(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Hi Kath,

thanks, yeah i will bring 2 little monsters up next time..

Hi Jowin,
thanks, next yr u can try for baby boy! =p

Hi Little rabbit,
thanks, i also a bit scared scared la..but nv try nv know lah..

Little Rabbit,

i also wan a gal. But 2nd one is a boy again so not trying anymore liao. Cant take it if the 3rd one boy again.


ya never try never knw so i try for 2nd one now i knw my 2nd one still a boy. Sigh..

if 3rd one boy i will faint lei.. Hee..
Dun dare to try liao. Will stop at 2 loh.
2 already a big headache for me.

For the pass 2 days both of them sick end up i only sleep at 4am and 5am lei.. So tired.

My girl has tried similac, enfa, mamil, now friso which is the brand I've been using for the longest so far. No fixed, all fm seem to be the same to me and she doesn't care which formula I feed her as long as there's something coming out of the bottle!
haha yup i think too many kids also headache sia..need love, money, time n effort la..

initially my hubby want 4, now he said stop at 2..then see how..max think 3 can liao hahaha
wah tamms, ur girl gd lei..as long as milk then drink..now at ntuc u buy 2 900g similac they give one 400g Gain iq..

oh ya frisocream also having offer, 2 for 10.95..instead of 13.80 at ntuc too

i agree u need alot of time for kids. It really very tiring loh. Thats why i say 2 is enough.. I already very very busy with 2 of them liao..
Congrats in having a gal gal!
I also wan a gal for my #2!! Hehe...

Oh yeah..your supplier is taking too long for the non-spill bowls...can rush her again?

not sure if I am one of the 5 mommies who did not turn up....if you could let me know via sms...I can do internet transfer ....I dont really check the forum nowadays...

oh yes, jo.. paiseh..
i PM u already

Hi Tara
Er.. ok.. U took Maureen's slot right? So initially Maureen pay for a initial deposit of $8. So i m not sure if you have pay her this deposit

If no, the total amount is $8+19.72 ( deduct refund of $9.80) = $17.92

This is provided that $8 is not given to maureen yet.

Anyone interested in ordering from Drugstore.com?

Opening a spree .. I have some orders in hand aldy. Closing spree on Sunday nite or if I get US$200 in orders.

Exchange rate will be adjusted once I've seen my credit card bill online

see my spree blog for details and for some suggestions on what they have to offer.

Maclaren stroller recalled back!

The affected models include Volo, Triumph, Quest Sport, Quest Mod, Techno XT, Techno XLR, Twin Triumph, Twin Techno and Easy Traveller, according to the stroller company. The strollers, which are manufactured in China, are sold nationwide.

Maclaren, in cooperation with the CPSC, is providing consumers and retailers free repair kits which will cover a joint on the faulty hinge mechanism.

Consumers should stop using the strollers immediately and call Maclaren toll-free at (877) 688-2326, the company said.
thanks for sharing. i also read about this. from what i know, it's a small thing which can be avoided through careful handling of the stroller. just make sure your children are not holding on to the stroller during opening or closing. it's nothing fatally dangerous, nor is the product fundamentally flawed.

i think can still get. in fact, now is a good time to get because you can be sure that they will fix whatever is the problem before they sell it to you.

yeah .. I've used a Maclaren for years ... and I think they are the awesome-est strollers.

You're right, just have to be careful .. I was driving my dotter to school today, and i stopped at a pedestrian crossing, a lady pushing her toddler in the stroller, wanted to cross ... she pushed the stroller off the kerb and the toddler fell out !!! .. luckily not onto the road ..and thankfully, I was already stationary. BUT STILL !!! SHe hadn't strapped him in!!! ... so any stroller, when not used correctly, is dangerous lor.
Keen on setting up a Home-based business opportunity (not MLM)

Ruben & Shire is a premier lifestyle healthy dried fruits & nuts provider. The company is looking for resellers to expand its network. Very low start up cost but profitable margins.

Very suitable for mommies looking to supplement their income.

Please note that this is NOT an MLM biz.

Please PM me if keen

I left you a PM. If you are quick, I can still squezze u in bcos there are 2 mums who have not TT me the funds yet...

