(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Zach oso 8.5kg at 11 mth. His PD nvr say anything.. Tat boy eat alot but still so bony. 
i tink i'll cont him wif goats milk.

little rabbit
kayson weighs 8.5kg at 11mths. if still not much growth despite eating so much, i mite b bringing him to c dr at my clinic for growth asst.
Little rabbit,

i will give Gain IQ provided my boy drink. Huh 8.2kg at 10mths under weight? Sure anot?

Frankly speaking my elder one is those very light boy he is not taking PediaSure lei. PD only suggest PediaSure if he is picky on his food. My elder boy is 8kg + only at 10mths but the PD say it ok.

I suggest you call up your PD and check. Dun trust the nutrition consultant.

Ervin is 8.5kg in 10.5mths but PD say he is growing well. So no worries.

U need to call up for FM i though they will call u up and send u the fm auto?

u knw my elder one who is 3+yrs old only 13.5kg. PD say he is light weight. But he is growing well and eating well. My elder one also quite short loh PD say might due to genes. Cos my hubby shortie.

other then that he is fine. I asked a few dr all say ok not to worry.
Little Rabbit,

actually i feel all FM are ok lar. As long as the kid drink and suitable for them. Frankly speaking i feel abbott products quite heaty. Cos my boy drink liao specailly when he start solid the poo become quite hard. So have to give alot of water.
I brought my boy to PD two weeks ago and PD never mentioned his is under weight. Just the nutrition consultant commended my boy is under weight and the support weight should be around 10Kgs.
Actually, my boy likes to eat solid food ( full bowl of porridge x 2 per day) but drinks very little of FM (2 to 3oz x 3 per day). He still refuses to hold his milk bottle, if I put his hand to hold it and may result totally rejected the milk and skip for this feeding.
Little Rabbit,

wow 10kg? My elder one was not even 10kg when he is 1yr old. And the PD say is ok. The is consider lightly weight but not under weight lar. Though he is at the lower percentile.

Ervin is a rubbish bin he like to try watever we are eating. Till now Erivn also dun hold his own bottle through. He will only hold like the 1st few mins and he will act act hold my hand then direct my hand to his bottle then he let go.

Same reaction as my elder boy. U knw my elder boy only hold his own bottle throughout the drinking session when he is 18mths old. Very vry late.. But eventually he will loh. My elder boy last time also take very very little milk so we hold his bottle if not he will just reject as well.

I understand how u feel.
Hi mummies,

Ervin have 2 more teeth cut through at the back of his gum. I think he is very uncomfortable this round cos he keep pushing his pacifer to the side to chew.

Wat to do?
thanks for the recipes, also looks tough to me too.. anyway will try n see

lil rabbit,
huh 8kg+ underweight? my boy also around there ler at 10mths... think they trying to promote pediasure tat's why saying tat ur baby is underweight bah... :p

yalor i tot pediasure is more for kids who picky on food.. like my elder boy lor, tat's y i bought him pediasure once in a while & actually it does help, not cheap tho...
Little rabbit,

I agree with jappooh. Ask your pediatrician. Pediasure is usually for picky eaters leh. Your boy isn't so there should be no need to take Pediasure.

At the end of the day, as long as baby is eating well and taking milk ... good aldy lor !

Calista is 11 months old and 9.4 kg but she doesn't look like it leh ... I see some of your babies more chubby looking.

i last time use to give him Pediasure once awhile cos he dun take veg before he go cc. Now at hm he also dun take veg but the eat veg in school. SO now dun give Pediasure anynore. Ya it ex loh..

ervin look chubby but his weight not heavy lei. Same as my elder boy good chubby when is a baby. Now so skinny liao though the can eat alot.
little rabbit,
My ger is oso small size lor... considering tat she was still below 7kg abt 2 mths back? i.e. 8mths she still 6.9kg niah...

Can u PM me ur contact no? thanks! I reply you liao...

psst jo/pas, wat abt RL huh??? got sale again uh?
my elder one was close to 11kg at 1yr old. den now 2yrs he is 13.5kg le. growing pretty well.

for younger one, his pd say he failure to thrive coz so small size. make mi so wori so i consult my clinic dr who specialise in growth ma. now plotting his wt n ht every mth to monitor. =)

my elder one is less 10kg when he is 1 yr old. When he is 2 yrs old he is 12kg and 3 yrs old only 13.5kg. PD say he is a small size kid. But not to worry cos he is still growing.

