(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

no mummies know hw to liven up the dragon fly of the jumperoo??

Ni: OMG... I hope your maid has got home liao... sigh... I was just talking to a friend abt maids... & I just can't understand why they just can't be professional about their work & life here!

Maybe that's why my agent insists no day off, no handphone... which I agree la... but there was a time when it was so hard to find one to agree to the terms... we almost gave in...
Welsie: Like pluf's gal, mine is also using a soft pillow and either her thumb or pacifier to confort her self. I sometimes just give her a clothe nappy to instead of the pillow, say when I am out and about. Think for a while at least when yr training, might have to let her make noise a bit, and every few min help her settle then walk off....slowly she'll learn to self settle. Easier now at this age then later.

Pluf: Yr ger seems similar to mine, rocking her or bouncing etc will make her cry more =p She just needs her pillow or napkin to put near her face or ear....very easy compared to my son! Recently she starts sucking thumb too....donno good or bad though, coz next time scared of hygene issue etc
cherry/blessedmum/emq: i no need to sack my maid le. cos she is gonna repatriated back to indonesia! i went down to cantonment police station at ard 10+pm. i was told that she was arrested for PROSTITUTION!!!! WTF! i nearly fainted when i heard that! Yes, $400 is v lil for singaporeans, but she is considered quite highly paid as a maid loh! I never never never imagine that she will become a whore!

felt so dirty that she is the caretaker of my son! a whore is a caretake of my son. yucks! omg. feel so sad that i cant be sahm to be his main caregiver! =(
thought all these disgusting maid stories could only happen on wanbao, never thot will happen on myself...!!! so phobia of employing another maid...
Wa! It must be a frightening and shocking experience for you! *sayang ni* bad timing too..happened after you went back to work. at least she's gone forever! that's the risk we have to take when we employ maids. too nice to them..they climb all over us.. too strict..say we no human rights. sigh. sian. hope my maid will not do this kind of things


ni, then how now? she gonna immediate repatriate back? then how kyan? who look after? will you get back your security deposit?
Pluf: hey mummy, which part of bedok reservoir u stay? im always at bedok reservoir coz my mum stays there and i have to send and pick my gal up almost every day. blk 128. u? maybe we can bring bb out?
ni: last time my 2 maids also v bad la... every off go meet boyfriend.. at last we sent her back. actually ni... we cant be too nice to maids coz they will always take advantage. coz when they go out and mingle ard they learn all the bad things.

ladies... my bb woke up at 5am .... *yawnz*

EMQ: will standby the playmat. do lemme noe if u need anything else. will be more than glad to help.
Good morning ladies!

Ni: When's the new maid coming in?

Miaiko: We can make the dragonfly on the jumperoo more 'alive'?! Sometimes I just let Jon hold it, but he has a tendency to stuff it into his mouth!

Shann: My son's been waking up @ 5am too. But for us we give him the pacifier and he'll doze off till about 7am for his feed.
ni : oh dear... can't imagine ur maid did that. I think EmQ's agent is rite, better stick to no off day & no hp. My maid hv no off day, yet she oso got herself a hp secretly... aft that still capable of making up stories... sigh! maids! how i wish i can get robots to do household chores, then there's no need to handle all these maids' problems...

BTW, who's taking care of Kyan b4 u get a new maid? can ur MIL help?

took baby zachary for his 2nd dose of 5-in-1 jab on fri nite and rota. so far so good. he is now 7.04kg at 63cm.. exactly 4 months.
Ange : Ya, will be there for Jun's gathering... miss u all. =) me juz came back to wk last week, but may be out of job soon.. haha...
Gelato: Out of a job? What makes you say so? So how's things with your maid? Getting used to having her around yet?
Ange : we hv been bought over by another company, will know if we still hv a job next mth. Actually i m quite ok, if hv a job, i'll work. If no job, then i'll stay hm for a few mths 1st. =)

Thanks for asking. I'm more used to hvg a maid ard, but not totally used to it... hehe... in fact, i m looking fwd to the day when i can be "maid-free" ... i prefer to hv PT maids. =)

How things getting on for u?
kelly: kiddy palace having 20% now? seldom have hor...u know until when ma??

pinkie: i also havent start kyler on cereals leh...maybe mid june i will try.
Autumn Leaf: Hi, think u got the wrong samantha. I'm not selling anything. :D

Hi mummies, wanted to check. my baby gal is coughing. not sure if want to bring her to see doc. cos' doc will probably give her cough syrup which is probably not useful. any views or experience to share?
ni: omg!!! I cant believe it too! She didnt look like that type when i saw her at Ange's place!! *pat pat ni.. hope u can make alternate arrangement.. at least now still got ur mil to take care of dear kyan..

to all mummies, those who have started ur bb on weaning..how much amount did u feed ur bb for the first few times? what brand r u using too? im abit lost, cos pd suggested 1 teaspoon in milk feed.. and the one i bought which is frisocreme goes by 3 tablespooon with 100ml of water? HELP!!

sus: thanks

bunny: yar maybe will bump into u thhere @ HF for swim.. but i have no idea how u look like.. haha! wats ur name in FB?

miaiko: yeah , same as Ange, i let cayden hold on to it.. but he will look at it and drop it.. hes more interested in the music and lights
Gelato: It would be nice to take a break ya?
And you can spend more time with all your xiao bao beis!

