(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

ladies ladies,

I took morning off today to go for Taka's toy fair. Yes, the toys are indeed very very cheap.
Go and check it out. But hor sob sob, I missed out the remote control helicopter which was sold out since last week.

I went crazy buying toys for my boy!! Woohoo......hahahahahaha, ok time to go off soon, I am gonna bring the toys back for him and surprise him hahahahaahaha

hi mummies, any recommandations on how it is best let our toddler settle down to a new nursery class/ CC? is signing up for a trial period be a good solution? Having second doubts on wat is the best way to intro my girl to her prenursery/CC class. Or maybe I worry too much since she isnt going until next year? hahaha! anyway I will be taking her to see her new school on thursday before her jab. If she doesnt like it, I wont put her there.

I tot the singapore garden festival is quite ex at $12 per adult! did u go? Anyway my girl went there to zzzzzz as usual whenever she is with nature. She's more of a ppl person - give her a shopping trip anytime and she'll be very happy.
hahaa .. u gotta go on more trips soon to make up for the 1st time! :p

seemed like you had a great buy! how's ur boy's reaction? ;)
i got my new maid fr TMC HR global at katong shopping centre. they have branches in bukit timah shopping centre too. Pls only engage their services if u feel comfortable w the service staff and they have quality maids for selection. so far, my this maid not bad lah... at least she's willing to learn. she can cook pretty good without supervision after i thought her how to cook baby food and chinese food. she has been preparing our lunch and dinner for the past few days. so far no complaints! my mil said the food she cooked is nice wor.... she is a clean freak oso!!! hahaha...

overload, lonerunner,
wow, u still remember i moved to a new plc. well, the plc tat im currently staying is a temporary plc. last wk have finally unpacked all the stuff. talked about house shifting hor... i had a very unsmooth moved! it was a NIGHTMARE!!!!!!! the house mover that i engaged was terrible. they finished the 1st load, all movers went disappeared coz’ they sabo the boss who din tell them there is no lift access from 12th to 13th floor. called the boss and he said sent another team over. well, i waited patiently from 1.30pm till 5.30pm (after tried calling the boss several times he din pick up my phone) they finally shown up. the 2nd load was completed at 12midnight!!! yes, in the midnight coz' these movers are all PART-TIME STUDENTS and they were not sure how to move the bulky items like king size mattress, buddha statue, etc. they sat at a corner and had their 'discussion'... OMG!!!! my HB ended up became part of the movers team helped them load/unload our stuff. I refused to pay coz’ I wanted the boss to give me discount for their lousy jobs done and all the lousy boxes they provided. The boss wanted to come to my house immediately to demand for payment at the middle of night. Never engaged this mover again…. J Team. This company was recommended by the iproperty http://homeservices.iproperty.com.sg/searchResults.aspx?k=&t=both&mc=30&sc=183… so never trust this kind of rating anymore.

Singapore Garden Festival sounds good! But then I don’t think out tots will appreciate and enjoy it. You can bring Mer to other places to enjoy nature such as botanical garden or neighourhood park. I bring my ger to the neighbourhood park often with her little bag… everytime when we walked along the park, she will plug, pick and collect the flowers or leaves she likes put in her bag.

Any good deal from Taka toys fair? Wanted to buy more toys for my ger too!. Talked about toy, I recently bought a Hello Kitty Kitchen Set for my ger… I can’t believe that she enjoys so much and spends more than an hour do her ‘kitchen stuff’ like boil water, cook fish/veggies/noodles, cut meat, wash dishes etc….

I recently read an article from Pre-school Guide Magazine 2010 about preparing our tots for pre-nursery. Some experts suggest it will be good to send them to school if they have potty-trained and able to express their needs. Otherwise, the tots will not enjoy the classes and will reject going to classes. So now I must consistently potty-train my girl so she will enjoy her days in the class. I have shortlisted a few and will pay them a visit soon.
hi lonerunner,

