(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

i have the parklon mat, until now still in the original bag, haven't open up. haha. i won't have problem with dog cos she stays in kitchen. but i no open cos we only camping here temp. after move into new house then will open and use

cherry: yup, agree. thats why since that time i pengsan, i scared liao. now i just do whatever i can. won't dare to kay-kiang die die want to exclusive bf liao. anyway, think abt it, if we don't rest well and eat well, the milk we produce also not nutritious lor. so i rather substitute with 2 feeds of fm at night. she gets the best of both worlds, i get to store at least one pack of milk a day
blessedmum: haha.. i oso couldnt wear most of my bottoms and i change all my working pants before i start work! (burnt a hole in my pocket =X).. but it's ok, we muz work hard to slim down within 6 mths ok? (3 more mths to go) hehe.. cheers!
hello all NSEW Jan'09 mummies! shall we do a gathering again on 2 April. Lets go Hi-Tea and pamper ourselves, we are HDB Tai Tai!

My suggestion: Zhou Kitchen @ Novena Sq, 2 April, 2.30pm

1) Ni
2) Sperzz
hello mummies!

nice meeting the tiong bahru kakhis yestd! can we hv another 1? hehe...

tumble, laugh & bunny : r u in FB?
Zhou Kitchen @ Novena Sq, 2 April, 2.30pm

1) Ni
2) Sperzz
3) janjan
4) Cherryale

I definitely want to go for buffet/hi tea! Actually I have another lunch date on the same day, but I will ask my friend to change date

ni, i have been watching the 9pm ah sao show on channel 8. Really scared that I will become like them next time. Actually even when wife looks good, man still will look for mistress outside if they cannot resist temptation. Like Ann Kok in the show is pretty and fashionable, her hb still has a mistress from China and can tell the mistress he is single. Everytime I watch the show, I will tell my hb, u see lah, the women slog so hard for family and children then end up their hbs find them 'yellow faced woman'. Luckily I am working and earning good income, no need to be subservient to hb like xiang yun in the show.
Cherrydale:me too,been watching the 9pm show and asked hb to watch with me too cos its quite real-life.so scared will be like them 10-20 years later.

Mummies,where to buy those big playmats from? saw some of you have the winnie the pooh one.me a bit slow.haven bot it for zonghan to play. now he is just playing in his playpen, my bed and the sofa. haha
cherry: yes, yday was having msn chat with pat and kelly! and so coincidentally my si gui hb was out playing golf till 12midnite! hahaha! i think the morale of the 9pm show is to remind all woman, not to be "yellow", must earn our own keeps, and man cannot be fully trusted! yah! the china mistress is not as pretty as the Ann Kok (wife), just dun understand man!
Zhou Kitchen @ Novena Sq, 2 April, 2.30pm

1) Ni
2) Sperzz
3) janjan
4) Cherryale
5) Samval

cherry: hee hee.. me still have 6 more weeks to go before i go back. hmm..hope to slim down a bit before that. sigh!
bunny : what's ur name/email in FB? i'll tag u gals when i upload the pics. but dun think i can load today cos' my MIL is not in & i m handl 2 boys myself....

tumble : i tried freestyle tis morn. it's good leh... both PISA & freestyle r ok for me. but 1 thing for sure, i'll not abandon my Avent ISIS. =)

jade : i was oso deciding btw PISA & freestyle, in the end i decided to get freestyle aft reading a thread discussing abt the difference. I tried to look for it, but can't find le...

but i roughly rem someone mentioned freestyle is
- lighter than PISA
- less noisy than PISA
- can be used handsfree

but hor, the motor part, freestyle is digital type while PISA is mechanical - my hb say mechanical type shld be more durable... for me, i last kid liao, if the pump can last me for a year, i happy already...

another deciding factor for me was, freestyle is using the latest technology. so i assume it'll hv better resale value, in case i wanna give up the pump... my own theory lah... hehe...
jade : there're some more features of freestyle which is not found in pisa, but i hvn't explore... think got timer, memory & u can set ur pumping preference, sth like that... think u can go to medela website to download the manual of the 2 pumps to compare.
Info from Dazed, Robinsons is having discount for Tippee Toes socks 20%+20%. So 1 box is abt $23. Very worth, mother that is interested shld go n buy. The sales ending on the 29 Mar. Nuk also having 20+10% discount
miyuki: ya i bought the mat and receive it...but havent open leh...coz me going to do wallpaper to my boy room...so later then open...maybe u can check with blessedmum, she is using also...
blessedmum: its a highchair majiam combi rashule u know...just cheaper only...can push here and there, can 4 positions...i super like the chair...i think its my best buy...

ni: shd be placing inside his room...i scared if put in living room become the 2 furkids play area ah!
Sperzz: wanna change my order for the cereal. below is my revised order.

Baby Jars:
Sweet potato x 1
Juicy golden pear x 1
Little bear chicken stew x 1
Harvest time dinner x 1

Baby Cereal:
Brown rice cereal x 1

Total: $16.10
ni , good idea sia.tis wkend go find

Zhou Kitchen @ Novena Sq, 2 April, 2.30pm

1) Ni
2) Sperzz
3) janjan
4) Cherryale
5) Samval
6) Babystarlet

tink i have to bring my gal if takn buffet.i wun be home in time to tak over from my hb.

