(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

A-n-g-e: I also told my husband that this time rnd no more my MIL doing the confinement for me anymore. Scared get another depression again.

Ange: my MIL wants to cook for my confinement. Not coz she wants to take care of me, but more coz she can be here to play wif bb. She din hv the chance to help with confinement for my SIL coz my SIL seen her bad habits and din want her at all. So MIL very angry and disappointed. Think MIL's sisters have been influencing her to 'attack' me while Im still 'new' in the family..

anyways, I told hubby I insist i dun want MIL to cook for me. Her cooking sucks and not standardised. She noes nothing of confinement food too. Noe wat? She will just cook 2 dishes to last for the whole week! I dun eat overnight food exp coz I got weak digestion system and super allergy. But MIL wont care abt all these. Think she ok, so everyone should be ok.

My hubby juz inform MIL last wk, that MIL dun need to cook as we getting caterer. She black face lor!
but I muz insist on this coz she tried cooking the pig trotters in vinegar and there are hairs on the pig trotters!

Im ordering from Natal Essentials. I think some of you also ordering from NE.
sperzz: This confinement thing was drilled into me by my girlfriend. She told me I'll go berserk if I ever allowed my MIL to do my confinement for me and that I had to be very firm about it with my hubby. So I did. Hehe Of course I said that his mother was getting on in years and that it's real tiring looking after baby, me, doing the chores and cooking. So we better get outside help. My hubby is very sensitive on issues when it comes to the MIL. I've been too direct in expressing my feelings on this issues in the past.
Miaiko : hehe.. cos' i wanted to please both my MIL & mum mah, so i used 'tricks' lor... haha... but the gold part, quite difficult to conform lor... i oso thot it's for wedding...

Trust me, even staying with the nicest person can cause conflicts, so you've to get yourself ready. Either you tahan her, or you quickly look for alternatives. & hor, aft giving birth, our hormones oso very inbalance, tend to get emotional very easily.
Miaiko: Just tell her you want her to relax and just come over to play with baby.
miaiko: u juz buy den say it's from ur mum lor.....mayb u shd consult ur mum on the traditional part sees wad she says ba
sperzz: I very very extremely worried now that I will get depression during confinement leh. Really seriously worried.

Ange: My MIL wont do the washing one. I think basically she juz come here to sit, watch TV, shower, sleep and play with baby. Last time, my MIL help with SIL confinement for juz 3 days, she ask my SIL to wash baby nappies and refuse to wash her clothes. MIL also alredy told my hubby she wont wash my clothes.

Cant tell MIL not to help leh. She already announce long before, to all relatives that she will be doing my confinement. If cancel her now, the story amg the relatives will change to me being a very bad DIL, duno how to appreciate etc etc. Then I will also put my hubby into a very difficult position. sighz..
miaiko: if not get those parttime maid? u can't b doing ur own washing rite....esp when u not supposed to touch water.....if like that u might s well do everything urself wad for still need her there
sperzz: can u pass to piyo/ merc/ suika? cos they attending the prenatal class b4 mine or after mine
hope they dun mind!

cheekygal: yes its good! its warm even afer 1 day plus if i dun open the flask
i think there's such a tradition.. cos frm my impression, i do hav a tiny ring, a necklace with a zodiac pendant, a tiny bangle and a anklet given to me by my grandparents.. bt think that's frm the paternal side leh...

bt den, being in the modern times, think fewer ppl are conforming to the traditions liao..
A-n-g-e: my hb also very sensitive on his mother things so I also tried not to complaint too much...if can afford really dun get MIL to do confinement for u....so this time rnd, I rather ask my husband to cook for me and my maid will do the laundry...
Miaiko : will ur hb be taking leave during ur confinement period? can he do the laundry & other housework? I dun think you'll hv the time & energy to do all these during ur confinement... even if you're not particular abt touching water... still need to rest & let body recuperate...
sperzz: We've hired a confinement lady for 2 months. Thereafter, I'm the maid. Duno if I can keep up with the washing of nappies. Hahaha But I will try using them for awhile.
miaiko...if u ask mi..i would have ignore all tose nonsense cos i lived for myself and my kid...not the relatives...let them complain if they wish to for all i care..

from what i see...ur MIL shd b pantang thus saying not washing ur clothes but there's no logic in not helping to wash her grandchild's clothes...worst case scenario...ask hubby to dump in washing machine which is not a difficult task....dun bother to add on more stress to urself making ur own life difficult la..
gelato/sperzz: is the feeling like as if you've drank 10 glasses of water like that and very tight? especially aft meals?
Ange: ur gf and hubby very understanding. tat's gd. Oh yah, r u going for Mrs Wong's class tomo? Im going.

Suika: partime maid ah. i did think of it, but hubby not comfortable with maid leh. He say trust his mum more than a stranger. Yah lor, not suppose to touch water. But if MIL dun wash, which I think she also wash not clean and will in fact splash water all over the floor... then I wash lor. wear gloves should be ok bah..
Suika: I don't think they do all the chores. My confinement lady did say she will cook and help with the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen. I trust she will at least wash baby's clothes and nappies. Hubby can help with our own laundry if she doesn't do it. And I've got a cleaning lady who comes in to clean the house once a week. So I think all should be ok.
sel: yah lor. I tot frm paternal side. Hey Sel, I think I saw u and ur hb walking back home one day. Do you wear dark frame glasses?

