(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

kamy: i tried that milo/raw egg when i was a kid.. very nicee
hmm didnt know can increase MS. will try too... but it is better to use the smaller eggs (non refridgerated), and boiling water over the milo.. so that the egg is light semi-boiled..

regarding routine/sleeptime-feeding: yeah my bb also recently screwing up his schedules.. hiyah.. headache.. he has shorter nap in the morning 45mins, and longer nap 2hours frm 12-2pm, and very short one around 4:45-5pm..

but lately dunno is it weather too hot.. he is very sleepy.. keep dozing off almost every hour!! anyone got sleepyhead baby?

Ange:he got cough and runny nose.. but recovering.u sold ur bjorn?thought can keep for 2nd baby.=)

so many mummies buying beco,so tempted too. i got 3 carriers liao.. mim,bjorn and xling.. so kiasu hor.

cherrydale:my hubby also wanted a jan 09 and dec 09 baby.. then i gave him a hard 'stare'... haha
junemom: I'm supposed to be able to accept PM. Duno what went wrong. Hehe You teach piano?

daymoon: Good to hear zonghan's recovering.
Yes, sold off the Bjorn. 2nd baby will be a long time away leh. Don't really wanna clutter the house with all the baby stuff. Hehe
pinkie_lamb: hi hi, can lemme know if u wanna collect the diapers at the gathering? otherwise u may collect at bukit timah anytime.
Sorry to interrupt. Anyone keen to purchase Avent IQ Bottle and baby food warmer ? I've a brand new one unused . Willing to sell 30% cheaper off the usual selling price in the market. Pls PM me if interested. Thanks.
flo: I use my normal diaper bag.. the red allerhand bag. What i do is i'll bring my stroller out and beco out. If she doesn't fuss (which is seldom), i'll put her in the stroller. If she fusses, then i'll put her in my carrier and my stroller becomes my shopping trolley. hee! Or else i'll get my hb to carry! =)

Ange: LeAnn took a couple of tries before she's used to the carrier. Now she's very used to the carrier and loves being in it. She prefers the carrier to the stroller though i find that carriers can be a bit hot for them.

shann: Yeah beco is good but ergo is more functional although it's not as colourful as beco. Ergo has a little pocket for us to put things and has a little cover thingy for us to shield the baby from the sun.. but beco's cover thingy is quite inconvenient. But then again, i love their designs and the slimming effect. hee! I look so fat in the ergo!!
hey, flo: mind if u pass the voucher for beco carrier to me? Thanks!

emq: hope u r resting well and recover well! See u on sat!

daymoon: wat happen to zh? is it really cos put in ifc fall sick easier/?

ni: u first one in our thread?? haa! WOW
Kelly: I think for Jon, he's not used to bending his legs up. We'll see how it goes. Speaking of hot for them, i was sweating buckets at home (in aircon!) while trying it out today. Hahahaha

EmQ: Won't get to see you on Sat. Take good care and get lotsa rest!
kelly, my hubby went to buy it from Courts Tampines... not sure if they are still selling the tix or not wor...caleb's godmum ordered liverpool jersey for him from Adidas at Suntec i thk, she just collected it last weekend but was saying it might be too big for him now hehe...

Serene Zethan look so cute! Wa his hair so much super sayang!!! HaHa nowadays they are so fun hor!!!! hehe i dun dare to click on the link you send, scared i cry, feeling very emo all the time when i hear sad stories...

EmQ, hope you are well! Do take care...must drink lots of water!

Pat is your massage lady the same one as Ni?

junemom maybe your baby is in the teething stage? some babies dun drink well during the stage not sure if that is right. I'm on total breastfeeding as well, never pump just latch on...

sus i call my boy CA-LE-BEE too wa ha ha!!! Which part of USA are you gg to? For good? When is the Mamy poko diapers offer ending? I use Mamy Poko for night.

Babystarlet i thk they can form a motherhood hubby soccer team liao haha

aiyo suika your baby photoshoot so cute!

flo, i try to carry as little stuff as possible, i drive so a little bit easier lo, can leave the big diaper bag in the car... but otherwise i just carry a sling bag and sling it over... i thk bag pack also can ba!!!
oh mummies, update on caleb's neutropenia today... his white blood cells count went up!!! Yeah, still not at the normal range though... his was 0.7, normal is 1.0 to forgot the range and the doc say his follow up can be 1 mth instead of 2 weeks now! can't recieve his 4 mth old vaccinations still... but cleared to go swimming at not crowded place!!! Can't wait to introduce him to the pool!!! Also the doc says that his neutrophils count is good enough! Most 0.5 kids' immune system are good enough. Wish we could join in the gathering this sat though but still have to avoid crowded places... sigh...
junemom: eh, the milo+egg is quite nice? okok. luckily u told me about hot boiling water. almost wanted to use the water from the hotpot. can puke if taste the raw egg taste..hehe.

blessedmum: u also getting beco? thought you have a few slings and carriers already. u really spend on cayden hor. hehe.. let me know whether it's really worth it to get okie! the x-sling makes my back ache leh..

ni: 2nd one coming already? wow... highly productive neh!
kamy: i only bought 2 slings which is balboa and xsling wan.. the MIM sling is handdown from colleague... yes i dun like xsling, so planning to sell away.. for balboa sling i like alot better than MIM cos no need to adjust the length and stuff, v convenient.. but the con is its one side, cayden gettin heavier, my shoulder cannt take it for long so better to get 2 sided carrier wan
blessedmum:think its inevitable for babies to fall sick in IFC so think on bright side,can help them to build up their immunity system.some PDs also mentioned that its common for 5-6 months old baby to fall sick cos their immunity system is building up.

