(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

Jan: Ok la... then we both wait for 'happy accident' to happen lor... that would be my easiest way to convince HB to have #4... hahaha...

junemom...mi got it wif the gers in tis thread...if u are not customising can always try the party stores, they do have alot of cartoon characters banners...u can try balloon R us at turf city too...
Gelato the story is so touching made me want to go home to see my parents.

Annjan hmm I can't rem wat is good from Neo as I only ordered once from them. My usual caterer is cdcs but for Ashley first mth I wanted a change so took Neo. This time round for bday I intend to try another caterer
Gelato: That's a really good reminder for all of us. My Chinese CMI, but I tried to finish reading the whole story, I think it must be the longest Chinese text I've read since A levels! Hahaha...

I think it's not just our parents, but our children as well... how many times have we told them to wait cos we are busy?
hallo mummies, can u share what is your feeding routines for ur babies? The last time we shared was maybe about few mths ago. Want to check if Im doing things right for our babies coming to 12 mths.

Im doing 3 feeds a day, after Caleb wakes up in mornining and his morning and late afternoon naps cos he only bf when sleepy. So having trouble with him getting 600 ml of milk a day (I think his each bf is only about 150 ml). Now I break up have to resort to breaking up his one extra feed by expressing half a feed after his soilds lunch and dinner. Is that ok? Would really appreciate comments on ur sample feeding routines. Thanks!!
Sus: Yen's schedule is as follows:
7am - 90ml milk
9/10am - cereal or porridge
1pm - 120ml milk
4pm - 120ml milk
6pm - cereal or porridge
8pm - 120ml milk
11pm - 120ml milk

Wow, actually after putting it down, I realise she's taking less than 600ml. She snacks on biscuits as & when she sees us eating - this can be at our meal time (B/L/D) or when her sisters have their afternoon snacks.

I'm not sure if this is the 'correct' way to feed a child, but I believe the child will ask for more if he/she wants more. We never have problem getting #1 to eat, practically have to beg #2 to eat, thankfully, #3 falls somewhere in between...

I hope that helps.
Sus: The Bjorn is really a waste of money! Its only good for the first 6 months even then I started feeling the pain on my shoulders from 5th month. Can only carry baby for 20 mins then the ache starts! I prefer mim sling and I find the weight is better distributed, however not so fast to wear and can be hot.......

For now, I find that baby is more interested to sit up thus I thought its about time to get a new carrier.
With the boba and other soft structured carriers (like ergo, beco, boba etc) the weight is actually distributed over the shoulders and the waist, whereas the bjorn the weight is totally put on to the shoulders!
I actually find that its possible to breastfeed discreetly with the boba by simply loosing the waist belt slightly, and you can actually control how much weight is put on yr shoulders by adjusting how hight the waist belt sits on yr waist/hips......thus put higher on yr waist, theres hardly any weight on yr shoulders =)
morning everyone.. couldn't sleep anymore, so decided to wake up and fold clothes....

shyan's is as follow:
9am - 150ml milk
11am- porridge
2pm - 150ml milk
5pm - porridge
7pm - 180ml milk
9pm - 150ml milk (till next morning again...)

Total feed: 630ml

seems that her feeding gets closer as she moves on to the later part of the day.
Good Morning to all...

mgteo, EmQ, cheeyale : touching hor? & yes, it's a very good reminder for us to treasure our loved ones.

This fren of mine very good at digging out these touching stuffs fm the internet... few years back, he sent me a link to a story (in comics form)with "很爱很爱你”by 刘若英 as background music. wow... that 1 touches me too... & i still rem the story after so many years... =)
sus :

caden's feeding 'pattern' for weekdays
9am - 150ml milk
12nn - porridge
3pm - 150ml milk
6pm - rice with soup
9pm-6am - latches on as & when he likes

for saturdays, the 9am feed is replaced by latch on. on sundays, it's 2 cereals & latches on.
I m not sure how much is his milk intake, hv a feeling may not hit 600ml too, cos MIL say he doesn't finish his 150ml most of the time.
sus: kyler feeding routine

on weekdays
8am - 200ml BM
11am - Porridge
3pm - teabreak
5pm - 200ml BM
7pm - dinner (usually fast prepared food)
10.30pm - 200ml BM

but on weekends, i will give him some breakfast (bread, pancakes, biscuits etc) at 9.30am, and will cook his lunch & dinner at hm

but sometimes he cant finish 200ml, depends on his mood..
morning ladies

Aedan's feeding routine
7.30am: bread, rice cakes
9am: 200ml milk
12 noon: porridge/cereal
3pm: 200ml milk
6pm: porridge/cereal
8.30pm: 200ml milk

in between 12noon to 6pm, there will be yoghurt cheese, finger food, & more bread. he will come to us & nodd his head whenever he wants to eat or drink milk.
janjan : ya, he has been eating rice for a while already... at 1st when MIL told me, i was like "huh? can eat meh? can chew meh? can digest meh?".... hehe, my MIL say can then can lor.... haha... then i told myself "BLW oso done b4 liao, why cannot eat rice?"... hehe... i think Shyan can oso? she more power, ate ice cream b4... haha... =P

dink : wow! Aedan's so clever, knows how to ask for food. =)
morning mummies!!

