(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

Back from Dr Ho's clinic. Baby still has a heartbeat so all is well, thanks for everyone's well wishes!

Thanks for the info on the hormone pills. I'm taking Duphaston too, no wonder I've been feeling like shit. And yup, I have *exactly* the same type of MS as you. Horrible, horrible, horrible.

The white stuff is probably your boobs getting ready for milk production. Later in the 3rd trimester, you might find clear/yellowish liquid oozing out and that would be colostrum. Good stuff!

deluxe - my no 1 is 15mths

MS - dun think too much soon it will over.... the most impt is to rest more... once into 2nd trim everything will seem so light but more to come in 3rd trim....
so rest and rest drink plenty of water to avoid the heat
Hi gals, finally i decided to join this forum. Been following this forum the day i found out that i m pregnant. (Not sure if bluberri still remember me from TTC 2009? =P). Due to my previous miscarriage, i dreaded something bad may happen again. When i started spotting on wk 5, i was very worrying, thinking that i may have suffered another miscarriage. Rushed to KK women clinic, and told to do hcg test to confirm. Did the 2nd HCG test three days later, and the results came back positive, with hcg level tripled over the few days. Felt a bit relief. Surprisingly i was not given any hormone pill or jab. The next spotting came back on wk 6, i decided to change to Dr Ho in mt alvenia. Luckily heartbeat is detected, and was given hormone jab three times a week. i was 430 poorer from the visit, , so shocked to see the bill.

Went for my followed up visit with Dr Ho today, and the v-scan confirmed that i am wk 7 day 5, and the sac is 13.7mm, grew more than 10mm within a week, very happy to see the growth. Now feel that the pregnancy started to stabilise...

JS: are you also seeing Dr Ho in mt alvernia? I found his charges very costly. within this two weeks, i have paid close to 700!!!.. decided to change to another gynae now... he is nice.. but too exp =)

Kindly add me in the list: EDD: 26/1/08, #1, FTWM. Thanks
Hi Hope,

Welcome! It's great that you and baby are all right!

Yes, I'm with Dr Ho at Mt A. His charges are quite expensive, but I find that he is well worth the money. He is a doc that prefers to err on the side of caution so he will do EVERYTHING possible under the sun to keep you from miscarriaging. You can see for yourself the difference between how you were treated at KK and at Dr Ho's clinic right? Later on, you will be asked to take every known test possible for pregnant women too, lol. Some people however feel that Dr Ho is too kiasu and orders too many unnecesary tests. Also, he can be a little temperamental and cold at times.

But he is most famous for making snap decisions and he is *fast* at doing a c-section! Your baby will out within 45 minutes and he'll be done with all the stitching and stuff in the next 15 minutes. His stitching is also quite famous, it seems that it is almost invisible after it heals. However, that is not so in my case, I suay lah because I'm the type that scar easily, my scar is still quite visible.

He delivered my first baby, so since I already have all my records with him, might as well go back to him for this baby lah.

I was also just telling my husband, everytime I go and see Dr Ho, I pay around $300. And now that I have to see him every week, that makes it about $1200 a month. Might as well just credit my salary straight into Dr Ho's account!
I forgot to add, when you hit 20 weeks, you'll be able to take on a package with Dr Ho. This means that you just pay a flat fee for the package and for all the rest of the visits with Dr Ho till you birth, you don't have to pay any more. But do note that CTG monitoring, lab tests, etc are not included in the package.

I wonder how much the package costs now, I paid $600 in 2006.
de luxe, i am using clarins treatment oil at night and stretch mark cream for the day.

At first, i only wanted to buy the cream coz the salesgirl say it is lighter than the oil (i don't like oily stuff on my body). But i bought both in the end and didn't regret. The treatment oil has a nice therapeutic smell. And it is not oily after rinsing off. They gave me free sample sized body lotion and bust cream as well which is safe for pregnant women. haha... my bedroom smells very nice after applying all these.

As for effectiveness, i can't comment yet coz i just started using.

On MS, i realise eating small meals throughout the day helps. And sweet stuff helped to get rid of the wierd taste in my mouth. I usually drink those packet ribena in office, but diluted with some water coz it is too sweet.

