(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

Hello ladies,
Regarding sterilizers I also was thinking of not buying. However my gf was telling me that u actually save more by using a sterilizer cos sterilizer uses very little water compared to traditional method. And it is much faster meaning u also use very little electricity, compared to boiling water which takes more time and uses up more gas or electricity. Then I was looking at the sterilizer prices, actually they are quite all right, esp since they are bundled with a lot of other stuff. Can get a good one for $100 plus only, some models not bad one even less than $100. I think that's not expensive. So now I am considering again whether to buy or not.

Zill...agree dat the Rocio cot ia a very good deal esp wif the mattress thrown in...we still trying to search for handown 1st...cut cost...haha
thanks zill!

anyone here find out baby's sex yet? when for checkup last week but was told by dr no need scan... so disappointed! got to wait another month..
sterilizers are more convenient. don't have to worry about leaving them unattended or dripping water all over when taking out bottles from hot water.

i am skeptical abt idea of boiling plastic bottles. if we forget abt timing and the bottles are over-boiled, the plastic can melt.
if the bottles are made of glass, they shd be fine.
pirate...share ur thoughts as well...cos was being advised dat it's really fuss free (good for lazy ppl like mi)...press the button and leave it to sterilise...will auto off when it's ready...furthermore most of the steriliser can last a good 3 years at least so it cost less than 30 bucks a year...but uncertain if buying now is a good idea since wasting the warranty period which starts from purchase....i was just 'complaining' to my fren....101 decisions to make in bb preps...headache sia...
zill...true lor...as 1st time mum machiam kiasu...everything look nec yet all so costly...so having a hard time balancing wat's nec & must buy...phewz!
piyobaby: ahahhaahahaah!!! everything like A NEED lor!!! my hubby was telling me, see which one is a need or want then i sieve out from there...i told him " EVERYTHING IS A NEED!!" then ask my mom also wrong cos she like everything also dunno... like tell her steralizer, she ask me what's tat for? tell her milk bottles buy which type, she asked me, got which type one meh? i tot all the same? *faint*
hi suika / piyo.

zill, dunno leh, she just say no need scan this time lor... so you all know liao?
dazed: u didn't insist to know? not all of us know liao...still got quite a number still in suspense...
so don't worry about it!
zill...absolutely agree wif u man....even basic items oso cost a bomb le...not talking abt branded or wanting the best for bb....can hardly survive le...decisions making on everything...tough lor..
dazed...sumtime it depends on the position of bb or if blocked by crossing of legs of hands....next visit u will noe le...
piyobaby: ya lor ya lor.... dun know how much is enough man... but nevermind, chuan dao qiao tou zhi ran zhi!
zill...mi is super procrastinating type...kan cheong now dun plan / buy...will delay untill bb born oso haben buy de...haha
piyobaby: haahahhahah!! i understand man! wanna do, do it NOW if not will take FOREVER to do,right? hmmm...sounds familiar!! hahahhaah!!
Zill: i'm not gonna buy cot oso...heehee SIL gave us a cot or playpen...dun noe wad coz hvn open up to see....think it's cot coz MIL mentioned must buy mattress ourselves.....so if cot den no nid to buy liao but if it's not den too bad....most likely letting him sleeps on the floor mattress

dazed: how come ur dr says no need to scan? if no scan how u know if bb's doing ok anot?
Zill, piyobaby, ya I agree sometimes the old folks dunno abt these new things. Actually I believe that we live in a different era now so its funny to hear ppl saying last time can why now cannot? Haha, last time a lot of ppl die during childbirth also... Last time got a lot of cases of cot death also... Last time everyone use cloth diaper also...last time also don't have breast pumps...last time ppl don't use washing machine also...Last time pl invented cigarettes, now ppl say its unhealthy... Haiya, we are living in 2008, why do ppl still want to live in 1978? Haha. Just my funny way of looking at it.
As for sterilizer, of course I agree sterilise by old method and by new method is just as effective. I don't think that's an issue. But we are not talking abt effectiveness now right. Now we are considering ease and convenience, time saving, cost saving, etc etc. All the benefits which modern technology gives us. If the price is right, why not?
For me, I will be a FTWM. Any moment I am at home I will want to spend bonding with my child and not sterilizing bottles and breast pumps. Can u imagine the number of times we will be sterilizing bottles over the next few years? Moreover if I hv another kid, lagi jialat. So that's the main reason I am considering buying. Also I think the price is very affordable. I cannot compare myself to my mum, she was a housewife when she had me.
I only bought one thing for my bb over the weekend, a aprica stroller. Total Damage : 900+

While i was queuing up, was feeling so heartache man, looking at other people bought so many things also not paying as much as me.....but....i really feel my baby will like that stroller leh, so no choice.

If i ask myself if my decision is based on need or want, i think its want, haha cos there are alot of other cheaper alternatives around.

