(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

mercs > paiseh, i sotong,ask e same qs.

ange > where's e class?

precious_bb > shld be on 2nd may.actually i visited them b4,in terms of details
wat to prepare,i have not ask them.
bec tht time is my hb go down put deposit 1.
roughly wat else ur infant care ask u to prepare huh?

miaiko > tink if u dun mind,can ownself cut.save money as bb hair not much.

bunny > i wanna take pram but i no transport leh,how to bring pram?

i oso bought the Parklon playmat. juz got it yday.
looks nice n feels good.
i better ask hb open up whole pc tonight n check if got defects or not
miyuki: wat i know the online version is a better quality than mini toons one...maybe u can check with the supplier, they can explain better. but now parklon got a few designs same material as LG...

miaiko: ya lor..alot of ppl said that leh...then hor some said when bb drop hair, its the time for us to drop hair also...
jialat my hair so little still drop...
babysstarlet: when my bb 1mth, I did cut for her juz the back. But not smoothly straight so dun look very nice lor. I oso duno wat hairstyle to cut for her.. keke..
miaiko: yes bb hair will drop wan.. some drop by PATCHES.. so some parents shave off their hair instead of trimming...

me still waitin to see if cayden's hair will drop..

parklon playmat is smooth on both sides leh.. i dun find it rough at all.. it shouldnt be rough lor.. not good for bb skin which is so delicate and sensitive..
babystarlet: u want to take mrt together? got company more confident
Hi sperzz, i stay in the east, here's my order.

Baby Jar Stage 1 - $2.30
Cabana Banana x 1
Country Apples x 1
Fresh Carrots x 1
Golden Pears x 1
Sweet Peas x 1
Sweet Potatoes x 1

Baby Cereal - $6.90
Brown Rice x 1
Oatmeal x 1

Teether - $5.60
Maple Biscuits x 1

Total: $33.20

i'm back... robinsons sale good deal leh... some brands got good discounts but not for nursery items. pigeon 20%, the socks, tippee toes and jazzy toes at $36, less 20%+20%. some other brands too. tollyjoy clothing also 20+20. there's this brand tiny tots clothes 30+20... good deal.

also went carrefour for their pampers...

now moo mooing away... super engorge...
bunny > take mrt take pram?dun tink so,i really no confidence to push into the mrt sia.hee.my pram is a bit unique,especially e wheels.
maybe see if e rest gg or not,can share cab
hi babystarlet, coping on fine. Struggling at times though, cos taking care of bb alone at home. Hubby returns home late these days. Starting work on 7 apr, hope can continue to total breastfeed.

My boy's 4 mth old, but yet to flip leh.

He took his 2nd dose of 6 in 1 today, hope he will not have fever. Just now kicked so hard when the pd wanted to inject him. I thought the needle will break.

He weighs 6.9kg, lighter than Willting's Juvius?
Back frm cherry's place!!! Cherry, ur place is very nicely renovated!!! Had sinful KFC! haha... as usual the gathering was fun. and here are some pics!!!

Bro Johnny Boy and me!
Group Picture.
From Left: Ashley (Cherry's), Janis (Liping's), Jewel (Mint's), Delia (Sperzz's), LeAnn (Kelly's), Kyan (Mine), and Johnny Boy (Pat's)

nice pics

i like delia's romper. wah baby kyan many many bro now wor
still can pat pat his hand on johnny boy's thigh sia hee hee
Zhou Kitchen @ Novena Sq, 2 April, 2.30pm

1) Ni
2) Sperzz
3) janjan
4) Cherryale
5) Samval
6) Babystarlet
7) mint & Jewel
Hopefully can join you ladies at the Zhou Kitchen (yummy!) if I can find help to look after my baby. Can only confirm when nearer date.