on leave today to take care of K....godmum gg for her medical appt

Kevan's feeding routine
7.30am - 180ml
11am - porridge
3pm - 180ml
6pm - porridge
10pm - 180ml
3am - 180ml

his total intake abt 720ml

seems like Kevan's the only 1 waking up in the middle of the nite for feeding....haizzz still refuses to sleep thru now
dink: Aedan so clever will come to u n ask for food....Kevan used to say mum mum when he wants milk....but think he lazy no more hearing him saying mum mum now
gelato: rice with soup? what type of soup did u give? the soup we drink?

Aedan is a glutton! Loves to eat. I will show him the milk bottle & ask him if he wants milk, he will nodd his head. So yday I try out & ask him if he wants to 'oink oink', he nodd his head & crawl to his bed. Actually am quite amazed at the things babies can understand now.
suika: K's intake on milk is still quite good wor! dun worry, slowly he will wean himself off.

that is the result of being taken care by the grands. My mum always give him finger food & taught him a lot of 'tricks'.
Sus : Adler's feeding routine

7am : 180ml milk
11am : porridge
2pm : 180ml milk
5pm : porridge
7pm : 180ml milk
11pm : 180ml milk
3am : 180ml milk (sometimes)

in between, will give him biscuits, bread, cheese, fruits. Normally, he wan to eat if he see the bro eating.
sus: kyan's feeding schedule

7am- 200ml milk
10am - either cereals/pancakes/french toast/bread wif cheese
11am - 200ml milk
130pm - porridge
4pm - 200ml milk (sometimes he misses this dues to naps)
6pm - porridge
830pm - 200ml milk (till the next morning)

wau. kyan is sucha a milk boy loh. FM is costly!!!!
tink my son is a big eater:

his routine:

7am: 210ml milk
9.30pm: 210ml milk
12pm: porridge
2.30pm: 210ml milk
5.30pm: porridge
8pm: biscuit/bread
9pm: 210ml milk

he will wait at kitchen and look at his milk powder when he wants milk... if we ignore him, he will start rubbing eyes & pulling ears
hey sus, cayden's routine
somehow he has been cutting down on his milk intake leh

7am: 180ml milk (used to be 210ml. but now he wont want to finish it)
10: bread/ cheese/ apple (sometimes)
12pm: porridge (pork)
3pm: 210 ml milk
630pm: porridge (fish)
10pm : 180 ml milk

its weird as we tot he wld be hungry aft whole night of zz, but he cant finish his milk.. instead the tea feed, he can finish 210ml tho he had porridge for lunch
dink : yes, whatever is served for the family, but i told MIL not to add seasoning... no salt, no sauce, no msg... if my MIL wants to add, then she'll scoop out the portion for the boys (my #2 & #3) b4 adding.

blessedmum : i think all my 3 kids are like that too... they hv smaller appetite in the morning.
Sus: I think V is like C ... Dun like milk, prefers solids

latch till morning
lunch: porridge/pasta/ whole bananA n bread
tea: fruits/ bread
dinner: cereal/ veg n fruits
b4 sleep: 120ml of Fm

as u can see no milk
bopian coz that 120 is oredi a war everynite... Though she is still bf on demand provided I'm with her, sometimes I do taitai things she dun drink milk whole day untili come bac as everyone tried giving her FM but fail... Waste money , so rather feed her solids

by the timei stop bf-ing and she still dun wan milk ,pd says give pedisure... Think states have.. It's a all everything milk...
flo, Ashley also hates milk. But she likes to try different food, always sticking out her tongue when she sees us eat. what bread do you give V? Plain?

ni, the bread and cheese is using cheese spread or laughing cow?

