(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

I think the recall is plain stupid... I was reading some of the comments from the article fabbie posted. I pity the kid whose finger got sliced by the mechanism. But come one, can't one parent unfold the chair and another ensure that the kid is not sticking his hand into the mechanism? Sometimes, we as parents can only blame ourselves that in our moment of folly we failed to keep an eye on our little ones...

see? u agree rite? .. it's stupid lor. It's YOUR mistake as a parent .. just accept it and blame yourself as u say.

Like previously, when our babies roll and fall off the bed, do we BLAME THE BED? No rite? Blame yourself for not watching closely lor.

I would SCREECH and then SMACK my child if they stick their fingers anywhere in the stroller when I'm trying to close and open it ..
Sam, I also stroller obsessed!haha, I have a maclaren daytripper
And a capella S750 but I feel like getting a twin stroller or a quinny!
Haha!but really no space to keep!

How much u gng to sell your quinny buzz?

Went to mothercare, and they are having promotion price
For maclaren strollers,but not sure if cheaper than baby hyperstore.
Jess, Daniell's birthday is 7th Dec?? Means Zach's chinese b'day is on 23rd??

Wah liao..tink tis boy will get 3 cake this year cos actual chinese b'day will get one for him to celebrate with his bbsitters n all his sisters
i got it from BP... i bought the mickey minnie cutter too & going to make some cookies for bday favours... =)

btw, isetan selling disney cookie cutter too but limited choice only, not sure still hav mickey minnie one or not...
hi everyone..

feeling damn sian.. my menses finally come back since i got preggie. i was starting to enjoy the 'freedom' leh.. no wonder my pimples are popping out. :p
Hey gals,

Look like your enjoy very much in the birthday bash. Envy...

I've still haven plan anything for Faye's bd, think just buy a cake for her, then eat out.


Coolz sia, Zach almost 1 yr liao, wedding dinner then come, heehee...my brother and SIl oso, my niece already 2yr+, customary dinner oso haven done. Think they want to wait for no. 2 first then throw a big dinner, hehehe...


I want to buy from drugstore, how to place the order with u
Yes. I will make sure my ger is not in the vincinity when opening or closing the pram.
Cos other than her sticking her fingers in, I dun want to accidently "hit" her with the pram oso...

HT Spree:
Gals, who ordered: Just an update that I have received all payments! YEAH! I will place order tonight, latest by Friday. Hope they'll deliver the stocks fast... Cos me run out of the brown rice liao. HAHA...

ya lor, sian rite? I haven't had my menses since got preggers. Now see aldy so sian .. must start wearing tampons etc. and must be careful. I don want an accident.
Hi Maureen
I will refund u the deposit of $8

As for Tara, she has to pay me $8 + $19.72 - $9.80
= $17.92

Hi Tara, confirm that iemiko brought her elder son along, therefore, you replaced Maureen's slot..


** Phyl, think i do not have tara's number. Are you able to sms her for me?


Hey gals.. bowls finally arrive. this time i got 13 bowls. so will post out those who is on my list base on who order first ya. Have told supplier and she will soon ship out the 2nd batch.. Really hope this time round nothing will happen. =)

ypg 1 <= post
kristalangel 1 <= post
LuthAdel 1 <= regpost
Rachel 1 <= post
Jappooh 1 <= self collect where? my mum no more work in city hall le
pastillies 1<= self collect where? or you want to wait for the pants that u order with me?
little_rabbit 1 <= post
Reddates 1 <= self collect my house? let me know
Little Victoria 1 <= post
taybaby 2 <= post
Ahbur 1 <= self collect where? zy bday?
xuelyn 1 <= post

On the Q NEXT
echo 1
tara's mum 2
Doris 1
Felica 1
Veron 1
Mildy 1
pink_lamb 1
Aden's mummy 1
Sperzz 1
Xiaohwa 1
Jinomo 1
jt (jobltan) 1
Joanne81 1
Elaine 1
Esther Song 1
Christine 1
Fong 2
Echt 2
Lee 1

Will post out on saturday.. peiseh cus im quite busy tmw as im working parttime now hehe.. I need time to pack also kaka so saturday ba. thanks ^___^
peiseh thanks for reminding. i totally forget liao muhaah ok will post. can SMS me ya address? thanks.
hi fabbie,
thanks! will self collect together w the pants!
ops! i also have transf to u for the pants yet, bdae bash only remembered to past u the milk, forgot to pass u the $$.
Morn Gwen,

Got ur email, will sms u when I'm going to collect the bowl, might be today.


