(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

Hi Gwen,
Do you puree the porridge? My boy also used to give me the choke/vomit look when he eats porridge that is not pureed. Nanny told me to puree it with a blender and make sure its watery enough and he's ok and will finish the whole bowl of porridge now!

You can add in abit of chicken stock or ikan billis to make it tastier too. Just abit will do, not too much coz too much salt is bad for babies.

here... Milk n yogurt lover.... Only take max 4 teaspoon(1/2of teaspoon somemore)
going to start 'forcefeed'... Lol...

But I realize that she will eat more if I feed her together with her jiejie...
Dink: Yes, it's interesting that our babies can understand alot now. Even for a 3rd time mummy, I'm just amazed by the things #3 can do. She'd point to the correct person when asked questions like, 'where is daddy?', & to the correct things when asked questions like, 'where is the fish/TV/etc?' She's also able to gesture to things she wants & make all those ehk, ehk sounds to indicated her desires, be it to be carried, to go to another room, or to come down to play.

The only thing is, she can't walk on her own nor talk just yet.

Looks like #3 is going to be more like #2 - she can understand & follow instructions, will make sounds to express her wishes, gesture to get things she wants but not 'talk'.

#1 was already talking by her 1st birthday; #2 did not talk till later, but when she started talking, she is trilingual & her vocabulary was much more impressive than #1's at the same stage.

I wonder if it's because #2 was exposed to a multi-lingual home environment (since my PILs started living with us), making it more confusing to learn language? & her speaking later, or that it was just her personality (#2 is quieter by nature).

#1 had a pretty mono-lingual environment, so not so confusing & she started talking earlier? However, as it was mono-lingual, the vocabulary isn't as impressive as a trilingual environment?

I also notice that #1 spoke more standard Eng compared to #2 at 2yo. I guess it's also cos we used only Eng at home then and that she started childcare at 17mths. #2 has been exposed to MIL's & maid's 'non-standard English' since birth. I was lamenting abt her inaccurate pronunciation, but HB thinks it would be ironed out once she gets to CC.
Fluffy: I haven't observed #3's feeding behaviour when dining with her siblings, but #2 certainly imitates her older sister's actions. So if #1 is eating well, #2 will imitate her. Same thing applies when #1 is on her naughty deeds - monkey see, monkey do...

Good thing #1 is quite matured & when she notice us struggling with #2 or even #3, she'd put in her bit to coax her sister(s) & model positive behaviour to encourage her sister(s) to follow.
Mercs: Hi-5 there lor... my gals are all 'mid-nighters'... always a struggle to get them to bed early. I dun even dare to dream about them going to bed at 10pm... if they can all be asleep by 11.30pm, I'd be a lark. There was a period #2 does not go to bed before 2am! Faint!
hallo mummies, its morning here!
I really appreciate and enjoyed the conversation on baby food. seems all of us doing it our own style =) watever works. Im also the lazy mummy, dump steamed beef/chix/fish or veggies frozen cubes into the cooked cereal or porridge. Instead of shredding or mash, sometimes dump steamed meat into the blender and blend it not too fine.
Wish my boy is more of a milk boy too..

Gwen: you can try mixing cereal with lots of milk to taste like milk first?
gelato: Cayden very smart, know how to eat rice liao. Big boy liao... Yen turned 11mths today (actually yesterday) & I was just thinking, oh dear, I expect to be able to start feeding her 'our' food after she turns 1, but she cannot even take rice yet! I think she's so used to cereal & MIL meshing up her porridge, she doesn't seem used to textures le. Biscuits & fruits, she's fine & will bite them. But when offered lumpier cereal or porridge, I notice she'd gag, & make those choking sounds, then eyes will water, machiam very ke lian like that... I dunno how to feed her 'our' food next month lor...

I am also a lazy mum. Dump everything into the porridge using rice cooker.