Was a little depressed for awhile. But picking myself up now.
Learning to let go and be more positive about things.
Samantha : my bb had cough while still on confinement. The PD says cough mixture causes drowsiness & it's not safe for them. So, he has to use his own antibodies to fight the virus & recover naturally. Now that ur bb is abt 4mths old, i m not sure if medication is allowed or not...
Ange : yes, come to think of it, i nvr hv any breaks in between jobs... hehe..

what happened? depressed over caring for Jon? Try to take things easy ok? we mummies hv to be happy, relaxed & healthy, so that we can give our BEST to out babies, ya? =) we jia you together. =)
Thanks gelato for sharing.

My baby gal got fever last week. Doc says throat infection and gave her antibotics. now her fever down, but started coughing. I oso don't feel comfortable giving her cough mixture. think I would want to let her recover naturally. How long your bb took to recover?
Gelato: Guess it was a series of things. Pressure from the in laws cos they kept telling me if I cant cope just send Jon over, plus mum and dad moved to jakarta cos dad got posted there for work, and my knees and back started giving me problems. So everything just kinda piled on one after another. You are absolutely right. We have to be happy and healthy so that we can give our babies our best.
Oh, just to share with all mummies.
Avoid bring ur babies to crowded places. My PD says recently a lot of babies got the air-born virus.
re the gathering, not sure if i can make it as my gals are having classes and also i have my driving lessons... my test is on 18 june
Sus: Hey, can I get hubby to pick up the ridwind from you some time this week? Any days which you won't be home?
samantha: welcome... i'm also samantha

my bb had bronchitis when he was 2 months. PD said med not advisable, so gave something mild for the phlegm and ask me to give bb warm water. no cough mixture or antibiotics.
Samantha : if i rem correctly, my bb took abt a week or 2 to recover. Very heartache at that time, cos he was so small & fragile, yet i couldn't do anything to help him feel better.

Ange : maybe ur ILs meant well, they probably din mean to pressurise u. Perhaps u can consider sending Jon over occasionally (maybe once a week?) so that u can hv some ME time? As for ur parents moving to JKT... hmmm, maybe a lil hard on u ya? since u r pretty close to them. Good thing JKT is only an hour of flight away. =) You take care ya? can always come here & vent it out, whenever u dun feel good. =)
Gelato: Yes, been learning to let go. In fact, sent Jon over for 3 consecutive days last week cos I needed the break before I break. They got a taste of his tantrums. :p
ni: huh!! tat is bad...heng u still got MIL to help out! imagine if its me, i jialat...no one to help me take care. then how? when new maid come in?/

gelato: u mean the new company will retrench staff ah??
Ange : haha... good that they hv a taste of it. =P do feel blessed that ur ILs are willing to take care of their grandson. =)

For me, my FIL nags alot... i always pretend not to hear anything... then there was once, i felt very very hurt by his wrds, i juz picked my bb & go! haha... can't believe i did that! in fact i was angry for a few days, but was ok aft that.. cos' i believe he loves us, juz that he's juz not so kind with his wrds. =)
mercsboy : ya lor, times are bad. In fact, they already retrenched their own staff... so they'll definitely cut our staff.
ladies : the gathering on 13/6 is fm wat time to wat time? my fren jio me to attend a seminar fm 4-6pm, i want to see if i can make it or not...
gelato: talkin abt inlaws... hahaa... sigh... think every week go back, my blood pressure sure shoot up wan... super @$##@...
Hi Samantha: thanks for sharing.
Can call me ahsam instead. :D

Can I check with you what are the symptons of bronchitis? I'm scared of the cough developing into bronchitis.

Hi Gelato: I know what u mean. I oso heart pain. see her cough and cannot help. heart ache.
So all mummies, try to avoid crowded places.
Gelato: Must have been quite bad for you to pick baby up and go. Reminds me of my own grandma. She loves us alot. But when she's angry, she says the most hurtful things. Are all your babies well?

Kekeke, I wana PM you where I stay kekekeke!BUt you dnt accept PM. I am in the 700 plus.. Kekeke no secret to the mummies just incase I get a man stalker.. Hahahhahaaha Like I damn Kilat Mummy like that... PM me , and let you know more.. hahahahaha Yes we can go out , I usually very free Saturday! I always find something to do with bb coz she like bored at home..
ni: huh!! tat is bad...heng u still got MIL to help out! imagine if its me, i jialat...no one to help me take care. then how? when new maid come in?/

gelato: u mean the new company will retrench staff ah??
Ange : Thanks, all my babies are ok. It has been hard for my MIL since i came back to work - not easy to handle a super active toddler & a fussy baby at the same time. Hence, i try to go hm on the dot every day. =)

gelato: hope everything goes well for u and hope u will not be affected.

samantha: the symptoms are fever, phlegm in cough and wheezing. usually PD can tell my listening to the chest.