I hope i wouldnt regret -_-!
Pinkie Pirate & Xpink xuanx: Finally went for amnio. Did it on 6 Aug at NUH by Prof Biswas! Painless! Better than a blood test, hardly feel anything except a slight pressure when the amnio fluid was being withdrawn... what was more painful ws when hubby try to remove the protective plaster at the end of the day after I shower. Plaster stuck to skin, pulling body hair along... you might want to shave your belly before going for amnio, then won't get that problem. All the best to both of you!

Mummies, I suppose can use steamer, but bear in mind steamer not build for bottles, dunno can fit bo... then wait steam food oily what... if using steamer, maybe traditional boiling cleaner... provided you use a dedicated pot.

Piyobaby: I attended the parenthood talk when I delivered my 2nd gal. Just make sure all of bottle in the water, no air bubbles & put to boil. When done, just remove & pack using tongs. Do not touch any part with bare hands... then defeat purpose of sterilising.

Dazed: Welcome... I'm also 17 weeks today.

Mummies: Went to gynae this morning... most likely a gal again. Yipee... coming closer to my 4 princesses. But he says not too sure... then again, my gynae never wrong so far...

de_luxe: More than enough to share la... after all, babies don't need so much. Then early stage don't go out, no need to dress up. Wear the same also no one can tell, as long as clothes are clean and tidy. =D Let me know when you find out baby's gender.
ashley, the aprica stroller is $900+? so exp.

if i am not wrong, aprica stroller is lightweight and easy to assemble/disassemble. it is a japanese made stroller.
yah, din insist lor... anyway, next month is detail scan, so should be able to know lah...

i'm not planning to get a cot, so ex... may get a playpen with bassinet instead... recce liao, oni about $100+ compared to cots at $300+
good day to all...
just came back from the baby fair.. bought the cot for 359, the pigeon steriliser and a few small items.. spent more than 500 dollars but the free gifts out of stock liao.. only gave me a tiny toy..

bought a gadget that can supposedly fasten cloth diapers.. so no need to use safety pins.. always hav a phobia abt pricking the baby with the pins everytime i did it... shall see if the gadget works..
There was a promotion for one which was 399. However the canopy is not good enough, can only shield half of the baby sleeping in it, i want total coverage. I saw one from Combi, full coverage as well, however quite heavy and single hand i cannot dissemble the stroller.

Sigh....so i thought invest on a better stroller so that i wouldnt have so much problem when i am without my hubby.
dazed: I think a cot is still more worth it in the long run. Mine has gone through 3 babies and will be used by my 3rd child. Costed slightly under $300 after discount & Robinson member rebate... and my 1st gal is already 6+! Babies above 6 months will sit up, some even try to climb out, by which time, a bassinet in a playpen will be useless. Then if you remove bassinet, tough trying to put baby into the deep playpen. I think a hand-me-down or 2nd hand cot is any time better than a playpen. A playpen would be more of a day time solution, for baby to nap.

Then our babies so precious, don't let them sleep on floor mattress la... unless family has habit of sleeping on tatami... different la.. =D
hi cheekygal, but the bassinet is quite sturdy leh... anyway will not be getting so soon... can still wait.. hehe... i like the most not kan cheong here...
dazed: me also very no nesting instinct.. hee hee... I don't intend to get anything yet... hee hee... if fact for my 2nd baby, I was so 'relec', only packed hospital bag when I went into labour at 37wks. Then gynae called my home to chase me... hee hee... hubby had to lay the cot bedsheet & pack baby's clothes before we were discharged... hahaha...

Then this time, I've not thought of sleeping arrangements for my babies yet. 1st princess sleeps in room with maid. 2nd is still with me. Not sure where and when to move her. Was thinking of keeping her in her cot then 3rd baby just sleep between hubby & me. Afer all King bed, big enough. But friends say 2 babies in the room will wake each other up, then I'll have no rest. But so poor thing... 2nd princess must move out so soon. 1st gal slept in our room (in her own cot) till almost 5!
emq, how old is your 2nd? hehe... my sis actually bunked in my parent's room until 9 or 10... on another mattress lah...

actually, still not really into buying yet cos still not showing... keke... cos i'm fat to start with so baby is well hidden... oni thing i've really bought is maternity tops and pants... nothing for baby yet...
dazed: same. I've not started shopping for baby stuffs at all. :p The only shopping I've been doing is for myself! Hahaha
pirate...u are right...no basis of comparison cos we are spoilt for choices too...actualli it's very individual...sum believe in the best for bb in certain aspect while sum dun...to each their own ba...