When you all mention a bowl of porridge. How big is a bowl? About how many ml? 120ml? or more?
Cos my mil complain i feed my gal too much.
Snow: Your MIL is so funny... where got grand parents complain their grandchild is overfed? Mine is the opposite, I honestly think she thinks we ill treat her grandkids... hahaha... cos she tries to feed them every 2hrly! & in the past (before my PILs started living with us), she'd always cook extra food or boil barley water for #1 whenever we meet!
snow: I give about 4.5-5 oz. Thats probably about 150ml? I also aga aga one =p Use rice cooker directly or put a small tin inside? Im thinking of trying out rice cooker too.
Hi Jan Mummies

I am from Feb MTB'09 but my gal, Breana came out 3 weeks earlier which was 13 Jan 09... this is the 1st time i read abt all ur posting on babies development.

well, i am also a lazy mummy... my gal's sleeping time is totally upside down like ours. my hb goes to work at 2pm & comes home at 1am.. so my gal also sleeps & wake up tat timing..

here's Bre's milk/meal schedule..
830am - latch
1130am - latch
2pm - Lunch, Chicken/Pork/Beef porridge + Steam or Pan grilled fish w/ 1green & 1 orange veg
430pm - latch
630pm - latch
8pm - Dinner, Chicken/Pork/Beef porridge + Steam or Pan grilled fish w/ 1green & 1 orange veg
11pm - latch
1am - latch
4am - latch

Bre is on TBF, she just reject any bottles... so i am not sure how much she drinks. she latches abt 6-8x a day. her porridge intake abt 1/2 - 1 rice bowl. i use a slow cooker, put the meat in the slow cooker & slow cook together. when porridge is ready abt 2hrs time, i use a scissors to cut the meat (chix breast or porkloin or ribeye) into tiny pieces, baby can chew w their gums. then i steam the vegs & fish, add to the porridge only when serving to retain the nutrients in the vegs & fish. i've been doing this since she was 7mth. only last week, i tried pan grilled the salmon or cod fish. no oil or butter needed. occassionally i do give her small slices of apples, pears, banana... but she loves durian best
. snacks are very seldom unless we are out.

When did all ur babies started teething? fyi, i just felt something sharp at her gums recently & i can see something whitish coming out of the gum. PD said its ok, one of his babies started teething at 15mths!

hope i am not too late & abrupt to join u gals in this thread. thank u
Happy Birthday to ni!

too busy with work to come in and too tired after work... still haven't catch up with post!
ann: sorry, didn't log in until now. You visit the place already?

I think after 18th month is it playgroup? I will see how it goes first, my only problem is it seems quite crowded at the centre, do you feel so, except the infant area, the rest of the classes seems really packed.
Ann: go there and take a look first? hee. Overall i feel the centre is quite nice, the only issue is too many kids. However what i like about the centre is, the teachers there are young people, thus seems very energetic and full of drives. They organised a lot of activities like children's day, halloween celebration, lantern making etc(yeah a playgroup boy made a lantern and gave it to my son, sweet huh?)
ashley: young but got experience or not..
my side the playgroup also always got make things and give the infant side babies...but hor...i always throw away..wakakaka. then children day, father day motherday also got presents one...
best thing is got students birthday, even kyler also got sweets...alamak, ended in mummy tummy la..
hi ni,
Thkq for the welcome
... me lazy mummy... so easier way to feed a hungry baby is to pull her to my (.)(.) :p..

2day is ur bday?? Happy Birthday to U

hi mercsboy,
thkq for the welcome
... yes me SAHM till 31 Dec 2009! i have decided to return to work force in Jan'10.

hi suika & ann01jan
thkq for the welcome!

hi sperzz & dink,
when is the carter's sales? i went last dec w/ my bump & bought $100+ of clothing for my gal. its was really a good buy
.. i would love to go again if it doesnt clash w/ my trip on 19th.

My MIL say my gal is a small eater. so cannot have one bowl. To her 120ml is too too too Much liao. If give 100ml is bit much. She say 70ml-80ml is ok.
Porridge leh... enough meh?
If I feed her a bit of milk she will say too much liao later she will throw out.
she scared later my gal will become overweight. Ssay gal fat fat not nice.... -_-'''

Yap, I using rice cooker to cook porridge. But I find not so good. Cos sometime I take it for granted, forget to switch to keep it warm.. In the end, sometime the rice stick to the pot.
merc: hee didn't know its common, just that i was kinda surprised and thought its sweet of them to get older kids to make gifts for those young ones. Was not aware that its a norm among ifc.

