(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

me today still on cc leave...kyler still having fever last nite...me like a zombie now...so tired.

willting: ya, that was what the GP told me, 5-6 mths building up their own immune system so i guess should be fine ba.
u knw this morning i bo bian bring him go PD, PD said as usual "viral infection"....didnt say much also...heng the PD not really ex...

pinkie: these few days kyler sick so i never give him FM....i very kiasu, still eat multi vits before i pump man...

bbstarlet: how about using a sleep positioner? sometimes kyler also sleep until very scary, so we let him sleep on the sleep positioner...
Wah, very hot weather today. Walked my dog before I left for work and I was sweating when I reached home. Phew!

Hey I don't understand why building immune system will fall sick? Sounds weird to me.
pinkie: i dunno...that is what the GP told me..he said 5-6 mths they are building up their own immunity, so its the weakest...i dunno la...GP said i just listen lor.

ya...today is freaking hot! morning 9am bring him to doctor already so hot!
Mercsboy, good la, I'm sure kyler will get well soon! These few days I'm building up my freezer supply again. Last week I was so busy I could only pump once a day on sone days, so my freezer stores running low for the nanny. These few days I must be more hardworking. Usually weekends I don't pump but I think I will try to squeeze in a pump or two this weekend.
pinkie: i hope so too...see liao heartpain. but i guess its a process that bb need to go thru...
erm...my freezer is full of milk...but these few days i gave him fresh ones...i dunno bm really helps or not la..
keke, chocolate cake on a hot weather..... mmm, never try before...keke

yeah, my hb says when u r sick, the body will create more "good" soldiers to fight the "bad" guys so when u are sick, u r actually buidling up better army to "figh"...keke, he uses this type of analogy, so i find it quite interesting...haha
Man U: hehe i actually meet all of them, that was when becks was still in the team, took photos and autographs with them at their training ground (cant remb name, start with "C" its in a very ulu ulu place must clear security ...

one of my colleaque koes ferguson personally and was invited to see them train in manchester.. then when we were there , happened to see Bobby Charlton too, obviously we gals didn't koe who he was but the guys were like "legend!!" ermm we were like more interested in beckham lor.. haha

was really fun going around in the compound, the boots polish room, jersey room, best was their locker area haha actually saw a bottle of clinique "Happy" perfume in Veira's locker and he smelt so gd we went to buy perfume...

the worst person was Keane cuz he was running away from us, didn't wan to take photo.. sianz arrogant

i heart ferdinand since that time cuz he very nice, was injured so was free to entertain us, we watch how his sports instructor did exercises with him in the training room... very friendly or maybe he was bored i dont koe lar...

still remb brooklyn was cycling arond with his minder.. damn long ago liao lor.. came bac sin , every one was SO jealous when they saw the photos esp the guys.. haha
sel:i also recommend Dr ang.. but she looking for female gynaes.

mercsboy:when i brought my boy to see PD,i prepared a list of questions to ask him.. so made my time and trip worth it.. haha.. consultation was $50, how much did u pay?
ange: the webbie http://www.cozybabies.com.sg/
they sell the beco carrier...

i got $30 voucher for the carrier, anybody wans? so after discount is $220 same as the fair...

kelly/shann/nova: wat bag did u gals carry when u go out with the carrier? i carry my longchamp, like lopsided ache after a while lei..
daymoon: i think there's a female one in AMK hub, near the foodcourt.. ur fren might want to try..

not v sure if it's a female thou..
Ni- hi, I am sorry I took so long to reply. both of my kids down with cold. so quite bz taking care. I hope they recover by sat. really hope to see u al. I have PM u. Thanx for helping to sms all.

EMQ- sorry to hear. hope you are better now...take care. Really touched that you still plan to continue the gathering despite yr current state. get well soon.

Piyo- i really saddened to read such true stories..really unfortunate..must treasure every moment.
daymoon: ya...i also asked pd alot of questions coz i see no point to bring pd everytime...this time coz its package illness so i brought him there...consultation is $40, tat day see about $72
Flo: Thanks! My carrier was delivered to me today already. Hahaha Somehow Jon don't look all that comfortable in it. But will test it out again when hubs is back later. Can ask him to help see which part needs adjusting.
daymoon: i just cfmed that the gynae at amk hub is a female.. hehe..

To bring our strong tradition and branding of our
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Tel: 6752 8500 Fax: 6484 1741
sel:eek:h ya,thanks for reminding,i saw the clinic when i went there for my pre-natal class.its under thomson woman's clinic too.