EmQ..thanks for sharing on the trad way of boiling bottles...congrats on ur gal...=)

mtbs...if u are planning to deliver in Mount Alvernia...think they are having a promo with DBS credit card...jus recd their emailer dat 2 bedder pkg from $1,243 and single from $1,813 but no further information from there...
dazed: 2nd is 1 yr now. hee hee... but 2 kids in the same room... wait #1 also want to sleep in here, I faint liao lor... in fact she suggested that a few weeks back. She suddenly came to tell us that she had an idea of making our 'house' (she meant master room) bigger. She wanted us to extend our room into the garden then all of us can sleep together but trade off is a smaller garden! Hubby told her, ok, the eldest child will sleep on the outer most, i.e. nearest the pool, under the sky in the garden, followed by the younger 2, then mummy & daddy will sleep on the inside with air con. hahaha
Hi all,

So tired today.. I went to the baby fair last friday.. spent about 200+, but 1-2 pc of the disney baby cloth and a set of steriliser,cum with a small sterilliser for the milk bottle and food. I also buy a box of wet tissue.

Today my stomach dun feel anything leh.. No sign wor
Piyobaby, yup, to each their own! Its great to see everyone sharing different views and methods. Those mummies who prefer to do things the traditional way - I salute you! For me, since I'm working and no maid and no relatives to help, I just can't afford the time and the trouble, so in a sense I am grateful for all the help I can get to make my life easier. If the end result is the same as the traditional way, then I will use the modern way - I prefer to take a car rather than ride a bicycle. Still get there in the end but take less time and trouble so why not? Hahaha. Lazy me.

Haven't bought anything for bb yet. Probably wait till after my amnio results. Also looking online... Medela PIS Breast pump is abt USD250 ! Just hv to buy an adaptor for local use!
Traditional method of sterilizing:

Assuming everything has already been washed thoroughly first.

1. Get a pot big enough to fit all the bottles/breast pump parts that you want to sterilize.

2. Put everything in and fill with enough water to cover everything single thing, usually will need around 2L or so. Make sure there is still space left over in the pot to accomodate boiling water.

3. Push everything to the bottom of the pot and make sure there are no air bubbles in the bottles/pump parts.

4. Boil.

5. When water is boiling, turn off gas. Cannot overboil, it's not a case of the longer you boil, the cleaner it will be. It will become more dangerous and poisonous!

6. Remove items with thongs while still boiling hot and place on clean tea towel.

7. Done!

Using a Pigeon electric sterilizer:

1. Dump everything into the sterilizer, make sure bottles are facing down. Everything else can chin chye put.

2. Measure out 120ml of water using the measuring cup provided and throw into sterilizer.

3. Lock lid on and turn on switch.

4. Done! You don't have to take the stuff out till you need them.

I kaypoh and put down the instructions for an electric sterilizer also to show the difference.
JS that's very helpful! I like the way you say everything else can chin chye put... Haha so cute.

Hmm, after today's discussion, I am really leaning towards getting a steriliser! Any views on whether there are advantages to using traditional method rather than steriliser for this? So far seems like steriliser got more advantages and just as good as old method. What abt sterilising tablets?
pirate....guess diff ppl take diff things as priority so a man's meat is another's poison.....know dat medela in US is realli cheap but juz have to forgo the warranty...shipping cost isnt dat high either...anyway was telling hubby we have another 2 weeks to consider if we wish to buy from bb fair...

im not very much in favour of sterilising tablets although one may argue dat it can kill a wider spectrum of bacterium....would still think dat steam is the best steriliser be it trad method / electric steriliser....

thanks JS for the detailed steps...we only need to sterilise once a day right...so after using the bottles...will be just wash and store as per usual? sorrie ar..super noobie qtn...hee
Pinkie Pirate: According to the parent craft teacher, whichever method you use, result the same if done correctly. Common mistake is when we touch the bottles (interior la) or teats with our bare hands. So at the end of the day, those who enjoy leisurely bicycle rides, should go on one while those who chop chop can take the car. BTW, my Pigeon steriliser (old model la) uses only 75ml water.

Yes, when we had #1, we had no help at all... really find things like disposable diapers & steam sterilisers convenient. On hindsight felt so stupid listen to old folks & bought cloth nappies for 1st month... realised waste of $ cos only use 1 mth when CL was there... after that, no time to wash anyway. Then with #2, we did not even bother to replenish our cloth nappies (some lost in transit after being passed around), went straight for disposable ones... never mind if my colleague kept reminding me that 1000yrs later, the disposable diaper will still be lying in some landfills and not disintegrate... I mean save money le... I recycle & save environment when I can la... but if going to cost me more hassle, my time also costly what.

Observed that #2 seem to be a happier baby, doesn't really fuss or cry as much as #1. Somehow we think it's because disposable diapers are drier & more comfortable than cloth diapers. She slept better too, compared to #1 who was awake most of the time! But things change after #2 grew bigger, she certainly moves non-stop hor... cant even sit still, worse than #1!
Pinkie Pirate,
Glad to know someone found it useful!

