(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

The coconut husk fibre mattress feels like a spring mattress to me, lol.

I've got a leaflet about this FibreLux mattress, here you go with the info:

- Made from natural non-toxic raw materials, rubberized coconut fibres
- Gives good ventilation to prevent suffocation

- Orthopaedically designed
- Offers firm and comfortable support to enhance even sleeping position for your baby's spinal muscles, skeletal health development
- Ensures good blood circulation of the baby
- Effective anti-microbial spectrum protects against problem germs

- Undergoes the most stringent tests to meet international product quality standards
- Provides the subtle touch of comfort, durability and correct texture, which gives the perfect warmth and feel of a mother's arm

- Easy washing and drying due to special materials that do not retain fluid
- Excellent durability to frequent washing

Feedback from friends is that they like this coconut fibre mattress because baby will not suffocate even if they lie face flat on it, and yup, my friends tried it on themselves first. Also, vomit, pee, etc, are all easily removed with no remaining stench. They tell me it's like the baby version of the Sealy Posturepedic mattress for adults.

I agree that the PIS is very expensive, but if you intend to have more than 1 baby, the cost will work itself out!
JS and cheekgal, i also aim the 5 in 1 bed set. but hubby say b4 the sale ends then buy... maybe he want to do research.. but most likely getting that. oh ya, for the bedding cover, can we get extra from ausino? can fit in??? or strictly have to use theirs??

i also bought the avent steriliser from the baby fair and a few rompers. bought more neutral colors, cos gynae haven confirm on the gender, thou he say most likely boy...

i dunno if i should get the breast pump leh, what if i dun have milk? like wasted leh. hahaha...
Ni I am also hesitating whether to get PIS, but not in a big hurry cos I can always use swing first and I also have avent manual pump which I personally like it a lot. I am praying for more milk this time round so that I can give some to my son too. He was breastfed for 7mths and I had to stop cos its too tiring to pump when back in work.
Their bedding set very ugly hor? Or at least I thought it was ugly...
The measurement for the cot (inner) is 1300 X 710 X 1160mm. I'm not sure about Aussino's measurements but would like to check it out too, they've got really cute bedding sets!

Aiyah Ni, don't say you don't have milk, definitely will have one unless you have some medical condition. Women are made to birth and breastfeed, right? So if those skinny, undernourished African women can breastfeed their baby, so can you!
The more you breastfeed, the more milk you will have, so don't just pray, you have to work at it too! Jia you!
Hi Mummies... I'm really not sure about breastfeeding... after 2 attempts, I'm still not successful... so am only praying for greater success with 3rd child.
Only breastfed for a mth for 1st gal she was impatient & I was not producing much le, 2nd gal was less hungry (till today, not much appetite one)... then manage to breastfeed till 6 weeks only..
I know everyone says can one... but I was so stressed up... I felt better giving up le... a good friend kept scolding me to go one... but in the end, I guess I rather formula feed than go into depression... hee hee...
But I will still try for my 3rd one... if successful, hope to feed 2nd gal some too... she's very petite la... wonder if I can put her back to the breast after 18mths... maybe she can kick start the milk flow for her little sibling... hee hee..
There is a much more awareness now for breastfeeding so if you need help, do get a lactation consultant to help you out at the beginning. If possible, don't leave the hopsital till you know how to breastfeed!
hi moms...

yeah...i finally got some encouragement from a fren of mine who also never use a steriliser for her 2kids!! ... then i would most probably not getting one...unless ppl give.... keke

i also hope to FULLY bf my 3rd one... so as to have a healtier bb, and save powder $$
Finally found a fren who has hand-me-downs to pass on!! She already has 2 kids n says they're enuff to keep her occupied!

Going to see gyne on monday, just before turning 17 wks.. hope can find out the gender liao..

How to know which pump is good?? I intend to get electric one, but dun think we can try before buying??

babystarlet i've seen strollers that are suitable for newborns to 2 yrs old.. guess that's more value for money bah.. if it's a newborn only stroller, it wouldn't last very long.

miako JS sounds like u got v gd deals at the fair.. me still haven't go, hb not keen on squeezing w the crowds n i dun wanna buy all this stuff w/out him ard.

Is it less crowded on wkdays evenings?
de_luxe: If you do not mind, I may have some clothes to pass on to you. I've just shifted and still unpacking. Have not looked at baby's stuff, but am sure I'll have some to share... when you know baby's gender, let me know so I can pick out some suitable pieces for you.