Gelato: my hubby taking leave for the 1st week to help out. Yah.. i really wanna rest and recuperate after giving birth. Im nt the very strong healthy kinda person esp Im born very prematurely myself so quite weak internally. THink confinement is a make or break period lor.
miaiko: tried not to get too stress when u doing confinement, I get to kan cheong on little thing, really muz relax for that mth. Btw ur confinement is at ur own hse rite. Mine worst was at my MIL hse...no SCV, computer and aircon, whenever I think of 4 yrs ago I still shiver....
Samval : no leh, my kinda tightness is like the whole stomach feels hard, i m not sure if it's contraction. As for bloatedness, i think it's due to indigestion or too much wind - that's why only experience it occasionally.

Miaiko : I'll strongly advise against you doing the laundry lor, esp during confinement time. PT maids dun stay in with you, so u dun really hv to compromise on ur privacy... u may want to consider that.
piyo: hmm... yah.. you hv a pt. I think coz pantang. I dun mind she not washing my clothes. In fact I feel peiseh if she were to wash my clothes.

arrgh.. duno how to live for 30days with MIL!!

and hor... I dun wan MIL to come here to play wif bb. Baby need time to nap and feed through the day. I wont allow MIL to interfere with the baby routine which Im gonna set.
gelato...speaking abt contractions...for the last few days keep dreaming abt having contractions untill so much so that i start to wonder did i realli feel it or was it in the dream...if dreaming cant really be so many days in a row ba...**shiver**
miaiko....the best way to sail past ur confinement....shut both eyes and ears to all that she does and say....see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil...hee

as for setting routine....talk to ur bb loud enuff for her to hear as good as indirectly telling her wat u gonna do...
sperzz: Im already very stressed now leh. since months back. Tat's why at nite I din even come here to 'see' u all. coz feel so uptight and unhappy. thinking that days of confinement drawing nearer. yah at my place.

sighz... Sorry gals. Peiseh... Once Im back here and Im blabbering away on my frustrations.

Gelato: urs sounds like contraction leh. Is it only for a while like 1min?
piyobaby: I don't dream about contractions. But I do notice I've been dreaming alot more again these days. Just like back in the 1st trimester.
piyo: I also dream alot the past months. i even dreamt Im going deliver! dreamt 3 times already with 3 separate scenarios. In my dream got contraction also. Then wake up wondering if really got Braxon Hicks contraction or not.
piyobaby : it's normal to experience some contractions b4 birth, but i can't rem shld it start fm 2nd trimester or 3rd... the contraction feeling is like the whole womb contracts & harden, sometimes the feeling is like the baby curl up to 1 side, then an awful shape form on the tummy... nowadays, i feel some tightness, but dun really see the odd shape yet, so i m not sure if it's contraction... i think it's ok, as long as not painful, shld not be a cause for alarm. =) Don't worry, shld be fine - unless you feel painful. =)
yaya.. thats me.. lol.. black rectangular frame lo.. haha...

btw, dun be too bothered abt wat ur MIL says.. left ear-in, right ear-out..
Gelato: My baby has a habit of squeezing on my right. Can really see a bump coming up on the right and it's hard. The slope is quite obvious. Hahaha Hubby always laughs when he sees it.
miaiko: part time maid ur hb wun get to see her wad....get her to wash ur clothes once a week la

gelato: wad contraction feeling?
gelato: hmm... only a short while.. sound like me. I experience contraction. The whole abdomen cramp up to the middle very hard and weird shape. I din noe was contraction and start to panic, grabbing my chair seat. But realise was contraction and I start to do deep breathing. Helps to clear up quickly.
Think if bloated, will be the whole tummy round round like ball. hehe.

I may be wrong.
Gelato: yeah, we tend to tummy watch @ night these days. Watching him create waves or curling up to one side etc. Hehe
suika : like what i described earlier - the whole tummy feels hard, sometimes feel baby curl to 1 side, & then u see an odd shape form on the tummy... during the process, the tummy feels very tight, but not painful. =)
sel: ahh.. then I think I saw u. Have not met u before though. heehee.

Ange: Yeah! See u tomo! my bb also prefers rite side leh. one lump on the rite. hehe.

suika: part-time maid. yah lor.. hmm... got gd recommendation??
ange...sometime i wake up knowing i have dreamt alot but nothing abt the dreams i can recall except for tis contractions thingy and my late grandfather....

miaiko...too early to have BH will it be....thot usualli happen ard the last 4 weeks or so...
Miaiko : i tend to think it's contractions too, but i dun bother, din even do breathing... hehe...

Ange : this is part of the pregnancy which i enjoy! Good that ur hb is involved, makes double fun! My hb not that excited liao, hvg go thru 2 pregnancies already... hehe... lucky i still hv my girl to get excited with me.. haha...
gelato...contractions can start so early ar...im not even into 3rd tri as yet....tightness feeling quite frequently...can send me into panic mode....hee
Miaiko: Yup, see you tomorrow!

Suika: Is it constipation? Or maybe gas?

Piyobaby: Don't like dreams. Means I din sleep all that well.

Think most of you are experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions now?

Miaiko, did you let your hb know that you are not comfy letting your MIL do cf? Well, I didnt get into depression when my MIL did cf for me lah but I def didnt gt enuf rest lah. Cos I pai say to ask her to do things for me, in the end,I did most things myself.
