(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

Merc: Hmm i still hang my diaper bag together with all my ebm on my stroller. Even without baby its stable.

Mommies, best is to buy strollers with baby facing you, i seen this on the news: research has shown that babies will feel safer seeing familiar faces around and is better for their development.
sus : i m waiting for the 'golden handshake'. hehe... heard that many employees will be affected tis time.

nova : my baby! he scratches his whole face. Does Caleb scratches the same ear every time? & does he do it all the time? I think it's alright, but if you're concerned, can chk with the PD - juz to rule out ear infection.

BTW, my older boy (oso Caleb) used to scratch his ear too. for his case, it's mild eczema.
junemom: What's your idea of too long? Jon takes a few naps throughout the day. The longest being the one after his 1st feed @ 7am. Can be anything from 1-2 hours. He usually takes another 1 hour nap after the 2nd feed and a shorter one in the later part of the afternoon. He used to be in bed by 730-8pm. But recently his routine's kinda screwed up for some reason.
dazed: i think there r pple looking for 2nd hand "s", so it is an investment!

ange: hope u find one soon.

ashley: yup, it's true to have strollers facing u. mine is reversible

junemom: i won't wake bb up cos then i'll have time to do my own things! but when he does wake up, he'll be super hungry
ange: I see.. I used to do totally the same things with Caleb, incl chores and coffee during his nap too! hehe! but I take him for walks and out for lunch everyday. u cook? but recently i find ot a bit quiet so am getting my parents to come over more..
mersboy/sperzz:u gals also face the same problem when in reversed position for the capella?at first thought it was just my one got problem.i think when my boy is bigger,will use the forward position more.

novakido:scratching ears is a sign for babies when they are sleepy. my boy does it when he want to zzz and even my 16 month old nephew does that too.
precious_bb > ya,me going to the gathering,tink borrow u guys and try,txs.

bumbo seat > txs for all replies,shall try during gathering 1st ba.

ni > txs for the trouble.u gt my number right

gelato > i tink tis depends on individual companies ba.usually they pro-rated 1.
me also feel thirsy easily,so i drink lots of water.

blessedmum > where is whiteroom studio?tht's cheap.
Sus: I order tingkat for lunch and hubby packs food back from the in laws' for dinner, else sometimes we just order delivery. But am getting sick of tingkat, so have to think about how I can settle lunch. For now, the best I can do is double boil soup. :p But one day I hope to cook. Hehe It's nice if your parents can come over more. Would give you some relief and spend time with Caleb too.
ophe...bb Z love to scratch his ear as well but for him his fav is right ear...initially we thot it's bcos of his hair tickling him but apparently now he's still doing it...he can appear to be 'digging' his ear at times....

and yes im badly stung by d Bee....poison remain for way too long..wonder if any antidote is avail...haha
sus i go out quite a bit with my frens for lunch get used to bringing bb out on my own hehe... i like to get him used to sitting in the car seat alone behind lor... so that it is easier for me to drive, also get him used to sleeping everywhere haha... car seat, restaurants... but if we are at home, when napping i nap along or do housework... like ange, when he is up, play games, watch, go for short walks... sing songs, etc

junemom, sometimes my boy can sleep up till 3hr max but i never wake him up, he still goes to sleep on time in the night. unless your bb have night sleep problems then dun let them sleep too long, max nap time is 3hrs... i thk

ashley hehe thk my bb like me piggy!!! he sleeps quite a lot!

gelato, caleb scratches his ear only! and the same ear!!! habit you think? yest scratch until bleed haiya!
Novakido: It's nice that your baby can nap everywhere! Jon would like fall asleep in the stroller when he's really tired.. but he'll be up soon enough in like 10-15 mins.
ange...are they 'innovative' wif their choice of food variety...we have been wif Kim's Kitchen for more than a year till recently they start using cheapo ingredients and repeat the same old dishes so frequently...

im thinking of trying out Lexin or Jiale...
yeah..i also got alignment problem with the capella lor...but i noticed if dont use reversible, wont have this problem...from what i know when reversible...it is very lightweight and not so stable..

ashley: not true for my case...my boy like to look at the environment when he is outside...so face which side also ok...and he super friendly...ppl talk to him only he smile..

gelato: yeah..me me...i always thirsty one....can drink lots of water lor..and still feel thirsty...but output to toilet not alot leh..
Ange, ya lor my boy cannot sleep too long outside esp afternoon maximum is 45mins i thk but at night if we bring him out he can last up till 2 to 3hrs!!!

