(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

Samval > i'm also at 16weeks plus and my last wed gynae visit measured baby at 9.5cm

Fiona & Samval > supplements does make a difference.i dun used to believe in supplements.However after trying for some time,it did build up my immune system.

my cousin have been giving her kids "kids supplements", her children seldom fall sick since young.
u gals shld try.

fiona : i've started giving my girl vitamins.
it did build her immune system better now.
cos my girl every week will fall sick one.
now not so frequent already.
gelato: i din get that, bought something slightly different... waiting for it to be delivered to me... http://www.brites.com.au/

this thread sure moves fast!

think the boys from this month will prob end up doing ns together... haha...

Ni, think mine is about the same as yours, but top part bigger than lower... hehe...

just wondering if we'll get stretch marks on our breast too?
Jersherm (jersherm)
keke...ya hor,u are sharp... i measured that length while i was in primary school i think.
shold be in "mm" ?? or 11.4cm keke...

*hi5* samval
congrats to you too!! happy siah... got a boy boy with 2 sisters preaching him in future,you need no worries ler...

aiyo,talking abt immune system...
dunno how come my younger one got cough and phelgm all of a sudden. the brother until now still got cough and phelgm. on medi for 2weeks still not recovered.stop intake of beans,eggs already still like this... very very sad.
wat supplements you gals giving your kids??
I'm a believer of supplements too and my boy is taking Animal Parade Liquid. (http://www.naturesplus.com/products/category.asp?criteria=category&category=12)

When he catches a cold (3 times in his life so far), I switch the Animal Parade Liquid for Sambucol. (http://www.sambucol.com/index.cfm?id=503)

Pvl, ooooooh, you remember me despite my short stay on the Feb07 thread! I feel so honoured! I disappeared because the thread was moving too fast for me to keep up with...I still remember at that time it was around weaning time so lots of questions were being thrown about on how to wean, etc and most of us were first time mothers too.
JS: me also giving sambucol now....just started so will see if it works for them as need to build up the immune system. the shop assistant was telling me that it is very very popular in the market.

babystarlet: i see. so 9cm plus around there is normal lor
what supplements u give your kids?

sus: really ah? but gynae still measuring by length leh. no say how many gm. funny..

mercs: close shop ah? haha, actually we were thinking of closing shop at 4! but must see how first. if everything goes well then we will stop at 4.
Hi Rachel, pls update me to the list:
EDD: 2 Jan, Gender: Girl, Child #: 1, Hospital: Mt A, Gynae: Dr Douglas Ong

Hi sus, hi5* & cheekygal, we're seeing the same gynae. My detail scan is on 8 Sep at Mt E. Just went for my checkup last tue, bb is 250g at 19+ weeks
close shop at 4.. u are my idol la.. dun think i can handle 4... think my target is 2... lol.. btw, my gal measured a5 10.07cm @ 15wk6days.
Thanks girls.. i will go n buy tml.. i dun knoe my gal measured how much lei.. maybe this friday go detail scan den see..
Hi NY - hi5! cool... more of the same gynae.. maybe only our gynae measures weight?
your detail scan is for 6 months? take care!
Waaaaaaaaah, you are aiming for 4! I'm already trying to psycho the husband to go for a vasectomy after this second one...
Samval > ya,4mths is around that cm ba.i'm taking usana supplements.for kids that are for 12yrs old and below,they can take the kids supplements : usanimals (multi-vit)
Someone mentioned something abt flat/short nipples a few days ago... saw that mendela and avent has this gadget to wear during pregnency & b4 bf to "pull" out the nipple, supposed to help inverted and/or flat nipples. They have different names for it, think mendela's one is called nipplette.

gelato the waist bandit thingy is also called a belly belt. Can buy from mothercare $32 - slightly more ex than Moms in Mind but comes with 3 panels (white, black & blue), 2 button extensions and 2 hook extensions. I've been using it. My only complaint is that the smallest hook extension is still too large for me so currently I can only extend my button bottoms. And I dun have many tops that are long enuff to cover the zip area (cuz can see that it's not zipped properly) so had to go shopping for more tops.

babystarlet i'm thinking of getting breast pumps but not decided btwn avent and mendela and also the dual or single ones.. hubby got a shock at the prices.. lol

fiona do ur kids take supps / enuff fruits & vegs? Yah, the HFM virus gg round does sound scary..

privileged u can try mixing 50% warm water with 50% orange juice to help constipation, doesn't taste very gd but works on me before.

2boys mum cognrats on ur gal.. must be nice to have a princess after 2 princes

rachel my gyne is Dr Kee Wei Heong, can update for me? thanks!

samval congrats too! Last visit @ 17 wks, my gyne stopped measuring bb's length liao, he said length won't be accurate in 2nd trimester onwards already cuz usually the bb is curled up. Instead will monitor growth by measuring head circumference and later stage, length of thigh bone. Head circumference was 3.9cm but dunno how much growth cuz this is the first time he measured it.

dazed yup, breasts aren't spared from stretch marks either... been faithfully applying stretchmark cream.. i dun need more to add to my collection!