For about a week+, my baby has started to recognise faces and places. Just last weekend went high-tea, she cry very loudly for 3 qtrs of the time and had a rush rush buffet ( unfamiliar place), went back office to show my colleagues baby Min, she was smiling away, then suddenly cry loudly again. Today went PD also the same. Took a while to pacify her till she fall asleep everytime.

gelato: Thanks for the info, think I will go for PIS. Main reason - mechanical is more durable than digital (thks for highlighting) and since this is my first baby(only using for 3 more months), I hope to keep using it for subsequent ones, PIS has been tried and tested by so many mommies.
wow...BB LeAnn, Kyan and John wearing skirt and jean...so cute...5 girls and 2 boys...haha...who is Liping?

so many gathering...31/3, 1/4 and 2/4....
Hi Laugh,Babystarlet & bunny... me also most likely to join the hi-tea.. Me most prob won't be bringing my baby so if u gals need extra hands to carry ur stuffs, I can help..
aiyoh.. i miss another gathering.. when's the gathering at pat's??

ni: so sad leh.. leann and kyan look so compatible. my shyan no chance liao.

pat: johnny boy so cute.. see if compatible with my shyan or not.. hehe
Wah, LeAnn, Kyan & John is so well dress today! Nice playmat too

Pat, is John wearing the fox shorts? Jensen have similiar one too! Cus I recognise the bear! Anyway, baby starts flipping from 3-6 months, so its normal to see babies flip now.

cjteng, yup, its me who posted the video in Facebook. Caught me by suprise, so I quickly video him. He can't stop flipping on Weds! But he didn't flip when his on his tummy yesterday and today. Lazy boy! ha..

Sel, cool! Thanks for the link. Will check it out

bbstarlet, Wow, you still have 1 more month with baby, still have some time to prepare. Need to prepare extra set of baby stuff, they say to bring 8 sets of clothes (so that I don't have to bring new clothes everyday), bibs, hankies, towels, pampers, bath items, blanket etc... Is your baby's infant care aircon? If yes, need to prepare long sleeve clothes too. I didn't have lotsa long sleeve clothes, so I was busy buying sleepsuits.
Ange:eek:kie,shall view and 'test' at your place first before buying the bumper playmat. cant wait for 1st april,been a long time since the west babies and mummies gathered.

de_luxe:haven seen u for some time,hope u have completely recovered ya. want to join us at ange house next wed for west mummies gathering?

the babies are so cute and so well-behaved!
i am getting the mat from bp too, but havent make payment coz i do not have a 'proper' pc now. i asked my hubby to make a guess on the price and he said $30... grrr !??!?!!! he must have thought it as a floor mat =(
Miyuki, regarding the mat, I've bought the mickey mouse mat from the BP. Quality is good and thick. I've seen the normal cartoon mats sold at minitoons. Quality is not comparable to the BP mats. Either get the ABC mat (which is value for money) or the BP parklon/LG mat. No point getting the minitoon mats, cus its not very cheap too.

Mercs, you're decorating Kyler's room? Wallpaper!
wow.. once again the bb are soo cute lined up together!!

btw.. u gals got ur mother n baby magazine? Theres a 2 page thingy on bb fair held at expo recently...Anyone noticed someone familiar in one of the pics taken during bb fair?? hehe.. If im not wrong, i think our dear NI is in the picture leh!! Shes busy @ the mother n bb magazine booth checkin out the freebies for subscription..pls confirm if im correct!! HAHA!
i hope to join your for high tea, but it seem that its not easy too have bb arouund while eating.. only mint is bring jewel..

i am still trying to get a slot for my gal to the infant care near where we stayed, but that place is forever so 'hot'! there are still 5 bb ahead of my gal in the queue. and none of our parents are bb person..headache and sianzzz.. really worried for my gal, she is now sso happy being pampered as princess @home by me, wonder where she will be and how she wiill take it later.

i have no prob expressing @work place as we are quite pro towards mum and baby. i pray that i can cope between bb and work. its going to be tough! since the day bb arrived, i have shift 100% of my love and time from work/hubby to bb..
precious bb: ya lor...my part time boss is a contractor who do wallpaper ma...so he said he got some balance cute wallpaper, i think can do for me foc...
just to share..