in my opinion, you can sign up for a trial and see the reaction of chi mun when she is in an enclosed setting with alot of other kids. going for class is different from going to the playground daily to play with other kids. sometimes the kids react not to the other kids but to the feeling of being in a room and having to follow a structure of curriculum and doing what they are told to do, which they might not be familiar with. thats why some parents who go for trial classes may thought that the program is not good enough, or that the kid doesnt like it. the explanation could be he/she hasnt had any classroom experience and needed some time to adjust to doing things together with other kids and follow what the teachers do. from what i have seen so far in naomi's classmates, the ones that have been attending playclass/playgroup or any prior classes, settles in easily without fussing and crying. theres one classmate who is 2.5 yrs old who didnt attend any programs before...she doesnt cry but she refused to let go of the nanny in class. another one keep crying and want to be carried. the ones who didnt have prior exposure also have difficulties responding and participating in class cos they spend their time adjusting to the situation. so maybe you can try with trial classes to see how she react to a classroom setting. the classes can also prepare her emotionally so when she goes to a daily CC or nursery class, the situation and setting will not be unfamiliar to her. just my 2 cents
dee dee, wow, more than 1 hour playing kitchen?? naomi has no interest at all in playing kitchen, in fact she doesnt like to play with toys..her play school has the big little tikes kitchen and also many good quality toys for indoor play session but she doesnt even play with them!! the only thing she plays are stuff toys, and dolls..feeding them and hugging them. shes more interested in playing with coins, marbles and lining up pebbles, blocks, bottles, playing house under the blanket. i do hope she likes playing with kitchen sets but so far no luck..shes been watching me cook, and do stuff in the kitchen but it doesnt seem to interest her enough
we going for 9 days... we she bu de leave my gal behind, so bringing her along... i used to say, i dun understand why some parents gotta bring their babies along for holidays... how to enjoy, wif a bb in tow? haha, in e end we oso bring... a lot of things tat i said i wun do last time, i'm slowly changing my mind... now gotta start planning e exact amt of things to bring liao...
thx mummies for ur kind feedbacks!

the CC that I'm considering to put Chi Mun in next year has pre-nursery classes from 9am to 3pm, then from 3pm to 7pm there is no class and become CC time. Think there will be lesser number of teachers?
hmmm ... I guessed the amt of time required for adjustment differs from child to child. I'm not sure how long would it take for Chi Mun to adapt as she hasnt gone for any enrichment classes on routine basis b4. How long a trial period will be the recommanded duration?

did you pay the mover eventually? That's a lousy service indeed! Still dare to ask for payment!

I'm also eating my own words now! :p I used to tell ppl "just put the child at home lah! How to enjoy with a child in tow when on holidays?!" After becomming a mum, I can finally understand why this is so :p
hello mummies, I'm back. I just started my new job this week so still honeymoon period. the last 2 weeks I was off, I was so busy bringing my boy to sentosa, hort park, zoo,shopping etc. its so fun and enjoyable just go out everyday...wahaha. I went for a 2N cruise to Redang 2 weeks ago and manz, my lugguage was full of all Jovan's stuff.my hb and I just had a small carrier of our stuff. just 2 nites, I bought lots of diapers, clothes, towels, tissue, wet wipes, snacks(biscuits and bread), all medicine, thermometer etc. I went with my whole family which means I have ppl to help me out at times to play and carry him. but manz, I felt so tired with no relax time at all. he was practically walking and touching everything. hb and I was planning to bring him for a flight this year end but guess will not bring him along again. I think its too tiring and have to either carry him or the heavy bag(with all his stuff).

talking about eating, my mum feeds Jovan his meals walking around including walking along corridors. best part, she lets her watch TV. I gave up nagging at her and now Jovan demands he wants TV and make a fuss if we dont. he doesnt sit down for his meals. so imagine how we can dine outside, totally impossible now. haiz, the only way is to bring him to CC soon but hb said to wait till 2yo. heee so long winded.

lonerunner, think if chi mum is generally ok with any kind of places, maybe wont be that bad. But i think what sandy mentioned is also true, some kids just needs more exposure and then can get used to schools better... i really need to expose my gal more liao.

AG, ya TV is really addictive for them. But tough for u since u're working so cant really stop him watching.

Btw, do any of ur tods get bored very easily these days? I ran out of ideas what i can get her to do...
lonerunner, deedee,

bought remote ctrl car for baby, 19.90 only. haha, i think he's amazed by the automatic movement but definitely prefers to move it manually.
bought a bubble maker too. he would go wah....everytime many many bubbles are created. hmm.....i think hor, i enjoy playing with his toys more than him. hehe....oh yah, i bought school bags too, the small ones, all going for 10 bucks. haha so cute =)

i tried this with my boy, u might wanna get your mum to try. we feed him in his high chair, by reading books to him so he's engaged. aft his meal, then we give incentive with leapfrog dvd which he enjoys. it's true once it becomes a habit of eating and watching, it's difficult to get rid of it.
Morning mummies.... its yet another cold and dripping wet day! Wish I was home under my blankets now....

AG, its super sian when our babies get addicted to TV.

How about you try to feed him in a room where the TV is not there. sometimes out of sight is out of mind for our babies. After that, you can try what star bright recommends or do what most of us mummies are doing, supply toys as distraction. As much as you can don't make it a habit to follow him around to feed. Get him to come back to you for food. Otherwise, try to keep his area for movement limited. I think first few days definitely will be trying de... since it is not what he is accustomed to or expects... but after the initial pain, you will see results le...then hor, as for not sitting in the high chair, how about getting him a more comfy chair? I noticed Mer dun like the ikea high chair cuz its hard... but she will sit in her stroller or on a soft sofa to eat. she only accepts the ikea high chair when we are at a proper meal during lunch or dinner at our dining table.

