(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

so cute both of them.. too bad Zach missed it again!!

Oh No Kath..Zach din miss out anything.. Xuelyn and myself bumped into each other at Tampines Mall..so coincidence.. We cancelled out appt ma

after yesterday's incident, i m not so sure abt going to KK liao..

Me: Dr, his fever kept going on at 40deg, it is not very good for his brain, rite?
Dr: Having fever is good. Better than no fever rite? Means that his body is fighting the virus tat's y fever nvr answer my question
Me: So what is his temp now?
Dr: 37.5degree. See, no need Brufen, I onie administered Paracetamol and manage to bring down his temp
Hb: Dr, u gave Brufen..u said Para is given at a 4-hrly interval hence too short interval to give.
Dr: No..i give Para.
Hb: No..you said Brufen
Dr: Oh..let me check!! *Tap fingers* Oh yeah, i gave Brufen. Actually both is ok..but I still prefer Para who doesn't noe?
Me: Is there any side effect in feeding baby too much of these medication? I mean he is eating Brufen n Para every 3hrly..too much for his body?
Dr: No effect..It's ok one..

Me and hb look at each other and just walk out.. this dr super cannot make it...
What the doc said is true... High Temp does NOT burn the brain. This is an old saying... But brain damage will come in if there is an infection in that area... and fever so happens to be a symptom. And Yeap fever is an indication that the body is fighting the virus...

Tat's wat I read from a few mag...

Sure hope Zach gets well soon. HOw come u nvr bring him to TMC?
ya bring to TMC PD and see. thats what i always do.. if ya worried..why dun you spunch him.. with towel.. see fever will reduce anot. or bath him. bath him will be good too. =)
Talk about TMC I boiled. The other day when Bryan had diahorrea and the IFC informed me to bring him to the PD, then suay suay my PD clinic closed at 12.30pm that day. However the clinic nurse told me to head down to TMC 24hr clinic and asked them to page for my PD, the charges shd not exceed $150.

Guess what, when i reached there before HB and BB arrived, I did exactly as I was told and the counter nurse at the 24hr clinic told me that to page for the dr, the consultation fee alone is $300(excluding meds). My jaw hits the ground and i managed to pull it back up and asked her if she quoted me the midnight fee by mistake. The nurse said no and i asked her to double check. She turned to her filipino sounding colleague and asked, the colleague confirmed that it will cost $300 just for consulation fee if I want to page for my PD.

I then told them no need and called my hb to head straigth to KK A&E instead.

When I reached I contacted my PD's office to tell them i hv changed plan due to the high consultation cost and the nurses there all was shocked and told me that my PD nvr charge more than $150 during office hours for such paging svc.

Still boiling.
iemiko, dunno if he is a MO or a DR..dunno how to differentiate them. Hahaha

Fabbie, I tried sponging him, he does not like the towel touching his forehead..actually he dun like anything touching his head, super jia lat..but we still force the towel on him n let him cry. N my cheeky monster love the medicine so much.. open his mouth readily n dun need to drink water one lor
Hey Zachmommy,

I dun think we can differentiate between the young n senior Drs.. but you can tell onc eyou start talkin to them..
I also went KKH just yest afternoon... I also questioned the Dr abt Brufen, cos we gave a few times.. n it didn't help the 4th time to bring it down...

Dr: Let me give you this Fever advice.. see... you shd give paracetamol 4 hr is fever >39, 6 hourly if fever <39...
Me: So what do you suggest we do now?
Dr: give paracetamol and sponge him... I'll check his lungs, tummy, etc..
Me: How is paracetamol goin to help? He has been taking it for 2 full days.. I even gave him brufen.. didn't help..
Dr: Well, let's try..
Me: I read your advice tt says Brufen shd not be given to baby under 1 yo...
Dr: Oh.. you baby is how old?...
Me: 3 weeks to 1 yo..
Dr: Oh.. Good catch... actually its ok.. we are just being cautious... we had some incidents here before.. so we are just more careful.. some babies under 10kg can get gastric bleeding after taking brufen.. so tt's why..
Me: so my son is slightly less than 10kg.. how?
Dr: Actually, its ok... GPs outside start prescibing Brufen after 6 months old... so its really ok... (strikes off paragraph in advice).. so this does not apply here...
Me: (Lost beyond words)
Hubby: (thinking... 'good catch??')

