(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

suika: what was the topic at pizza hut? haha.. ya of cos i rem the sale! and the 2 piece set! kyan already started wearing them yday! it is meant for 18 months!!!

jan: if not wrong i spent $76 like that....still rems who's the 'BANK' that day? hahaha

ni: can wear liao? hmm....think i oso can take out let Kevan try liao....he juz started wear t-shirt oni coz now sleeping in cot liao not so worried he turn n turn like 'worm' inside the yao yao
Jan: I'm off for about 3 weeks, then gotta go back to work after my trip. So trying to make full use of time at home with kids for now.

Mon, we lazed home, I was settling my trip, reading up, etc., then brought #2 grocery shopping in the evening.

Tue, I brought #1 marketing, & my sis & nephew came for a swim. The kids were in the pool all afternoon.

Wed, I brought #2 out for awhile then we went for my dad's birthday dinner in the evenung.

Yesterday was zoo... today chilling out, cos raining. Wanted to teach #1 cross stitch but the 2 lil ones got up from their nap. Then #1 says she wants to learn her ting xie (P1 revision)...

Quite a fulfilling week for me... tiring but I love hanging out with the kids...
Hi ladies, how is everyone? Hope all are happy and healthy.

Just a little update from me - lil Ryan is doing well, getting more vocal and expressive, and he is a real bundle of energy. Every night he outlasts me and hubby - we are nodding off while he is still playing enthusiastically. He says 'MaMa' very often now which makes me very happy of course!

We are looking forward to our first Christmas. What about you all? Any interesting Christmas plans?
suika, ni: ya ya.. we had so much fun then. i still remember i brought out $100 cash.. then end up still got alot of balance cos hardly buy.

u all end up no enough money meh? i didn't know abt that. lol.. i only know u all complain nothing to buy for boys everything ask me to buy cos so many girl things so cute. end up, u all big packet small packet.. many more packets than me. so fun then . then we talk abt our hot topic.. which is still hot between me and suika. hor, suika.. *wink wink*

and guess wat? i just return from my trip to taka. feel like buying sk2 leh.. but cannot bear to part with the $$. so in the end i go watson buy lotsa pads. come back realise they over charge me for one PWP item $4.95. hai... lazy to go back there to ask for refund liao.
jan: i oni got abt $50 in my wallet....hahaha still rem when paying i've to get $ from u girls :p

rem the scene where mummies gathering outside w piles of clothes n we eyeing on them waiting for them to reject the goods

ya ya the 'HOT' topic
hi mummies

i am from feb thread. I read in this thread before that some of you ordered personalised banners for your babies' birthday.

Would u like to share where to get it done pls? I am trying to find a barney banner with my boy's name. Pm me pls....

thanks a lot!
hi ladies, jus came back from doc.
crystal also kana the roseola infantum.her fever was very high for 2 days,now her body full of rashes.doc says this is air-born virus,rashes will persist for 4 days or so.
txs to puppylove and others who highlighted abt this virus,

e rest pls take care
Hi mummies!

Just popped in to say hello and happy holidays to all! Ryan who is turning 11 mths old finally has a tooth coming out and just started to walk a few steps today!

EmQ, do you know what time queenstown library has story telling sessions? You stay around there? I stay in Strathmore Ave, always bring my kids to the library....but never knew they have story telling sessions! :/
Hey ladies! I am so happy and have to share for those of you looking to buy the next baby carrier!
Dazed: You mentioned looking to get another one right...

I just got the BOBA organic carrier from Novena. Cost only $169.90 as compared to Beco which is $250!