But anyway, now they r restless and backside got needles. Even outside Mer also will not remain in the high chair for long. Eventually one of us got to get up and take her out for a walk....but after walking around for 10 minutes of so, she is willing to sit back inside for another short while before requesting to come out again. Also important to not give sweet stuff too.... once they get sugar high, they will not cooperate at all. I experienced Mer's sugar highs a couple of times outside le...it can be v traumatising for the parents. Haha.

I had issues with Mer watching TV for awhile too and I let her go cold turkey. It was hard the first few days but then after awhile they will not bother pestering you for the TV liao but find other things to entertain.

The first night I refused her TV, she cried and threw a massive tantrum for almost an hour... after that she fell asleep out of weariness.... then it was like that for a few days. I also told my mum that she shd stop letting Mer watch so much tv... I am not saying totally no tv, since my mum also will want to take a break sometimes but no longer than 1 hr lor. Then i also told her it is v tiring for me to let her cry to sleep every night becos of tv. Once my mum hears I let Mer cry to sleep, she will worry and start to cooperate liao... think old ppl dun like to hv children cry to sleep.

Then I noticed that mer's tantrums would not last as long liao....so instead of letting her cry to sleep, I would distract her. It takes 2 persons to do this successfully. HB and I would take turns to read story books to her and talk to her. We tried a mixture of asking her questions that make her happy, like where is your nose? Is Dusty under the bed? What is your name? in between reading her bedtime stories cuz her attention span is v short.

Finally, after almost 2 weeks, we succeeded. Now every night we are home, Mer will expect us to spend time to play with her, go and look at the fish tank, talk to Bear or play with her toys. I also replaced night time entertainment to bedtime lullabies on the CD player... she loves it, and will sway to the music and then dance around the house. It also calms her down so when we bring her to the bedroom to sleep, she is v much more cooperative and also falls asleep much faster.

My PD told me before that at this stage, they r notti also becos they want our attention. So now, instead of logging online after work when I m home, I spend time with her. Until she fall asleep le, then I do my own things or log online to check mails etc. And actually I find that its much better cuz in the past, it used to be us trying to get some personal time while she is around and then she would try stunts to get our attention, we would get frustrated, in the end every evening also feel like fighting a battle. Now at least she gets what she wants and we get what we want too... wahahaha...

Whitegalz, I think most prob going tomorrow but hb still is not v keen lor. when r u going?
haiz. juz got home from NUH from the booster and chicken pox jabs. Chi Mun's screams almost brought down the bb clinic. Now she'd tired herself out. Happily dozing in the cooling wind.

Went at noon time to Artkidz to check out the environment. The place is good (non aircon, small class size with 1 teacher to 6 toddlers ratio, orderly classes, friendly teachers, a small rubber float/pool area, an outside playground with cars/slides etc) Chi Mun even walked over by herself and joined the K2 kids sitting at the table listening to the teacher while I was talking to the parents liasion officer! So I think, she shld be ok there. The only problem is that I cant put her there as altough they are acredited with MCYS, they only operate until 3.30pm, instead of 7pm as required. So I gotta look around for other CC now. Quite disappointed. The officer did not inform me prior to appt. Want us to go down only then she'll explain the fee structure etc. But at least I managed to find out that their Violin/Yoga classes are actually a music class (where teacher will just let them hold ONTO a violin and clap to the beats) and an Exercise/stretching class. So thats how packaging is done. hahaha!

My turn to find something to eat. Hungary. be back later at nite to read thru all posts!

seems like chi mun will be able to adjust and settle into a class very easily so you dont have to worry to much...in terms of trial period, if ur intention is just to acclimatize her to prepare for pre-school environment then i guess 2-3 months of weekly classes prior to the actual start of the CC u want her to be in. if your intention is for her to learn more things then can start at 18 mths. it depends on ur needs also.

naomi had her regular dental check today and she now has 14 teeth. the dentist say her top 2 front incisors have white patches/ white spots (whiter than the teeth color). she said if that does not exist right from the start, it is a sign of the early stage of cavity formation (tooth discoloration). she also showed me the plagues that were stained on the teeth that couldnt be seen with our naked eyes..so scary. my friend's daughter, who also sees the same dentist but 2 yo, already had more than 5 fillings done on her teeth...geez..just to share some of the general advise the dentist gave me to prevent cavities: 1) (if child is still on night feeds) try to wean of night feeds or bottle feed to sleep and she says night feeds at this age is usually out of habit rather than a need/ hunger.2) try to wean of pacifier (if child is still using) and wean off bottle feed altogether and drink milk from cup. 3) drink water after each meal or milk feed, or clean teeth so that food particles wont stay there to form cavities. 4) brush teeth at least 2x a day with flouride toothpaste. 5) use soft but firm tooth brush for kids. i think thats all i can remember...so i guess the slower the teething process, the least problems we have!
So far so good. No fever or reactions. Maybe I can sleep easily tonite.