After checking, we were sent to get paracetamol, given sponge... n a urine specimen bag attached to do urine test.. Fever went down..

I came home, i realise the dosage of panadol is less than wat he took in the A&amp;E... He was given 6ml there.. n the home dosage is 4ml..
I called KKH.. they say its the initial dose... Better to follow the bottle.. so we gave 4ml.. fever spike again!!... so 3am, I gave 6ml.. fever came down... another dose at 8am... and it has stayed below 38 for now...

Sigh.. it has been a terrible 4 days for me... Jonas just bit his tongue.. daddy lost balance.. n cause him to bit on his own tongue.. my mum took over Jonas, and saw blood oozing!!! lucky, we manage to stop it in time... this is fright week! hope it all goes away...

Sorry for the long post...
OMG ya fee 300?! faints...

you wait till he sleeping then u put got try? hehe or you just bath him lor or wipe him with towel? so hows he now?

so many babies sick. My baby is sick too. He was having running nose for almost a wk liao. I was down with fever last wed also. Have been a tiring wk for me as my elder boy also sick.
Actually.. i went to KKH b4 also.. then they told me the same thing with brufen/nurofen.. its not recommended for children under 1yr.. and can give only abv 39 every 6hrly BUT should give it along with Para every 4hrly.. sorry iemiko.. but hor.. KKH a&amp;e is damn cockhead one la.. i try so hard to not shout at the MO!!! They say everything no link one.. and they keep contradicting themselves.. that time hayden h1n1 liao then got high fever.. the MO say only do xray.. then xray come out.. say.. oh.. secondary chest infection from h1n1.. then i say then how.. she say nvm.. then i ask her how much of h1n1 does she know.. then she say its a common flu.. and then she gave me antibiotics.. then i ask her is it viral or bacterial.. then she say is most prob viral.. then i say.. viral no need antibiotics.. then i ask her to do urine n blood test.. she say this that make me super pissed " WHEN WE PRACTICE MEDICINE, WE DUN GO TEST EVERYTHING, WE JUST DO WHAT WE THINK IS RIGHT." so i ask her so giving antibiotics is right la.. and she say.. I SPOKE TO THE SNR DR, AND WE CONCLUDED ITS THE BEST FOR YOUR CHILD. then i ask her what if the chest infection is more serious than what it seems coz its a secondary infection from h1n1.. then she say.. MDM, U NV SEEN DYING CHILDEN, YOUR SON IS NOT DYING, HE WILL BE OK.. slap her slap her slap her!!! wahaha.. so pissed.. so i decided, NV to go to KKH again!! i rather pay dr foo TOO much at office hrs if its an emergency..
Wah Phyl.. If I were u I'll shout at her. Wat she mean by ur son is not dying?? Watever she tink is right may not be correct.

It's true sometimes govt hosp r jia lat. Those in Malaysia is even worse. Haha.. No offence to Marilyn who works in KK or those who goes to govt hosp most of the time but if the dr can't remember wat med he prescribe I doubt they're any good at curing patients.
I think I did not blog/post about this before. But I had a horrid experience with TMC before too. I was so pissed. During the H1N1 period, there were some temp screening thing going on in the hospital. So... There was a period of time, the hospital decided to not let pple with cough n cold go into the hospital (i.e. even if u are not running a fever).

Hb and I so happen to be running a cold and the baby was oso sick, so they sent me, hb and bb to the tentage outside. The nurse told me that they will page for my PD (who is in TMC). I said ok. Then aft page finish, the auntie nurse there told me "Madam, your PD come here, we will charge you $50 for facility. This is over and above yr PD charges".