when i returned to work for afew day, first day i tried pumping before leaving home, and i was pretty much in pain with swollen breasts by lunch time. the other day, i tried going work place earlier, and i went to express right after i put down my barang barang, and it was still quite bearable @12noon. moreover, traffic was lighter in early morning, so i took lesser time traveling to work comparing to the first day.

probably your want to try expressing after reaching work place @instead of pumping/latching in morning.
I got the LG mat 2 yrs ago. It's very good. We like it. Sometimes will slp on it too.. From my gal's room, we shift it to living room since elder ger always watching tv. Compared to mini toons, so much different. Mini toons are rougher and feel hot..Not so cushion feeling...very good buy
mercsboy....most probably buying the high chair...wat are some of the features for urs besides 4 levels adjustable?
die la..think im buying lots of things for Zethan to overcome my guilt in becoming weekend mum...so scare will spoil him...
blessedmum....the pic wif dr woody is so cute....he look so blur in the pic? haha isit taken at his cck clinic....

have been missing out on taking a photo wif him & Zethan since delivery....perhaps make it a point one day....
wah seh,all not sleepn yet ah? my crystal also not sleepn,so pity me.she's not hungry leh,but not sleepn.

u all not bringn baby to the hi-tea ah?

precious_bb > thanks for the list,my infant care has both air-con and non-aircon.
janjan: the gathering @ pat place is on tues, 31 March, u wanna come??? hee... no la.. Shyan still got chance.. opps, as if nurturing kyan into playboy...

precious bb/wilting: ya, gotta start dressing them up le... if not cannot wear. precious, kyan and johnny pants both from Fox Baby...

piyo: hard not to spoil the babies sia, i not weekend mum, i also keep buying stuff for kyan, guess bcos they are our first babies bah... inevitable not to spoil
blessedmum: no lah. the person not me lah... hahha. i nearly believed it was me... till i look at the pic 100 times.. haha.. and i think i was wearing pink stripes.. not the flowery top leh.. LOL.. at ange house, i must make u take pic with me to remember my face!!! hahaha
janjan: yup, nxt gathering is at my plc in punggol. nxt tue. come leh!!! the more the merrier. we all miss u. let johnny boy n shyan take couple shot la

precious bb: yup1 his jeans fr fox. he is alr wearing 6-12 mth liao. v fitting so dun tink can wear for long anymre. oh i saw jensen flipping video. soooo cute! ur mickey mouse playmat is nice. is it parklon or LG?

ni: wah nt bad leh u appear in magazine! lol

me wanna join for hi tea too. yeh
johnny boy came bk fr cherry hse then slept fr 630pm til 10pm drink milk then nw wake up thinking is morning. smiling at laughing at his cot mobile. oh no i no need go bk to sleep liao. i wanna faintzzzz...
Zhou Kitchen @ Novena Sq, 2 April, 2.30pm

1) Ni
2) Sperzz
3) janjan
4) Cherryale
5) Samval
6) Babystarlet
7) mint & Jewel
8) pat & john
bbstarlet/tumble: I'll b bringing bb cos no one to take care. can the cab take 2 prams? since tumble not bringing bb, both of u can share a cab.

laugh: I don't mind taking the mrt. shall we?

gelato: u coming? cab or mrt?

willting: Liping is actually my niece..(yiping). You saw her at baw² with her baby, baby Janis.

PAT: LeAnn slept from 7pm till 2am.. same lor..thinking that it's time to wake up (7hrs) Then i fed her and tried her back to bed.. slept from 3am till now.. hopefully she will sleep longer.. hopefully by 9am.. so that i have more sleep too.

jan: come .. join us at punggol...haven't seen baby shyan for a long time. LeAnn says she hasn't "ren ding" Kyan too. She says Shyan can have him too.. hee!

Zhou Kitchen @ Novena Sq, 2 April, 2.30pm
(do you guys mind having lao bei jing?) hee!
1) Ni
2) Sperzz
3) janjan
4) Cherryale
5) Samval
6) Babystarlet
7) mint & Jewel
8) pat & john
9) Kelly