Samval, i am going for my OSCAR test in end jun. Ya, i think the price my gynae mentioned is about similar to yours... And becoz i will be doing it together with the other tests, i heard they will be drawing 2 -3 tubes of blood. *faint* I'm the type who is very afraid of needles!
just come back from my 2nd gynae visit. everything fine... BB now 9wks1d. EDD earlier by 1 day which is 16Jan.

during the scan, can see BB's hand was moving & was up side down... head at bottom... size is 2cm...

gynae recommend to go for OSCAR too.. yup, price at $298. Must be done between 11 to 14 weeks.. so gynae asked mi to decide ASAP.... most likely i will go for it

Congrats Mummies to be here..!! And I am a mother of one, as due to space constraint in my storage area. I would wish to sell off my baby products to you.

Not sure if you keem, do let me know as all these are still in very good condition!

** Value for money!**

Besides the above items I have, I do still have:-
1) ABC mat for ur toddler to crawl on
2) Bassinet comes with cloth
3) Nankin Bag (those with the milk bottle compartment, n designs)

Do quote me a price for the above items for my consideration, but of cos which u are most comfortable and I will utmost be willing to let it go =)
JO - its something like white flakes. and ard the breast area i got some 'white-heads' which with a little pinch will just come out

JS - colostrum is wat we feed baby with during our first BS, right? heard its so good that baby doesn't even need to drink water ah. hope i'll be able to BS my baby. can save some $$ on formula milk. heehee

I agree that each visit to the gynae is so ex. Each time i go i pay at least $120 - $150, depending on what test we do and what medicine was prescribed. Luckily no need to go back every week liao. otherise like what JS says, can directly credit our salaries into gynae's account liao.

I can't wait for my next visit next fri. wonder how is my little one progressing inside. he should be 7 weeks by now.

oh yes, abt the stretch mark cream, just now i was lookin at Clarins. the oil smells really good, and it cost $67.60 at Sasa and $79.50 at Isetan. I was tempted to get it. But does anyone here if there's anywhere else where i can get it at lower than Sasa's price?

How abt Galenic? is it good? I really cannot bear the thought of smoothing palmer's cream over my tummy. make me feel very queasy. don't know why. So Who would like to take over my Palmer's cream? I'd be happy to give away. Don't want to waste it.
yah janjan i've read that a breastfed baby doesn't need to drink any extra water... hope i'll be able to BF with minimal problems too.

yah lor i missed mother's day too cuz didn't know abt pregnancy... by next mother's day we'll all be actual mommies already :D

I dun mind trying out the Palmers... just wondering if i shld get something soon since tummy seems to be growing.

yvonne the clarins oil must wash off after applying? I find that so lei chay... i like to just apply, get dressed and get on with my day.

welcome hope glad to hear that things have stablised for you

Hmmm... all of u seem to be seeing your gyne every 2 weeks? I'm only going to see the GP one more time before leaving to get my records, either next week or the week after. Wonder if I shld request for another scan to reassure myself that baby is still there and ok... so far no cause for concern but i somehow don't feel an xin... hubby say dun need, just wait till get back to SG then see gyne and scan...hai, very mao dun...
yvonne: you were mentioning the red dates and longan drinks rite? i asked my mum, she said that drink is heaaty leh...so dont drink too much. she said is usually confinement period then drink one. FYI
samval: seems like the TMC equipment more advanced huh....so have u decided which gynae to choose already? anyway, my oscars test cost $200+ GST
Yup, colostrum is sometimes known as the first milk. It's the most nutritious thing for a newborn! Breastfed babies do not need water at all, although I'm sure you will have some people telling you otherwise. I breasfed my son exclusively till he was 13.5 months and for the first 6 months, I did not give him any water at all. It was only after the introduction of solids that I gave him water.

I wish I could see my gynae every month, not every week! Sooo much money draining out each time, lol. With my son, I only went to the gynae each month...those were the days, no worries about miscarriages and no horrible MS!

Mercsboy is right, the red dates and longan drink is meant for the confinement period as it's quite heaty. My husband can attest to this, he kept snitching my drink during my previous confinement as he thought it was quite delicious, ended up he had nose bleeds, lol, lol!
Thanks for the your kind wishes, yes, I'm trying to rest as much as I can now, if possible, I'd like to sleep for 23 hours so that I don't have to feel the MS.

maybe u can pm me your address so i can mail the Palmer's to you?

oh, clarin's oil need to be washed off after that ah? tot can just let it stay. but i really like the smell wor.

we're gonna have home made steamboat later to celebrate father's day. yeah! CAn't wait to savour the soup...
okie, i better don't drink so much.