PD is recommanding that I wean chi mun off BM as BM supposedly is no longer benefitial to toddlers after 1yr old. Then add 1 more solid meal to make it 3 (breakfast/lunch/dinner). Milk intake to keep at 4x a day MAX.

PD also wanted us to bring chi mun back if she still does not says 3 additional words by Nov. He is concerned that she might have a problem with hearing etc to have slow speech development (She can only says "mum-mum" and "ma-ma") so he would like to check in details. So suddenly the number of times I heard hb teaching chi mun to say "papa" within 1 afternoon actually far exceeded the total number of times he has taught her since birth. hb said it's his personal KPI to make sure chi mun can call him "papa" within the next 4mths. *faintz*

woah! 14 teeth! Chi Mun only has 6 teeth to date! haizzz ... duno where the remaining teeth has gone to. forget to grow liao.
hmmm ... i think my intention is more to let Chi Mun get used to CC environment first. maybe closer to end year I will start taking her to weekly classes to let her get the hang of things. After all, this will be the 1st time she'll be spending long hours with friends/teachers instead of family members. Today I think is good that she can settle down easily and not clingy but duno why I'm still got tons of unspoken worries.
But still, first thing first ... I still need to find CC that Chi Mun is comfortable with to put her in next year. haiz.

sounds like u got a great shopping trip!
hey ... wat's suzuki? Where is it?

oh yeah, I'm taking up sandy's suggestions to expose chi mun to more classes so that she'll be more at ease when going CC next year. I think that's a wonderful idea.
hey how abt going to the beach? I'm going to bring the inspector back again. there are many things they can do to entertain themselvs there. build sand castles, make a splash in the sea water etc!

wah .. nice 2 weeks break!

ur pd is judging her verbal output solely on english? wat about canto or mandarin? can she say any words? if she can then its probably not hearing but lack of exposure to english (assuming u n hb speaks mandarin to her). but if she doesnt verbalise words in language that she is exposed to dailyy, then probably good to check it out. i read that the minimum, by now, they shd be saying at least 6 words regularly and these words include mama and papa.
Ya, agreed with Sandy. Before I became a SAHM, Zac do not know how to speak a single word. However, once I took over from the caregiver, he started to speak and the vocab just increased as the day goes. All happened in less than 3 months.. haiz.. which means, I am away only for 3 short month! It seems so long!! I think as long as she can listen to simple instructions, which you mentioned that she did, I think her hearing should be alright.

Naomi had 14 teeth?? Zac only had 7 teeth, with the half grown molar. 14 teeth is a lot! Btw, is it ok to introduce toothpaste? How to rinse their mouth after the brush? Wean off pacifier is also another challenge! Having a pacifier around is an instant solution when he's cranky or whinny. I think I can't bear to part with his pacifier more than him.

Yaya.. we have no TV here. I noticed that he's not as hyper as before! In the past, he can't sit through a meal and will want us to bring him around if we sit at one place for too long. After no TV for almost 3 months, he can sit through a meal, be it at home or outside. I don't know if it's related to TV, a new environment, or he had no more interest in walking around, but definately, there's less needles on his bum now!

Wow, 9 days of holidays! How nice! I thought it will be tough to have a tot in tow to sit an airplane but I had managed to breeze through it! He slept through the flight cos we had a mid night flight. You might want to consider bring your laptop to play a short movie for Dew if she gets bored during the flight?

Have you tried art and craft? I read that playing dough can help them write better when they grow up. You can mix some flour and water (non-toxic and difinately safe!) I am also quite lost on what to do with him.

Mummies, how many hours does your little one nap now? Zac now nap only 1hr a day! It's so tiring for me! His nap time = my rest time!
last evening when I reach home, discovered my mum feeding my boy dinner outside my flat so he was roaming around the lift area. haiz, after 2 weeks of leave, his habits are back again. every weekend is a battle, its tough to change him only on weekends then weekdays my mum change it again...haiz.
hi simz, my boy wakes up at 6-7am+ and usually naps around 10am till 12pm. afternoon nap depends..sometimes he will nap for an half to an hour around 3-4pm.
hey where is this garden festival you all talking about?

sandy thanks for the dental info. I always make it a point to take it out from his mouth once he falls asleep. after his hospitalization a month ago, Jovan yearns for his pacifier more. its always a battle when I dont give him what he wants.hb said I got no patience but the fact is that he always give in to him of cos Jovan wont make a fuss lah. my hb also gives in to my boy, if he wants something, daddy will definitely give it to him....gosh this daddy and grandma will drive me crazy.
I still give him night feed at 11pm, you mummies no longer?
lonerunner, I also agree with Sandy...maybe Chi Mun can speak more words but not in Eng? Mer calls most of the family members now but in teochew... that is also a language ma... Think just talk to her more, she will pick up v fast. cuz sometimes when I read your descriptions of chi Mun, feels like she is similar to my Mer!

