(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

yeah... very expensive.... i also read alot about using oil which is more effective. Olive oil is one of it which is cheaper but dont know if people used it for stretch marks.

i never heard olive oil works for stretchmarks leh..tot tats for hair?
but oil hor, apply liao stain the clothes leh, coz take time to absorb in isnt it?
hi ladies, i didnt come in for along time at work.. i have been busy at work.. and got a bad news.. I was admited to hospital on thursday...

I was feeling some crampy feeling in the afternoon when i went for lunch.. but didnt pay much attention coz i felt it might be just that my womb is expanding for baby growth. Just before i went home, i went to the toilet and i saw some blood.. thought it might be just some slight spotting so i tot i go home and monitor first... When i was on the bus, it was quite pack so i didnt get a seat.. i was standing and i felt more and more discomfort.. then i felt that i seems to be bleeding.. like mense flow.. when the bus was near my mum's place i got a seat and i found that my pants was slightly wet with blood.. i panic.. i called my gynea and told him what happen and he ask to go to the hospital and prepare to be warded..

My gynea has instructed the hospital nurses to give me an injection to stablise the baby.. stayed one night at mount E and i am not suppose to get out of bed...

first thing in the morning, my gynea send his nurse to pick me frm the ward to his clinic.. he did and ultra sound for my little love and baby is fine.. now i am suppose rest and stay at home for a week plus.. back to work only on the 21 July.. I did the NT scan and bb is fine... i visit him again yesterday as he wan to give me another jab for stablising baby just to be doubly sure..

Now will stay at home be a good gal and rest.. and pray hard that my bb will be fine..
hello meiqi...

glad you and ur bb is fine now. do take plenty of rest...

you bleed at how many weeks? i also experienced bleeding at 11weeks. fresh blood. was indeed scary.. i was also ordered bed rest for few days.. now everything ok.

take care oki???
talking abt stretch mark cream, i bought the carins oil too... but hv not start using..

i also read magazine saw very good review on the decleor strech mark cream... but not sure where to get it... anyway i think it is abit too ex..
hi NI, i was at my 12 weeks when i was bleeding.. ya fresh blood.. very scary.. i freak out.. but got to stay clam and called the gynea told him wat happen... then listen to his instruction.. think my family and husband freak out also...

now my husband will drive me to my mum's place everyday and then when he finish work will drive me back so that my mum can take care of me and cook for me...

ya will take care.. must keep my bb..
hi guys,is sunday! :p

suika: since u went TMC for the scan,did u join their TMC club in order to take discounts for the scan?

For those who did scan at TMC,did u all join the TMC club 1st?

me still considering whether to join or not bec me still thinkin whether i wan to deliver at MT A or TMC leh.
Meiqi : oh dear. do rest well and take care. BB will be fine ok.

I saw my pantie having slight fresh blood also 2 days ago and i told my hubby, he say little bit only no need see gynae one lah.
So i din went to see gynae.
Got abit of cramp that day.
But there's no more bleeding so i think shuld be ok now.
xpink_xuanx & mercsboy, thanks.. ya i am resting a lot.. this 2 days hv been resting at home... dun dare to move much..
sounds scary. take care and rest lots. you'll soon be in 2nd trimester.

prenatal supplements
i have bn forgetting to take them. i'm supp to take 2 folic acid in morning and 2 in the night becos i have thalasemia. but i dun even take them once a day and same goes for the fish oil, and multivit. :p

anyone taking mamil mama, or frisomum? i've taken enfamama for 1st 2 pregnancies as they were the most pleasant tasting for me.
meiqi - glad that everything is ok liao. better to rest ALOT ALOT and not move ard too much.

everytime comes to weekend i am super tired sia. keep wanting to laze in bed only. don't even want to go out to find food. aiyoh.. i think like that very unhealthy leh. do you ladies also experience the same thing? i really find plucking ennergy even to go downstairs a challenge leh.
hi janjan, i felt exactly the same... so restless.. always wonder how to pass time over the weekend apart from sleeping =).. no appetite to eat too..at my 12 wks now, thought MS will subside.. but doesn't seem so leh.. my hubby is doing all the housework now.. anyone has any part time cleaner to recommend? i am thinking of getting somene to help up in the household everyone fortnight, so that my hubby can rest..
<font color="0000ff">Hello everyone, hope all of you are happy and well.

