(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

sperzz: kyler also about 150ml more nia...but lately for the past one week he cant finish his milk...yday worse...drank only 30ml for one feed
Junemom: Hi, can I check with you for Heinz rice cereal, it says 1 1/2 metric tbsp = 5g. do you know what does metric tbsp means? Also, we can mix with the cereal with FM, right? Thanks.
kamy: the Wakodo Gun Gun (blue color) is for 9mths & above.
i am using the red color meant for 0-9mths, i can't find in the web.
the reason why i bought wakodo coz' it was said to be very similar to mother's breastmilk, the 4 ingredients. ( i cannot remember what they are).
it dissolves very fast. it is not as heaty as enfalac.
when my son drink wakodo, his's poo poo is quite similar to poo poo drank from BM.

when he drink enfalac and friso, his poo smells bad.
cheekygal: oh I see! thanks for the advice. I still have samples from mamil and friso left. wait till I tried and finished those, then I'll give wakodo a try. I've always been a fan of Jap products!

and sorry no help on the online store. keke.. thought it's all the same.
kamy: wakodo is v exp. if i ever stop bfeeding, i will alternate wakodo with cheaper brands like friso.

many times i wanna stop bfeeding coz' i feel very tired. but my MIL tells me BM is best.
whenever i feel lazy to pump, i will think of mercsboy. she is very hardworking to pump no matter how tired she is. lol
oh ya...mummies...yday i went KP...
the sales girl said the 20% storewide might end middle of the month instead of end mth wor..
dunno what is the actual date man...
cheekygal: actually I find the price is comparable to karihome which I'm currently using. I use goat's milk as I read that there will be less allergic reaction compared to cow's milk. but it seems to be quite heaty. so far still ok. just considering alternative good brands.

yah, I know. BF is tiring. I have slight backache which I suspect it's due to bf too, cos last time dunno how to lie down to bf and bb is small. but all the sacrifices are worth it. so do give up okie! we try our best lah.
mercsboy is really supermum. I'm flat out when I reach home. my mum does housework for me. I only need to eat, bathe and pump, so really shd be counting my blessings.
ni: lol.. shock me. tot u really kenna 2nd one. haha.. my eca so far only 2x. want to have 2nd also tuff man.. no imput.. no output too

yeah, can't wait to see u all tmr
kamy: haha..thanks...its not good to be supermum...given a chance i also want to enjoy...me poor life ma...but forget about asking me to employ part time maid...i rather do it myself..
ange: if thats the case, theres no need to take him for the jab so soon. can save the money 1st. ya, true that being a SAHM is not easy: gotta take care of bb and chores. too occupied for shopping. my mom also say that bb will grow better if they sleep well. so true for jon!

mercsboy: my bb intake was also abt 600ml since 2 weeks ago and some how dunno y recently he can drink 150ml per feed liao. now i feel more stressed in expressing more milk for him.

cheekygal: how much is wakodo milk and how many grams per tin? ya, i also feel so tired and lazy expressing milk for bb now. wana give up esp when pumping in office. have been lunching in since i go back to work but hubby n mom keep asking me to persevere. so i guess i have to endure at least till bb reaches 6 mth den slowly stop. your bb poo poo dun smell at all? mine makes me faint man and his fart also not merciful.
janjan: thot its normal esp after u latch and u still can get 60ml? my ms also not stable, if interval is long, ms will increase, vice versa. perhaps u wana take motilium (duno the spelling) or fenugreek? im takin the latter now in order to maintain my ms, somemore bb milk intake increase, v stressed. : (
re eca: i also no mood and tired to do. but sometimes hubby wants also must entertain him once in a while. i also wan to have a 2nd 1 but can only start work next yr cos wan a bb rabbit. : )
gwen: my little boy still drinking 150ml for the past 1 mth plus...i dont have problem with expressing milk, in fact npw surplus alot now...going to reduce one pump soon
gwen: i really put in hard work to increase my supply last time...i dont even have a good pump to start with...so i am happy for my own hardwork ya..hehe.
anyway...even BF, kyler still fall sick leh..so heartpain
gwen: bb latch only at night. after she ignore me for 3w for not letting her latch, i gave in to her, now she is best frens with me liao. so small girl already know how to hold me ransom liao.

my pump routine now: 2am, 7am, 11am, 4pm. the other times i latch. starting i pump 120ml, then drop to 100ml then now only 60-80ml. the interval doesn't really matter leh. sometimes i interval 5-6 hours still pump only 100ml, and sometimes interval 4 hours can pump 150ml wor... siao siao de. most of the time pump only 80-100ml now.

bb now drinks 140ml. that day my mother crazy. she say balance 10-20ml in the bottle bneither here nor there so all give to baby.. a whopping 180ml!!! aned she also finish. funny thing is that after i bring her homne, at night hor, she will latch a bit only, then after that she dwan to drink liao. even i dream feed or she wake up in middle of night for milk, she only drinks abt 100ml. then can tahan until 8-9am in the morning wor...
hey ladies, sorry, can't make it to the gathering liao... having fever for past 2 days... better not go in case i spread...

cheekygal, fluffy, how you pass the things to me? can i say pick it up at a certain time at emq's tomorrow? but you girls have to bring out wor...

emq, you need to get another mummy to bring playmat liao....

