(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

JS: agree with Cjteng. so long as bb is healthy. anyway smaller tummy better than bigger mah. then not so clumsy and easier to move around.

mercsboy: I wont be able to make it for the gathering on 19th. U all enjoy yah!

btw, I have a no. of baby bibs to give away. Anyone interested? Got these FOC frm my cousin who got them FOC from supplier. If possible, perhaps I can pass to you mercsboy, so that you can help distribute at the gathering?
miaiko: u cant join on 19th ah...try leh...
can no problem, u just msg me la, i pick up the bibs from u, really alot ah...have u kept some for yrself???

samval: true lor, smaller tummy better. u know now i already have problems crossing my legs and also squat for too long makes me so uncomfortable...later part i think i cannot see my toes liao!!
Good hor? Heehee. I had one colleague's eyes almost pop out when I said I was due in Jan. She was like, but you look so small!
Oh yes, closer to the delivery date, you'll be so huge that you cannot squat down, sit down on the floor or even see your toes! You can't even put your knees up.
JS: will u be joining us for the gathering?? i want to see yr tummy leh...today my HR colleague just commented, last 2 weeks saw me not so big, so i "balloon" to so big....wat a description isnt it...
here's the baby bib. All the same and I have abt 20pcs to share with all

I would love to, it's been a loooooooong time since I went out alone without my son but I'm afraid I can't.
Got nobody to look after him in the evenings/night.

I hope you all have fun though, remember to take lots of pictures!
JS: i already now have problems leh...my MIL still commented that i very active not like her daughter...but now i finally realized the stress liao...today i just told hubby another 7 weeks i be 3rd trimester, ask him to coordinate more with me...
JS (powders) actual mine also not that big la.if wear those normal cloth can be seem my preg tummy. if wear those maternity cloth ..then pp thought i m fat leh.. put on weight.. hahah..
Miaiko (miaiko)hehe i have that too.. recently sign up package with my gynae.. the goodies bag inside got this.

mercsboy,yaya.. remember to take pic..hehe
Active is good what! It'll help with your delivery and recovery after that. My job requires me to stand and climb up and down stairs quite frequently and I did all that while pregnant with my son right up till the time I went into labour. I believe it helped tremedously in my recovery after my c-section. The moment the drip was taken off me, I went walking around the whole hospital like nothing ever happened.

Tell your MIL being active is good, then you won't have a lazy baby, lol!

Wah seh, if I bring my monkey along to the gathering, it'd be as good as I'm not there because I'll have to chase after him and entertain him. I'll hardly have time to sit down and chat with everybody!

This is in-between stage where we just look fat hor...so irritating.
{cjteng}:eek:isit? i duno what goodie bag but my cousin juz pass me all that she can keep lor. haha. Too many for me. Im not having a dozen kids. haha
You gyane is so nice to give a goodie bag to you when you sign up a package with him...the only time I got something free from my gynae was after I delivered and went back to his clinic for the post-natal examination.
Actually bibs will come in pretty handy when your baby starts on solids. You can change up to 5 bibs in just one meal! Then you have the drooling stage where you need to change frequently too.
JS, how come u had C section for yr boy? is it emergency one? i planning to have c section also coz' i wanna to have rat baby instead of ox. but my hubby don't like the idea.

anybody bringing their hubbies along for the gathering? i wanna go but i am v shy, prefer to tag with my hubby. hehe
JS : how old is ur son now? sounds like my monkey too... if i bring him out, i can't even sit down - let alone eating or chatting...hehe...
I had an emergency c-section because my son poo poo-ed in utero and had to be taken out asap. Will most probably go for casearean again for this baby, easier and more convenient lah.
JS: May i check with you, hw fast did u recover from ur c-sect? Was it very pain after that? Can walk? I may need a c-sect and Im all nervous and blurr abt it
JS, my gynae is open, up to me to take C or natural. hehe
i hope i can pop out before CNY either naturally or C, don't wanna stay in hospital during CNY and the 1st 15days.
JS: I'm like you. Happy when people tell me they can't tell I'm pregnant. I'm @ the stage where they tell me I'm small for 5 months despite me thinking my tummy's real huge already. I think it's just the older generation la, they love to see big tummies on preggies. Hahaha
suika>paiseh for e late reply as i was busy e past week.i'm still ok with the shampoo.

ladies>any other baby items at the john little sale at spore expo?other than the baby cot?was thinkn if i shld go.
JS (powders) ya.. yesterday a guy just told me that i m fat.. and i was shock.. but i dun told him.. "actual i m pregnant".. if not he sure pai say..