Its lovely to touch as its much smoother and it can take till 4 or 5 yr old on back or front! Love love love! Tried my 4 almost 5 yr old 16kg boy in it, and he said it was amazing! It even comes with foot rest to keep leg at 90 degree!!!! I am so glad the lady at baby slings showed this to me =p Its not as bulky as ergo and even beco! Only that its not intended for infants as meant for 7kg - 20kg....can go check it out =)
angel: I'm not that near Queenstown lib, but that is probably the nearest to me already. I did not get to go down today & no, not sure when the story telling sessions are. But Queenstown is an aging estate & its lib attendance is going down, so dun think they have frequent story telling sessions, but there should at least be one every week ba.
Autumn: Where in Novena is that? I'm going to Velocity on Sun. Would love to check it out... HB is dead against getting another carrier... but let me see if I can convince him...

Awhile ago, he reiterated that NO MORE kids...

I was craddling Yen & soothing her, then commented that she's so cute, but getting too long to cuddle liao. Her legs were sticking out & can no longer craddle like a small baby liao.. how nice if we have another baby... but HB says, white flag, no more... so sad... I miss those lil baby days... esp now, looking at my lil niece's photos.. & her in my gals' old clothes... sigh... used to see those clothes only on my gals...
Piyo: Its made in USA. Think its only just entering the market in Sg as Baby Slings & Carriers havent even added it in their webpage. As its 100% organic.....its so nice to touch unlike ergo and patapum.....I felt the rest was either more bulky, thick or rough, this ones nice, soft, smooth and light=)

EMQ: Its in Novena SQ 2 #01-56. For you still can make good use as can carry Bell and Yen! I even manage to order mee hoon kuey with baby ash on my back with this. Coz I cant leave her alone with my son at e table....plus front carrier like so dangerous to carry the soup stuff! I am so so happy with this carrier and think will sell off the rest =p
autumn...i see..cos the last when im there, they are introducing this very popular carrier from germany which apparently is always OOS and it's organic too!
Autumn: Cool! But I won't bother selling off my other carriers even if I end up getting this... my faithful sarong has been with me for a decade (got it before I got married) & my H carrier is quite nice too...
piyo: I think that is the manduca carrier! Also soft structure type. I had a look at that but i think its meant for cold countries as its very thick and bulky. Somehow not as soft too.
Must say though that Boba only has about 5 colours, thus not as fanciful as compared to beco.
EMQ: Actually I think I will keep my MIM sling too just incase I have a 3rd, as the BOBA is not meant for babies under 9 months....thus MIM is still uselful also for when I need to wash the BOBA;)
EmQ/piyo if any of you keen to get, I can pass you my privilege card so you can get 10% off the price ;) I dun have anyone else to pass too so don want to waste....must use within 6 months.
Autumn: Looks comfy, but dun like the way the legs will place le... kind of ka kwee kwee... not nice for girls le... opsy...

Hahaha... yup agree, I think MIM is most versatile... can also use when breastfeeding.

Ok, will try to take a look this Sun. If I'm getting will pick up discount card from you as I'll be going again next Tue - sending Ben for the ice skating sessions.
ashley: hi there, I may be going to your IFC soon cos I intend to put my baby there for childcare from 18 mths, will you be doing so ? I'm working nearby too... wink wink...
autumnleaf: thanks for the recommendation. the carrier looks really good even from the pics. i'm going to check out too. a very good alternative to beco.

think emq's concern is true too, not too nice for girls..er..thinking if i have a girl next time. keke...

will check it out. thanks!
I juz went for a play, Jungle book with Damien. Got free tix by mumcentre. Damien really enjoy it. EMQ u can consider to bring ur 2 elder gals to the play. It funny n nice
i got the boba too... hb says get it... i think cos of price... but i must say it's quite comfy and light weight.
<font color="blue">hi mummies,
sorry to intrude.. i am organising preorder for Kate Spade Classic Noel Collection..and some other models..pls pm me if u are interested.. thanks.. </font>
Dazed: Got it liao? Good for you... my HB dun even want to look at it, he insists that no matter how good the carrier is, the child's weight has gotta to be carried... diongz... sianz...