Janjan, deluxe, the clarins salesgirl told me i can choose to either rinse off the oil or to leave it there if i want to. Yup, the aroma won't be as strong when u rinse off. I usually have a very quick rinse so that it doesn't feel that oily. If you have robinsons card, you may want to get it there. Robinsons is currently having a "no gst" sale.

I also read in some other threads that some ladies got theirs in chinatown and it seems cheaper. Ha, i am very lazy one, just bought it from Robinsons Centrepoint coz it is very near my workplace. Just zipped by during lunch to get it.
blessedmum: Dr. Khi was my gynae, but i wanted somewhere nearer to where i stay, so i went to see Dr. Adrian just to see how's he like. But i'm sticking to Dr. Khi cos i find her easier to talk to than Adrian, who will just rush thru and everything also say "its normal".

mercsboy: long time no chat. me decided to stick with Dr. Khi cos more comfy with her. at least i managed to iron out things with her and able to communicate better now.

JS: i also like you. i feel like sleeping 23 hours a day so don't have to feel the MS. so sickening. i really hope it doesnt last till 9 months!! sometimes i get really worried especially when i have to attend meetings & trainings at work. have to rush out halfway...so embarrassing to distrupt the meeting/training. i'm feeling a bit depressed cos of my MS. i cant even have a decent outing with the family and not vomit. sigh...
Hope and JS, i am also with Dr. Ho at MT Alvernia. I also find his fees quite steep. but he is quite gd, give me a fatherly impression...

but u gers see him every fortnight??? he scheduled for me to see him in 1 month time from my last appt. so long huh???? cant wait to 'see' my baby. hee

happie fathers day to our dads and daddies-to-be
good day all mtbs,

haven been in here for awhile.. i realised that there are some white bumps on the areola area... anyone encounter that?
samval: great that u have decided which gynae to choose. most important is you are comfortable with la. so now more or less, u shd feel more relax rite? so now...most important, 12th week faster come!!

Ni: After my 2nd visit to the gynae (2 weeks difference), my next visit is also one month time leh...i think its normal...if nothing goes wrong, better dont see too often la...very ex leh
swan: u must be very excited when u see your bb hands and legs moving all abt huh...

MTBS who are about 9-10 weeks, do u all still feel tightening at the tummy areas? coz i dont have any MS or symptoms la...so i was wondering anyone like me?
btw, anyone intend to buy online clothes from american websites? be careful on the sizes ok, coz my friend ever bought a few hundred dollars and she realize cant fit in, coz its too big for her, even though she chose S size...FYI
Hi Everyone,

Would like to join this forum.Currently on hospitalization leave. Had some spotting and doctor ordered bedrest. now resting at home but hope to go back to work soon, hopefully week after next. Had painful hormone injections everyday resulting in painful buttocks.

Had a miscarriage last year so doctor extra careful.
Hi JS & NI, I have decided to change to Vincent lee at bishan. His package is cheaper than dr Ho and starts at wk 12. Can save $$ to buy maternity wear =). Ni, Dr Ho requested me to see him every week may be he is always on the safe side, i have miscarriage last yr, and becoz of the spotting, he is extra cautious. I like him personally, but just can't afford the 200-300 per visit. =)

Realised that i can't fit in most of my pants now.. went to orchard yesterday trying to find something comfortable... but to no avail.. would like to check if anyone of you have started buying maternity wear? what type of pants should we buy? the one with elastic band seems too early at this stage leh.. so confused...

Been lying on the bed for the whole day, hubby started to complain that i am too lazy .. hahha.. No appetite to eat, no craving,.. the kind of feeling just made me miserable.. feel like taking one week off and stay at home...

Oh yeah, i bought the Palmers organic stretch mark from the motherhood fair last wk. Seems quite ok to me, not too greasy...
I'm scheduled to see Dr Ho every week because of my threatened miscarriage. An appt once a month with Dr Ho is very good, can save a lot of money! But seriously, your is most probably a normal pregnancy, that's why you don't have to go so often, it's a good thing!

