? I find that they are still abit too young... altho maybe becos mer generally likes to perform stunts, so I feel safer putting her in front where we can see la.

Whitegalz... kylene is also called ling ling at home ah... hahaha... mer too~ And yes, she also deh her daddy... the papa also drag loooooongg.... and she has a papa song somemore... lol.

Sandy, think if naomi feels that you are a part of her hor, I will feel even more loved. Haha...its very special when our babies feel we are an extension of them!

Sigh, still waiting for my designer to revert with my changes... hopefully this time come in perfect and fast!

Have a good evening mummies!
blueb, how to see cavity?

Kylene's teeth are all jagged.. like the edge of a saw like that..

She not many teeth, if cavity how.. i will have problem bringing her to dentist, maybe need to use machine to hold her head and open her mouth... otherwise, she will close tightly and struggle
Whitegalz... Well, firstly, I saw there is some brownish stain there and the tooth was not smooth. Then on closer investigation this afternoon when he took his nap, plus I googled for pics on how a tooth with cavity looks like, I confirmed that its cavity! He may have like 3 cavities on his upp teeth!

U dun scare urself la. Kylene should be ok. As long as her teeth surface smooth and white.

haha...I dunno how Raphael is going to react to the dentist tmr! I bringing him to see a pd dentist, hopefully he is very good with kids and can get him to open his mouth without crying. I have been reading this visit the dentist book with him today and telling him to show me his teeth. Hope all these help in preparing him for the visit tmr!
I understand ur dilemma, frustation mixed with MUCH AMUSEMENT with her not calling u mommy. I was REALLy in ur shoes!!! she used to call daddy AND papa but refuse to call me mama OR mommy... she also called popo, gunggung n my maid by name too hahaha... at least ur consolation is d super sweet kiss!! (AWWW) I din even have that haha (a bit envious hahaha/kidding
... well, she is just being a tease!!!

Baby's gender:
we dunno yet wo...scheduled to scan next month... I am also v curious. I even selected one male name and one female name ready to call d baby. My hb said i am too kebo n he is not gonna approve my selection so soon.. hehehe

Let's hang on together!!!! :D My baby is also teething now, also refuses to sleep etc... Last month, when her right molar erupted she din sleep well but one day, she slept til 12noon. I seriously thought she was sick, brought her to see pd etc... cos she looks lethargic. Luckily just dun have enough sleep... ok we JIA YOU!!

My baby is also d talkactive one, the longest can speak in more than 6 words forming simple sentences BUTTTTT (got but ho hehe) not every word is accurate and not a real complete sentence. I am the ONLY one who can understand most of her "sentences" lo hahaha cos she dun use conjunctions much yet and sometimes the words are jumbled up. But I am very happy as she has started using preposition like "inside" and uses "many" "too big/small" "only" and "also" in various ways... I am very very satisfied with her progress oredi cos I dun expect much. I think ur PIL might have higher standards lo... errr for like d real standards i think have to ask Sandy (who is always more well informed) HEHEHE...

dun scare urself first!! U must keep calm on Ralph's behalf tomorrow! U so smart lo read d book to him some more... super mom!!

ur hb is like me... i also like to ask my baby to call her dad, to annoy him, watch her dance and asking him to do things when i am lazy hehehehe... (hope he won't read this) hahah...
Hi lonerunner,

Thanks for the feedback. I will go do some reserch on the CC that I have short listed.

Hi Mummies,

Saw that u all are dicussing to bring little one to dentist. Is it complusory or optional that we nd to bring bb dentist for checkup??
<font color="0000ff">Collect Sgp Coins Minted in 2009:</font> Hey mommies - I'm Apr 09 mom. Dunno if u noticed bt Sgp Mint has released for circulation e 10, 20, 50-cent &amp; $1 coins minted in 2009. I've collected 2 add 2 my boy's memory box. I also collected for my gal those minted in her yr of birth (2007) -- tho in dat yr I tink dint hv 50-cent coins. Anyway, thot I share &amp; c if any other mom wanna collect 4 ur own bb. Bt I'm nt sure if ovr e yrs e shininess wl tarnish... My B1's 2007 set stl ok so far
Jus back from the dentist. Raphael did cry, but not as bad as I imagined it to be.
Anyway, the bad news is he has FOUR cavities on his 4 upper incisors! My heart really sank when I heard it is 4. The 2 on the lateral incisors are more serious. There is nothing the doc can do except for me to prevent it from worsening. He says it is due to nite feeds. So from tonite, I going to try to wean him off nite feeds.

