(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

cherry:sperzz is joining as well.

Gathering @ Cherry's place (Tampines) on 27 March (Fri)

1) Ni & Kyan
2) Pat & John Andre
3) Kelly and LeAnn
4) Mint & Jewel
5) Jasmommy & Ashton
6) Cherryale & Ashley
7) Sperz and Delia

I'm fine with anything. Don't worry.

Hi East side mummies, any1 interested in the Healthy Times Organic Baby Food

Baby Jar Stage 1 (4-6 months) $2.30
Butternut Squash
sperzz x 1

Cabana Banana
sperzz x 1

Country Apples
sperzz x 1

Fresh Carrots
sperzz x 1

Golden Pears
sperzz x 1

Sweet Peas
sperzz x 1

Sweet Potatos
sperzz x 1

Baby Cereal (4 months & up) $6.90
Brown Rice
sperzz x 1
sperzz: i wanna order but i cant view the website with thie laptop. later i use hb's laptop den i let u know my order ok?

cherry: tml ur place what time ah???
cherryale: 12pm lunch time for you, 11.30am is better timing to pump...my lunch is 1pm...i don't latch becos bb reject in the first place but recently he wan to latch so sometimes let him latch for a while...sometimes he reject bottlefeed, latch him and slowly remove put the teat in....heehee

My plan is:

7am - pump at home
12pm - pump in office
5pm - pump in office
10pm - pump at home
kelly: still got gathering at pat's and cherry ah? looks like i gotta give it a miss liao. i officially migrate to west side le. :D

ya man, i tap on my cousin's wireless network. they live next door only. treat this place like holiday chalet

catch up again.
hi mummies,
quite some time did not read this thread as I am back to work.

My pumping schedule:
6.30am - latch
9am - pump in office
1pm - pump in office
5pm - pump in office
night - latch & pump excess

But it is definitely not easy to squeeze in 3 pumps in office, so I am going to extend the hours & restrict to 2x. Today I also power, pump in car while hubby is driving. Bo bian cos got meeting at 9am & venue is off site.

sperzz: I am interested in the organic food. when is the last day to order?

Calling Piyo: you can swing by my friend place to collect the milk powder
dAYMOON > my gal lol,sneeze quite often.cough only after drinkn milk.

precious_bb > still must hand sew their names on all the clothes b4 sendn to infant
care? any easier method?
i never tht of so many things sia before u and mercs type out.
any other things i got to pay attention?

miaiko > how u noe ur boy is left handed?

bb_march > no problem.another day is fine.

cjteng and all > nice meeting u all too.paiseh for the cries tht crystal make today,
dunno why she so cranky today.

ni > is fun and interesting,nxt time u can come join us.u steady 1.

chere and kamy > how are u 2 coping? when u 2 be back at work?

ladies > i tht some1 was mentionn abt going for hi-tea?

i rem some 1 went for hi-tea or dim sum buffet. how u all place ur baby while eating?
sling or put inside stroller./
Will not be loggin these 2 days, need to take care of my elder gal... Hope I'm still surviving after this weekend.. Sigh.. Collection of milkbag: pm me or SMS me for those who have my no.
Jade, I have not used PISA before so can't compare. Freestyle is light and compact, that is basically the main difference compared with PISA lor. Maybe jasmommy can advise, I think she used both before.
Baby Jar Stage 1 (4-6 months) $2.30
Butternut Squash
blessedmum x 1

Cabana Banana
blessedmum x 1

Country Apples
blessedmum x 1

Fresh Carrots
blessedmum x 1

Golden Pears
blessedmum x 1

Sweet Peas
blessedmum x 1

Sweet Potatos
blessedmum x 1

Baby Cereal (4 months & up) $6.90
Brown Rice
blessedmum x 1

Barley Cereal for Baby
blessedmum x 1

Total: $29.90

Miakio: thanks for the link and above is my order. How do i collect from u ah?
precious bb: hankies also must sew names meh?? my that infant care never said leh...morning should be hubby send baby there lor..usually he will send me to work. but go back i got to fetch bb every mon/wed/fri coz he got class...will be mad rush for me...
cherryale: me is a dog person...when i read that...i got tears lor..i wont give up my dogs...after settling the baby everyday, i will spend time with them...my hubby still walks them everyday..