You lucky thing you, you have no MS!! I'm so jealous, hmph. And all I feel around the tummy is fats, loose skin, fats and more jiggly fats.

Welcome! There are a few of us here with the same symptoms as you, so you're not alone. Rest well!

Do you live around the Bishan area? Just wondering since you chose Vincent Lee.

If you can't fit into pants, wear a dress! Or else don't buckle the pants and put on a long tee shirt to cover up the unbuckled pants. Better wear your dresses while you can, once your boobs start growing as well it's bye bye to your regular dresses too. I hate this stage where we are not big enough to fit into maternity wear yet too big to fit into our regular clothes. I just feel like a fat thing, not a pregnant one!
yar JS, thats what im doing now..
this stage is qte irritating..
maternity pants.. i got some handdowns from my cousin... its really too big!!! yet my pants are too tight..
so now resort to wearing dresses and unbuckle pants.. haha
but realise wearing dress ... tummy w be cold esp in shopping mall.. haha
hi sel, i also experience the same white bumps around areola area...thought it was dry skin or something but suppose it has something to do with milk production, breasts also starting to 'tug alot' like pulling inwards and painful esp after bath...dunno why.

I am going onto my 12th week now and just like all mummies, bottoms are tight now...cleared my wardrobe last week to 'assess what I can still wear'...depressed that only 1/5 of bottoms fit now and prob fit only for a while...time to go shopping soon.
Envious of u mummies who still have no baby bump...have a very skinny friend who didn't have any baby bump till her 6th month. My bump is definitely not a baby bump...fat bump more like it and i am only at 3 months....sigh wish could do sit-ups.
glad to know that it's nt unusual.. actually my fren actually advises me to start using the stretch mark cream frm 1st trimester.. the breasts are super painful lor... haiz.. this 1st trimester is sooo bad...
hi sel, yeap me as first time mummy all things new though I feel these 3 months went by like a blur...all the nausea especially dunno how I am gonna survive the next 6 months if things don't improve...but keeping focused that all this is for a good cause...now I kinda wish men were like seahorses where the males carry the eggs and deliver!
HI jan09 Mommies,

previously i joined the Feb09 MTB thread cos I tot my EDD to be during feb... but think think should be on ard mid JAN 09... blur blur, i tot i missed my period only for a month.

Now i should be at my 9th weeks preggie period. btw, gals... at what weight gain are u all having now? i have GAINED 4~5kg ever since lei... scary... but if i used the online pregnancy calculator,I am on the low side. But i am skeptical as those are meant for westerners correct?...
btw,i already have stretch marks, now if i apply anti-stretch marks, still useful?
Hi Jade & Hope: Welcome & take care ya? Rest well and don't worry.

2boys_mum: welcome. Your nick says "2boys_mum" so you are a mother of 2 boys and is this your third kid? As for weight gain, i din gain any weight, in fact i lost weight due to severe MS. don't worry as long as your weight gain is stable and doc gives the thumbs up, shld be ok.

mummies, anyone experience headache more frequently? me having headache the whole weekend on off. i rub oil and put some ice-pack. trying not to take medication, even though doc said its ok. just want to keep this 1st trimester med free as much as possible. if really can't tahan, i'll take panadol.

also, anyone wake up in the middle of the nite and find it hard to go back to sleep? nowadays i wake up, sometimes to pee and even if don't pee, i just wake up like that and have trouble getting back to sleep. then by the time i gonna fall asleep, its time to get ready for work. gotta get up at 6am everyday. once school re-opens, i'll have to get up at 5.30am!
anyone like me?
Hi morning mummies...

seems like many had MS... me too the worst is that wanna puke yet can't puke so hungry wanna eat yet can't eat that much otherwise puke or feeling indigestion, nausea... but i always tell myself MS is nothing as compare to the contraction... therefore mummies buckle up and be strong.....think of having MS means everything is fine....

Understand the pain of injection... that injection is darn painful.. still remember after i got mine first jet told my hubby dun touch my thigh is darn painful there....hahahah well is history...

Samval... our hormones still changing not stable yet so relax i know it hard so try get some naps during weekends so u feel better ... try not to take any panadol take those given by doc dun self med...