Ok it's not as bad as $300. HEY come on lar, why am I being penalised for not being able to enter the hospital (EH! I don't have H1N1!and why would a mask not surfice when H1N1 was already dying down!)! It is your hospital's problem lor, why should I be paying for it? In the end, I just bring my dotter home and waited till the next day then go. This time I told them I was not sick. I think TMC is just out to squeeze us when we are vulernable!

I have heard similar stories from my friends before about KKH. In most A&amp;E, incl the SGH ones, the doctors are all MOs... There is only one senior doc who is on duty. So unless u/the kid is dying, that senior doc will not make "apperance" one. The MOs will consult the senior doc abt their prescription... Tat's why the q in A&amp;E is always so horrid.

True abt govt hospital but for babies/kids, we will always think of KKH since it's the hospital with most historical and longest track record in pedatrician services.

So far, my experience with East shore A&amp;E far exceeds my expectation, having waited at govt hospital A&amp;Es before. I had urinary tract infection in the middle of the nite. So went there to see doc. The wait was short, med given was good n the professionalism of the docs was up to standard. Somemore, charges the same as SGH. Eh, can't speak the same for TMC...
Ashlynne is also sick.. bring her to see PD this morning as i heard her wheezing...n got phelgm..
I am rather angry with the Kidzlink PD... never diagnose properly last week. This morning, i changed PD immediately... 1 week of wrong diagnose.. ate wrong med. N now, she is wheezing. I damn heartpain as Ashlynne never wheeze before..Fed her 3 medicine just now and she screamed and cried madly.. just finish battling with her..
Poor girl.. Must not let her catch a cold cos if too bad wheezing need to neb.
Lucky for me Zach nvr hv prob wif his medicine. He sees me wif the syringe he'll auto open his mouth. No need water summore. Silly baby. I miss him so much now. Can't concentrate at work
PD said its mild.. so no need to neb yet..
Touchwood... just on medication 1st..

Does baby get sick so often after 9 months?? Ashlynne started to see doc after 9 months +.. before that, she perfectly fine,not even a cough or runny... NOW??????

jowin.. pls la.. ashlynne only started to get sick recently.. she not a IFC baby.. the IFC babies here are all sick since 3mths plus liao.. keke.. ashlynne very good liao lor... u lucky liao.. not like hayden and emma lor..
aiyo phyl.. i know la..
paiseh.. just ranting only la..
heartpain ma... i know other mothers also heartpain la...

IFC babies more prone cos alot of babies there, understandable..

Ashlynne only baby at home.. only sick mother, sick grandma...tats why my expectation of her not getting sick is higher lor..

Paiseh if i offend any mum la..
U can imagine my ger is not IFC baby, she oso started falling sick since 3 months old Cos my MIL place got 2 kids... so diff to keep her "sick-free".

Recently, she like got cold... But I keeping my fingers crossed. If tonite still got pi-ti, i'll give her the cold med I have at home...

Take it as an immunity building lor (heh something else I picked up from the parenting mags, falling sick and recovering helps program the body to learn how to fight viruses so tat they wont fall sick so easily when they are in Kindergarten)

btw, I stopping BF liao. I cut to one pump since yesterday. See how long my milk ss will continue. HAHA.
yeah phyl n maureen
me do understand.. n ya lor.. treat it as an immunity building.. cos no babies are sick free..
Its just that i m tired of feeding her med.. its like force feed her.. use whatever method to coax also no use.. Plus this time, 3 different medicine.. lagi worst...

