(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

i have a newly opened tin of s26. changed fm as boy got very heaty and constipated. anybody interested? giving away instead of wasting. tin opened last friday. only used for a day.
daymoon: ya...GP said between 5-6 mths old, they trying to build up their own immune system, and during this period of time, virus attacks them easily...but after this period, they will be fine...
sperzz: how much u selling your Man U tix???

mercs: i also hand washed my kyan's clothes. last time have maid, now i know how hard it is to hand wash man! hahahaha..
ni: ya lor...usually weekdays i will handwash before i sleep, but fridays/saturdays, i will wash the next day...with baby hor...like neverending things to wash leh...
yday i just washed hugo's bed...and kyler swing bed...
mercs, thanks. Will try to get it at Kiddy Palace. It looks cute and stable.

ange, novakido, i find it real cute too. Ours kids are so fortunate to have such cute stuff. Back to our time, we only poo in those red plastic potties.

my bb clothes are all machine washed.
Wah, mercsboy, you very disciplined leh. I handwash Ryan's clothes but only once a week. The nanny will wash whatever clothes that he uses at her place so not much to wash during the week.
chere: ya...stable..i tried just now...the handle got screws to screw at the cover there so wont come out easily..
recently me & hubby been seeing potty la...finally found one
chere: haha...thank u...i dunno how i can handle so many things...but the prob is no lose weight leh despite so many things to do...

pinkie: kyler at IFC ma, everyday got 2-3 sets of clothes, hankies,bibs to wash...no nanny to wash for me...sob..
Mercsboy, even if I got a lot to wash, I think I won't be able to wash everyday - you are definitely very hardworking! For me, by the time I pick Ryan up, come home and finish dinner, it will be about 9pm already. Then latch Ryan for his feed, play with him, read his books, do his maths, try to relax a bit, read newspaper, then about 10 plus, latch Ryan again in bed and fall asleep around 11pm with Ryan. Absolutely no time to do anything else unless I get up again after Ryan is asleep and I'm too lazy for that!
pinkie: i tell u hor...i still got part time to do leh... poor life u see...
everyday i pick him go home, eat dinner feed him, clean him, feed the dogs, do work, really sit down is 10pm already leh..only sometimes i got time then i read books or play with him...
weekends worse, go marketing, do the major washing like bedsheets all that...
haiz...poor life...money and time not enough!

why dont you get a part time helper? At least get someone to help you with cleaning up the house, then can have more time to bond with kyler?

Now i have time to play with my baby as i have a helper at home. However i am also worried that i will rely on her too much and grow lazy.....in fact, i think i am =(
ashley: i agree with u, i cherish my time with cayden, treasure the time we spend as a family

a part time helper does help to a good extent .. haha, for me i think im ok, stil got sweep floor daily (drop too much hair liao), wipe bb toys and stuff..
ashley: i agree with u.
fatigue is working mother's worst enemy. i rather save my energy, play and interact with baby than do chores.
the chores, i do when baby is sleeping.
mercs: you super hardworking! I think you are an alpha mum! they were showing a segment on alpha mum a few days ago on channel newsasia!

nova: I'm a liverpool supporter too. Where did you buy the tix? It's very expensive leh, maybe buying the tix as father's day present for my hb. Are the tix still available?
ashley: i rather work harder and save the employ helper money to buy things for kyler lor! i prefer to do it myself....i will plan my own time...of coz not one shot everyday do la. big items i weekends then do, sometimes hubby will help me to mop the floor.

kelly: haha..thanks..me poor life la, everything have to do it myself...1 job is not enough income for me, so no choice got to do 2 jobs lor...then got extra to spend ma...

blessedmum: u good life la, stay at home no work still got part time maid...envy those SAHM still got maid lor..
Sperzz which category ticket did u bought? I will b going to KL for man utd match too. We r die hard fans of man utd!! I can't get tier 1 tic leh..manage to get tier 2 only..

Ni, u wana go KL for the match?

Kelly, yah I agree LP match v exp !! But it will b a good fatherday surprise for ur hubby

Mercs, salute u!! At the end of the day, I feel so exhausted, don't even feel like washing clothes with the machine,you still manage to handwash everyday !