Now I have a problem with Ashton's breakfast. He refused all breakfast items except yoghurt. He only wants to eat bee hoon and the asian breakfast stuff, exactly like the father. Dun know wat to feed him already

I have finally settled the balloons. One item down!
cherry: i use laughing cow cheese... sometimes, with ham and even tomato flavour. so far no allergies.. heehe. actually i even gave him adult cake to eat, so i think he shld be ok with eggs. cos i want him to be able to eat his own bday cake by Jan. haha..

which supplier u using for balloons???
cherryale: i give cedele bread.. every type all... brioche to orange bread etc... she like ALL .. i buy ask them to cut then i freeze it for home... i can eat too!

the bread is a little sweet than plain bread.. but i checked with PD, she said if i wan to control what salt what sugar, bb biscuits are the worst. so i relented, rules relaxed a little now lor...
Flo/cherryale: So Im not alone! C loves his solids but difficult to get him to drink by latch or bottle too! The only way I can get him to drink more milk apart from when he is sleepy is by spoonfeeding him.. arrghh.. but I bought a squirt feeder that can squirt milk quite fast into his mouth.

Blessedmum/dink/ni/mummies who give bread: will babies choke on it? do you cut into small pieces?

My schedule is as follows:
8-9am: Latch
1130am: Short latch + lunch + top up with expressed milk (80ml)
3pm(often skip when out): apple juice or biscuits
5pm: Latch + dinner + top up with expressed milk
Then usually before bed time will try to offer milk but he will refuse lor!

I see most of you havent started breakfast. When you all intend to start 3 meals? thanks!
i dun think i will ever do breakfast for she wakes up late...

bread: i will pinch n feed her.. i fed her pizza too, remove the cheese and she can finish 1 thin crust slice... soon she can eat our food liaoz haha

yes i agree on the milk part.. sigh... but i guess some bbs are like that...
swan: your son not a big eater, my son drinks 210ml too...

6am - 210ml FM
9am - 210ml BM
12pm - porridge
3pm - 210ml BM/FM
6pm - porridge
9pm - 210ml FM

in between, give breads, biscuit, fruits...
question: i have been doing fish porridge .. i steam one.. who do chix liaoz? how? minced? i wanna do shredded one like cantonese porridge but i have no freaking idea how to do it??
flo : my MIL did chix porridge for caden liao. She bought "ji niu rou" fm the market... according to her, that part of the chix is softer... but pls dun ask me what's "ji niu rou"... cos' i hv no idea what isit, & my MIL doesn't know english... hehe... i think she mince it, i'll ask her. If you want to do shredded ones, i think u can steam 1st then use ur fingers to tear? i dun belong to the kitchen, but i rem helping my MIL tear the chicken b4... hehe...
willting: yes...still can full bf..still enough leh...but i did give him once a week FM...
reducing soon le...so fast one year le..
juvius turning 1 soon...time flies...

flo: i gave chix already...minced chix that i bought from supermarket...u can also steam the chix ah...then just shred it...
but i think no taste la...i used stock to cook the porridge then i dump shredded chix into it.
anyhow one...so far no rejection la. siao siao one...
chix provided by my MIL...think she want to provide all kyler food...
flo: you no need to steam the fish and cook porridge separately, can cook together..

mercs: i have reduced to 2 pumps per day, this sat turning 1, haha...
mercs: ya loh u power leh. still bf-ing. i stop at 11 months. cannot liao.

flo: u can get the butcher to mince the meat for u de. they have a machine to do that..
jd's feeding schedule:
upon waking: 240ml FM
11-12nn: cereal/fish or chix porridge
3-4pm: 240ml FM
6-7pm: cereal/fish or chix porridge
10pm: 240ml FM
flo: oh...i cook the fish together with porridge leh...i never separate. only if i wanna add vege i will add when i wanna feed...

willting: ya going to reduce liao...tot might just finish up 2009 ba...2010 then stop..diff of few days only..

ni: i tot might as well tahan lor...2 more weeks only kyler will turn 1 yr old ma...
i mean i steam porridge... my mother teach one ... she say i so silly to cook over fire add add so much water then scared dry up or burn.. so now i use a soup bowl put rice water 5 slices of fish and 1 carrot or veg and steam.. by the time i shower she shower porridge ready liaoz.. damn smooth!

mercs/ni/willting/gelato: no need to use kampong chix?
sel: i "scrap" the apple and feed direct...
but i still steam some veg and store in freezer..that is for me to use during weekdays nite time...cos dont have time to cook ma, need chop chop one. then sometimes i give rice with the steam vege or pasta or cereal...depends

flo: i mix mix...nowadays very hard to stick to "good" food. i mean like we try our very best to provide them the best food at home, but eventually when they are out, they will still be exposed to those "lower" grade food...
so i mix la...if have i give kampong eggs, if run out, i give normal eggs. if i got go market, i buy kampong chix, if dont have, i just give whatever..