Tiong Bahru khakis > u all joinn?

pinkie > u uploaded the picture in ur FB?

mercs > how u gg to place ur boy's name on his clothes?
Baby Jar Stage 1 (4-6 months) $2.30
Butternut Squash
Miaiko x1
blessedmum x 1

Cabana Banana
Miaiko x1
blessedmum x 1
jolenex 1

Country Apples
Miaiko x1
blessedmum x 1
jolenex 1

Fresh Carrots
Miaiko x1
blessedmum x 1
jolenex 1

Golden Pears
Miaiko x1
blessedmum x 1

Sweet Peas
Miaiko x1
blessedmum x 1

Sweet Potatos
Miaiko x1
blessedmum x 1
jolenex 1

Baby Cereal (4 months & up) $6.90
Brown Rice
Miaiko x1
blessedmum x 1
jolenex 1

Baby Cereal (6months & up) $6.90
Barley Cereal
blessedmum x 1

Mix grain Cereal for Baby
jolene x 2

Teether Biscuits - $5.60
Maple Biscuits
Miaiko x1

Miaiko $28.60
Blessedmum $29.90
Jolene $29.90

Blessedmum / Jolene: where do u stay?
miaiko: i stay @ Toh Guan. What abt u? See when can collect from you when the stuff arrives? but will bbe during weekend when my hubby drives us around

think Jolene stays in Jurong east too
mummies who bot the bumper mat,what are the differences bet the LG and the Parklon material?

is this much better than those sold in Mini-Toons?
daymoon: Ive got the LG one at home. You can let Zonghan test it out next week. Don't know the differences between the two though.
Pat, yup I'm coming!! I'm fine with any food. Thanks alot!

Mercs & bbstarlet, my infant care says need to put name on bib and hankies, but not neccessary for clothes. My hankies have no "label tag", so I need to sew his name on it. I use those cross stitch thread to sew his name. Quite troublesome, but at least better then using marker!

bb starlet, when are you starting your baby at infant care? Have you visited them and check the details? E.g. what to prepare etc..

Cherryale, thanks for sharing the posting on the doggie. I've read it before and I just read it again. Never fail to make me ponder and reflect about how we human beings are sometimes selfish and neglect those who really care for us. My 2 dogs at my mum's house are abandoned dogs, glad we gave them a 2nd chance in life. =)

Wrist pain : I get that too!! Can see a bulge in my left wrist, very painful esp when carrying baby with 1 hand

Hi-tea next week : I can't confirm my attendance, cus its the last weekday I get to spend alone with Baby before he goes infant care on the 6th. I will super miss my baby. Sobzz..Are all of you bringing baby along?

Sperzz, BP for baby food, are these available in the supermarkets too?
precious: i'll be bringing baby along for the high tea, as well as by 2 older kids cos no one to take care. wonder how i'm gonna manage with 3 plus their bag, plus my bag... i think can lah.
hi girls, haven't been here for a long while, too busy w home stuff and baby... hope everyone has been well.

Anyway i need some help cuz i have an oversupply issue, been trying to reduce supply but it's gonna to take some time... i'm out of Avent storage cups and freezer space already. My bb doesn't need all these ebm so I will need to throw the older ones (pumped in late feb) real soon but feel very sayang to do so... if anyone would like to have them, please PM me by this wkend. The only thing i request is
- self collect at my home (Boon Lay)
- would appreciate one for one exchange with either hospital glass bottle or Avent cups so i dun have to keep buying. I've already filled up 20 avent cups and 10 glass bottles, none left now!

blessedmum: wkend is gd. if ur hb driving, then can come my plc to collect? ur plc via BKE to my plc is very fast. Another option is collect at my parents' plc at Upp. Bt Timah Rd which is very nr ur plc. But it depends whether I'll be going their plc on a certain Sat evening.
hi miaiko, please add in my order:

Baby Jar Stage 1 - $2.30

Butternut Squash x 1
Cabana Banana x 1
Country Apples x 1
Fresh Carrots x 1
Sweet Peas x 1
Sweet Potatos x 1

Baby Cereal - $6.90
Brown Rice x 1

Total: $20.70

Baby Jar Stage 1 (4-6 months) $2.30
Butternut Squash
Miaiko x1
blessedmum x1
Cheryl x1

Cabana Banana
Miaiko x1
blessedmum x1
jolene x1
Cheryl x1

Country Apples
Miaiko x1
blessedmum x1
jolene x1
Cheryl x1

Fresh Carrots
Miaiko x1
blessedmum x 1
jolene x1
Cheryl x1

Golden Pears
Miaiko x1
blessedmum x 1

Sweet Peas
Miaiko x1
blessedmum x1
Cheryl x1

Sweet Potatos
Miaiko x1
blessedmum x 1
jolene x1
Cheryl x1

Baby Cereal (4 months & up) $6.90
Brown Rice
Miaiko x1
blessedmum x 1
jolene x1
Cheryl x1

Baby Cereal (6months & up) $6.90
Barley Cereal
blessedmum x1

Mix grain Cereal for Baby
jolene x2

Teether Biscuits - $5.60
Maple Biscuits
Miaiko x1

Miaiko $28.60
Blessedmum $29.90
Jolene $29.90
Cheryl $20.70
pea porridge hot
pea porridge cold
pea porridge in the pot
nine days old

some like it hot
some like it cold
some like it in the pot
nine days old

can I check on baby insurance?

I remember earlier on some of u bought insurance for bb.. can share again? Which is gd?

Im looking for one that works like investment for baby's education in future

thanks, mercsboy...

Mummies who bought the parklon playmat - need your advice. I actually saw the parklon playmat from minitoons. One side of the playmat feels rough (with the cartoon characters printed on it) and the reverse side of the playmat feels like straw mat. I dont know is it the same as what online is selling...