I want to dump kids to him manz, but they just stay stuck to me! Today, I had to carry both #2 &amp; #3 at the same time! #3 was in the carrier &amp; #2 just my hands.. thankfully there's a carrier, otherwise, I'd have dropped either one of them! Imagine for a good part of the day, I had close to 20kg load... want to peng sang already....
u all still using carriers ah, the boba canfit till how old?

shyan has long outgrown her mothercare carrier. sometimes i still use the mim sling tho
Jan: Yes, my carriers are must haves when I go out. It's the only way to go hands free! So I can carry #3 &amp; still hold on to #2, &amp; sometimes #1 as well.

I prefer the X carrier as I find the weight more distributed compared to the sling. However, sling is better when I need to feed milk, cos it's more versatile - bb can lie down comfortably.

My maid also uses the sling to carry #3 when both babies are asleep (cos we usually bring only 1 stroller out).
sus, you about same height as me lah. should be quite ok. thot your x-sling should be still ok?

jan, no sling cannot lah, arms will break! esp when 1 person go out, dif to handle stroller.
dazed: thx! I use x-sling a lot in the states now. But he is getting heavy. I altered my x-sling by 3 inches leh. Is the BOBA like x-sling in length?
dazed: i see.. i not used to using sling leh. see u all use like very good to use like that. i also wanna try. but i scared i 5min heat type. use a few times dowan to use liao. nowadays we use stroller wor. i go out alone also stroller. if with hubby will use honk honk to replace stroller
jan, unless my dad or hb driving or purely mrt trip, otherwise, strollers are not the most convenient. imagine if you need to get up a bus, or even taxi esp if you meet some cha tao drivers who will not help. even with stroller, i also will bring sling, cos jh may not sit quietly, esp if it's a long day.
dazed: ya lor. thats why whenever i go out alone with shyan i never take bus or taxi. i always make sure the place i need to go is accessible by mrt.
Sus: BOBA has adjustable straps, so should be able to fit all different sizes. I tried it today &amp; it's really very comfortable. But I doubt HB will want to get it.

BOBA is more for toddler stage. Was told 1-4yo. Must be min 7kg (up till 20kg). It is broad but not too long &amp; has a foot strap for the taller child to rest their feet (so they can sit more comfortably). Our 11mth will not be able to make use of the foot rest right now.

I think it's great for the following:
1. parents who are out alone alot with the baby/toddler.
2. big babies (heavy to carry)
3. babies who want to be carried all the time

HB's concern is BOBA would be ok for #3 but not for #2. Cause #2 does not like to be 'wrapped up' when awake &amp; when she's asleep, does not make sense to carry her (since she's the heavier of the 2).

I tend to have helpers when I bring both babies out. &amp; my kids are not the heavy weight kind...

We also rather not carry them when they reach a certain age, so we usually tell them to either walk or get in the stroller.

So, kind of difficult to convince HB to get it... in fact, it took me awhile to convince him to get the X carrier...
dazed/emQ: thanks! we like to go hiking so we are looking for a carrier that can do back carry as well. Min 7 kg, Caleb almost 10 kg so can also use already right? X carrier is cheap but this one more ex., must make sure fits well if not wasted. Hee quite interested.. now lets see wat my hubby says =p
Sus: One thing to note - when Caleb gets taller, will not be able to nap comfortably in it.

Right now, #3 at 72cm, her head pops just above the cloth, so her neck is support to some extend &amp; she can still nap in it.

For #2 at 88cm, the cloth ends under her arm pits, which means the entire neck if above &amp; as she was sleeping when we tried on the carrier, her entire head was slagging off - there is no support at all.

So, if you are out hiking all day, that may be a concern.

For the X carrier, I am able to adjust such that bb's head is supported by either of the top strap when she naps. Of course with the sarong, we can change bb to a sleeping position, just that weight distribution is not as ideal.

In any case, the lady said we should not be carrying babies when they get too heavy... hmmm...

Perhaps you might want to check if there is any local shop that you can avail yourself with a BOBA to try out before actually purchasing it.

just found out that Jojo no longer do cartoon banners. now her link is left with only 22 samples. luckily most of us got our character banners liao :D