Selling my Bjorn air(+ 2 bibs) for $80 and bumbo for $35
both in v good condition 9/10. Both comes with box.

pls pm me for pictures. i dont need them. Used less than 4mths
Errr... Did I owe u anything? Pass what ar? sorry.. Me super forgetful...

I din put my name for the gathering...Can someone MSG me the address, maybe I'll ask hb to drive me there to drop the item to Blessedmum ?
fuffly, 2 box of blue egg... still have if not then nevermind, cos i order from you already then realise i still have...
ladies > see u tomorrow.wat time u all reaching ah?

kelly > pls help me bring my friso.

Wilting > pls bring ur friso too.

fluffy > i jus pm u EMQ's addr
fluffy....we saw it at Lot 1 courts....quite a few varieties...

ange....wootz...Jon is realli champion...his milk intake is considered quite a lot le....

gwen...wat i heard 2 days back was even more upsetting....I was being asked by a nurse if I am expecting....all bcos of my tummy & maternity dress...=(
Dear mummies,

I'm sorry, i got to give the gathering tomorrow a miss. My son has developed fever, cough and running nose. Has just brought him to visit doctor. So heartpain seeing him suffer. I'm really sorry for the last minute cancellation.

EMQ, you take care and do let me know what the cost. I'll pay for it as the buffet has our headcount.

Wish to join the next gathering and know the mummies here.
dazed: oh take care...got ppl help u take care of jiahe ma? weather is horrible nowadays

weiyao: my boy also sick...same....
flo....can I have the voucher if still avail? if it is can pls pass to blessedmum cos im not going to gathering tomoro...thanks.
oh ya.. LOL.. Remember someone ask me to take 2.. But can't recall who.. Pai sey..

U haven't collect the milkbag from by cousin?

Piyo, mercs,
Thanks for the info...

Thanks... Received ur pm ;)
hi mummies,
long time no post as I am been super-duper tired. really feel like giving up BF, plus my supply can't meet my boy ever increasing demand, even though he is on 'solid' food now.
jus had a bad exchange with the hubby. he has not been very kind to my 2 furkids, esp my partially blind 12yr old dog. l am a dog lover & no way I am going to give them up. I told him I knew him for 10yrs, while my dog with me for 12yrs :p also I was fed up cos he has never help to bottle feed his son (bb used to reject bottle so quite challenging to feed him), change diapers (less than 6 times since birth), or bath him. my boy turning 6 months next week.
he said he is learning but if he walk away while I am feeding or changing diaper, how can he learn? I told him I am very tired & need help in the night feeding, he said he got no breasts (geez..lame)! though he did help to wash bottles & with the household chores, I always feel he has not been very proactive in taking care of the boy. it does not help when I am also holding a highly responsible full time job. every morning & evening are like mad rush for me, sending my boy to my mum place.
sorry for this rant post. jus feeling v v tired, helpless & trapped. I guess this is a dilemma of a FTWM with little support from the hubby.

Enjoy yr gathering! Wish I could join u gals.
mercs, thanks, i think fever no more lia (cross fingers) but still terrible headache. my mom looking after jia he lor... so glad but i miss the little one...
piyobaby: sigh.. though im wearing normal clothes but tummy still feel like jelly. too lazy to exercise. oh ya, i can collect the voucher for u since i need to meet u and collect the baby cubes from u. so long liaoz. haha.. paiseh.. where is convenient for u to meet?

dink: no worries, just pour ur sorrow or anger out. there will always be listening ears here. re BF: i also feel the same like u, ms only manage to satisfy bb increasing demand. but for 1st bb and with mom's n hubby's encouragement, will hang on longer. so dun give it k. its not easy to take care of both bb n pets plus u still FTWM at the same time but im sure ur hubby will appreciate r hard work and try to take over some responsibilities ya. men always need some "pushing" and "kicking" b4 they can move. haha.. be patient and give him some time to adjust.
Hi dink - hang in there...it was probably a heated exchange at the spur of the moment when both of u are tired...maybe by now u have both patched up.
We tend to do the 'who is more tired' comparison and end up hurting each other. Most importantly all that u are both doing now is for your baby, when things cool down talk to ur hubby about the areas u hope he can help out more....surely he will adjust - I realised that parenting is also a lot of teamwork between spouses. Sometimes, let go and give your hubby chance to 'prove' himself even when u guys are out at the malls, even if it means he's changing the diapers too slowly and your baby pees on him!

U know I have a friend, hubby doesn't even know how to change diapers, refused to learn or take an interest. She regretted having her first child and as long as he has the same attitude and she stays married to him, she's not having a second child.

Let me share 2 encounters:
1) I witnessed a father just relax once corner on the couch smsing/play game on hp at Parkway ISETAN babychanging room while wife was struggling with crying baby on the changing mat..*faint* I would have kicked his ass if it was my hubby.

2) There was once at Paragon basement in front of Old Chang Kee. The father was alone with baby, he must have been so desperate to change diaper he did it on the FLOOR! Everyone was staring as they walked past...end of day I figured...at least he took the initiative and changed the diapers rather than wait for mummy hours later and present her with a baby with wet/soiled diaper.

Your hubby will do well, give him and yourself time, communication is key! JIA YOU!

Hi mummies,

I got to give today gathering a miss, my son having fever in the middle of the night and bad cough, running nose.

bbstarlet: I have sms you, did you receive it?

Wish I can go...

Enjoy yourself...
