(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

piyobaby: ya lor, macaroni leh, soupy and its just one pc of luncheon meat & egg...i finished everything la. then my SIL & MIL still commented that i ate alot. i dont think so lor...she scared wait baby too big hard to give birth. my SIL eat very little one, now she 4 mths cannot even see her tummy and all her clothes still can wear lo
rachel: u know hor, i got a friend this year only 28 yrs old, but she got 4 kids, 1st 3 are girls...and the last one...heng heng is a boy lor. if really can afford, i dont mind to have 3 la.
Hi Rachel,
Today I went for my Gyn appt, cfm is a boy boy! hee...can update for me, Thanxa lot ;) My DS at NUH is on the 14/9 which is my 21wks+ cos appt was very full as alot of preggie tis yr lor..
fiona, take some solid lah, milk maybe not enuf...

sperzz also can't see you in my contacts wor, do you know why?
hehe.. juz now went to eat some biscuit and was watching the 9pm show..

sperzz: ur boy very white.. cute.. =)

dazed: can see mine already?
fiona: ya he is white when BB now got a bit darker bec go swimming but still very afraid of sunlight....he dun really like to go beach, he very afraid got things on his feet...
sel u shld see a dentist cuz dental problems usually worsen when preggie, something abt the hormones softening the gums. They can still do the usual cleaning and checking, just no x rays.

mercs if u intend to BF, suggest not buying FM first cuz once u have back up plan, the temptation to not continue BF is very great when u face problems like cracked nipples, etc.. I intend to TBF for 6 mths so wouldn't be buying any FM cuz my mom feels i shld give FM at night but i dun want to. So if dun have it, it wouldn't even be a possibility.

Ladies, anyone getting comments that their bump is bigger than usual? I've been getting quite a lot recently... just wondering if my tummy is really that big, i feel abnormal..
mercsboy....dun bother abt others la...so long as u eat when u are hungry for the sake of ur bb can le...though my aunts & mum say my tummy small...all my clothes cant wear le...

dazed...added u le...

deluxe...i recd comment dat my tummy is smaller than it shd b but doesnt reali bother mi...

my bb iz a BOY.. thks to update table information next round.


envy u lah.. cos my tummy this round bigger then last round..

my blog.. www.lausoocheng.blogspot.com..
Congrats Jershem and jasmommy =)

Thanks for sharing all ur happy pics =) spezz, fiona, jasmommy.. u all have such cute lovely children =)

I cant really tell if my tummy is getting bigger cos its so gradual but hubby says he can tell.. but think diff pple carry differently so not to worry =)
jasmommy...dun need to envy lor cos though tummy not very big...flesh building up everywhere...can faint..congrats on ur boy..

I'm mommy from Aug'08 thread. Wish to recommend u all my confinement nanny as I feel that she's doing a great job & I really enjoyed my confinement under her care! My bb is doing very well under her care & she is very pro-breastfeeding.
Even my hubby who is so fussy, finds her really hardworking.
She cooks, she cleans n she tidy my house for me, VERY HARDWORKING loh. She definitely knows what to do and doing it good. Her confinement dishes are delicious n my milk supply is abundant due to her constant feeding.
From what i know, she is fully booked all the way till next yr, only available slot is Jan'09. So whoever have not find a CL, can give her a call at 81195431 her name is Xiu Ling jie. Still 2 weeks away to end my confinement period n think im are going to miss her lots!
suika: i have checked with my husband but he not very sure the brand name too, something like exol.
Sorry we didn't remember the brand name so cant give you the correct name....
i wanted to cut my hair lei.. cut until short short.. but dun knoe nice anot lei.. my hair very long.. but i have long hair for alot of yrs already.. wanted to have a new look.. but all my friends ask me not to cut.. aiyo.. dun noe lei..
jershem & jasmommy: congrats.

de_luxe: me lor. my bump is round and big and ppl say i look like 6 months preggie liao. maybe cos #3 will be bigger? but i think got some fats also contribute to the bump lah.

ladies, me just signed up for multiply but have yet to upload any photos. once done will let u guys know

headache again today. haiz.
hehe...never mind...lets compare our tummy on the gathering la. but heard that 2nd one the tummy will be bigger and grow faster leh...is it true???
i have a colleague which coming to 12 weeks only, but her tummy is obvious already. mine hor, sometimes big sometimes small.
Gathering @ Park Hotel(formerly Crown Prince)
19 Sep 08, 7pm
1. mercsboy
2. suika
3. de_luxe
4. a-n-g-e
5. ninilicious
6. willting
7. gelato
8. dazed
9. jesline 81
10. fiona87
12. piyobaby
Samval : me too! 1st pregnancy only started wearing maternity clothes @ 24 weeks... 2nd & 3rd pregnancy, can't fit into usual clothes btw 12th - 16th week liao....

mercscboy : Kellie is keen to join in the gathering too. She asked if it's for MTBs only, or hubby & child can tag along? =)
gelato: of coz...if wants, can bring along the hubby & kid la, no problem with that, but just scared that when we talk, then the hubby odd one out leh...u knw women's talk...hehe
jasmommy (sclaujas)wow what a nice blod you have.. with nice picture and a happy family you got. so envy you.
Cong for a bb boy!!
gelato: ya lo. my 1st one i wear when 24 weeks like that. 2nd one wear abt 16-18 weeks and now around 13-14 weeks i start wearing maternity pants/skirts. but some clothes still can squeeze...heee

sperzz: wait ah, i check with my hubby what is the ID cos he's the one who set up for me
So sad hor, you just seem to get bigger FASTER with each pregnancy!

I also didn't need any change in clothes for my first pregnancy till I was around 6 months. Now, haiyah, by 4th month must take out the maternity clothes already.

Am I the only one who take comments like "your tummy is sooooooo small!" as a compliment? I always thank people when they tell me I don't look like I'm pregnant and it's usually followed by a shocked look, especially for the older generation. It's like they expect me to become frantic after I hear their "you are so small" comment.

I LIKE looking un-pregnant!