Went for tour at MtA and TMC on Sat... very impressed with the Premier Rooms at TMC but it's way too expensive, almost 2x more ex than the usual rooms which were ok but felt that generally TMC is more cramped. Hubby preferred Mt A.. me not decided yet.. Did anyone see the normal rooms at Mt A? We only got to see the family suite cuz all the rest of the rooms were occupied. The suite is nice lah.. but i dunno if the 1-bedder will be just as nice, minus the extra space.
ya.. my children eat fruits n vegs.. but my son abit picky la.. he only like to eat fruits.. the vegs must cook with porriage den he dun knoe.. my daughter ok.. she eat wad i give..
de_luxe > u may wan to reconsider abt the breast pumps,i heard my colleague says medela needs to change the valve and membrane quite often and think is not cheap
Talking abt pumps, I was comparing medela and philips avent and found the main difference and warranty

Medela mini electric plus ($306+):
Battery or electric mains
Warranty- 1 yr for the twin pumps

Philips Avent iq duo ($799+):
Battery or electric or manual pump
Warranty- 2 yr

Anyone has anything to add that I've missed?

I think the philips avent is better because there's a combo of manual or electric but the price is scary. Maybe will consider the medela one, half the price just because there's no manual pump and shorter warranty period.
morning ladies,
last nite was coughing whole nite so din quite sleep well. i ask my gynae for cough mixture and she refuse to give. ask me to take my kids' cough mixture wor. whenever i cough now or put some strain, i can feel my left side of my tummy painful. anyone feel like this?
heard that the rally last nite no mention anything abt maternity benefits leh. anyone knows? dont forget to watch the eng telecast tonite at 8pm..
samval: good morning, ya...last night was chinese & malay & i think PM smart la...if he said everything last nite, tonight no one will watch liao.... so gotta wait for tonight 8pm lor...ya...whenever i sneeze or cough too hard, my left side will hurt too....
morning Zill: issit? i tot if it is in Malay or Chinese, the speech shld be the same? no meh? hmm...anyway cant wait for the benefits to be announced (if any). oh you also have pain on the left side? issit somewhere about 3 inches below the breast that side? sometimes very pain leh.

anyone knows can do rebonding?
samval: i tot too but when i watched, he didn't mention anything muchin all aspects leh...just briefly nia..tonight is the detailed one...i also very very excited....mine is just above my pelvic bone....

i heard rebonding can do after 3mths leh...i also wanna go do but scared the chemical smell liao no good leh...
Zill: i see. ya very excited. tonite must watch. i forgot to ask my gynae if can do rebonding or not. so i just dropped her an email. once she reply, i will let you know too
jia you!
ya. i was watching the malay/chinese telecast of the national day rally... just when the PM lee talking abt maternity and low birth rate, den alas... table tennis.. grrr... anyway SG LOST! kinda expected...
yest heard a very bad news from my gd friend, her husband got pancrea cancen, is the advanced stage and approx 6-9 mths left only. I dunno how to console my friend, both her kids r still very young only 5 and 2 yrs old.....Life is really unpredictable...
Zill: no problem. we can share info

ladies, i'm having headache again today. hate it, especially when it gets too painful and i have to pop med... aldy taking so many med..
sperzz: OMG! you mean 6-9 mmonths left to live only? so sad so sad
sob sob... i feel very bad and sad to hear all these..
samval: ya he only left 6-9mths to live.....I really feel very sad n lost...I had known him for over 10yrs and he is a very loving and caring husband/father....Y all this must happen.......
Wow, i din login for a day, already so many posts to catch up... :D

Priviledged : I hv been suffering fm constipation too, i think it might be due to the supplements that we're taking. What i do is i try to eat lotsa fruits after my lunch (try not to eat after dinner, cause can get fat easily due to sugar retention). I oso subsitute some meals with salads. Drink lotsa sky juice too. Hope it works for u.

2boys_mum & Samval : Congrats! It's nice to hv kids of different gender - makes our parenting experience more exciting... =)

Samval: My baby measured at 107mm last Monday (abt 15+ to 16 weeks then).

dazed: Thanks for the info. How much did u pay for that, including shipping?

de_luxe : Thanks, i went to Mothercare last weekend but din see, maybe i shld try again...

daddy_to_be : breast pump is very individual 1 lor... I tried a few brands (both manual & electric), in the end i only like Avent manual. Normally i'll advise my frens not to buy pumps 1st. If possible, try to borrow fm frens or hospital to try out different brands b4 deciding which is more comforable - then invest. Of course, that can only be done aft ur wifey delivers.