Maureen, u reduce to 1 session? Me still on twice , until ashlynne bday i cut to once.. unless i get a job b4 ashlynne bday,... LOL
ya lor.. i think i din tell u all.. keke.. last wk i clash with a not my boss but a boss level person.. he say dun always use hayden as excuse and hayden reallie sick ah.. so i ask dr foo write letter and i scan n email everyone.. all my bosses and all.. then i attached hayden's 5day MC.. tonite going for review with dr foo again..zzz 6th time since last wk of oct.. hope he not wheezing n breathless after the new meds..

pastillies.. not only IFC mummies.. i think all mummies.. baby sick = mummies tired, take leave, not enuff slp etc etc...
Yes Phyl, sick baby = tired mommy.
Ur boss not happy?? I oso kept thinking tat my boss will not be happy but so far he's been very understanding.
I'm so tired at work todae. I miss Zach terribly n to the extend I forgot all my passwords. Took me 4hrs to get it sorted out. Darn..
Hmm.... Phyl, how abt a maid for the time being? Think yr medical expenses can well afford one liao... Juz an option for your consideration to keep him away from all the IFC environment till he is older perhaps? (I'm assuming he gets infection from the IFC lah...)
christine.. nah.. my hubby dun like strangers and i think he will slp with the maid.. haha.. so nvm la.. hope all this falling sick is really building immunity..next time he grow up then super boy liao..keke.. my son already immune to h1n1 liao lor.. cool rite? wahahaha
Yeah as long as you dont do your opening ceremony...your hb might look to other women....so girl....be good and open up for business!!!
There is this thing tat starts with "c"... aka umbrella...

Thanks. I'll check tonite.
Ya, I cut to 1, dun care abt the 1 year liao. Cos she dun like EBM and since no latch, I cut lor...
So happy no need to lug pump to office! Wooohoo... can take small handbag liao!
Wah Jo...

Withdrawal = risk of pregnancy.... the two "c"s are still better... :p

Thou umbrellas are btr cos no need to ingest anything... HAHa
What about more long lasting efforts like IUD or getting your tubes tied? Not good for husband and wife to go without sex for too long, you know...
wow. d place i working in having more news sia. lolx.

no comments abt it thou. =p

ur 'boss' damn idiot sia. muz be no kids one la. =p
I just learnt that tubes tied are not 100% leh... cos hor... my hb was told by a bio teacher that the tadpole can reverse osmosis... Eh... I dun understand but he said recent newspaper report got one woman got preggy...

got good n bad lar... But mayb suay suay kena sotong doc (who act like they know everything) then lagi sian...

I dun think it's the other 2 kids per se that causes your girl to fall ill ... I have 3 other kids at home but Calista not sick often what. Neither are my other 3 girls.

I tell u .. must be paranoid about germs and washing hands. It really really helps. lol !! My girl pressed the lift button also kena scolded and then I use wipes to clean her hands (cos we're on the way out) ..

Since I've been more insistent about wiping hands with wet wipes (I prefer hand washing but our loos not all have soap) .. so wiping with wet wipes is more than good enough.

Not only my girls .. my maid too. And myself. As long as touch lift button, staircase, before eating .. after eating .. on the way home in the car .. SURE use wipes to clean hands .. for myself, I have the dettol hand sanitizer in my handbag. I also pour that on high chairs etc before putting Calista in. then use wipes to wipe.

hahaha! .. I know I sound deranged .. but for me, if ALL my girls sick, it's super ma fan.

you are right. My gynae also informed me that ligation is not 100% .. still has a small chance of getting pregnant. lol !!!

So phyl's method - ie abstinence is the only way of 100% success of NON pregnancy. ahahahahahah!
but yes, more ppl looking after your child .. ie IFC, nanny, MIL .. then harder to control who's ill, who can pass what .. who has bad personal hygiene ... so more chances of baby falling ill.

at the end of the day, it's best to just be your child's only caregiver. but since that's not possible all the time, then have to just wait for them to be older and thus stronger.
talking about hygiene...today, I told an indian old lady not to touch my daughter....I think she got a shock when i suddenly stopped her when she stretched out to touch my daughter....

People should STOP touching babies/kids....they can look but should not touch.....especially other kids...they love to touch babies...

