(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

Precious bb: thanks so much for your advice ! Bb dun wan milk, i changed his diaper, sing song, pace up and down, pat... aiyo... I will try dentinox for sure if necc...

mercsboy: ya thanks, I will try... really hope it works... ya, Leon dun wan milk also... usually milk will soothe him cos I make it a little warmer...
Hi Jan Mummies!!!

I'm from Feb 09 thread.

I submitted Justin's photo to the Kidstyle shop at Jurong Point for the voting contest. Erm.. if you dont mind and happen to be shopping there, can you please cast your vote for Justin?
<font size="+1"> Photo number 2

He's a January baby too!

Thank you!
i saw my little little niece. she's exactly one month old tdy.. soooooo cute...... shyan so jealous when i carried baby.. keep wanting to come to me and get my attention wor. haha

i used to wonder when my shyan will grow bigger, now i see my little niece, haha.. my sil should be asking this question liao.
aimummy cake is known as the LV of cakes, that's why its expensive

anyway, she prefers to do very elaborate cakes, so that's why a lot of work required, hence shou gong fee is high. But worth every single cent cos not just look nice but taste very nice too!
Laugh:try to put hot water first and then stir in cereal, will make it smoother..

dazed:shall see you tomo again at JL sale.. haha..me will chiong and tabao back to office. want to stock up carlson wipes. =P

mercsboy/cherrydale/bbstarlet:thanks for ur ideas.. shall go and see wat i can book.. so short notice. haha..
laugh, me is opposite wor, i will use luke warm water first, then mix liao then add hot. esp so for nestle one...
Christmas exhange mommies! Have send you peeps email!!! do check! sorry to be so late!

1. novakido - [email protected]
2. piyobaby - [email protected]
3. gwen - [email protected]
4. blessedmum - [email protected]
5. gelato - [email protected]
6. cheekygal - [email protected]
7. bbwoofie - [email protected]
8. ni - [email protected]
9. willting - [email protected]
10. Ashley - [email protected]
11.jan17 - [email protected]
12. Dink - [email protected]
13. Flo - [email protected]
14.daymoon - [email protected]
15. kim - [email protected]
16. Tumble - [email protected]

Tumble if you are seeing this, cant send to ur email add dunnoe why leh... Anyway this is the email i send out... Email me if you see this coz i might miss out some post here!

Ho Ho Ho... have a holly jolly christmas, its the best time of the year!
Emailing everyone coz its easier to communicate this way... I'm always missing out post in motherhood...

Decided that it should be postage instead of meeting up for christmas, quite hard to organise meet ups in nov and dec!!! So will be drawing lots to see who gives to who and will get someone here to draw my lot too so that remains secret santa exchange! (any volunteers?)

Please send me your wishlist so that i can update our list here and your secret santa can roughly have an idea what to get for you!

Rules and regulations
1.Have to post out pressie by 20th Dec. Best to use registered mail. So that we wont get missing items and santa doesn't reach our little ones during xmas!

2.Minimum budget is $20... if you wanna get anything more than $20 feel free to do so... its a season of giving anywayz ho ho ho! If its a hand made gift I'm sure it must make the recipient happy too!

Anyone got any comments or suggestions can reply thru here! Uh did I miss out anything coz its the first time I am doing this haha lousy organiser...? Dink I continue to put your name here so that you can decide if you wanna join in this exchange here since we wont be meeting up but the exchange will be via post... let me know!

Alright loves! Merry Christmas! Hope to hear from you all soon!
Love, Novakido aka Ophe
morning all

hi ni: yeah long time to "see". Zachary is doing alright so far. Thanks!

mercs/dazed/ni: thanks for the info on long sleeve for boys. any idea if kiddie palace sells too?

btw, any of u ladies brought your little ones for pneumoccol jab? the PD advised that since Zac has cough quite often, its better to jab him. i heard now medisave can use for this jab right? any idea effective when?
Good Morning, everyone.

The thread has been moving so slowly ya? where's everybody??

Samval : glad to hear Zac is doing well. =) BTW, if u r sending him for jab, make sure he's totally well at that time. =)

Babystaralet : Happy birthday... how's ur celebration last nite?
Btw, anyone's bb rejecting milk? my MIL says Caden doesn't want to drink milk... instead he kept looking at those food on the dining table &amp; point to them... personally i think it's alright for him take more solids now, but i m afraid his milk intake may be insufficient... what's the minimum daily requirement for milk? anyone knows?
gelato, I think rejecting milk is a passing phase. Delia also rejected milk past weeks. Now she is slowly drinking the amt back. She also like to look at our food n pull our hands to her mouth to feed her our food.
sperzz : i see, thanks. caden hasn't been drinking alot fm the bottle, so i m afraid his intake will reduce further... thank God, he still drink quite abit when he latches tho. =)
ni, thanks for collecting the PL for me. Paiseh if ur HB is angry.....I dunno my HB will come home early yest. Bec for the past few days he had been coming home at 11+...
babystarlet: happy birthday to u!