Sandy, 14 teeth is ALOT. And the dentist is scary leh. Sigh. Mer until now dun regularly brush teeth and NEEDS a bottle to sleep. I tried to feed her early so that when it is bedtime, she will just take pacifier and plain water before bed. But she insists on milk. What I do is to try to make her take some water after milk to rinse the mouth. My PD told me this will help to prevent cavities too, provided we do not intro sweet stuff to them. And yes, like what Simz say, how to teach them to rinse their mouth? I tried teaching, only to feel quite foolish, repeatedly rinsing my own mouth and asking her to try. then after rinsinsg until my own mouth is sore, she is still looking at me like Mummy has gone bonkers.

SimZ, no TV really helps hor. Actually I think I read somewhere that the TV flashes scenes v rapidly, so our babies' attention span becomes shorter. You see, in day to day life, things don;t happen so fast or so dramatically. But on TV it does. It might not affect us as much cuz we are adults and can process and rationalise that TV is not real. But I think our babies might not be able to. I keep explaining to my mum and she thinks I am some alien life form. Wonder how I managed to be so anti-TV when both my family and hb family are just stuck on the idiot box? Feels like a one woman battle at home when it comes to TV de. HB sometimes also will annoy me... like when I try to sit Mer down to play with crayons, he flips the TV on at the background. She gets distracted, I tell him to switch it off, she throws a tantrum. WAH, times like this, feel like stringing hubby up one corner.

AG, wah, I really feel for you. You know, I get so frustrated and tired sometimes when Mer has battles on feeding and TV with me. On a few occassions I would have to go to the room to cry and then call my mum to tell her off. Really wonder how you can tolerate. Its not lack of patience lor, more like kena sabo to become the "black face" at home. You take care and not wear yourself out!
haha DJ, yes I am the bad person and only 'black face' at home. all of them are angels and I am the devil. but I dont cry lah heee, I just nag at my mum and affects my mood.
sandy/ thesimz/djmama:
PD is basing his judgement on spoke words regardless of language.
Chi Mun is only speaking 2 words now. tats why he gave us an appointment 4mths later in Nov. But she appears to understand what we are saying to her. When I asked her how she blows bubbles, she can demostrate that to me. When we called her from behind her, or out of her sight, she can respond. Maybe she's just slow in her speech. Now I'm doing research on the internet on methods to encourage her to vocalise words. See if this will help or not.

my girl naps anything from 1hr to 2hrs once in the aftn. Sometimes on weekends I'm also looking forward to chi mun's nap time cos that would mean I can rest too! hehehehe! oh speaking of rest time, today my mum came over to my hse to take care of chi mun. By the time my mum was tired, chi mun still isnt napping yet. So my mum pretended to sleep while lying down on the floor. Chi Mun immediately tried to "pull" my mum up, lead her to her own floor mattress in our bedroom, and point to the mattress asking her grandma to sleep on it instead! My mum loved chi mun even more after this incident. :p

no easy for u leh. some times it is hard to get the elderly change their method. I also encountered the same problem with my mil and mum.

hahaa ... ya actually when I read abt mer, I also feel that she and chi mun are very alike! The boys terrorists! :p
thanks for e advice! hope we'll be able to breeze thru all e flights too...

by nite feed, u mean e last feed before she sleeps? yes, i'm still giving milk rite before my gal sleeps... but i'll brush her teeth and feed her water before putting her to bed...

i can understand how u feel... my pil will leave e tv on in e background when we having dinner... then my gal is seated such tat she can watch e tv at a certain angle... i dun really like it, cos i read tat there are negative effects too even for background... but wat to do, not my house mah... so i keep quiet lor... then they watch tv is super loud volume kind... there was once i turned down e volume secretly when they not nearby... but when i left for a while and came back, it was tuned back up again... since then, i juz let it be liao... but as a result, my gal gets no tv when she's home alone wif me...

i have the same problem! my in laws switch on the tv during meal times and its super duper loud! i tried turning it down but after awhile, its up again. naomi will also turn to face the tv. so i usually eat with her before my in laws starts eating so by the time she finished, the tv will come on but naomi would have left the table for her walk. phew..but sometimes she still had to eat with my in laws sigh. sheepish, night feeds are ok as long as u brush her teeth before sleep.
u all believe in ghosts?

