(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

willting: ya la...so tiring la...so today i bo bian got to drink "hua qi shen" to wake myself up man...
heng hubby took over and let me zzz for an extra hour..
wilting: kyan also woke up last nite at 4am! gosh, i refused to give him milk, end up he go back to sleep at 5am! shagged me out!

congrats to delia, cayden and jiahe!!!

yep, i buay tahan, end up got a maid. my evil sista say i m gonna get fat again with a maid!
wilting: yes, i am tired out physically and emotionally, thus decided to employ a maid loh. and the tireness caused a strain on our marriage, so quickly remedy it loh
ni: u wanna retire from being supermom ah? haha... congrats.. *golden handshake

willting: shyan also. woke up at 12am and 5am for milk. i think she recovering, so her appetite come back and easily hungry. luckily she got some reserve fats lor. now i see her cheeks sunken, so sad
willting: when she sick i only fed her cereal once a day and diluted her milk lor. then make her drink alot of water. she look so sian sian like dat. hai...

merc: at the show hor, evern if i dun tell doc she sick doc will be able to guess also. haha.. she not her usual self. so gong-gong like that
wilting: first ime shyan got fever hot until like tat. i panic sia. luckily mum is just 3 storeys down.

my mum make sweet potato for shyan for lunch tdy. at least something different. every porridge.. she not sian, i sian
Congrats all for winning.
i tht is crawling contest.

maybe we can comb the whole spore,see where got contest,den we can go join.haha.

crystal shitted about 6 times yest,until her buttocks all red,cried when i change diaper.tis mornn bring her see PD.PD gave her some good bateria to eat.i also check with doc,he says better to give cheese after 1 yr old leh.

birthday cake :
ladies,where u all ordering for ur bb's 1st yr?
janjan: Hope Shyann recovers soon. It's normal for first time mum to be panic....I'm like that too.

ni: good that you get a helper and hope she's a good and reliable one. Tiredness is really the culprit to cause marriage strain I totally agree...that's why I always tell people being a woman is really not easy. We have to play so many roles as a woman. A WIFE, MUMMY & LOVER! We not only have to please our children but also our husband. The latter is always the neglected one so we constantly need to remind ourselves to give a little attention to them. Let's not forget all the little touch like holding hands, goodnight and goodbye kiss and of course the 4 words!
babystarlet: apply some desitin for crystal? poor baby..
no wonder i saw u posted on sperzz FB...i was wondering u living backwards is it..how come ms pretty and crawler...

so far, i give cheese with bread for kyler, no prob leh..he seems to like it..
yday i gave him some white rice, he also seems to enjoy it..
Good morning-afternoon!

ni/mgteo: that time newspaper calculate that SAHM is worth $17,000 per month based on the tasks of the day !!!
ni you're absolutely right! Delegate some of the housework to him lah...that's what I do. My HB is in charge of cleaning the toilets, windows, ceiling & standing fans and all the glasses and mirrors in the house. Me will do mainly the daily chores like laundry, mopping & sweeping the floor and tyding up things.
ann: yes I think we are worth more than that! hahaha...
Eh not easy leh SAHM is 24/7 job leh...But I don't mind if someone can pay me that much...wakaka..
wilting: i will withdraw kyan out in yr end loh, need give one month notice leh.. also to let the maid get used. but will send to MIL hse la. cannot stay home alone! i got bad experienced b4 leh. cannot treat them soooo gd le.. must have some authority. let her know who's the BOSS! hahaha
babystarlet: i also dunno where to order cake for my girl. but ni suggested quite a few last week. aimummy, glad cake and dunno wat. my sil ordered from e-creative before, also not bad. too spoiled for choices liao.
mercsboy:eek:rh.. no recommended.. but saw u all talking abt it.. i also gave zonghan white rice.. and he was so contented about it.. simple things in life can get them happy hor..

bbstarlet/janjan:me also want to look for cake.. e-creative is not bad.. think i may order the catering from them again..

