(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

cjteng, i am 14 weeks, will be 15 weeks on sat. cannot shout together even if we are in TMC, the midwives will ask us to shut up
this was what I was told when I was asked to push so I thot must make some noise then the midwife told me no need to shout, just concentrate on pushing

cherryale (cherryale) haha so cute. If u shout, all the mummy also will scare.. haha Funny leh,I still in 14wk next week then 15wk, but yet my EDD early then u. hahaha
I also heard gingerale is supposed to help with morning sickness. I seem to love gingerale during this pregnancy. Hahaha
miyuki: no did not chevk with gynae. will check with her this sat during my appt. thanks!

cjteng: me also always take med for MS. but it will make me so sleepy during off hours. sometimes still take else will vomit non stop
ange: really ah? i love gingerale even before preg but due to MS, i sort of hate the smell of ginger leh. now that you mention ah, i so gian for the drink leh...
Samval (samval) ya lor. very sleepy right.haiz. therefore end up i stop taking but MS become more worst. now Ok liao.

Jesline (jesline81) Depend, will choose Normal delivery.
samval: i found one last bottle of ginger beer tucked away in the far end of our kitchen cabinet. It's in the freezer now. Can't wait. Hahahaha
cjteng, good to have a try for normal delivery..... dont think i have chance to try normal delivery as mine was by c-section previously....
cjteng, correct huh, should be 14 weeks now going into 15 weeks end of this week. You count, by the time your EDD, u should be 40 weeks

anyway, other mummies cant hear you cos u will be in an individual delivery ward, i think should be same for TMC

ange, can we drink gingerale?? You know the one in a bottle, I used to see it in marche.
Jesline (jesline81) oic.maybe this time you can.. U never know.

cherryale (cherryale) not sure leh. haha ya lor. nobody can heard me.haha. Hope can see one other. :0
cjteng, dont think so.... cos during my 2nd pregnancy, gynae did ask me whether want to go for normal delivery but there is a certain % of risk that my previous c-sect wound will tear...and if it tear, i will lost baby so told him i will opt for c-sect then.... then during the c-sect for my 2nd pregnancy, my gynae told me luckily u never opt for normal delivery as my previous wound from my previous c-sect was very thin & sure will tear if opt for normal...
Miyuki1: is the FBI from the TMC,if u apply for it,gt several benefits,but
of coz gt to pay for the membership

Valc:ya,i'm referring to the FBI card.my doc clinic is at tiong bahru,but he is also
1 of the thomson doc.
anyway i signed up today since i went for the oscar test today.
1 day spent 400+ sia.

me back from my oscar scan today.baby not very cooperative,kept tossing
and turning the 1st time me do the scan.the radiologist was a very kind lady,
she kept joking abt the baby swimmn in a big pool.so i went for the blood test.only
took 1 tube of blood and den after which,waited outside until my bladder was super full.
den e head of radiology did the scan for me,surprisingly,she din noe hw to operate the
machine and there was an assistant teaching her.i nearly fainted on the bed sia.
tml night then go back gynae and see the blood test results.

i used to drink 1 pkt of green tea everyday,but nw cut down completely,so nw
afternoon dunno wat to drink.maybe i buy 1 bottle of ribena and dilute it for my afternoon

Samval:me me....i tht i was the only 1.but these 2 days i kept having sort of migraine.tml gt to ask
gynae,esp on my left head..

btw hw is the baby position for u all?is the head at your left side or right side?
my baby head is at my left side,so i was thinkn shld i restraint from
sleepn at the left side,so he wun be upside down?haha

Welcome jesline81...
Babystarlet (babystarlet) last scan and the oscar scan, my baby was lay on below and facing up. As for sleeping postion for myself, I sleep straight, make me feel comfortable. Make yourself comfortable should be ok.If feel abit funny pain, then turn to another side and sleep. I alway do that.
hi babystarlet,

think baby will change position wan... hes swimming about mah... for mine, baby's head is mostly to the right... but yesterday when i went for check up, baby's head was on the left and FACING DOWN...

baby grew so fast... abt 9 cm liao....

Been having cramps lately.... until i cant tahan .. went see gynae ysterday... luckily.. only a small problem.... and baby was ok

Still duno the gender yet...

hey samval: i dun have migraine .. but do read that preggie woman will tend to have more headaches more often.. so do take care..

dunno y all of u have diff charges for the oscar or nt tests leh.... Same hospital diff charges.. me same as sperzz... did NT test... took the package NT test + detailed scan (for 20th week) costs abt 197++ i think... tink cos of diff gynaes having diff linkups with the hospital bah
hi ladies, i got indigestion whole day. woke at 3am feeling queesy in the stomach. then this morning went to see co doc. she prescribed me antasid. but i ate two liao, until now still feel very bloated.
very uncomfortable leh.