eversince i stay at home, some strange things happened..

once, i heard ppl taking and putting things down in the living room... another time, my gal's ball was kicked and it rolled from living room to balcony.. just now, her toy cube was thrown from her playmat to the floor...

whitegalz, did you see with your own eyes that the toy cube moved on its own in the air? is ur place windy or ur main door was open so wind was able to blow across ur house, then moved the ball? im not sure if its paranormal stuff but it definitely sound freaky. if you are not feeling comfy, can try to engage some master to take a look? but shd get a reliable master.
sandy, i nvr see.. i heard..

i heard a thud sound, same as when we were kicking the ball.. if wind blow, there shouldnt be a thud sound right..

this noon, it sounds like that cube was thrown onto the floor.. when i go and see, it was still moving left & right till it stop (cos it is circular shape)..

my house got no wind de, cos the living room is very long.. wind cant blow to the living room area..

my sister says she will find for me.. but, my husband dont believe leh..
the last time I encountered stuff like this, the fengshui master gave us this metal ruler (Tong1 Che3) to put at the weakest link in the hse to "seal" the entrance/exit. cos my hse is facing a temple, so according to him, things like this hovers around more times nearby than other places so it happened to "float" in. Maybe it just might be wat u need to? No harm checking it out
any mummy using pull-ups for ur bb? which brand is gd? am worried my gal dun wanna let me change her diaper onboard, so intending to buy a pkt...
hehe, thanks for ur replies! :p to tis and my previous posts too...

i tried huggies since was given samples, but din really like it cos i find it a bit stiff... i would really prefer to use open diapers, but my hb wans me to bring 1 pkt of pull-ups along juz in case... is e quality same as pampers active? cos if absorbency abt there, it's better for my gal's skin too...
my mil used drypers pullup for my girl while at her hse cos more convenient for her. she find it quite good.

I'm checking out Little Skool Hse (Learning by the Park) @ Pearl bank soon. Will let you know the feedback, just in case u are still considering the CC there. That's the 3rd CC on my list after eliminating ArtKidz and EtonHse @ Outram. Getting further and further away from my hse. Haiz. I'm not sure if I'm still getting close to finding a suitable one for my girl yet and time's running out. double haiz ....
good morning mummies, hope everyone had a great weekend.

sheepish, I tried huggies pull-up and it's not bad but I find it a bit too hot for his butt. will try pampers pull-up next round.
I still give him milk at 11pm cos I am afraid he will wake up in the middle of the nite asking for milk. anyone still do dream feed at this time. if he takes his dinner late at 7pm+, then I will not give him milk at 8pm+. but if he eats his dinner at 6pm+, then I will give him milk before he sleeps at 8pm+. sandy, I tried giving him water after his milk but he refused it with his eyes closed.

whitegalz, this definitely sounds scary. I am the type who believes in this. what reglion do you belong?
Morning mummies...

whitegalz, its really scary to hear this. hopefully, it is just a one-off incident and not anything really spooky. Think you should try the master that Lonerunner engaged to put your mind and heart at ease though.

Sheepish, I let Mer try huggies, drypants and mamypoko value and the mampoko normal pull-ups so far. Its still the normal Mamypoko ones that she can wear, her bum has always been sensitive. If D is generally ok, think you can try huggies and drypants as most of the other mummies? I plan to let Mer try huggies but will wait until i use up the current pack first. Have to take note that you will need to change more often if wearing the pants, cuz the absorbency is not as good. I find myself having to change Mer once ever hour when she is on the pants outside.

Lonerunner, wah, seems like looking for a CC is really a tough job. Hope you will find one that you like and is convenient soon! Else really headache.

AG, I stopped the dream feed some time back but Mer has her last feed at abt 930pm. Unless she hits a growth spurt, she generallly sleeps thru till 730am then we give her the morning milk. During her growth spurt, which normally lasts about 1 week, she will wake up at abt 3or 4am asking for milk.

Mummies, its yet another wet week I think. Am getting so sick of this wet weather... sigh... want some nice sun so I can bring Mer out to the park or the zoo!
hi mummies,

sheepish, u wanna use pull up is cos to change ur gal while she's standing? U wanna try the normal diapers and see if it's easy for u to change her. Cos now i'm changing my gal like that while she's standing, she doesnt wanna lie down to change anymore most of the time. I use the normal diapers still. I find that it's more convenient actually haha cos if she has underwear or pants, no need to take off, just pull down then u can still wear the normal diapers. Whereas for pull ups gotta take off underwear or pants fully...