I'm seeing gynae tomorrow too! gender also unnown as yet... not really that eager to find out.. hee hee.. I love gals.. but have 2 already... so can't be too disappointed if #3 is a boy... ;-p

As for pumps... I'd suggest you try to borrow one first... it's not too late to buy after you've established breastfeeding. I wasn't very successful at breastfeeding so would not want to invest much in a good pump then let it go to waste... but I was lucky in the sense that a friend bought me a pigeon pump when I had my first gal... subsequently, it was passed around.. and when the pump eventually came back to me, it was a medala... hahaha, long story... and that is with SIL now, will get it back from her soon.

Strollers, no hard and fast.. a good friend had 4 for her 1st born! As you may not need 1 in the first few months, you can waiting till baby is born, then bring him/her to test drive.. hee hee.. if baby is big size, a light weight stroller may not last... if baby is clingy, and wants to be carried all the time, you'll end up not using the stroller much.

Have fun shopping...
mummies, i've decided to change my mind and go ahead with amnio test.
alot of ppl brain wash me, letting me know how much me, my hubby and my first kid will suffer if my 2nd baby turn out to be abnormal.
so in the end, i called up my gynae and let them know im going ahead with the test on tuesday.
praying hard it will be perfectly fine.
xpink, wish you all the best! I am sure baby will be fine and the previous result was a false alarm. Take care and rest well after that.

JS, did u have a child borned in Feb07 cos your nick looks familiar? I hope to have abundance of milk so that I have enough to feed two children

EMq, i dun intend to latch on for my son, its tough already since he is so used to bottle now. I will prob express and give him so if I have enough milk
We must perserve and make sure we can bf successfully
last time one forum mummy and I sms each other many many times a day to encourage each other to latch and pump and not be lazy
It really helps.
xpink....all the best to you....everything will turn out fine...=)

wow...so many mtbs came back with so much stuff from the bb fair...we are still considering wat to buy...likely to get the Rocio bb cot if cant find any handsdown cos it's realli a good buy....pigeon steriliser oso in consideration since pkg is worthwhile....=)
Hi MTBS, I am back from my BKK trip!!
With loads of stuff...mummy stuff and baby stuff! I bought over 20+ pcs of dress with can wear for the whole pregnancy period and some even after given birth! Average one pc of dress cost me around $10-15 sg. It's really tired but worth it, hubby showed me extra care. But i developed tummy rashes...i guess must be the sweat and the clothes sticking to my tummy whole afternoon...so itchy...
And the baby stuff, surprisingly the clothes are of quite good material and well.. more choices for baby girls lor.
U all went to the baby fair already? nothing much to buy is it?? tot of going tomorrow since i am still on leave.
mercsboy...welcome back..looks like u have got very good deals...worthwhile trip huh...=)

bb fair depends on wat u are looking at...no harm popping by if u are not tired of shopping...hee
Weekday mornings are the best time to go if you want to avoid the crowds and queues. Evenings can get a little crowded at times because everyone is off work by then.

Please don't go and try out the breast pumps while you are pregnant, breast stimulation will bring on labour (useful if baby is overdue) and now is definitely not the time for baby to arrive! So how to choose a good one? I went by word of mouth, got the PIS and have no regrets!

Wishing you and baby all the best for the test!

Yup, my son was born in Feb07. I hung around that thread for a while after my son was born but the thread was moving way too fast for me to keep up so I 'disappeared'. I kind of remember Milkie, Catz and Priviledged from there...er, did I remember correctly?
Waaah, you remember me! Good memory! Your first baby also born in Feb07 I presume?

Welcome back! Yes, the baby stuff in Thailand are actually not bad, good quality.
All over the world there seems to be more choices for baby girls, even here in Singapore, so having a boy will really save you lots of money since there is nothing to buy, lol!
good morning guys!!do u guys know what is NUK bottles? what kind of milk bottles should i buy? i very confused leh...i read somewhere, someone said glass bottles are good, then i read somewhere again about NUK bottles...*confused*
EMQ thks for the tips.. yes, hand me downs would be nice.. u dun need to keep some for #3?

mercs welcome back!

xpink all the best!

JS yah i certainly won't try out a pump on myself right now.. lol.. not prepared for bb to arrive!! hmm.. wed mornings a bit tough leh, gotta work..
Xpink xuanx - since you hv some pressure at home on this issue, I think you made the right choice to do the test. At least you find out now rather than suffer and be stressed for the rest of the pregnancy. After u find out then can have a better idea of the situation. I think, nevertheless, you will pass the test with flying colours just like your first pregnancy! My gf got 1:21 for her OSCAR, tested further and was cleared. Relax and think happy and positive thoughts!