Will be using flouride toothpaste from now on. He say as long as I just smear abit on the toothbrush, its ok for him to swallow. Plus he also gave me a tooth mousse to apply at nite after the brushing. Wonder how I am going to let him sleep tonite as he usually nurse to sleep. SIGH...its really time to wean him off nursing to sleep and nite feeds.
dee dee, overload
Zac knows how to form 3 - 4 words in a sentence, and they are:
'Go, Go, Go, Go!' Hee.. usually I am very relunctant to wake up in the morning.

I never brush Zac's teeth before and he will drink a bottle of milk before he sleeps. So stress to see all the post on taking care of the teeth.

I hope you and Rap are doing well with the 'cold turkey'. It's not easy for the 1st night but should improve as the days progress. There after you can sleep through the night too!

Zac having only a nap in the noon after lunch, which can last from an hour to 3 hours. Most of the time was 3hrs, but the whole of last week he only napped for an hour.

I am so tired with Zac napping only an hour. Before I can take a rest, he's already up and need all my attention again. Sandy, how you manage to do it? To study, to cook and to look after a tod who nap so little now? I think you are a great mother. Understand all the needs of your child that she don't even have to call you. Nowadays, I like to play 'hide and seek' with zac and he will keep calling me. I am really hiding from him so that i can take a 5 mins break!
ROFL reading ur posts!!!

I agree with u Sandy is great, Naomi dun even have to call her hahaha (Sandy, it might b d highest compliment fr her)... and Zac's Go..go..go.. is darn cute...

HIGH FIVE!! altho i brush baby's teeth, it's more like a duty (i super follow law type) rather than anything, never knew baby's oral care is that serious too sighhhh... n i haven't get used to housework while baby's sleeping... these few days so tired til have nightmares that my hb has another wife... continue ones ok? stress!!! haha
actually i also just started weaning baby off night feeds but early morning ones r difficult. Before bed, I fed her kao kao first then brush teeth n water like Sheepish. then she replace d latching with my hubby's shoulder hahaha... at least not mine :p we're all here for u, n remember!! u r not d only one... HANG ON THERE!!!
Thanks for ur encouragement!!! Anyway, I tried last nite didnt work. Asked my maid carry him sleep and I hide. But he saw me hiding and even after that he couldnt see me anymore, he cried non-stop for half and hour! Then I appeared and tried Lili's method (another Feb mummy), i.e. cuddle him n say no milk, etc... It didnt work. In the end, I gv up. Drink milk sleep. He was so poor thing. Scream and scream for me and for milk the whole time!

Tonite, I tried again. After shower, I hid all the way. He looked for me, cried a little bit, then half an hour later, he fell asleep, my maid carrying him the whole time. Going to try this everynite from now on. And hopefully in a few weeks' time, my hubby can take over the nite duty.

How did u manage to change from latching to falling asleep on ur hubby's shoulder?

I intend to do one step at a time. Now is no-milk-to-sleep, but nite feeds continue. Then later on will start weaning off nite feeds.


By the way, how many times ur bb wake up each nite? Mine varies. On good days, maybe 3 times. On bad days, I dunno....He just needs to nurse to sleep, rather than really drink milk. =( The longest he ever slept was from 1am - 6am in the morn. I was soo happy that day. But it was only for 2 occasions.
just back from holiday! shiok shiok! Luckily this girl slp at 10pm tonite. last nite this toddler simply refused to sleep n instead stayed up to watch us all bowling. She clapped her hands happily when one of us delivered a strike and will then "reward" the player with hug and a wet kiss on the cheek. when we dun strike, she wont have a reaction. duno where she learnt the rules of bowling from! sometimes I really cannot tahan her. hahahaha! the best part is, when the game finally concluded at 0030hr, this girl immediately flung her arms around her poor mummy's neck tightly and dropped off to a deep slumber. just like that.