Any gathering or tai tai high tea soon? Have to relax and eat abit, too busy recently.
hahah its okai.. ya lar i just back home just finish my office work lor about 2am. and when i reach home im so excited of the haeim play panel that my auntie buy for clarice so i fix it in the middle of the night for her so that next morning she can play hahaha.. sian leh. i order ballot and get 2 doors one. sian leh.. but i think ballot is all 2 doors.. where got so good give you activity panel. but to get 2 panel i must pay even more sia. bo hua sian.. arghzz abit disappointed haha

Jappooh ok thankie~!
reddates ok ok will let my mum know.. thanks
wah ur auntie so good to zy! aiyoo...i think i got no space to set up tt leh...i saw bbpearl's video, oso want to get haeim play yard to "confine" Kayson..but i doubt he will kuai kuai be inside..&amp; i think if i still put the big playyard, i got no space to walk liao

&amp; why are u up so early?!!!

that time i wan to buy the big blocks. But end up didnt cos my hubby say take up too much space liao.

My boys have alot of toys loh so end up hse so messy
pas &amp; fabbie, Gerard is also not kuai kuai staying in his "prison". He would prefer to have someone sit inside with him...he want pple to play w him...

Japooh, i also want to get big block leh..but dunno how to play leh..keke..furthermore if i get that one..i think my dining table has to go
bbpearl...haha Gerard clever! he wants someone to be in the "prison" with him!!

jappooh/bbpearl, i look ard the hse..i think if i get the blocks / playyard , my dining table has to go...anyway, the dinning table is like a white elephant where we put all the barangs &amp; letters&amp; bags..also not eating at dining table anyway;p;p
My auntie and uncle share to buy present for zy birthday.. they ask me what i want for zy.. then i say the panels lor hehee.. aiyo. working part time lor.. next week also got.. must cheong if not xmas cannot buy present liao LOL

big blocks like good nice to play but then it will topple down right? so i didnt get it. and i prefer a "house" to lock her up so she wont anyhow crawl haha

bbpearl haha i think i will throw in books and toys her to play see what she will do.but i tink new thing she will like it for a while ba? lol
i saw the play yard in ur FB i also fee like buying one but really no space to put unless we tear down the partition between living n dining hall... lolx

btw, for big block can we actually use it to build a area like play yard?
Hi gals,
ask those giving abbott product. Does the Gain IQ and Gain ID kid also have the improved version?

Today abbott send me 2 tins of 400g Gain IQ but is not the improved version one.
Little Rabbit,

did u registered under the Abbott family program? If yes i think they will auto send u the sample is it? Cos i didnt call them they just send over.
I'm not sure did I under Abbott family program or not coz I just call and request for stage 3 formula and they says got my details. Maybe they collected my info when I did the first call for stage 2. The nutrition advisor commended my boy is under weight and sent me one tin of 400g pediasure on last week.

Big block cant build to be a playyard though it can be built to be a playhouse. Sort of keeping them inside (got a door that can be opened easily). But once they get more mobile, they can open the door and come out liao.


I PM u my address liao. Glad to have the bowl arriving finally. Thanks.
Morning Ladies,
Bryan has been having diahorrea for almost 1 week already. Seen his pd and still not improving. *sigh* So hard pain to see after eating or drinking his milk, he will start to poo.

Anyone experienced such persistant diahorrea in their kids before? If so, how long it takes before the diahorrea will neutralised?

Think is the stomach flu, it spreads by air, so u and ur hb have to take care of urself oso. It will be watery poo, for few days at least. Keep Bryan hydrated.

Made the transfer.

Here are the details:-

To Account POSB Savings
137-52764-2 Jowin
Amount S$17.92
Transaction Reference 2550008059

Thank you

Jake has also experience diahorrea for a long period like one week plus.

i bring him to see normal GP but he didnt get well, then my mum suggest we bring him to see a doctor at Beauty World-Nam Seng clinic, i have seen this doctor since young. the medicine he gave to jake works and for you can ask him to give you Isomil for bryan to drink when he is having diahorrea. Hope this helps...
the thread is so quiet...all went out??

i will have a busy 2 weeks ahead.....with my mid term test coming and all the assignments 2 due!!
OMG!!hope i can make it...and then have to prepare for Jakes bday then i will have my final exams!!just pray hard that everything goes smoothly and i can have more time to study!!!!
Hi Gals,
He is getting better as his poos are now back to pasty and today less than 6 times.

Wow, didn't know that so many babies got the diahorrea as well. I was getting worried wondering how come this round it is so persistent. Thanks for all your input, at least now I'm more at ease. Thing is, despite having diahorrea, this little man is actually eating very well, just tat for the past few days, he will poo mins after his isomil. Definitely an improvement since yesterday as he can keep his isomil in longer
Hi Adel
Great tat Bryan is better..

Tara.. thank.. me check it out later..
still owing Adel and Maureen

OHHHH!!! what's Summer and Ashlynne doing at Tampines Mall??? Caught them driving!!


Summer: Ashlynne.. u know the way home???
Ashlynne: No, Summer
Summer: ok.. let me lead the way..

Phyl to Summer: ask ur mummy buy GPS.. no need so stress..
Phyl to Ashylnne: wah.. pass ur license liao ah.. who's ur instructor.. intro leh..
Phyl to Jowin/Xuelyn: this car cheap leh.. COE $1 nia ah?? wah... buy!!! dun wait sia..