I hate it when I have to stop people from touching my kid.....
Ur control is definetely good, I wish the same for my IL's. The kiddos dun bathe nor wash hand immediately after reaching home (yes, they do press lift buttons n watever they play with in the playground n on the way back from sch). The first thing they do is greet my ger (with their dirty hands) and that incl touching her face n hands...

it's act the first time i heard ligation is not 100%... Another method is to remove the female organ - the ovaries. no egg = no babies? but it's bad cos tat means no estrogen produced...
my boss scolded a kid for pinching his son (the boi actually sticked his dirty finger into his son mouth while doing tat!). Eh...sad to say, my boss was scolded by the mum of the kid... Some world it is...

Tat's wat happening at my IL's. Too many control factors that are not "controlled"... *SIGH*

Sorry uh, can you refrain from using my real name when replying to my post... Thanks thanks...
snowger..ok, noted.. sorry

ya lor.. i also hate it. Today at the PD.. 2 sick boys came over to pinch ashlynne's cheeks.. Sigh.. already sick, still come over n pinch and touch her.. i immediately carry her away.. the mother of the boys saw and scolded their sons, " Ask u dun anyhow touch baby, scaring ppl away".. I think the boys' mum said so loud actually is for me..

hi Sam
same same.. also need to wipe b4 putting baby into the high chair.. i use the pigeon anti-bacterial wipe.. think its not good enough.. cos my girl will lick the back of the chair, here n there.. wonder why she born in the year of rat.. not dog.. LOL
yes my girl also! always likes to lick the table, the front bar of the high chair and the sides of the high chair. Don't know why she likes to do that.. I always scold her but no use, she will just do it again when we are not looking.
today seems to be a black mon.. with some ranting going on.. I oso sian.

Hb ran hi fever ytd.. so all of us were stuck at hm. Today he flew off for work.. seems ok liao in the morn. I on my own today..jus managed to make Summer zzz..

talk abt sick bb.. Jo.. i told u b4.. n i wanna say agn... haha.. I really think u r v v lucky liao. cos so far Ash has been considered v healthy le.. 9 mths then start seeing doc.. (*touch wood* stay healthy Ash!)

Summer started seeing doc slightly after 1 mth.. she had blocked nose, coughing x3 episodes.. n everytime sure need neb w/o fail... plus many more small aliments.. I see Dr Lim until v shou liao.

u mention kidslink.. which one u go? dun tell me bedok north one? Summer is regular there..Sure there are times when she gave too mild med or antibiotics tat dun work.. but so far no wrg diagnosis lei..

hi 5! my MIL hse also got 3 other kids.. they bring germs back fr CC everyday.. worse rite? refuse to bath.. n touch my bb.. snatch her toy summore.. I realli no eye see..
speaking of touching, I think I am getting paranoid with my hubby's nephew who just love to kiss and touch my son. Despite their hand is clean or not, sometimes they just forgot to wash their hand after toilet and after meals.

Being me, I will yell, "pls wash your hands, it's so dirty" and I think my MIL is angry with me for being for upfront. ANGRY ANGRY
Thanks! No need to sorry lar... :p

Reverse osmosis lor... HAHA! dun ask me wat it is. Eh, dun go to that doc if u wan ligation nxt time. :p

ya... I can't control the hygiene of the kids... Can only hope my ger becomes more resistant to the viruses lor...
sometimes i oso "scold" the kids, then my MIL oso not happy.

me oso lor. I use dettol wipes. Last time i only clean the high chair... now i clean even the table... cos my ger will hit it like a drum n if possible she will bite the table. She will even crawl to the kitchen door and grab the slippers there to bite. I oso think she is more like a dog (thou she has hamster tendencies too... store all the food then spit all out at one go!).
ya la.. bedok north..not really wrong diagnosis... i felt that she did not really check on ashlynne... n see her like.. gave med.
I even asked a few qs.. also like tat

snowger, jowin,

haha .. ya I am damn close to bringing that Dettol spray (the green bottle) so I can wipe tables and highchairs down when we're out .. but I really can't tahan .. oh for me, if ppl touch Calista, I immediately use wipes to wipe her hands (or wherever it is they touch) .. I've instructed my maid to do the same.