That sounds super freaky man! I had a similar incident with my "Made In China" wierd brand stroller (those who bot the cot got a free stroller)... My ger din drop out... but as my hb pushed the stroller off the escaltor the wheels kinda got stuck. so as he reverse n push again, the cot "closed" with my girl sleeping in it... Yeap she was squashed in 1/2... Nothing can beat tat lar...
haha ya u're rite, hopefully can get a good deal.. will be checkin out this wkend...

Sam which model u using? I tot of getting a basic one, but the Volo only 1 position..& quite upright postion rite...so lookin at Quest...Actually main thing i wan a VERY VERY Light weight stroller...any suggestions?

I have the Quest. very manouverable .. and quite light aldy I feel. And at least can recline. Baby will sure fall asleep in the stroller at some point what.

Snowger, ya la ... I was quite shocked. Firstly, I dunno WHY she was RUSHING and basically CHARGED across the pedestrian crossing ... luckily, I'm not one of those drivers that try to squeeze ahead of the pedestrians BEFORE they cross. Damn lucky man .. I saw her boy tumble out leh ... almost on the road or maybe even a bit ON the road cos it was on my left and I couldn't see over my front .... if I was moving ... possible my left front tyre either hit him or go over him ... really careless that she put him in without doing up the straps.
The stroller dun hv a lock to prevent it fr closing?? Even my cheapo Capella hv tat function but tat stroller oso like way Snow say go up escalator got prob. Gud thing is it's ultra light weight
Hi gals,

i am so tired these few nite. sleep at 4am, 5am and yesterday Ervin wake up at 2am and play till 430am. HE having running nose and cant sleep well. Now i am down with headache and running nose as well.
Hi ladies
On MC todae. Damn tired + got studies from tmr onwards. Sianz.

Good idea to get a dog. Haha. At least don hav to wori abt studies la, go which sch beta, tuition classes. Lolx.

Don dare try for 3rd one liao. Juz receive news tt my SIL 3rd bb is another boi. 3 bois in total. Haha. Hubby side male genes damn strong.
snowger, how come your encounter seems like what my colleague saw at Robinson..he told me the same thing too!

Jappooh, take good care of urself!
Some mothers are wierd or they take for granted that if their kids are obidient enough to sit on the strolle, they no need to strap. Not expecting that in their rush or when e-braking, the kid will "fly" out of the stroller lor...

It closed as if I'm folding up the stroller to keep. And yes, I did "lock" the stroller but hb's hard push forward might have cause the lock to unlock.

I had quite a scare cos my ger oso woke up and wondered why the stroller become so cram suddenly. We were at the down escalator of the overhead bridge jus outside Royal Plaza by Scotts. My hb had to carry the folded stroller with my ger down the stairs. Best part was we could not open it as one of the wheels was "stuck". Act an evil thot came to my mind "spoil lagi best... I can buy a proper stroller", but it din happen!!! PS: my ger went back to zzz even before we resumed the stroller back to the original state... -__-"

Ur capalla is not cheapo lar. If it is, then my stroller must be from the dump...

No lar. I was not at robinson leh...Mayb tat person was oso using the same strolle as me...
lol :p ...


don need excuse to change stroller la! just chuck the thing out .. free rite? .. Get a MacLaren ... I just bought a new one. DIE LA. have to somehow hide it from my hubby. he will kill me. hahahah !


er ... capella cheap meh? .. i tot it's about 200 or so? .. cheap is those Lucky Baby ones la. I got one in one of those baby hampers when I gave birth . I threw it away. LOL.
snowger, of cos i know it is not u..cos my colleague told me it was a maid pushing the bb..and the mummy was so engrossed in shopping..luckily the security guard saw it and help her..maybe same brand..anyway it happen before i was due..keke..thus i kinda of having fear of using stroller at escalator..
Christmas Party for bb:

hey mummies .. shld we organise a Christmas party for bb .. ? we can dress all baby to the theme " santa clause, ... .. hehe

anyone interested ? I can open up my house for the party ..
U got so many strollers???? haha... My store room is so full tat I can't find a place to store bb's outgrown stuff...