Piyo:i scanned through the pages of the blog,boy,its really sad,especially the pictures of baby Ian at the last few days.keke, every night before i sleep, i also will go and kiss my boy good night. i think babies look very angelic when they sleep..

novakido:good news.. so now, u can fang xin liao.. dun have to be so worried anymore.. just be more cautious of crowded places.. anyway with the recent h1n1.. i think its also good to keep away from crowds. but with the singapore sale going on, its really quite tough! hahaha
EMQ: speedy recovery! try avoid oily food ya. take good care and cya on sat!

novakido: glad that caleb is recovering! not too worried now ya. my hubby also Liverpool fan. haha..everytime will watch their matches till i fall in love with Torres and Gerald! ya, he watches all kinds of sports on the sports channel. too bad not watching their local match cos too ex and the star players might not come also. local players just too peanuts for them. haha..

blessedmum: i find the xsling still ok as bb can face outside except bb thighs will turn red easily hence gotta wear longer pants. cant carry too long though. have 3 slings at home as well: xsling, ergo and MIM. haha... waste $$$
Ange, its our 8th yr wedding anniversary tomorrow but as we will be going out so he decided to send to the office today.

Daymoon, your hb is very clever to buy the precious moment figurine with flower. Its forever

pinkie, they sold off ronaldo?? but thats the hard facts of soccer, every player is a figure in terms of cold hard cash, not so much of loyalty to the club anymore. plus he is not english
piyo: i did not read the article only saw the pic and already made mi wana cry. felt so heart pain and sad for the parents.

daymoon: hope zh will recover soon. just monitor him these few days. true that bb fall sick easily in IFC thats y gotta take the peunococcal vaccine. haha.. i dun kiss him good nite every day but will smell him every now and then. simply love his bb smell. haha.. wierd mommy.
bb Ian....yes the sight of the photos are realli heart breaking...both parents are realli brave. it's a pity as he appear to be on the road to recovery only to be worsen by medication causing allergy given accidentally....
ophe...good to noe dat Caleb is doing well and havng more 'restrictions' lifted!

apparently mum & hb was commenting dat his hair appear to be growing which I thought is a tad too fast to judge!
Wow... Serious? Maybe can bring my hb along... Which outlet did u see the sofa and bed?

Glad to hear the good news..

U also must take care.. Weather bad... Drink more water...
flo: is the voucher for beco cart=ruer still available?

fluffy: u goin for gathering? can pass me the jacket? if so, daymoon, uwant me to collect for u?

sus: caleb not taking injection today?
fluffy: courts at causeway point have liverpool item...the sofa bed only $199

blessedmum: erm...depends actually...kyler go IFC for 2 mths plus liao...1st time fall sick..
hahahaha, i m not preggie lar. so dun need to speculate.. LOL. not already so shagged after kyan is tucked into bed everyday, where got time for "ECA"????

cherry: Happie 8th wedding anniversary. Enjoy ur celebration. And not gng to try for KL baby.. LOL.. maybe u can try for #3!!!

great its friday today! tml is the gathering.. woohoooo......
ya lor ladies really more fang xin after the checkup... the doc also says that with us gg thru this it will also teach us to be more careful when it comes to hygiene issus especially these days with all these flu pandemic gg on we have to be extra careful when it comes to ourselves and our children...

gwen ya lor, i was thking sure liverpool reserve team will play de! but apparently will also get to see the first team la... btw i alsolove to smell my baby esp his feet haha!!!

wanna ask hor those mummies gg to the man u match in KL are you guys bringing your babies... we will br bringing caleb along to the match but now i'm worried whether the noise in the stadium will affect them or not? some more evening near bedtime may be cranky!!! what are your comments?
mummies with dogs... i'm feeling really stress leh... my dog is 12 years old already somehow these days after the 30 days sembawang quarantine, he cant seem to really control his poo and pee leh. then leave him alone he will bark. yesterday come back home he LS all over the house. then hubby and i have to manage him and baby, hubby got so frustrated and angry. now we still dun have our furniture yet so he wasnt able to dirty the place that badly... really worried... sigh
blessedmum: the beco carrier seems very good hor. hb not into baby things, so when I asked him about it, he said no need. but every now and then, he uses the xsling to rock baby to sleep. then rub his back after that. I think no good for long term use. yup, I heard u say that the bolboa is good, and I was actually going to look for it too. let me know wat u think of beco okie!

phew... it's finally friday. another rush rush week. TGIF ladies!
nova: Great to hear that caleb is getting better.oh no! i can understand how you feel about the dog and the baby. I guess the dog is disorientated after 30 days of quarantine. Give the dog some time to familarise himself. I guess the 30 days is a traumatic experience for him. My dog came back from Melbourne with me 5 years ago. He was playing happily with us then the next moment, he was in a crate and didn't see us for almost 2 days. From then now, he's very afraid of getting into crates.Try to confine him to a small area first; kitchen, at least he still gets to see you guys walking around the house. This may reduce his separation anxiety.