Ervin looks like slightly bigger than gorgor lor. So i am not so worried
I hav no idea about the growing teeth…but my MIL did told me her neighbour’s kid do grow Canine (cuspid) top two instead of central & lateral…
She say she saw also quite scary.
thanks tara, i got the code too, RL email me.
haha i was still wondering if can be used more than 1 time or not...looks like the code is the same, means can be used > 1 time

Jowin: okies!

can use more than one time

My hubby is in the states now .. so he's going straight to the outlets ...I gave him a super long list. lol.
Ralph Lauren sales; yippee - ordered last nite but designs out of size.

reliable Movers:
any recommendation? I only know kc dat n shalom movers but not available on the date I wanted. Lots on net but don know if they r gd. .
Alice ; saw ur poached salmon pixs on fb.. Looks yummy. But question; do u purre it ? Cos spinach n etc looks prett big pcs for bb . . Wanna try ur recipe tomorrow. Thks for sharing
Hi hi! I didnt puree it.. cos Avery has been eating cooked spinach leaves like that. Its really soft and easily 'mashed' apart by her gums (plus two teeth). I did cut off all the hard stalky part.. so its only the leaves. Can definitely puree or roughly chop before cooking. Hope that Evan likes it!
stella, i oso never puree zach's food anymore. Even fruits oso.. i juz steam and then when feeding him mash it up abit. It is good for them to learn chewing.
Hmm..what shuld i try on Zach tmr leh?? Poached salmon or baked pasta with fish?? hahaha
<font color="ff0000">DEC Baby Birthday Bash REMINDER</font>

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">TOMORROW IS THE BIG DAY</font></font>

Address: Tampines Junction, Opp to Century Square
Date: 07 Nov 2009
<font size="+2">Starting Time: 5.30pm - 7.30 pm</font>

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2"> PARENTS are required to bring own socks. Baby do not need socks</font></font>

<font color="0000ff">Prince</font> and <font color="ff0000">Princess</font>

1) Luthadel (HB, BB &amp; Me )- <font color="0000ff">BRYAN</font>
2) Jowinbaby (HB, BB &amp; Me)- <font color="ff0000">ASHLYNNE</font>
3) merydith (bb + me + hb) - <font color="0000ff"> RANDALL</font>
4) Pastillies (BB + Me + HB)- <font color="0000ff">KAYSON</font>
5) Evanmummy ( bb +me+hb) - <font color="0000ff">EVAN</font>
6) Joanne81 (BB + Me + Hb)- <font color="0000ff"> BRENNON</font>
7) 2nd bb (bb + Me + maid) - <font color="ff0000">CLARYCE</font>
8) little_rabbit(BB + Me + Hb)- <font color="0000ff">ETHAN</font>
9) Tina Ong (Me + BB) - <font color="ff0000">RACHEL</font>
10) Fabbie (me + bb + hb) - <font color="ff0000">CLARICE</font>
11) nitestar (BB + Me + Hb)-<font color="0000ff">JONAS</font>
12) Jlow - (Me + BB + HB)-<font color="0000ff">JOSHUA</font>
13) zachmommy (BB + Me + Hb)- <font color="0000ff">ZACHARY</font>
14) Esthers (bb+me+hb) - <font color="0000ff">SEAN</font>
15) Phyl (Me + bb ) - <font color="0000ff">HAYDEN</font>
16) Ah Bur (BB + Me + Hb)- <font color="ff0000">CIDNEY</font>
17) Xiao Pooh -(me + bb + HB)-<font color="ff0000">JERMAINE</font>
18) ikeike (bb + me + hb) - <font color="ff0000">SHANNON</font>
19 &amp; 20) iemik0 (Me + HB + Elder Son + BB)-<font color="0000ff">JAYZON &amp;KAYSON</font>
21) xuelyn (me + bb + HB) -<font color="ff0000">SUMMER</font>
22 &amp; 23) jess (BB + son+ Me + Hb)-<font color="0000ff">DARRELL &amp; DANIELL</font>
24) Ivy (BB + Me + Friend)-<font color="0000ff">JAKE</font>

*** How will be the Birthday Bash like???
2 hours session.

Play Session - in gym room ( 1st hour)
There is an instructor which will guide all babies to play at the gym area. This is rather similar to a gym trial session, where instructor will conduct classes, with music, run around the class in circles , fly Baby up and down.. At this time, only 1 parent is allow with the Baby. We will try to see if we can ask mygym to allow Daddies to stand at one corner to take photos.