Yesterday I wear a bit loose cloth..in the train nobody give up sit to me...in a while i think a young gal saw it.. but she just continous enjoy talking to her phone wor..sianz..when gg home time .. another auntie also like that.. I know she just change her phone.. then when there is a sit infont of here.. she quickly sit down.. but she know i m walking toward to sit leh and look at my tummy....think so also thought i m fat ba..abit up sad la... hiaz..
cjteng: I think you ought to wear more fitted clothes and then rub your tummy and these people ought to get the msg. Loose clothings hide the tummy pretty well. :p How come I don't see you on msn today?
No, I actually did not feel any pain at all after my c-section. I didn't even taken the painkillers that my gynae left with the nurses in case I needed them. As soon as they took off the drip from my wrist and the catheter, which was the next day after the c-section, I got off the bed on my own and walked over to the nursery to check out the other babies inside. Lol, see, I so kaypoh, own baby don't want to see, want to see other people's babies. Afterwhich I went walking around the whole hospital because I just wanted to move around.

Why do you think you need a c-section? This is your first baby right?

I'm the opposite of you, I want to schedule the c-section after CNY but gynae will most prob say no because it needs to done in the 38th week. Sigh.

My son is a Feb07 baby, 2 Feb! Oh my, you mean they get worse and worse as they get older ah? I thought they'll 'calm' down physically and start talking non stop when they hit 2 years.
cjteng: dont be sad.... cheer up... sometime i also face the same situation as u lor.... for today, i stand all the way from YCK to RP...somemore the train was so crowded & there's one lady who keep pushing me so i used my bag to block her off... really cant stand these pple, cant they see there's pregnant woman in the train...haiz....
JS: wah.. u seem like so strong and high tolerance for pain. Me super low threshold for pain. Yup 1st baby. May nd c-sect coz low placenta now.
Miaiko (miaiko) ya. s good that pp pass you thing so can save more $$

JS (powders) I also dun know..inside still got 1 hugg pamper.
JS : actually depends on individual. my kids got all the active genes fm their daddy.

Miaiko : every experience can be different, juz like every pregnancy can be different. My 1st c-section was a breeze like JS's, but 2nd 1 more painful, & took slightly longer to recover. My sis' 1st experience was like hell, 2nd a breeze & 3rd with some pains. Try not to think too much abt it - the more u think, the more scary it gets. =)
JS: my son was quite gd boy till 4yrs old when he goes to CC....he become very talkative and active and sometime rude. Only I can control him, as I am the bad person while father is the gd person at home.....I also have C-sect, initial walking was painful but after a while I also walk like nothing happen and also no eat the pain killer.....for this time I also might go for C-sect but will be end Dec but I really hope to be in Jan....
JS: coz my SIL walk really slow and nua nua one, whereas me like a hyper big mummy, walk here and there and eat alot (as what she said).

cheeky: dont be shy, i accompany u la...all the mummies also alone ma....how about u meet me 1st then i go down with u???dont worry, i am very very talkative one, and talk stupid jokes
gelato: hee... ok ok. I try not to think abt it. Perhaps, once my mind starts thinking abt it, i shld imagine im holding gelato in my hand and that will melt my worries away.. hehe

mercsboy: yah. I've met u and agre u not the nua nua kind. U very chirpy gal. Very good!
Oh yah, maybe i pass u the bibs sometime next wk?
A-n-g-e (ange) ya. I got do that when i sit down.. let those pp know that.. I m pregnant. and also make them pai say..
.. today msn siao siao wan.. all my colleage cant log in leh..

Jesline (jesline81) I m ok. ya lor.. when train is croweded.. pp dun even seem us leh.. then rush us also dun know lor.. more angry leh.. ya if pp push you.. use bag to block or hand to proctect it. anyway we have to be careful...
samval: I dun think I got breathless bec I walk very slowly..heehee...but if I been walking for long then stand still I become very tired....
Samval : can try to join? or u want to bring ur girls along? if u bring ur girls, then i oso bring my girl - they can entertain each other? hehe...

gelato: I haven't gotten my hands on my Azubo Sabo Black Sesame yet! Hahaha Must ask hubby if he's willing to go by IMM after dinner tonight. :p