I went to courts tampines (the megastore). Anyway the good seats (the east wing) are all sold out. So my hb wasn't interested. He told me not to spend money on those seats. Good! he's saving $$ for me.

Personally I won't bring my baby there. I don't know about Caleb. But LeAnn would be cranky and super stimulated by the noise and what is happening around. She's a fussy baby.. she won't be able to sleep. Furthermore i think it would be very hot. I would have a hard time at the match trying to calm her down and won't be able to enjoy the match.

ni: You can also have a KL baby. Hee! Cherry, you and precious.. hee!!!
ange: y u sold off ur bjorn? beco better ah???

nova: i will not bring bb to the man u match, worried that it will get rowdy, noisy, and KL nt v safe either. will leave him wif in laws in SG. Oh ya, pat and i are using the same massage lady, so u can call up her. mariam if i recall correctly.
Ni: Sold of Bjorn cos Jon was getting heavy in it. And I think can only use up to 12kg. Bought Beco cos I saw Shann carrying Baby Ern in it and she did it so effortlessly.

Jon's 5.5 months today. Just got his final jab. Our eyes nearly popped out when we saw the weight on the weighing scale. 9.15kg! My PD still asked us if we had already started him on rice cereals. But we didn't! So she's asking us to hold back the rice cereals for another month. In the meantime, we can start on fruit and vegetable puree.
kelly i confine him in the kitchen when we go out and he was ok for 2 days and yesterday we got frustrated again... the problem with my kitchen door is that it is wooden and he cannot see thru... and if i leave him in the kitchen he keeps barking and sniffing at the kitchen door even resorted to scratching the door trying to get out...

Aiyo hearing that i think I dun wan to go along with my hubby they all to the match... Kelly you want to buy my ticket for your hubby? He can go along with my hubby haha... All liverpool supporters!

ni i scare my MIL cannot handle my baby alone leh.... haiz.
Ladies... can anyone advise regarding the pneumococcal vaccine? I'm 2 minds about whether we want to let Jon take it now. But PD is advising that he take it between 7-11 months of age.
nova:i think yr dog is old liao..imagine suddenly enclosed there and cant see u all for a month...give him some time ok...dont give up on him okie..
there was once i sent mercs to a pet hotel for 3 days only, when i fetch him, he come back refused to eat...end up bring him to vet, vet said he got depression!!
ange, Jon n Delia born on the same day but Delia is so small size. She is only 5.9kg 2wks ago. Haiz.... I will let Delia take the pneumococcal at the 7mths. Since its only 1mth to go and she will have 1 jab lesser.
Sperzz: Oh yes, both 24th dec. Hehe I was really shocked about his weight also. Was expecting a max of 8.5kg. But it's not like Jon drinks exceptionally much milk. Average intake is anything from 800+ to 900+ in a day. Plus we've not even started on cereals or purees. Maybe cos he sleeps a fair bit. Hehe But if we do it @ 7 months it's 3 jabs...
novakido: ya lor. no point paying so much just to see the reserve team. haha.. save for our sons better rite.

ange: if u intend to put jon in IFC, u gotta let him take the vaccine early otw, as advised by my PD, can wait till hes abt 9 mth den take. can save 1 jab also. haha.. jon is 24K gold man.. haha.. must be tiring slinging him around and ur "s" stroller is too bulky for you to move around alone also.

sperzz: delia is indeed quite small size hor. or is it normal for a bb ger to have that kinda wt? anyway if shes feeding and sleeping well, no prob ya and carrying her around is easier also. : )

so sad.. colleagues commented that ive become more n more aunty ever since i got married and worse now after delivery! more dress down n less make up. hair also cut short. really gotta buck up man. : (
Gwen: I don't go out alone with Jon all that much and even if i do, it's only for a short period. Hehe So usually hubby's around to help and we'll put him in the stroller. Nope, no plans for IFC for now. So just thinking if we should let him take it @ 7 months or wait till about 2YO.

Sperzz: In Jon's case, that saying is so true man. Hahaha
ange: my PD says that the jab no need to take too early too. i will probably give ern ern the jab when she is a yr old... or b4 she goes IFC. btw, y is jon going IFC??
sperzz: my friend's daughter who is 7 mth plus also only 7kg...is delia eating drinking fine?
maybe she is those smaller built one..

shann: ya..i love my dogs..i got 2 at home