mercsboy:ya,its my first time bringing him to see pd for illness,last few times was for vaccinations, so took the chance to ask him more questions. dun worry about kyler,might take a few days. my boy got better after 2-3 days..but still alert and cheerful and playful can liao. his new pattern this month is sticking out his tongue..quite cute..
flo: I just use a normal diaper bag that i sling on. no problem leh... in fact last time i used baby bjorn i can only tahan for like 2hrs max then cannot liao. ache liao. but use this beco im good for solid 5hrs also no problem leh... did u adjust the carrier properly ah?
daymoon: ya...me too...i expect his cough to get worse these 2 days then it will gets better...virus ma.
lately kyler like his new pacifier...think it really pacify him...
u also dont worry..zonghan will gets better too...
well i guess since we decided on IFC, this virus is bo bian one...hope their immune system gets better, so in the meantime..continue BF lor..rite?
shann: got adjust liao,i like it but better if someone else is carrying the bag haha... guess if shopping stroller is better cuz i always buy a lot of things one... but if like go short while its ideal..
daymoon: haha.. yah, same here. have a hard time changing and bathing him. even want to flip while bathing and I don't have enough strength to flip him back. scared he will drink water in bathtub. hehe.. milo + raw egg..ewww.. don dare to try leh. but for MS sake, maybe I try tmr morning for breakfast..hehe. wah, the though of it is gross enough...
hehehe.. talking abt gynaes.. miss the times when we are preggie, when the lil fello inside our tumm kicking, now he is kicking outside!!! hahah.

btw anyone in our thread preggie again??? hahahha
Flo: hahha... i seldom use prams or strollers la.. when i go out i always lug her ard. hahha.. and oh yes... u know.. i actually made 28 headbands man... gosh.. wat colours are u looking for? then i bring and show u? coz 28 is abit too many to bring. (i dun have silver ribbons so didnt make any) or u prefer me to post the pictures and then u select? lemme noe ok?
Ni: Are you gona be the first? ;P
You had d/ced by the time I got back to the com. Just bought the Beco carrier. Sold of my Bjorn.
shann : all 28 dif designs? Can post lar u put like many many in one photo like that won't spam .. Hehe I oso need one plain headband can bring I see if I like quality tks... White
wow ni, u so fast huh??
remember the other time with kelly and the rest, we guessed that you would be the first!!!

but fast is good, everything can share between the two kids, just need to tong the first few years then easy life next time.

my receptionist just called and said got flowers delivered to me
yay, v long never received flowers already
cherryale, ur Hb so romantic....mine will nvr send me flowers. I think ni is not preggy bah, I think she juz asking who is preg.
Suika: just voted.. cute!!

Ange: how many pieces? Ive not used Pampers Active before, thought it was rather ex the last time we checked it out.
cherryale: That's so sweet! Women in general love receiving flowers don't we? Hehe I sent a table arrangement to hubby's office for his birthday last year, to sorta remind him that he hadn't given me flowers since the time he proposed. His response was that it'd be pointless sending flowers to the home cos no one else will see. DUH! *slaps forehead*
Sus: 68 pieces in a pack. Yes, generally more expensive. We overstocked during the last time NTUC had the offer. Hehe
Sperzz, Ange, my hb is not romantic, he is bo bian cos the wife likes flowers. He is the pragmatic sort, he said flowers die after 1 week, money down the drain.

sperzz, u never know mah, maybe she is pregnant leh..haha

hey ni, even not pregnant now, u can consider having a made in KL baby
If conceive now will give birth by mar 2010 right? My colleague was telling me he told his wife to try for a year end baby. His #1 is borned in Jan09, so he is hoping for Dec09 #2..wah liao, of cos his wife said no.
Ange:ur hubby is so funie.my gfs sent me roses in feb to my house on my birthday.when my hubby saw,he was like 'wow,who so nice to send u flowers?' i was like.. 'my good galfriends' lor.my hubby is those practical kind,he only gave me flowers one time thus far during my birthday and even during proposal, he bought the precious moment figurine boy carrying flowers!he said that flowers can last forever!haha..

mercsboy:ya lor,me also popping vitamins and eating a lot of fish these days.. hopefully can pass to him through BFing.ya.. must stay positive.. they will be stronger after this!

kamy:keke,let me know after u try the recipe okie. i also shudders a bit when i first heard it. but she said must be boiling/hot water so the egg will be cooked.
cherryale: So what's the occassion?

daymoon: Zonghan's not feeling well? Sorry, I just scan the posts and tend to miss out on things.
fiona/kamy/fiona: you've got mail

pinkie: yeah.. im doing the same if i gotta go teach or meet up customers.. but sometimes my maid (fiona: same here maid sling him jalan2.. sometime ok, sometimes not) or hubby cannot handle bb jadon coz he really very notty, don't wanna drink ebm.. even sometimes give direct also dun wan..

Interestingly, today i had to run lots of errands, so lug him along, hubby drove.. so had to feed him in car.. maybe the motion, he enjoyed, and suckled about 30mins, and zzz

but how toalways go out have ride and feed.. pengsan!

kamy: tried those as well, not really proven leh ahhaha... but last evening after 6pm i tried to gulp down at least 3 litres of water..(at interval).. kinda increase a wee bit MS.. but i was soooo bloated
talking about weight gain.. now gotta handle water retention again !!
Hi mummies, seems like quite a few BECO lovers here, I was hoping hubby able to buy in London though cheaper price but he couldn't find it. zzzz...

U all bought beco from cozybabies? r there good buys from ebay?

My isaac turned 6 months yesterday and has a new hobby, tearing out his own diaper tape, esp loves to hear plastic sound.

Hi sus, i've also joined the SAHM 'clan'..haha.
Ange: you can't accept pm..
to answer yr question (actually i think i replied, cannot remember liao.. anyway here again)

i teach music at student's home, run my own business, and sometimes performances..