Serene, you ordering tingkat ah? How is it like?
mummies, any recomendations for potty for babies? Should i get a normal one that cost a few bucks or those with certain features that can cost up to $60 ??
piyobaby: kims kitchen food not nice one...i ever ordered their buffet before...not nice...
le xin i think their food is nice...esp the curry chix, but miaiko said not nice...depends i think...

chere: i bought those 5-in-1 potty at the motherhood fair, got handle, can use with toilet bowl..only $23.90 leh...combi one is overpriced i think...
Piyo: They're quite ok. Been using them since March. But I'm kinda sick of eating 'home cooking' kinda food all the time esp since we're packing dinner from the in laws' also. Happy with a home made sandwhich for lunch. But it means I gota do my grocery shopping more regularly. :p

Chere: I use those normal plastic potty for Jon and he poops fine in it. In fact, my mum kept this since my brother's time. Hahaha
hmm.. my baby can be super lazy if don't wake him can sleep long during daytime.. then i scare he will keep waking at night.
so far i limit his sleep 1hour in the morning, and 2.5hours in the afternoon, and 30mins about 4-5pm. then he sleep from 7pm to 6/7am, waking ard 3am once.
However, this week, he bit cranky, keep waking around 2am/4am/6am .. maybe hungry???
Nova: It's blue. :p But Jon's butt getting too big. So need to move onto bigger one. and yes, my mum still has a bigger one from my bro's time too. *faints* cannot imagine where she's hid the potties all this years, cos I never did see them!
Oops u all talking abt food. Sorry !

Yup i tried Kim's Kitchen too, not too impressed. Was satisfied with YLS catering for their tingket services.

mercs, aiyah i missed the motherhood fair. Any brand to the potty you bought? Combi one is nice right, doesn't look like a potty . Yup i find it overpriced to serve as a potty.

ange, hmm ok. I think it serves the same purpose as long bb can poo in it. haha.
piyo: u can try lexin catering. Ive been ordering that since feb. so far so good

babystarlet: its at mohd sultan, but heard they r shifting.. its cheap cos its their promo price @ the fair..

novakido: enjoy ur photoshoot! it w be v fun! i think im siao on abt taking photos for bb haha!! guess thats what being a first time mum :p
reversible stroller.....for my own experience wif combi....it's so tough to get ard when handle is reverse is bcos of the difference wheel design for front & back...for tis combi of mine...the front is twin wheel & rotatable while the rear wheel is single and can only move straight thus when the handle is reverse, the single wheel become the front thus can't rotate so getting ard is tough....
ophe...we order tingkat for dinner ever since preggy time as too tired to cook then....price rather reasonable and best of cos is hassle free...they serve mon - fri except PH so u can have the choice of either 4 dishes / 3+1 soup....they will pre-plan 2 week's menu in advance...
mercs...but they used to be very good wif their dishes previously sumore not too oily & salty....think all turn for the worst starting tis year after my confinement....not sure if it's bcos of change of chef or too many orders thus too sloppy le...
piyo: the bee is reversible via switching the basket. bit cumbersome. would be better if reversible via the handles.

breastfeeding moms: can i ask if yr menses have resumed yet?