Oh I'm not in rush to send chi mun to attend these enrichment classes. My priority is to find a CC to register chi mun first for now, but I'll go for trial classes if friends happen to ask me along and if my schedule can fit in. Need to do 1 thing at a time becos my time is quite limited and packed these days (and nites!) doing research and reading feedbacks on CC. After doing OT, tuck chi mun to bed then express milk, it will be like 11.30pm+ by the time I'm finally free.

hahaha ... ok I'll give chi mun an old hp once I manage to find it from the storeroom! :p
P1 reg: Check out this url. http://www.kiasuparent.com/kiasu/forum/viewforum.php?f=5&amp;sid=d0323d089a18ac282ecb6d6bea9b4ab2
Then u zoom in on the topic that you are interested in. I think you might want to read the "P1 Registration FAQ" line that is rite on the top first to get an idea how this thing works, before narrowing down on more specific topics.

oh dear, hope that your girl will tide over this phase soon! poor mummy!
my girl dun have fixed sleep pattern/duration yet! she slp when she's tired, and wake up when she is ready.

at least u still managed to get Raphael show u his teeth! chi mun just refused to, will just press her lips into 1 thin line to prevent me from putting anything into it!
nite feeds - varies, depending on her needs. sometimes only 1x, othertimes she'll sleep thru.
hey mummies,

our thread no new posts since sat?

blueb, kylene also wakes up at most twice a night for feeds..

Mummies, today i brought kylene for her 18th mth booster jab.. the nurse says she has completed all her jabs.. so fast complete meh? she said she will mail me the immunisation cert

Anyway, kylene's molars came out le.. so strange, she only got four on top and four on below, suddenly molar came out and the rest empty.. today the PD still say it is okie..

So strange, my PD hvn call us up for Mer's 18th Month booster leh... so fun... got immunisation cert somemore...

I went crazy this week and bought a total of 10 sets of PJs for Mer. Faints. Now feeling abit sorry for myself and dunno how to handle HB when he starts recieving my online purchases in the mail.
Dunno what happened when I bought the PJs man....

This week Mer will get to take class photo with her classmates and they have to dress in red and white... she has a red dress with white polka dots le but aiyo, so tempted to buy yet another brand new outfit leh... sigh... after the 10 PJs saga, I think I will be banned from buying anything for her for a long long time to come... Sobs.

I dun really track Mer's teeth leh... ever since she has four on top and below, I pretty much just stop looking at her mouth. They will all come out eventually anyway...wahahaha... lazy mummy me!
sigh....lonerunner, i think i should stay home and be baby's child minder, play mate and childcare teacher.........work is overwhelming.....haha......hope everything is gd with everybody. baby's final hexa is 27 aug, cant wait till then, can take another child care leave hoho....

kylene's teething pattern is normal. usually its 4 top then 4 bottom, next comes first molars

DJ, maybe can call ur pd to follow up? my PD fixed her 18mth booster appointment since 2 months ago.
hi mummies,

good morning! i want to ask about sleep/nap and meal time. since 2 weeks ago, my gal is having 1 nap from 12noon to 2pm or 1pm to 3pm (1.5 or 2hrs), which is during the lunch hr. her night sleep changed fr 8.30pm to 10pm/10.30pm and up ard 8am/8.30am.

can u pls share w me your tots' sleep/nap and meal time.

thanks in advance!
hi deedee, here's a sample of my girl's sleep and meal time...the awakening time varies according to what time she sleeps but the hours of sleep per night is 10-12 hours:

typical day without outings

9am: awaken
10am: breakfast
12noon: lunch
2pm - 3.30pm: nap
3.30-4pm: afternoon snack
6-7pm: dinner
10pm: bedtime

if its her school days:

9am: awaken
9.30am: breakfast
12noon: lunch
1-3pm: class
3.30pm: nap (duration depends on how long we take to reach home; she naps immediately when we enter the car after class)
7pm - dinner

according to babycenter, they start cutting from 2 naps to 1 at age of 17 mths so no worries
Hi mummies,

deedee, my gal only takes 1 nap since i think at 10/11months! And now she's giving me headache by refusing to take her 1 and only nap altho she's tired.. Her nap used to be 2hours, since last wk only 45min to 1hour...

My gal sleeps ard 9-10hours at night now, used to be 11-12hours... and she's waking up very early! Sleeps ard 8plus and sometimes wakes ard 6.30am like today, she used to wake up ard 7+am! There goes my sleep...

And she's not sleeping well since last wk too cos teething, crying in middle of night, one canine and another molar cut thru within the past wk and one more canine seems to be on the way... i need sleeptime for myself!
my gal sleeps from 10pm to 10am on usual days... on thur, she'll wake up at 9am... naptime is from abt 3pm to 6.30pm... hehehe...

wahh so little posts... hehehehe mommies r all busy??

my baby sleeptime exactly like ginn's lo...

high five! hahaha