know we talked about this before.. but anywhere nice for hols with bb?me got leave to clear and we feel like going overseas.. hong kong/taiwan/japan? 4 days 3 nights..
daymoon: ya lor...i gave kyler rice he also seems to like it. aiya...me still go thru all the hassle to cook stock for porridge..next time give him plain rice with water can liao..wakakaka

a few of them went taiwan...think taiwan quite baby friendly? 4D3N to Taipei will be good i think
ni, u got a filo or indo maid this time round? its v stressful managing without a maid, end up couple will quarrel over distribution of duties unless hb is the super zidong type
Need advise on making cereal, i feed Adler cereal for dinner during wkend. Find the cereal i mix are a bit lumpy, any advise to make smooth cereal?
laugh, normally i add the cereal bit by bit. Stir then add more. I will get lumpy cereal when i try to mix the whole portion all at once.

which brand of cereal r u using?
cherry: my hb is the super not zidong one loh. haha. before marrying me, he wun even lift a finger to wash a cup, so now he washes the baby's bottles, i shld be glad! haha. w/o the maid, we are really constantly quarreling man. i got a indon maid. no gd filipinos ard...

laugh: i have the prob, if i mix cereals wif FM, i get lumpy cereals too. so i use EBM, no such prob
ni, most men are not zidong. anyway congrats, u need not play the 'maid' role anymore

I am now scratching my head thinking where i should go to get birthday dress for ashley. dun seem to see anything nice both in stores and online. maybe i should go and learn sewing and sew a party dress for her..haha
cherryale: u all the while got maid ma, so u depend on them quite alot. for me, i whole life dont have a maid, and i am used to do everything myself...poor life..

talking about sewing...i very bad at sewing one leh...only know how to sew buttons...
sperzz: can give me ur email? or if u can msn tonight, i ssend the photos over to u

ni : congrats on gettin the maid! def w be easier on u!

aiyoo, mercs, no maid doesnt mean poor life lah.. it all depends on wat we put our priorities on! guess for ni and some of us, maid or pt maid helps us alot as we can spend more time w our babies and of cos tats within our financial means..

cherryale: u ask sperzz to tell u ... she was just saying got this place got selll super nice girly dresses ... hehe too bad its a boy..
sperzz: my banner is ready for collection... U can collect from Jojo anytime. :D maybe u want to accumulate a few then collect together

mercs : i use hot water, still same.

chere : oh... mayb i try this wkend by adding bit by bit. I am using Nestle but recalled when i use friso during early stage, no such problem leh.

ni : i didn't add FM, only add water cos the cereal already with milk.
Jan > if u gals want aimummy better be quick.she’s fully booked for my gal’s birthday,which is 3 mths later.sad

Mercs > haha,me always slower 1 la.now then I start playing café world at facebook,haha

daymoon > i also tink japan is good.
babystarlet: wa.. aimummy so popular ah? ex not? i cannot decide how many kg to make leh. but roughly i alr know i want pocoyo liao
ladies > any1 went to the giraffee restaurant at isatana park? is the food good?

any cafe to recommend for western food?wanna go for dinner la.

i heard got 1 absolute haven not bad also,but seems like the cafe gone liao leh
jan > me now liasing with her to check on her prices.if u wan,u can drop me an email,i forward her quotes to u.
if i get her,probably i must collect e cake 1 day in advance.
i still tink her cake nicest design,hee

cheekygal/mercs, I have the pettiskirt and top, but for birthday i prefer something more plain. But sometimes its v funny, it is v difficult to find something plain. So i thot if cannot find, then i go and sew one dress..haha

blessed, okie, will check with sperzz. thanks!

mercs, aiyoo,u are already v blessed with a helpful and dedicated hb who can help u do chores and look after baby. Even can go and cheong sales with u. Very good already. Like i said before, everyone situation is different so comparison is in vain