Regarding stroller, may I know what is S stroller? Any link to view? Wondering why so expensive! I own a combi..
Hey mums, congrats on your little one. If you need baby tips and tricks visit http://sg.******************/first_one_year
I'm so happy, I finally subscribed for mobile data Internet..can surf smh on my hp on my way home ! Yippie
hiaz..next station will be by stop..can't wait to get home to cuddle baby..
precious bb: i everyday also feel exhausted...everyday sleep less than 6 hrs...but well i guess this is what we have to sacrifice for being a mother!
mercsboy: wahh you still got energy to log on here... if i were you, conked out liao.

Ange: i teach music, and runs a small biz

Any BF mummies here can pm me with your msn, hope to get some advice.. ??
Hi Mummies,
I MIA for a few days... been in & out of hospital. Just had surgery to remove gallbladder. Was trying to go through thread on what I missed out. But not very successful. Tummy have not been feeling good & limps still kind of weak from GA. Gets tired quite easily. Will try to read bits by bits... anything, urgent regarding the gathering can either PM or email me please. Then I won't miss out the necc info. Sorry may not be able to keep up for the time being.

But event will go on as planned this Sat. Sperzz, I won't be eating, I'm still on soft diet. I tried rice tonight & can't take it too well yet.

Fingers already shivering with this bit of typing... used to be able to type long essays.. hee hee...
ophe...i was reading ur blog and realise dat whenever i sing and clap his hands, Z will luff wif mouth open widely during clapping time too...hee
Miyuki, i use physiogel for my boy cos he has super sensitive skin. And it helps. Much better than the normal body wash. And i also use sebamed facial cream and body lotion for him
emq: oh take care ya...recover soon..

junemom: usually me if at home sign in here means pumping milk..or else normal weekdays at work ma, can surf net one...

piyo: zethan really got lots of hair! easily can make 2 brushes man
suika/nova: Did you buy any liverpool jerseys for your boys? When i saw johnny boy and jensen wearing the man u jersey, I told my hb that I wanted to buy one for LeAnn. Much to my disappointment, it wasn't very nice when i surfed their website. Sigh! Didn't buy at the end of the day.
Hi mummies, thanks for all your well wishes. Yes, will be resting. Want to get well in time for this Sat's event. My dr promised me I'll be up & running by then... *smile*, told me I can even go shopping...

PAT: Read abt your contact. Would you prefer to get him/her to come at 1pm instead? Since it is a short talk, better to get it out 1st? Also, I suppose less questions for this person than the nutritionist... just in case we have so many questions for the nutritionist then over run time, then the other person will end up waiting... I haven't fixed time with the nutritionist, so I figure still flexible ba..

As for Tupperware, it's just going to be a simple sharing. I misunderstood - doorgift only for those who sign up as members. & if I'm not wrong, members get a 20% discount on the spot. So I suppose if u r buying more, can consider becoming a member, otherwise, may not be worth the while... But my friend is trying to get Tupperware to give us some 'special' buys at a good discounts.

That's all for now... will catch up bits by bits tomorrow..
Piyo: Your boy looks really cute le... actually with his hair & delicate lips, he looks quite girl... dunno if u believe this - old folks says if bb looks like boy, the next sibling is a boy. & if bb looks like girl, the next sibling is a girl.
Take care and rest well

Think the weather also play a part for all the illness.. Adults also sick... If it's between 5-6mths baby will get sick easily, then got to be careful when going out... Virus in the air..
bawbaw: i just bought the cleanser and lotion. Havent tried using it yet but today my cousin told me that it's effective becos her daughter got super duper sensitive skin. And think it's also for prevention ba...
EmQ:hope u are recovering well,rest well ya.my MIL also mentioned the same thing when she saw my boy in hospital when he was 1 day old.looks like a boy so next one will be boy...
mercs...did consider making more than 1 for my parents but budget constraint so did just one...in fact on d spot she gave us back quite a huge chunk of hair for safekeep...when she c Z, she was like dun shave him la...hee
EmQ...thanks...in fact Z indeed was often being mistaken for a bb gal...the most recent being last wkend...a dad carrying his toddler was like look at meimei..sleeping so dun disturb..haha

mum was saying they look at the skin folds at the thigh to guess sibling's gender..

He has alot of discharge from his eyes! They were swollen too.

Started from one eye then spread to the other one. Putting eye drop for him is so hard, once he saw me holding the bottle, he will cry and refuses to open his eyes. Sigh....lucky now he ok liaoz (cross my fingers)

mummies...im wondering if it may b a good idea to share this blog that I chanced upon accidentally but it certainly took mi a long while to muster enuff courage to go thru the blog....brought tears to my eyes....click on the days tab only if u think u can handle the sight..