Eeee, I personally don't like sterilizing tablets because of the smell it leaves behind on everything, the pot, the bottles, the teats, etc. Smells like a heavily chlorinated swimming pool to me.

I'm an electric sterilizer person, so I will tell you the benefits of using one.

1. Save water, lots and lots of water

2. Save electricity/gas. Everything is done in 6 minutes for the Pigeon one. Compare that to getting 2L of water to boil first.

3. Save time. You don't have to stand around and watch the water boil, just switch on and walk away.

4. It's safer. No chances of overboiling, melted bottles, etc. You don't have to handle boiling hot bottles either, you can wait for them to cool down in the electric sterilizer before taking them out, so no need for thongs either.

5. No need to find a storage container for sterilized bottles. The electric sterilizer will keep your bottles sterilized as long as you don't open the lid so you could just leave your stuff in there for as long as you like. In the traditional way, water will breed bacteria if left out in the open for too long so you need to remove the bottles while still boiling hot.
Piyobaby: Actually, I'm still not sure after 2 babies... hee hee... can't remember about #1's time. But now, we are STILL sterilising after every use. She has 4 bottles, so that works out to sterilising twice a day.

PinkiePirate & Piyobaby: I use the sterilising tablets when travelling. But not very convenient still. Need a fairly big container to contain the bottles & need to put in there for quite some time (if I don't remember wrongly, overnight). What we did was use the Avent travelling bottles. So we only needed to sterilise the teats & covers every night. Milk is prepared & fed using disposable bags attached to the travelling bottle. Ai yeah, something that nursing mothers won't need to bother much with... just that I wasn't very successful at breastfeeding both gals. Hopefully 3rd princess gets more breastmilk.
Hi all!
yes im more of the kancheong type and bought a few items from the fair liao.

Have chosen pigeon steriliser instead of avent brand as it comes w more free stuff, price also cheaper and also found that pigeon steriliser can take any brand bottles, easier to descale too and can be used for qte a long time (enuff for the next rouunds)..

Thanks JS for the info!

medela pump i read tat its qte noisy .... also price is a factor for me.. hence got the avent pump instead.. duno y.. i dun like the idea of getting hand down breast pump.. dun feel its v clean.... ha.. just my weird personal preference lah..

yes.. saw the cot.. v tempted.... but i already got the cot from my colleague (her son is 12 years old now) haha! but the cot still looked NEW!

Dont think will get the stroller or the car seat as yet... will take more time to reccee and do research... cos forsee wont go out v often during the first 3 months and even so, we will be carrying baby

Baby has been'kicking' in me more often these few days.. hubby said maybe cos he excited that we bought so many things for him.. DUh...

Cant wait for end aug to see baby again during detailed scan!

If you want to keep your sanity, yes, I suggest that you sterilize just once a day.

My baby was totally breastfed so I did not need to sterilize anything till he was about 3 months old when I started pumping to build up my storage of breastmilk before going back to work. Wah, even then I HATED the washing and sterilizing of the breastpump parts, so ley chey. Please note I had no maid or help hor, so I was doing everything myself then.

After you sterilize, do NOT wash under running water again or you'll just negate the purpose of sterilizing. Just take out the stuff boiling hot from the pot and put it away in a covered container on a clean tea towel. Wait for the bottles to cool down before you use them again. You could use a bread box...I remember my mum used that for my younger sister.

No lah, it's not noobie question lah, we all have a first time for something!
Piyobaby, yup, one man's meat is another man's poison, very true! So are u still going for traditional boiling method? I think after hearing all the comments, I will go for the sterilizer! Thanks everyone, manage to solve another question for me, the first timer!
Talking about cloth nappies and diapers, I highly suggest that you go with disposable diapers if you have no help in the long term or you'll end up using the cloth nappies as rags once your CL/temp help leaves you.

It also depends on how squeamish you are...I cannot tahan manhandling poo, so cloth diapers are totally out for me. If your baby is totally breastfed like mine was, you have to be prepared for lots and lots of liquid poo too! Totally disgusting on cloth nappies...yuck!

My son uses cloth nappies in the day time when he is at my mum's place because there is a helper there, but I still baulk at changing his cloth nappy when he poo poos. And I'm talking about solid poo this time, not liquid poo since he is on solid food. It tends to roll away when I take off the nappy while he is standing up...err, too much information already right? I better stop...

JS: Actually quite true lor... I stopped sterilising for #1 when she turned 6mths... cos taking solid, also never sterilise bowls & spoons what, just wash with hot water... but dunno le, this time #2 got maid & MIL, they somehow never stopped sterilising lor... hee hee... then since #3 coming, just let them keep up the habit. So troublesome to keep steriliser now then take out & descale again in 6mths time. ;-p BTW, if using & washing constantly, do we need to descale still? Have not done it since we descale & started using for #2.