Pure yoga keeps calling me to ask me go for their free trial. but i hear we can only start yoga at 4 mnths? so i asked the guy to call me again next month

yeah! I'll be 12 weeks tmr!! yippee!! chinese calculation 12 weeks means 3 months right?

can't wait for gynae visit next fri. counting down...

btw Deluxe, wat is the waist belt for?

Samval, i had the same bleeding as you did 2 weeks ago. i was quite sure it was the tear when i used to much strengh when passing motion. drink more water. it will go off.

Oh yes, wwater used to be my best pal, but these days i'm starting to feel sick of drinking water. nowadays water like siap-siap like that. very hard to swallow. jialat....
ange: wah liao you ah..notti notti ah..tempting me with the gingerale ah

babystarlet : alamak, me also read somewhere that during preg will have more frequent headaches if we are migraine sufferers lor. mine is mostly on my right side of the head and can last whole day. damn sian. sometimes i use those cooling pad for babies having fever one. but if kena headache in office, i cant use that mah. when my headache comes, it is really really bad that without med i will die lo.

blessedmum: you mean can see the baby's position whether lying down left or right meh? how? gynae will tell during scanning issit? my gynae never say anything leh. this sat me going for NT scan. will let you know how much i pay. you mean must also pay for the scan at 20th week in advance? cannot pay during 20th week when we do scan meh? btw, me also having cramps few days already. so i rub oil lor..

janjan: i see i see. i always have constipation, whether preg or non preg. but since preg it became worse. and this is the first time i see the blood from anus so red! i also feel bloated. drink some milo also will feel bloated. how to eat??
samval: yes i can see baby's position clearly, after gynae pointed out wheres the head, body, etc.. so for last night.. baby was facing down..

er for me, i paid for the package (which supposedly cheaper) which includes NT scan and detailed scan... and have fixed appt for detailed scan..

i didnt rub oil... suspected some prob.. hence went see gynae to have a peace of mind.. so lucky it was a minor issue..

mtbs, drink more water, take more fruits and veg... find it really helps in reducing constipation.. i always carry warm water thermo flask w me...
I got the oscar results liao, very low risk.
Feels like a burden has been lifted..

We viewed an apt today, it's big and has gd layout but no lift!! I was out of breath by the time i reached it, by the time 3rd trimester dunno how man... wonder if will be hard to go down the stairs when labour starts. Officially it's on the 2nd floor but to me it's 3rd flr cuz the ground level is not counted as first floor.

samval it sometimes does take a while for bleeding to stop, esp if you strained very hard. Might be piles if u really used to much force.

M still thinking abt pre-natal yoga, not decided yet.

ange thks for the info. Classes timing not convenient for me. Will only be able to do the sat ones and that means no sleeping in liao cuz have to wake up at 8am to reach there in time.

yiwen thks for the info. The other scan at 5 mths is the detailed scan then. The nurse confused me cuz she said i did 2 scans yesterday. I still dunno why i had to do the blood test again when i have already done it in Melbourne 6 wks ago and given the report to the doc here.

cjteng i was at sgbrides but dun remember anyone with ur nick. Did u change nick?

ni depends on wat u want lor... koh samui would be more relaxing, while bkk if u wanna shop. We're thinking of going to siem reap.

jesline welcome... sorry to hear abt ur earlier loss.. trust everything will go well for you this time.

babystarlet my baby's head is on the right side, but dunno if bb will move ard.. i sleep on whichever side i find comfy, sometimes on my stomach also.. haha.. now no need to adjust lah... later on when bb starts to kick u will know if u have to sleep on a certain side.

janjan the belly belt is to extend the time that u can wear ur normal bottoms for. http://www.*ay*supplies.net/productitem.asp?idProduct=124&idcategory=37 (replace the * with b, for some reason i can't post the full link)

Mothercare sells it slightly cheaper @ $32.
Ello ladies

I did read that there's no real harm in sleeping on your right side during pregnancy. But it's better for you and your baby if you lie on your left side. This will improve the flow of blood and nutrients to the placenta and helps your kidney efficiently eliminate waste products and fluids from your body. During the second half of your pregnancy, it is best to avoid sleeping on your back as it causes changes in blood pressure and the full weight of the uterus is on your spine, back muscles; making you more prone to backaches, impaired breathing and circulation.