gelato: i am also like a camel, drinking alot. i feel very thristy most of times and hungry also.
nova: it just my thoughts...can it be ear infection becos cannot be so itchy that he scratched until bleed... do you clean his ear frequently? u might want to bring him see a PD...
nova: i lost my massage lady contact no. but i think u can seek help frm the ladies here... suika, pat they all using her services too.. suika, pat, u still have the HP # for the massage lady???

cheekygal: my mens have not resumed yet. and i feel very thirsty after pumping too!

ange: hello! a pity cant see u during the coming gathering. miss u n jon!
hello ladies: thanks for giving me your contact #s for the gathering. Still some mummies haven give. Pls pm me soon! =)

12) shann & babyern
14) Autumn Leaf + Ashley & Edison
20) Moonbaby + Jiaxuan
30) Ju + Melody

piyo: hey, my combi stroller maybe the same as yours. also got the front twin wheels and rear single wheels. in the end I seldom do reverse. but overall, I still like it a lot. but these days it's so warm, my bb is sweating like mad in the stroller.

ange: no, din get the bumbo seat.haiz.. think so much, in the end, I think my bb might have outgrown the bumbo seat by now. hehe

nova: yah my bb also likes to scratch his ears. i have to restrain his hands sometimes. very heart pain seeing all the scratch marks..keke

gelato: I also very thirsty. but i read that we have to drink at least 2ltr of water a day as we are bf, and drink to thirst. I drink coffee too, which is dehydrating. so got to drink more water..
Oh,mine also reversible and is 4 wheels are all rotate able so i feel quite ok.

However i still feel sling baby is the easiest. Everytime i take the escalator i super stress. Stroller too heavy, stable but hard to handle on a escalator, stroller too light, scare unstable on the escalator.
novakido:haha,i have the traditional red potty too and i am using the red basin and red bath tube for my boy.a bit obiang but its was part of my wedding items,so might as well use them. =)
ange...ya i rem during preggy time..u love to make urself real cool lunch including sandwiches and pasta...haha

blessedmum...think we will give lexin a try then...not so headache to think abt dinner everyday...wonder if I should revert back to cooking dinner though...can have my fav fish everyday which im badly deprive of during preggy....haha
piyo: actually im also thinking of stopping for a while and start cooking again.. haha! been contemplating for qte a while

ashley: i have the ssame concerns as u rgds the stroller.. hence im thinking if i shd spend 200+ on a sling or on a stroller... sigh
kamy...my combi is the older version given by a fren so mayb the newer version will have twin wheels front & back...we only use combi when dining nearby and tried only the reversible one or twice....now dat bb is older...he enjoy looking ard and explore while shopping...
RE: 6 months bash gathering

For those who are driving, can pls PM/SMS me your car plate no. EMQ needs to pass to her condo security.

Also an update, EMQ is in hospital now, went for ops to remove her gallbladder. She is fine now =)
I went last week, they told me only left certain colors...

I went on fri, they dun want to serve me...zzzzz maybe see me push stroller and sling another one.. Think ionly window shopping... I hate this kind of service lo...
Ytd went crosscom at suntec... Need to wait 3 mths.. Best deal cos got 10% off

chere: i bought puku brand..got handle one...just now i let kyler try, he can hold...
normal price is $29.90..think now KP got discount, still affordable...combi one is nice but i think its way to ex man..
cheekygal: my menses havent come back yet...

piyo: aiyo...so u have combi + quinny ah...yr house must be also alot of bb stuff
talking abt potty: hmm i got a haneim potty from my colleague. Apparently her son skipped that stage.. So good! so the potty was brand new and she just gave it to me

Going to let cayden try soon since now he can sit up well properly, neck not wobbly liao

Chere, buy potty that is stable so that won't tip over and spill. The red plastic one is not so stable although very cheap. I bought a baby bjorn potty.

I use my Peg on escalators all the time! I prefer using escalators to lifts. The Peg is so manoeuvrable, the wheels are very smooth, I love it. Agree you need two hands to open the stroller but that's never a problem cos I have never needed to open the stroller with one hand - baby would be lying down somewhere.