if i go back to work, i think morning i will pump once when i wake up..then lunch time pump again lor, should be 1pm....then after pick him come home and pump again, should be 7.30 then before sleep pump again around 11.30pm ba...

now my fridge no space for the milk liao....dunno how
cherryale: yr office ok with pumping during office hours ah? me dunno can or not leh...got to use the meeting room and use company's electricity also...
well now cutting cost leh...dunno my boss will mind or not
Photo of mummies at TB Plaza meet up this afternoon.
L to R is bunny (nursing Matthias), Tumble, gelato (with Caden), Laugh, Pinkie Pirate (with Ryan), Babystarlet (with Crystal) and cjteng (with Jovan).

Hi Miako,

Here is my order.

Baby Jar Stage 1 (4-6 months) $2.30
Cabana Banana
jolenex 1

Country Apples
jolenex 1

Fresh Carrots
jolenex 1

Sweet Potatos
jolenex 1

Baby Cereal (4 months & up) $6.90
Brown Rice
jolenex 1

Mix grain Cereal for Baby
jolene x 2

Total: $29.90

Miakio, how to collect??
mercs....mi notti lor...leg flower flower...go out only always miss pumping de....dats why supply can never go up...

i saw the high chair the other day...very similar to wat u have bought but not sure if the features are similar...im tempted to buy that for Zethan placed at mum's place....
Hi sperrz,

Baby Jar Stage 1 - $2.30

Cabana Banana x 1

Country Apples x 1

Fresh Carrots x 1

Golden Pears x 1

Sweet Peas x 1

Sweet Potatos x 1

Baby Cereal - $6.90

Brown Rice x 1

Barley Cereal x 1

Teether - $5.60

Maple Biscuits for Teethers

Total: $33.20
jasmommy: any comments on the comparison between PIS and freestyle?

Pinkie/Jasmommy: where you get your freestyle? got any promo? deciding between PIS and freestyle.
mamas: enjoy your gathering at cherry's place!!

abt pumping, nowadays i hardly pump cos fully latch on baby in the day (from 5am onwards). then 8 or 9pm onwards give her fm milk and another time ard 1-2am. at night i only pump at most two times. these two days i lazy, only pump once to store then latch her on liao. jialat, i think i have to start weaning off bb from latching. other wise go back to work she no latch on sure will be v hard for my mum to handle man.

i stopped fenugreek since that day i pengsan. milk supply not fantastic, but stable lor. maybe cos bb latch on almost full time in day. so at night i still can pump to store :D
i notice that my boy if latch drink less but can last longer... cos my no good breast, pump until dry dry max yield is 60 ml, can last my boy 2 hrs... but if bottlefeed, 100 ml also same 2 hrs...

Here's my order:-

Baby Jars:
Sweet potato x 1
Juicy golden pear x 1
Little bear chicken stew x 1
Harvest time dinner x 1

Baby Cereal:
Mixed grain cereal x 1

Total: $16.10
janjan, me also leh, cos nowadays i pump morning and night, then day time usually at home, no time to pump cos alone... and if go my mom's no pump, so also latch... plus now i also latch in the morning 5-6 am feed... dunno how man when i go back work...