My amnio is on 21 august!
Zill, same here, I'm currently doing 'research' on bottles! So many choices! Abt NUK, the bottle is nothing fantastic, nowadays lots of bottles hv all sorts of features. However the NUK teats are supposed to be very good because of their shape and texture.
pinkie pirate: thanks! dat's why now i quite hesitant to go to the baby fair cos AVENT has 20% discount & i tot, on la! go buy the AVENT bottles, then next i read up so many things on other bottles...i start to blur liao...then breastfeeding milk bottles are different or same?
Zill, Avent bottles are generally not universal, meaning you can't interchange the parts with other brands, for eg u can't use a NUK teat with Avent bottle. If you are breastfeeding and pumping, some pumps fit with some bottles so you can express directly into the bottle for storage and to feed u just attach the teat. So if you are buying a pump, sometimes it will come with some bottles, eg Medela. Some sterilisers are also bundled with bottles.
Avent bottles are supposed to be anti-colic but nowadays most bottles also claim to be anti-colic...
pinkie pirate: oh...getting a clearer picture now...so by right, ANY bottles are ok la...not say, breastmilk MUST use A bottle, formula milk MUST use B bottle la...
pink_xuan and pinkie pirate.... all the best for your amnio test. everything will be fine.. we are all blessed jan mummies =)

psss... today is a slow moving day... grrr...
Hey cheekygal, u changed ur nick again? Did u go to the fair? I went on Saturday, only thing that really interested me was the baby monitor - got colour screen and 4 channels. But didn't buy.
halo, i can't make a trip to the bb fair, can someone let me know how much is the Avent Starter Kit selling in the fair. Thanks ya...
zill, bpa stands for Bisphenol-A. it is a hormone-disrupting chemical considered to be potentially harmful to human health and the environment. It has been known that scratched and worn polycarbonate feeding bottles will leach this chemical into liquids.

more info from
pinkie teacher, nods i changed my nick. kekeke
i did not go to the fair yet.
will go on this coming weekend. i need to prepare my shopping list first else i will go hell break loose and buy everything. on second thoughts, i think certain items are cheaper buying online like breast pump, destini diaper creams etc

i am not interested in the steam sterilizer since not aiming for avent or pigeon bottles. i can use normal electrical food steamer to steam the feeding bottles.

u went home from the fair empty handed?
heehee...i've discuss this BPA issue and we've came to the conclusion that last time when we young our bottles oso no such thing as BPA-free issue but we oso being brought up healthy mah...heehee so not gonna b so bothered on all these issues...juz take note of the bottles if too long liao den change new 1 will do.....we believe it's not so harmful till will affect baby so much if not spore would hv banned it liao mah

just sharing my views on this issue
thank u all mummies

all the best to you too, Pinkie Pirate.
Our kids will be fine and healthy!
I'm also excited but not on the DS part.
cos i know my baby is normal and healthy.
We must think positive!

I'm more excited taking amnio on gender part cos can 99% confirm baby's gender.
Cheekygal, actually I did buy one thing - I bought a bb heartbeat listener for myself and hubby to listen to bb heartbeat, comes with classical music CD for bb hahahaha... Didn't buy anything practical, just bought a toy for myself, hahahaha.
pinkie pirate, how much is the heartbeat listener... sounds fun, everyday can "hear" bb, no need wait for the gynae checkup.. hahaha
cheekygal: Was thinking of using the food steamer too. But am wondering if a steraliser is indeed more practical. So totally lost when it comes to all this.
Ni, according to the box, the heartbeat listener will only pick up the heartbeat in early third trimester. At the fair, u can get a basic set with one headset for abt 40 plus. I bought the set which has two headsets, plus speakers to put on ur belly to play music for bb, also comes with classical music CD. That is 70 plus.
suika..spoke to dr woody abt it and apparently he wasnt very concerned about it & ask mi wat BPA...haha...now im considering to use the traditional method to sterilize the bottles (boiling water in pan)...mtbs who have tried dat can advise how did u do it?
piyo: i'm not interested on BPA issue too coz we oso like that grow up using those bottles mah...we oso ok wad...so will our kids too
i'm not buying the sterilizer, using the trad way too....ehehee juz get a new pot to sterilize will do...

welcome dazed!
suika: ya, i'm gonna use the traditional way & will be using the money to buy the 4-in-1 cot at the taka baby fair...sounds like quite a good deal!

suika...mi more concern in bb particular to bottles cos heard of sum bbs...muz choose & 'decide' their own bottles de....for steriliser there's pros and cons lor...pros is dun have to watch over the stove + automatic so fuss free lor but of cos trad way much economical...haha

dazed...welcome..enjoy ur stay.