I'm more comfortable sleeping on my right. But I am training myself to sleep on my left these days.
Samval: I dun have any history of migraine,jus that these 2 days i have some headache at my left side.
tml night i will ask my gynae and update u guys.

have u informed ur gynae of ur blood in ur anus before?tht can be quite serious leh.
u can try to take more fibre stuffs,myself now drinking peach flavored fibre drink everyday,it helps in my daily bowels.
hi MTBS...i am back with a super blocked nose and sore throat...hubby requested for 2 days mc from the GP...generally, the GP said there are basically limited medicine to take...and the flu medicine made me so drowsy, slept the whole afternoon away lor...i also ask about the new borns jabs....oh my god, from new born to 6 mths, need 5-6 jabs...and they are ex de lor!!
babystarlet: i used to take fibre drink given by gynae but the side effects was that it will make a person bloated. i already so bloated and when take that one it is worse. so i stopped taking.

mercs: take care & rest more. take some vitamin C.
de_luxe (de_luxe)finally got your result. Good to heard that.
yes. I change my nick. forget what is it liao. hahaha

blessedmum (newmum11) wow.. your baby growing very fast. 9cm.. Mine only 7.1cm

mercsboy (mercsboy) Take careand recover soon.
Hi Babystarlet, samval

me too migraine..... it can last for 2 days.. sometime it is really unbearable....my headache at the right side.. think by drinking more water & getting enough sleep will help...

Hi de_luxe,
me too have gone thru my OSCAR test & result r ok.... think the next one will be the detailed scan when hit 20 weeks.

Hi mercsboy,

ya Dr Ang at sembawang.... me staying at Woodlands.... Take care & rest more.... drink more water
those giving birth at Mt. A, heard that if use DBS/POSB credit card there is dunno how many % discount. but must book by end July. anyone heard of this? i gonna call them up later. will update you guys.
blessedmun, when is ur detail scan. My appointment is on 25/8. I might wan to change to 1/9 so that I can bring my son along as that day is a teacher day and he need not go to childcare.

mercsboy, r u talking abt the 5in1 or 6in1 jab for the baby. Different clinic will have different price so u can ask arnd. I the polyclinic had the cheapest price but I am not sure they had the 6in1 jab or not, my son used to go polyclinic for the 5in1 jab. The waiting time is not very long as u can make Sat appointment.
cjteng: me abt 15 weeks liao leh... u?

sperzz: my detailed scan is 26/8, one day after u
may pop by mt A to see see look look that day
or anyone knows if theres hospital tours at mt A during sats?
morning ladies....i'm back
been on MC for the last 2 days....came work today was so giddy almost fainted sia....lucky managed to make it to office

my MC been so bad the past few days till i puke everything i eat...even water too....really like merlion sia

samval: it's 5% off.....but must book by july meh? that they no say wor
wow...ur bb's big...mine oni 7cm like that
suika: later i call them then let you know. bo eng now leh. haha.

cjteng: ya tell me abt it. i also hate popping pills. sian...

me today having MS. i tot 12 weeks already it will get better but seems like getting worse like that. trying not to take the anti-vomitting med cos scared habit and very sleepy aft that. already popping so many pills liao
samval: my MS getting from bad to worst sia...puke everything even water......already at 13wk liao wor
Samval (samval) ya lor,eating the MS medicine will cause very sleeply leh. No choice for the sick of the baby, hate also have to take. Think your MS will go away around 16wk ba. take care.
today since to be quiet.
My next visit to my gynae will be 2 of Aug sat,hope I can know the gen by them, so that can start by some baby cloth. hehee..
i hope my MS will goes away soon....my gastric's been so upset recently that caused my MS to turn worst...
Miyuki1 (miyuki1) should able to ba, when I finished see my oscar result, I ask my gynae can able to see baby gender for my next visit, she say yes. Pray hard that baby dun shy lor.. if shy then have to postphone until next visit then can see. baby also like that.. cover here and there. hehehe
cjteng: i think if boy it's easier to see n determine ba....i oso hope can see gender in aug during my nxt appt...but i doubt so coz my gynea's m/c like not so high tech n clear.....but i think when i go for detailed scan shd be able to see ba
suika (suika) Should be ba, by the way, after we reach hw many wks then have the detailed scan? My gynae dun mention on the detailed scane to me leh? Hw much wil it be??
babystarlet: have not told gynae abt the anus problem yet. now no more blood liao.

blessedmum: you mentioned that your cramps is minor problem. care to share further?

anyone feeling giddy or not?
Hi all,

I'm new here. My EDD is Jan 19th. My gynae is Dr. Tan Hang Yang and I will deliver at Gleneagles Hospital.

Yesterday Dr. Tan confirmed that the baby in my tummy is a BOY. My husband is so happy as we already have a 5 yrs old girl.

Miyuki, shd be able to tell gender by then but must tell bb to be co-operative to let you see.

Samval, yes, I feel giddy and uncomfy if I hungry. And I keep having this type of feeling for this preg leh. Non-stop eating also, very scary...

LHY, congrats on having a BOY! It's a 'hao' zi.