Experienced or not i can't tell, just through my conversation with them i find them very enthusiastic.

One thing for sure, hee at least they speak good english. I am more particular about this.
Snow: But your girl is not fat fat what... tell your MIL when she start to walk, she'd lose weight one... cos become very active ma.. sekali become very skinny le...
NTUC diaper promotion fr 10-23 dec
Nepia pants/diaper - 2 for $28.95
Pet pet diaper (mega pack) - 2 for $32.75
Mammy poko - $21.45
drypers - 3 for $38.45
Pamper active baby value pack - 3 for $46.75
Pampe premium active baby (jumbo pack) - 2 for $46.75
NTUC diaper - 2 for $19.95

Huggies promotion(free mothercare suit worth $12 with every pack of Huggies NB or small size purchase.
Huggies NB (green pack - 24 pcs) - $6.45
Huggies small(44 pcs) - $12.45
Huggies dry (blue pack) - $16.95
Huggies jean pants pull up - $6.45

Other bb products
Jnj shampoo/soap/otion/power/wipes, kodomo brand, pigeon refill pack liquid cleanser($9.90), tollyjoy 900ml liquid cleanser, ($8.90), tollyjoy baby laundary/detergent 1000ml - $6.90, tollyjoy napikin ($17.90 per pack), NTUc brand wipes, 55g drapholene cream($9.65 per pck) , mamil gold, promil fm.
mercs: oh, ok.. sperzz i'll probably go with you to relive our good old days... so fast one year liao. haha. i'm gg to bring only $50 cash
mercsboy:ya lor.. keep procrastinating about the banner.. =P

blessedmum:u really quite patient.. for me.. i will boil everything in the morning (ikan bilis, fish/meat, one veg and rice)and throw in the magic pot.. at night,just heat up before feeding..
Ni: Happy birthday!

Suika: Thanks for the info, and effort to write down all

Daymoon: what kind of banner are you looking for?

Ermm what is SAHM again?
EMQ: regarding childrens bed time......my son is also a late night owl since birth! He usually gets to bed at midnight too....so I feel like a bad mother, but I feel better knowing that I'm not alone =p Wonder if its common here in sg? I am trying to get him earlier.....trying =p
Autumn: I'd like to think this is 'normal' in sg. My sisters kids are like that too... & worse (3am at times!) - cos they are all SAHM.

I do feel bad after reading all the guide on how much sleep children need & why they should be turning in at 8pm... but as a working mum, I do enjoy having that extra time with the kids, rather than they be sleeping by the time I get home from work...
Autumn, EmQ...

my gal sleep at 11pm but wakes up at 1am cos daddy return from work, play n bond w him till 3 or 4am! then she'll sleep for the next 10hrs, whine in her sleep for 2 feeds & wakes up 1+pm for porridge... i feel bad too & i tried forcing her to a proper sleeping order at 9 or 10pm but worst, she'll wake up at 12am & stay awake, mayb she misses her daddy & know tats the timing daddy comes home from work :p...

tat's y i said my gal's timing is haywired like us... but of cos i hope to cultivate a proper sleeping order for her, otherwise i will hv prob getting her to school in future.
morning mummies..

emq: same here, one hand wants kyler to zzz early, but the other hand wants to bond more with him...
attempt a couple of times to make him sleep early but tough leh.
only on saturdays if we playing mj, we will make him sleep at 10.15...

question, how long can i keep the porridge i cook in the thermal to keep warm ?

I was thinking if i cook the porridge in the afternoon, can i bring the porridge out and feed baby in the evening?
merc: Yeah have the same feeling, but still, i want him to have a proper routine.

Wa, you can still play mj on sat...envy envy, i no energy liaoz, cos my baby sleeps at 9pm every day and wakes up at 6. If i sleep late, the next day i will be a zombie...heehee this mummy needs at least 7 hours of sleep per day, if not she will be very tired the next day. So my baby sleeps at 9, i sleeps latest by 11pm. hee

Good Morning!!! TGIF!!!

mercs: u can try to off all the light and television, let him know is sleeping time, that works for Juvius...he also a night sleeper...