An update from me, all is fine. Went for my 2nd gynae visit at 10 weeks (abt two weeks back) and bb is growing well, can see his arms and legs and even fingers. I was trying to figure out what it was that I'm looking at and suddenly BB started moving his arms about to show me, haha. Next apptment is at 14 weeks, will do amnio at about 17 or 18 weeks.

My EDD is actually 28 Feb (calculate from LMP) but 1st ultrasound give reading of 26 Feb and at 10 weeks ultrasound reading was 23 Feb. Gynae said we will stick to 28 Feb (as long as within 7 to 10 days, it's all right) and it just means that bb is growing well, which is good.

Managed to see the NT (altho not the actual NT test) and NT looks good. Also, gynae said that Downs bb will be smaller than average, so since my bb is growing well, then it is good.

Nausea is improving but still have lots of symptoms especially heartburn.

I still have not told anyone about my pregnancy, not even my parents, altho one of my Mahjong kakis guessed it cos I don't play late night mahjong anymore. Still don't look pregnant, so I guess I'll keep quiet for a while more.

Altho I'm only at 12 weeks now, I feel like I've been preggie for a LONG time, cos I found out at 3.5 weeks and especially because all the nausea and fatigue and heartburn and all the symptoms really make the experience seem quite dragged out, hahaha, so it's really a bit surprising to me sometimes that I don't even look preggie. But it's all worth it when I get to see the ultrasound images!</font>
<font color="0000ff">janjan16 - oh I'm exactly like you! Since I found out I was preggie, I have stayed in the house every single weekend. Will ask my hubby to buy food for me. It has been so long since I went shopping or anything like that. I also feel sometimes that it's not so good, really admire those mummies who can carry on life as usual. But at least BB is growing well, bigger than average even, so I'm quite happy to continue my "homestay" for a while.
pinkir, u r at ur 12 weeks now, howcome the EDD is FEB? typo error right"? should be Jan right? becoz i m also in my 12 wks today, EDD is 24/1
meiqi: pls take care and dun move too much. just stay in bed and get more rest. take care ok?

pinkie: me also like you. feel that i've been preggie for a very long time cos also found out preggie at 4 weeks therefore now is 12 weeks so i feel like very long like that.

ValC: i also never constantly take my vitamins. initially very "on" always take then realise that the hormone tablets make me puke and MS become worse so i now sometimes take sometimes dont take. and i hate the smell of the pre-natal vitamins. makes me wanna vomit!

been feeling crampy for the whole weekend till this morning. guess have to reduce walking cos i tend to forget i preg and walk fast fast. even run aft the bus.
Samval (samval)thanx for the info. Will look out on those Mazg.

Meiqi (meiqi09) Drink more water and take more rest.Thanx god that everything now is fine with you.

Joanne Lee (msdandan) Last time been there to look for 2nd hand flat, place is not bad.. end up we cant find any good house.Now I live in quesstown.
Did anyone have the problem that at your body slighty below the bum there is a pain on it... after my few week pegnanat i start to have this problem.Whenever i m laying down the bed, and turn my body to a side or about to wake up,i can feel the pain lioa.
good morning mummies...

my coll told me, the news broadcast that they might be coming up with 1 yr paid maternity leave (80%)... not bad huh.. dunno with effect from when leh.. hope it will affect us...

and hiring of maid will become more exp! i was thinking of hiring maid to take care of bb next time...
cjteng, ya i will rest more.. dun dare to move much aroudn the house.. my mum take good care of me.. so i just hv to rest, eat and slp..