AG, did u try not to dream feed before? Does ur boy wakes up in middle of night? Think they shld be able to tahan till the next morning by now esp if he has full dinner.
ginn, I thought of trying it out on sat by not giving him milk but reach home only at 10pm+ so he drank his milk and sleep liao...maybe try this weekend instead.
deedee: thanks! will jia you.
aiyo the movers are so jia let. i have used a very good one, anyone interested can pm me.
they are super efficient.

hb: haha... for me only hb says i never do things.
i never have chance to complain cos he's the one whom is hard-working. :p

overload: u are my idol! 1 kid each yr. i would love to but my boby cant do it.

sheepish: my hubby also sama sama. last time keep saying should not bring kids around.
then now we are the ones doing

whitegalz: yr items should include xxxl ones. :p i can only get to biow nia.
will see if my colleagues are interested.

and u are scaring me too...
i had one of such experience too.
during han's birthday, one of my friends got a german version of vtech toy by mistake
but i too lazy to do anything abt it, since han also enjoy playing it.
then once in the middle of night, han's toy out of no where started to sing...
i was scared to death... cos u know the toy dont know singing what and it kept repeating
tried to ignore but it kept singing.
until i bo bian, get up to switch it off. then realized it was the swtich "short" liao.
phew... scare me.
DJ n Denise, I was reading the previous posts and realised I Imissed out my replies to you. Anyways, regarding rinsing mouth, I teach Naomi using drinking water. I carry her with one hand, the other hand holding the cup of water. Then I start first by just drink and spit, then using same cup, let Naomi drink and ask her to spit. Initially she will swallow but it's drinking water. Then I repeat me tthen her, me then her. At the end of that first teaching session, she's able to spit out the water and let it dribble out of her mouth. That was my first goal, to teach her how to spit. Then when she brush using flouride toothpaste, she also let the toothpaste dribble out of her mouth. After brushing I gave her the water to drink and spit out. Maybe u can try again?

Amy in this case, can try using a wet cloth to wipe his teeth. At least can clean some milk away.
Hi mummies,

Hope all mummies & kids are doing well.. super looong time never log in..

Smart way of teaching them spit out... i am gonna try this.. thanks for sharing.. i am headache how to teach him brush teeth, i help him brush he doesn't want to open mouth.. i show him by using brushing my own teeth also doesn't work. So recently i try to wipe his teeth using cloth.. but sometimes he refuse also.. hahha. Where u bought the fluride toothpaste?

How to teach kid using sipping cup? i had been trying many month still fail... =( hahhahhah
Olivia, I also have the same problem with my gal.. refusing to open mouth to let us brush or clean. Have to force finger thru with wet cloth but sometimes fail too. She does put the brush into her mouth recently but just touch inside and she takes it out fast. haiz.

Anyway mummies, dunno what phase my gal is going thru, for few days, she is not napping long or refusing to nap... and waking up earlier than usual... and more difficult to feed cos she wanna snatch the spoon away! I let her hold it and see what she does, but she'll play with it altho sometimes attempt to put into her mouth. Another milestone?? tiring!
All i know is she's getting really bored with her usual activities... So i'm deciding to sign up playgroup or courses for her liao, still in midst of deciding which one hmmm...
Lonerunner, u signing up for enrichment classes for ur gal too?

btw Simz, thanks for the dough idea, i've tried it but i dunno how to do it properly, in the end too sticky and gluey, threw it away haha.
i had the same prob, solved yesterday since i asked her to smile n then we praised n laughed with her so she feel very proud... these 2 days brush her teeth til v clean hahaha... FINALLY

only u can think of such a brilliant way to train them spit... when i hv more energy will teach her d same way haha..
hahaha this is really funny!! reminds me of last month when my maid just left, one day my sister came over to mop d floor for me. Since baby is around she can only do it at night after we all left d living room. D toy suddenly said "jai jian" to her... she jumped up in fright HAHAHAH.... in our case, only d china made ones do this cos both my chinese edu toys have no OFF button hahaha

eh if i was not mistaken ho, u told us inspector used to say "mud" in canto =socks... so three words lo!!! i told my hubby what d pd suspects (n how unlikely it is), he said may b chimun is like einstein... haha... :D

i have tried everything n for me d best is mamypoko pants... unlike DJ, in my exp, d absorbency is very good, similar or a bit better than normal mamypoko diaper. Just a bit thick to bring compared to normal diaper.
i also wanna try giving baby play doh like simz but after reading ur gluey doh, i think i'll get fr toys r us instead now hahaha....
hi mummies, can I ask how you mummies teach the toddlers to speak? Would really like to find out some tips in going about this! Many thanks in advance! My little inspector just looked at me then walk away as if I'm talking to the air. haiz.

oh dear ... ur girl is in the "sleeping is a waste of my time mode" now! it'll pass soon! just wait it out! nowadays when I'm feeding chimun, I'll give her a spoon and another bowl to play with so that she can sit still long enough to finish her food without reaching out for my spoon! :p
I'll be going for some kindermusik trial class with blueb sometime next mth. forgot what is the name of the class ... think is called village or time something. we hadnt fix our dates yet. if is good then might consider signing up. u wanna join us?