Cake Cutting session ( 2nd Hour)
All daddies and mummies can join , of course...

Heres a map and address:
Mygym is within the "STAR shape"


More baby boys than baby girls... the boy boy dun bully the girl girl hor...

sorry to hear about your loss.... Take good care ..
I did a mini confinement by ordering a week's supply of confinement food from natal essentials. You might wanna consider that.
hmmm...for daddies that are standing there to take photos need to wear socks also??my friend will be carrying jake to play....and i will take photo...need to bring socks??

looking forward tot he bash!!!
actually my elder boy is paying also... can he go in &amp; play this time? hehehe coz he kept asking me why he couldn't go in &amp; play when we were in the trial class last time....
Bdae bash:
All parents or helpers gg into play area need socks.

Our bois r allowed to go in n play. Juz tt d program r more for d babies. Tink they r free to run around n play as long as they don 'knock' into d babies accidentally. :p
For those going to MY GYM today,

Enjoy! Especially the baby, it is ur BIG DAY! Hehe...


Ur elder boy can play. They got alot of equipment for older boy to play too. But since there are so many babies and parents, his space may be limited.


U wear ur socks, get ur temperature checked, wipe ur hands then u enter the play area. Babies and kids dun need.

I suggest u tell the teachers u n ur friend alternate to go in. Then she get her temperature checked n wear socks also. In between, u can just open the door, go in and take photo. But u must come out a while then go in. Think today too many babies, the teachers will be too busy to see if onli 1 parent is inside the play area.

Hehe... Me and my hubby will sometimes do that cause sometimes my gal want to play the equipment right inside n we cant zoom in enough.

There is a free trial class for JWT at UE Square now. Pls call them up to make appointment. I am going later. Hehe...
Hi mummies,
Thanks for all the advised on stage 3 FM. After seeing ur post seems like my baby's weight is average instead of under weight, feel a great relief now

Looking forwards for today's bash.

Kayson's weight is 8.5Kgs and why your PD say he failure to thrive coz of the small size? My boy also belong to small size and thinnish, his eat lot of solid but weight gain and grow is slow.

How is ur granny? Should keep more accompany to her since u are not seeing her everyday, especially when people is ill/old feels very lonely and needs more attention.
I'm sure most of the mummies will take numbers of photo for today's bash and upload in FB.
Dear All,

Im so sorry that I can't attend today's bash le... sigh.. Jonas has been sick.. was hoping that he would get well.. but his flu n cough has gotten worse...

Have fun!
little rabbit
Coz kayson gained 200gms onli in 5mths. So PD say failure to thrive. But i feel beta afta consulting my own dr coz he specialist ma. Hehe. Let mi know if u wan pediasure sample. :p
at least got gain weight..dunno y zach's weight declining.. last mth was 9.2kg then went down to 8.5kg, which i attributed to he was not feeling well then now became 8.3kg. But he eats alot n drink his milk consistently leh..210ml!!!
Oh well.. i dun care abt the weight lar, as long as that boy is healthy n cheeky, hahaha.
when baby fall sick, their wt drop drastically. kayson gainned 700gm in sept, den oct sick n lost all tt he gain. sianz.

Thanks ... I think I will order the natal essentials too.

About the shepards pie, I steam the potato n diced carrots, chop the skinless tomato,beef (can get organic beef from bukit timah ntuc) then fry the onion with little butter, beef, tomato.Then throw in the cooked carrots n purée all.Then mash the potato n mix some of his milk and put them on top of the puree.
Can serve Liao or if very free then I put in the oven further for a while.

Snowgal, got. he givE me 2 options lor. So I choose to wait out