NI, one year paid maternity? wow!!! hope we will get the benefits.. heehee.. maybe we will hear on this year national day rally.. they normally announce then...

huh hiring maid more ex... i also need to hire maid.. coz my sister is due in aug.. and me in jan my mum cant cope with 2 infant.. so got to get maid to help her.. hope it doesnt increase too much..
one year paid maternity leave? how it works huh?
nowadays employ maid very ex leh...stupid govt...ask ppl to give birth yet never help...always like tat, only know how to say. increase erp etc, everything increase
wat my colls were saying is....

(1) hiring maid now, u have to fork out 8 months pay (abt $3k) first, its for paying their airtix and all expenses for coming to SG. den every month, u need not pay the maid pay.. New Policy: have to pay 8 mths pay for their coming to SG, and its not refundable, meaning still got to pay the maid salary on top of that. (tats why my colls say hire the maid quickly b4 the policy is implemented)

(2) sat's paper did a few pages article about baby i think. They are trying to follow Sweden's birth policy. Sweden has 1 yr paid maternity and 3 mths paid paternity leave... I also hope GOVT implement the 1 yr maternity during national day rally...
wow 1 year paid maternity leave! that's good news. hopefully they will implement it asap. if approve dunno we can get it or not or maybe they willsay effective 2010...
hi ange, giggler, i also dunno when the new policy will take place... nv say. i also planning to hire maid... muz act quick b4 the new policy
ange: ocassionally me no appetite to eat. dunno why. that day i put on weight abt 1kg. weigh myself over the weekend and lost 0.5kg.
giggler: dunno leh i think so...not sure. cos read the New Paper yesterday. are we referring to the agency fee that one ah?
Sorry to interrupt
I have a 4 mths old beautiful white cot for sale. Very lightly used coz baby co-sleeping with me.
Giving away 2 aussino off white cotton bedsheet as well.

Cot can be found at kiddy palace.

Please contact me at 98281868 or [email protected] for details. Thanks
by tmc club, do u mean the first/subsequent born incentive? my subsequent born membership still valid so i was able to get a 10% discount. but i think for my first child i did get the first born card to enjoy 10% for the first scan. where is your dr's clinic? between tmc and mt a i think they are both qt comaparable. heard good reviews from both. my experience at tmc was pleasant. but tmc got those chinese soups for lactacting mums though, not sure abt mt a.
today seem like everyone is very bz. I super Monday Blues, no mood to work. Having a bad cough, cough till my stomach muscle pain.....
sperzz: i am free leh...but not much ppl in here...so didn talk much also. huh...coughing ah, got see doctor? but GP also will give u those kids cough medicine which dont usually works la, how about pi pa gao??
cos today is Monday Blue.

sperzz (fionayap) me also keep coughing.. But my gynae told me not to take the medicine cos nto good for baby. Try to drink more water and eat less oily food. Hope you recover soon.
ange: me worse ah...yday hubby went on 2 days business trip to KL only....when send him out...i was crying so sadly...then at the balcony there see him taking cab, i cried so loudly...until my hubby said he heartpain, asked me what happened this time....aiyo...mood changes badly leh
weekend I go and buy my cream and look around for baby bed.. since like the baby bed and those stuff very exp.. So now my hubby try to look for poeple to give away so that to save cost, if not very xiong ah..
cjteng: ya...a baby cot is very ex lor...tats why i am looking out see got ppl give away or not...strollers also not cheap. tat day i just heard from news that one japanese brand strollers screws give way, then baby fall leh...i cant see the brand, but my hubby said its combi..
mercsboy: yes yes, i was so upset with my mum for saying she had a headache and had to hang the phone up on me cos we barely spoke for 3 mins. I started crying and crying and shocked my hubby. Thinking back, it's quite silly. :p
no lei, my GP give me the medicine I used to eat last time, I told him I preg but he said safe to eat. But I educe the dosage myself.

Abt the BB cot, I not buying as my friend wilL pass down the cot, playpen and steriliser to me. Phew, really can help me save some $.

I saw from the DEC MTB thread, they are getting a good deal for the baby cot at $299. The baby cot come with some freebies and best of all a free Stroller.

If u r interested, mayb can go to the thread and ask them for more details.

sperzz: lucky you. we dont have friends who can hand us things. the few who have children are saving the things for their 2nd child.