hohoho ... xi ke leh! long time din appear in forum lor! :p
I also faced the same issue as you. chi mun just simply refused to let me put cloth or toothbrush in!
sipping cup: we skipped this stage :p mil taught chimun to drink from cup directly. haha.

wish me luck in finding a CC soon! :p oh my goodness! it's not easy to find a good CC that doesnt cost like $1.5k per mth in central area! This area is really expensive to live in!

hahaha ... the china toy story is really funny!
ya she used to say "mud" and "ball" but not for many mths already. trying to get her to speak up but in vail leh. But if we tell her to bring her "mud" (socks) or ball over, she'll do that. I really hope chimun is like einstein who spoke late too! *double cross fingers*
Hi sandy!

Jus saw the discussion on teeth n dentist. In fact, this is one of my greatest worry for my boy. Raphael has 11 fully erupted teeth, plus a few more canine which r aldy out but not fully grown yet. His 2 lower central incisor has got quite bad discolouration. The rest of the teeth has yellowish stains too. Brought him to see dentist durg my hubby's dental visit. He smhow knew tat the dentist is going to see his teeth n started cryg. So the dentist cld only see from like 3m away. He said it's plaque, can't do anythng. He jus said to brush using finger brush, whch I m using, plus I using the bb toothpaste too, so no need to spit out n hence no flouride too.
Am v worried tat may develop into cavaties n thinkg of bringg him to see a dentist again. But I m v sure he wun even lie dwn in the chair w me. Even nw it is hard to get him to open his mouth to let me see his teeth!
Hi lonerunner
For me, I will ask him to repeat after me. For example I ask him if he wans me to open the door ( kai men in Chinese), then I tell him to say "kai men", then I open for him. Of course mus do many many many times. N he can't say accurately yet. Only say "men" sound alike. Raphael's speech is also on the slow side. His pronounciation not v accurate too. At first I also v worried. But then I guess every child dev differently so I let him dev at his own pace. Besides, my pronounciation was v poor too when i was his age. Were u or ur hubby late speakers when young?
overload and ginn,

perhaps you can try using modelling clay? i bought crayola model clay to let naomi play with it. to me it feels like plasticine but according to the packaging, its non toxic. she likes to squeeze and make all sorts of funny looking things that only herself can tell what is it.

lonerunner, what i do with naomi since she was a newborn, i spoke to her in proper sentence and no baby language. even if she doesnt understand at that time, i still speak in complete sentence without use of baby language. then i encourage her to talk by asking her question, i know she wont answer but i still ask. when she started verbalising, i will answer her even if i dont understand what she said. when i answer her, it is not ah ah or ok, i answer her by judging what the context is and describing what she might be seeing. and when she verbalise, i make sure i have eye contact with her so she knows then when she opens her mouth, she is in a conversation and i am listening to her. this somehow taught her that verbalising is the way to communicate. then im also a machine gun :p i comment on every single thing we see, we do, so she is always exposed to spoken language. perhaps you wanna stick to one language with chi mun first? be it mandarin, canto or english. the reason for this is that ive read before, for bilingual kids, their vocab will divide into half if the child is exposed to 2 languages. if 3, then u can continue dividing. im pretty sure chi mum doesnt have a hearing problem since she can follow ur commands. she also doesnt have a problem with verbal comprehension because she can follow understand what you said to her (i still remember you once said that she looked at the pd when he said he is gonna insert the suppository into her butt :p. maybe shes just not ready to speak. the doctors are like that..they will do tests to make sure she is just not ready to talk and not hearing problem and all that. hopefully this website can make u feel a little more at ease http://forums.families.com/18-months-and-not-talking-yet,t114937

but i have one problem..naomi is still not calling me mommy! she can use big words like borrow, shower,please, or call the hippopotamus popo, she still doesnt call me mommy or mama. when she wants something, she will ask for it but without addressing me. any mommies with such problem?


if my pedia dentist were to see raph, she sure jump! she said discoloration of tooth is a sign of cavity formation. perhaps u should bring raph to the pd dentist soon so they can do a thorough clean for him. they have specific way to open the kid's mouth and they will be able to clean it. as for flouride toothpaste, she says can use flouride as long as it is pea size. in fact slightly small than pea size. i went to survey all kids toothpaste with flouride. they all have the same instructions: to give pea size for children under 6yo to minimize swallowing. this was what the dentist said too so i guess it should be safe to use. Im using Toms of maine anticavity toothpaste (approved by american dental academy), not sure if sg has though. http://www.tomsofmaine.com/products/toothpaste/product-detail/childrens-anticavity-fluoride