Re: Anti-stretch cream
U can start use now but not everyone will have stretch mark and for some no matter how hard u apply ur stretch mark will still be there ...like me haha blame in on genes coz my mum had stretch marks....

take care have a nice week ahead!
samval: i haven experience very frequent headaches la, but last weekend, i do have severe headache, until i went to sleep early. for night time, besides waking up to pee like once/twice per night, after that, i can fall asleep back soundly...

bluen16: you can start using the stretchmark cream now leh...start early...apply near the breast, tummy and butt alrite? prevent is still better hor...
oh...talking about maternity wear...i just bought a pair of maternity pants last weekend, and after discount also cost me $65!!! freaking expensive...coz i was thinking next time when tummy getting bigger, legs cannot close leh...then sit with legs open, rather unpleasant..but maternity wear is soo expensive!!
hi samval...
yep...my third one on the way.wow,lost weight...never occurred to me before...i dun have any MS as u all mentioned...*touch wood* but past week experiencing REAL BAD back & neck aches tat no choice gotta c doc.given a pink "big" tablet to consume...to ease pain. trying hard not to use.

samval...u also mother of 2 gog to be mother of 3 now??? u working?

huh,stretch marks there means there??? *beng san" me already there...

hi gals, i haven see my gynae yet lei...no time to fix a date...gee,most prob. gog to see him tmr. yeah...to get a more accurate EDD......

oh boy oh boy... ex hor those maternity wear... gee,i now mostly on one of my "loose loose" 3/4 skirt...dunno whether how long it can last....haha, luckily tat x i bought is low-waist...so see until shich month i can wear... :p

dun think i gonna spend on maternity wear...no matter how,dun find them nice.

recently, i sweat ALOt and can bathe up to 3x or more per day.. yday even worse, can go into the bathroom for a quick shower for 5x. crazy me or crazy weather.
Really hate the feeling of MS. Initially the MS is still ok, but now is getting worst. Hate it....when will it stop!!! Feel so useless.....

mercsboy, u can try neighbourhood shop to look for the maternity wear in TPY or Chinatown. The clothes look not bad and cost arnd 30+.
mercsboy: aiyo i just threw up my breakfast. getting sick of this until very scared to eat leh. i also have a history of migraine, so i'm more prone to headaches lor.

2noys_mum: me also expecting #3 now. first 2 are gals. i never experience so much MS in my first two pregnancies. this is the worst lor. what kind of pill did the doc give you? used for what? my doc keep saying panadol is safe, but i try not to take during this stage lor. my 2nd preg, i took med in the 2nd trimester, somemore kena chicken pox...but so far ok. so you hoping for a gal?
mercsboy (mercsboy)

haha...i was replying to kiddo (kidkiddy), thinking tat is genes if there is stretch marks. but quite true, cos my fren and her sis both never apply anything,no stretch marks,slim bodied type...and they say their mum also no stretch marks.

my meaning is tat i already have stretch marks,thus it is no use to apply anything as preventive measure...or am i wrong?...gee
wow...i LOVE THIS thread!! it is always updating with new posts... haha, interesting... interesting... i love... how many SAHM are there here...
I am actually A PTWM
sperzz: i bought the maternity pants at neighbourhood leh...but still ex...i dont want those auntie style maternity wear...sian...u know i have one friend who bought only 5 sets of maternity wear...alternate wear from mondays to fridays for a whole of 9 mths!! i dont think i can survive on 5 sets lo.. so my hubby had decided to bring me to BKK, and see any cheaper maternity wear to buy..

samval: oh dear...i can imagine the feeling of vomitting after u had something. there was once i feel like vomitting, but only water came out...guess the food had been digested. any sour plum or warm water to drink? u at home rite? go lie down and rest??
er... same qn to u ler: u hoping for a boy...
actually is just a hope.but both me & hb is ok with any gender.
btw,how old r your 2 gals?? gals more gentle right?...i always worried my boys stepping onto my tummy!
sperzz: i can FULLY understand how u feel. i also have MS and last thru out whole day. even going out jalan jalan with the family has become a hassle. simply take over my entire life and cant enjoy a simple outing with my family...sometimes i cry & get depressed cos it lasts whole day. just tahan, thats all i can say. at least you and i know that we are not alone...most importantly baby is healthy. take care.

2boys_mum: apply la...i have one friend, mum no stretchmarks, but she has...so half depends on genes la. preventive is still better lo...at least we try to prevent...