gelato: got one period kyler also reject milk, drink less than half each time...
but now he siao...he wake up in the middle of the nite for milk...so now my fresh supply is not enough...got to use frozen one le...

samval: i not sure about KP leh...i never buy clothes there before cos i find their max cool very ex leh...can find much cheaper ones outside.
mercsboy : maybe Kyler is going thru growth spurts? btw, how much milk intake is acceptable? caden drink max 150ml per feed only...
mercs: thanks for the info. i will check out any BP have or not. so hard to find clothes for boys!

gelato: thanks for the info on the jab. any idea when can start to use medisave?
gelato: i dunno leh...he siao siao one...last few days woke up twice and refused to zzz until feed him milk (hb woke up...i was sleeping like a log).
he is drinking 180ml per time..
think now 600ml milk is acceptable.
but then hor, i think if he is well, should be ok.

samval: some BP sell clothes for boys not bad leh. can check out FOX as well. FOX clothes not bad, cheap when there is sale
Samval : sorry, i've no idea abt the medisave thingy...

i juz rem i hvn't mail out caden's baby bonus form! i seriously think i m not coping well with a full time job &amp; 3 kids...
mercsboy : so nice of ur hb. =) my hb will never volunteer to wake up for midnight feeds, so i want to bf as long as possible... for the convenience! hehe...
gelato: my hb is nite shift one...i really zzz like a pig so i cant hear leh...but funny thing is when he is away, i think my body will set to auto mode..
mercsboy : ur hb so sayang u, so u can rest well... but when hb not ard, ur motherly instincts auto turn on lor... hehe...

maybe i made a mistake right fm the start... nvr make my hb do 'work' when we had our 1st kid... haha... actually when we juz got married, i rec'd advices on how we shld get our hb to be involved in everything, how we shld get allowances fm our hb, how we shld get our hb to sayang us... i nvr listen, so i hv to 'suffer' now... haha
sperzz: no la, my hb not angry, he juz tired. dun care him! wahaha.

cheekygal: thanks for helping me buy PL. my hb loves the polo tee, just dat he say wear the same tee as kyan machiam hari raya! hahaha.

nova: thanks for coming up with this brilliant idea for the festive hohoho season! will check email soon!!!
ni : i used to get matching top fm bumwear, &amp; my hb said the same thing abt hari raya.. hahaha... anw, last time only hv 1 kid still can... i can't imagine buying 5 pcs of matching clothes at the same time... will be big hole in my pocket... keke...
btw, ask u all huh... i dunno what size of clothes shall i get for caden.. cos i dunno his height leh... if i getting sth for him to wear for Christmas, is size 80 ok? if wear for CNY leh? shld get what size huh? he shld be btw 9 to 10kg now..
Good morning mummies !

I had a good nite sleep last nite cos Leon din wake up at all... think he overstimulated the night before...

Dazed: today I go JL sale at JP... btw, in your opinion - carlson wipes better or angel wipes better huh ? My mum seems to prefer carlson wipes...
angel wipes is the yellow packing one rite? CK selling $1.00 only leh...but i dont like it...the sticker cover very fast cant stick, and when take out wipes one shot take out many pcs.
but its cheap...i use it to wipe my dogs
mercs: ya, the bright yellow one... recently I bought some pureen ones from KP and quite like it... CK $1 nia ? wah, maybe I go and buy for general use... so cheap...
I'm now using the $1 looney tunes ones from the Value Dollar shop for general use lor... the quality not as good but each piece comes out 1-at-a-time and is very wet...
talk abt the wipes, I think I got too many pkt liao....but stop buying liao. I still got 1 pkt of carlson, 2 Kcodomo, 3 pigeon...
ann, i think both about the same...

mercs, cos carlson got promo now at JL, 6 packs for $5.50 niah... i put it in the pigeon box. ok leh... oni thing is the pull out many piece part, i agree lor.

gelato, jh i all buy size 95.
dazed : 95 fits nicely for JH, or loose? my xiao bao bei is only wearing 100 leh (if i rem correctly)... so i think 95 will be too big for caden??
Talking abt wipes, i find guardian wipe cheap &amp; good.

bbstarlet : Happy Birthday &amp; hope u enjoyed ur dinner yesterday
gelato, definately too big for cayden. 95 is ok for jh, still got allowance, but the cutting is a bit weird for that tux romper, so i got my mom to make some adjustment to the waist so that it is higher, so it's a bit shorter then actual length lor. no sure you know what i mean.