I err... call me cheapo or thrifty or stingy, I dun usually spend $ to buy stuff to replace things that are not broken. I spend most of my money replacing the empty space in my tummy... *OPPS*

But I think strollers are super good investment if they are easy to handle! Hehe... I will definetely buy one sometime down the road lar (one with 5 pt harness) to LOCK my ger in place... Haha...

The mother is terrible lar... she must have left the maid to open the stroller... Last time when I open, I did do it until I heard the "click" sound. So tat could have been wat happen to the maid lor.

Till now I can never dare to attempt bringing my ger out in a stroller and using escalators. If I do, I look for lifts...
If that place, I scared no lift, I use my Bjorn. But nowadays diff, cos my back aches n I get tired easily aft walking ard with her for 10mins...

ya man .. my hubby was quite pissed with me about this stroller obsession. He declared that my Buzz is my last stroller in this lifetime .. lol.

So far, I already sold 1 stroller ... I still have an Aprica and a Chicco and the Maclaren and the Buzz ... I am lending the Aprica to my neighbour for a few months for her newborn ... then the Chicco I use if I go downstairs to walk ard my condo .. the old Maclaren is in my car currently .. the Buzz is the one taking up damn a lot of space in my house lor. in my hall. SIGH. Now with the new Maclaren ... I dunno how. I might sell my Buzz and the older Maclaren. Haven't decided. first must HIDE the new one from my hubby .. LOL !!


wa $118 !! not bad huh? .. don't look like a 118 bucks stroller. get a maclaren lar ... a Quest (lol) ..
snow/sam: yes I think I must invest in a lightweight & good one..not tat my Capella no good. I think it served my well these 11 mths, but hor, it's heavy!!!!
& it takes up space in the car boot...so i'm look at a good one to "lock" my boy too (5 pt is good) cos current one only 3 pt & he can try to climb out...(i hope the 5 pt harness storller can hold him as he can alredy climb out fm the car seat which is a 5 pt harness...*faint*...)

sam: so ur latest buy is QUEST? it's lightwt enuff? hah tt's good! how many positions?
Hi Jowin,

thanks i got ur PM!

wah iemik0, ur hubby side power lei..all the male one haha..

i think xmas party is a gd ideas..must be sooo fun to see all babies in santa's dressing..haha
christmas i cant cos will be busy with my customary dinner.. u gals hv fun!!
planning b'day party n wedding dinner alr make me lose appetite liao..haha
pas .. my old one is also a Quest .. just that I am bored with the colour. lol.

it has 3 positions .. doesn't recline all the way .. but it's enough for napping. It's 5 pt harness .. but if your boy can climb out of a 5 pt harness on the carseat, then I think he should be able to climb out of this one too. lol !
wah maclaren got problem ar? so how? i hav techno xt ler...

u r super ler own so many strollers!! i used to hav capella & lucky baby one but i dun really like them so gotta sell it away b4 getting the current maclaren else hubby will nag... so how u keep ur new stroller? but no matter how u keep ur hubby will still notice rite? lolx

xmas party for babies
sounds fun but too bad i'm going back to Penang this xmas (1st time after married)... think will be doing some celebration there since hb's bday & daniell's chinese b'day also fall on the same day this year, which is on xmas day... hehe


keep lor. hear him complain and scold me lor. what can he do rite? bought aldy. At least not an expensive 1k plus handbag .. HAHAHAH !!

Haiyo, the Maclaren recall is really stupid. Come on, who here doesn't know that your baby/toddler/kid is not supposed to stick his finger into the hinge mechanism when trying to open or close the stroller?? Even I won't stick my finger anywhere it's not supposed to be. I see the metal snapping shut when I close the stroller .. I'm not stupid to test and see whether it'll clip and injure my finger if i stick it in there .. I ASSUME IT WILL COS IT'S METAL AND THE FORCE REQUIRED TO CLOSE/OPEN THE STROLLER SHOULD BE INDICATION THAT IT MAY HURT U if u do something so blardy duh as that. Are a.m. stoopid ??!!

Oh it's on the news liao ... we are not affected by the Maclaren recall !! .. they will issue safety covers that will cover the hinge part to protect kiddies' fingers.