i planning to latch 1 side, pump 1 side for morning 6 am, then pump at 12 and 5pm, then go home pump before sleep. haiz... 2 more weeks to work!
flo: thanks! my hubby treats bb normally, helps with the feeds, wash bottles. Just that he is becoming very unreasonable.. haiz.. dunno lah.
dazed: that time i pump and latch and also over pump and over latch until i pengsan. so now i scared liao. dowan to be so hard on myself le. like u, i alnoe at home, then v stressed, no time to pump. so nowadays i go mum's place almost everyday. so fully latch then no noeed to bring pump. haha

u gg back in 2 weeks? so fast? i stil have 4 weeks to go but still, like v fast hor? think u gotta start weaning ur bb liao and also bring bb to the caregiver and start training bb le. i also gg to start to train her next week. luckily she v used to seeing my parents and enjoys sleeping in my parent's house liao.
piyobaby: alamak...like that u eat the fenugreek dunno help or not...must put in effort ma, or else how to increase the supply...
if i go out, usually i will miss one pump, but i will rush back when the 2nd pumping session is due lor...usually i managed to pump out the amount which i miss + current session.
Get the chair la...i think it is a great purchase, at least me in the living room can push him around...just that i think can only use till 4-5 months then gotto throw him in the playpen
janjan: time can plan one...i always can pump leh...just pump 20 mins only ma...me also alone at home, gotto take care of housework and got 2 dogs somemore leh...
cjteng: looking at the pic...u gave birth and never give birth also look the same leh...never put on alot of weight hor...so good!!
hi mercsboy, saw u in the list of buying the parklon pooh mat... have u received it? just like to know how's the quality? i am thinking to order it as well....
mercs, cannot leh, cos whenever daytime pump, my boy sure wake up and cry... haha... oni early morn and nite he will sleep longer...
stephanie: my boy oso drink 60ml to 70ml every 1.5 to 2 hourly.. even at night time, i tried to increase the volume to 85ml-100ml but sometimes he ended up vomitting...

but my thinking is that, as long as they are puuting on weight should be ok rite? mayb our bb's stomach size is small.. hahaha

maiko: i'm interested in ordering oso.. please wait for me.. but do you have any idea how to make the brown rice? do i add water and make it into paste and feed with spoon, or do i add on to FM??
mercs: i also know can plan. but my bb not so cooperative leh.she's latch on almost every 1.5hours. then after tt no milk. so gotta time before her feeding time to pump.. end up v siong lor. i did that last time, end up i go toilet also no time leh. and have to wash bottles, sterilise bottles make her sleep. my dog v independent, so i no need to really look after her.

i literally plant myself in front of the sarong and rock her and feed her and steal time to pump and internet. haha
mummies, thanks for sharing with me your pumping schedule at work.

mercs, I can pump during office hours, only problem is if I am stuck in meetings then it will not be possible to sneak out to pump. I have my own room as privacy is not a problem.

janjan, just do whatever u can, cos I believe mummy's health is more important. If you fall ill then your gal will have no milk, lagi worse. hey u officially westie already
I am going back to work soon so dun think have chance to meet up already..

HIGH TEA - so wats happening?? can schedule next week? After that i have to work already leh.
dazed, at least your no good breast can yield 60ml, mine max 30-40ml. that's why v siong for my good breast to produce more.

maybe your baby can suck more than 60ml when latched on, that's why can last 2 hrs too.
mercs: what type of high chaiir u have bought? really good?

cheryl: i tried increasing milk too haha but he didnt want to finish.. so i just left it be .. he has been drinkin the same amount for the past month liao..

brought my bb to see my gynae last night and took photo! hehe he actually asked how is taking care of bb? fun right? duh .. but we had a nice chat with him even tho there were super many preggies still waiting outside ..

mercs: u buying the playmat for kyler??? i frm preggie think till now, cos of mario loh, scared end up the dog use... urs leh hw? how to keep mercs + hugo off the mat???
blessedmum: hehe.. same here!
your bb looks so comfortable lying on your gynae's arms! and oso you look quite slim lei, like never put on much weight.. so envy! though i start work already, but my face still looks chubby and my flabby tummy..... argh!

cheryl: he just woke up that time.. hehe still sleepeyed..

me put on lots of wt during preggie days.. couldnt stop eating.. till now face slimmed down but still got flabby tummy and cant wear bck most of my bottoms..sigh