Personally, Avent manual works best for me - easier to hv letdown. But some of my fens swear by Medela Electric. 1 of my colleague bought Avent (the electric 1) - in the end she say she got more milk going manual... since diff pple hv diff verdict, it's better to try 1st... =)

mummies : i give my kids "Colostrum" fm GNC. The GP says it's very good, but i've been lazy - sometimes give, sometimes dun give - so dunno really that good or not... =)
sperzz : so sad to hear the bad news... BTW, during my recent trip to Taiwan, we were being introduced to "Lingzhi" (TCM). The pple there told us Dong Fang Billy took that, together with treatment fm the hospital - he recovered fm his cancer. They oso say Anita Mui took that to prolong her life. I dunno how true.. but if ur fren is interested - i can go & look for the website addy...
sperzz: that's very sad. your GF needs to be very strong to overcome all these. now is the time for her to get prepared...its very tough... thanks for sharing. it makes us realize never take things/spouses/kids/parents for granted. anything can happen anytime/anywhere.

can i ask those who did triple test how long you need to wait for the results? my gynae told me 1 week, but the counter staff told me 3 weeks. confused. now my neck long long.

me just pop 2 panadol...cannot take it...
Morning All,

This is going real fast over the weekends...too bad i was busy with work n sun needed rest so no time to login here

Samval: the cough mixture i've got is Dhasedyl Syr it's given by my GP n he says it's safe to take
gelato: can u help me to look up the web to find more info on the Lingzhi. Wat I can do now is to provide more info to prolong his life. But I also heard that actually all the bu actually is helping the cancer to spread instead of curing, dunno how true?
fiona:u can try this method to get yr gal to eat medicine...it works for my gal... whenever feeding her medicine, i will put a small M&M sweets after pouring the medicine on the spoon & she will finish up her medicine..
spezz : sure, i'll look for it & let u know. I'm not sure abt all these medical stuffs too, maybe can chk with both the doc & chinese physician? If i m not wrong, Raffles Hospital hv a TCM dept, i m not sure if other hospitals hv that too?
sus: Yup, I'm doing my detail scan at ard 6 months by then. Not too sure why this arrangement though. When's ur next visit? I usually go to the Ten Mile clinic, but the next 2 visits will be at Mt E for the detail scan and the glucose test.

DaddyToBe: My friend swears by the Avent iq duo ($799) breast pump but the price in spore is ridiculous. I saw some on ebay going at USD300. Maybe ordering online or getting friends to buy from the States.
NY: i heard from my friend that KK is selling at a cheaper price....i'm not sure if they carries this model anot but if u got time can go take a look.....my colleagues says manual pump outside selling abt $90 n KK oni selling $50+ that's alot of difference
gelato: I feel breast pumps are very personal equipt so borrowing from others may not be very nice leh. I do hear that the parts on the pump can be replaced for individual users but I'm not sure what are those parts

NY: Yah I saw from ebay that some are going for SGD$499 but I'm concern about how the warranty works for the pump; whether warranty is done online or have to fill up a form and produce receipt as proof of purchase in which the latter would not be possible if purchase is done via ebay.
Samval, I have coughing too. After 1 week of fighting the cough and sore throat without medicine, i failed and it got worse developing into running nose and fever. I finally went to see my doc. Was given antibiotic, paracetamol, cough syrup and dexchlorpheniramine for running nose. Feel much better after taking the medicine. Doc said these medicine are safe to be used during pregnancy.
When i cough, i try to curl up my body, so that it does not hurt so much at the tummy muscle (just above the pubic bone).
thanks gelato for sharing....=)

daddytobe...u might wish to consider ordering breast pump onlin esp from USA cos even wif shipping...there's quite a significant amount of saving...the cons would be no warranty and u have to get adapter at about 30+ locally....

confinement....spoke to my mum yest and she's rather pleased and excited to help with my confinement as she's excitedly asking my aunts for recipes to cook ke...but im just worried dat it will tired her out since she has to work too....detailed have not been worked out since it's another 5 mths away...
Anyone got recommendation for stroller and infant car seat? We went to the Taka baby fair, but were really confused as of which type and brand to choose. Most of them are very expensive too.
KIm...the last trip I went...saw safety 1st car seat for infant onwards selling at very good price...overheard dat stock flying off the shelf cos it only cost abt $99 if I saw it correctly...

Wow, so sorry to hear about your friend's hb. It's really scary for that to happen.
I know someone who was diagnosed with Stage 4 nose cancer 5 years ago. In essence, a cure was just about impossible. He immediately went on a lingzhi + organic + vegetarian diet, and his cancer progressed so slowly after that, that he's still alive today. Of course, the cancer was not cured, and it has since gone to his lungs. But earlier this year the relapse was bad and he was not expected to last beyond May. But the hospice nurses say now that they are surprised that the cancer grows so slowly and he is still well enough to write books.
