(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

hehehe yeah! thanks emeraldbride!

i perservered not to have epidural right from the start, and made sure i stuck thru it.


Finally its over. My god. Wad an experience!


actually, i don't think the drink milk get milk theory is true.. hee.. but somehow my ILs are so believing in that..

i also want to "fatten" up my bb.. hahah.. and doing TBF is gonna be a bit tricky coz most of the growth charts is based on bb who are on FM..
hee thanks dee.

i will... gimme some time. i'm sitting on the bed too long. later backache.

i'll update again... i'll go get some rest :p
ya should buy more bottles.i got about 8 bottles sometimes feel not enff leh. i have a lot of milk bags i also duno when to use it. I mayb getting the mum's fairy largest shield. cus mine is M. mayb bcus too small my nipple getting bigger lol
What do u do when bb slp after a feeding and cries later (b4 bb next feeding)? Do u cajole bb or feed again for latch on bb? Ml CL taught me a method to test if bb still wants more milk, by tapping her lower lip n more often than not bb wants milk! But bb's already suckle for more than 30mins, how can she still b hungry within such a short while?!
scarletGal - ah no no... my husband n me only share 1 meal twice n we can't complete. i only order lunch service, will normally split portion into half - half for lunch, half for dinner. usually i can't finish all.

CM - congrats!
How i know my gal needs milk i always curl up my hand like a C then i let her suck.. if she suck suck suck for a few times then i know she's hungry. But it also depends on the timing. If the timing is not feeding time i may just give her a pacifier lor. If still cry then maybe 1 oz Cus my baby just want to drink alittle bit nia. Thats for my gal lor. Not sure sama anot hehe
morning ladies
went costa sands pasir ris to hold kayson's man yue celebration ydae. kayson din open eyes at all when ppl carry him. bring him upstairs to d room for diaper change n he open his small eys looking aorund. babies.

food was catering from yls catering. cheap n good. all my guests like d food. lots of left-overs as food was alot.

managed to clear my 2kg mickey mouse cake as well even thou not many turned up. kana fly kite by quite a few ppl laz min. haiz.

worst was i din bring my pump out. tot will be out for 6hrs max. smmore outside i tink i can pump much milk out as well. end up here delay, there delay, i onli manage to pump 9hrs ltr n got 300mls. nearly flow out of my bottle liao. =X

todae gonna hav a good rest at home coz whole family tired out le. lolx.

yipe. rotarix is a oral med. can be taken at family dr as well. do check out wif them if they carry d drug anot coz not all gps hav it.

one meal split into two meal n feed 2 pax. wow. seems like im eating alot. haha. mi share wif my sis or hb my meals n we usually finish it. lolx.
hi emeraldbride,

pls update my details.
i've delivered on 19/12/08 at 2025hrs
baby girl
name: Clare Wong
Natural without Epidural
weight: 2.285kg
Length: 48cm

me too also facing the same thing as u... which i tot my milk ss has dropped when i nurse my bb so frequent (only pump 1-2times a day), and when i pumped last 2 day i onli got a miserable amt of 10ml for both side!!! i was so stress last few days & tot milk ss decreased & quickly go & buy fenugreek hope to boost up ss again... took 2 days oredi but dunno it helps or not..

below article may help u to ease ur worry if u think ur supply is low but in fact it is not:

the following things do NOT mean that you have a low milk supply:

Your baby nurses frequently. Breastmilk is digested quickly (usually in 1.5-2 hours), so breastfed babies need to eat more often than formula-fed babies. Many babies have a strong need to suck. Also, babies often need continuous contact with mom in order to feel secure. All these things are normal, and you cannot spoil your baby by meeting these needs.

Your baby suddenly increases the frequency and/or length of nursings. This is often a growth spurt. The baby nurses more (this usually lasts a few days to a week), which increases your milk supply. Don't offer baby supplements when this happens: supplementing will inform your body that the baby doesn't need the extra milk, and your supply will drop.

Your baby doesn't nurse as long as she did previously. As babies get older and better at nursing, they become more efficient at extracting milk.





<font color="ff0000">You get very little or no milk when you pump. The amount of milk that you can pump is not an accurate measure of your milk supply. A baby with a healthy suck milks your breast much more efficiently than any pump. Also, pumping is an acquired skill (different than nursing), and can be very dependent on the type of pump. Some women who have abundant milk supplies are unable to get any milk when they pump. In addition, it is very common and normal for pumping output to decrease over time</font>

for more info u can refer to:
congrats Toonies23 and CM!
CM, ur bb looks cute!! and kudos to u for going thru w/o epi!!! hmmm... looks like I'm the only one left in the waiting game.. mayb my bb wan to "bao wei" either be the last bb of the year or tong till 1st Jan 2009..! sigh.. me running out of paitience here.. still no signs of labour.. sianz..
fabbie, u got alot of milk bags?? I left one more box of Pigeon milkbox onie leh..I store my milk in the bag for freezing. Usually I onie standby 2 feeding in the fridge for CL to feed bb at nite 11pm and 2am and the rest of the time i will latch.

U tink Lansinoh milkbag is good? I tink Pigeon is too expensive..don't wanna buy tat liao.
Yeah...i scheduled a facial session on 31st Dec 08! So long din go facial liao..mabbe on 1st will go for rebonding.

Somehow, when I go out, i tend to worry abt my bb so much that i m so tense and kan chiong. Hubby kept asking me to relax and shop till i drop but i juz cant help tinking of bb being alone at home with cl.. wonder will he cry, can cl handle him, will he look for mummy, etc??
Hi Paulyn
I am getting from Sweetest Moments to distribute and also want to order a full month cake for all to eat at Emi Cake. But hor.. i haven did any ordering.

Hi Kath
wah. u start to freeze already? I haven start.. just clearing the milk that i put in fridge. I understand what u mean.. ur HB just wan u to relax too.. I put my baby in good hands with my mum, so i can go out without much worry. Recently, as my mum need to go to the wake, my 2 aunties look after for me, then when i went out 1 hr to do grocery, i also keep phone home to ask if baby is ok etc..

wat are the food provide by YLS is good. I am looking at YLS for my boy full mth celebration as well.

As for cakes, i will just get voucher and give to relative. Dun wan to buy so many boxes. have buffet liao still need to give cakes. Siong loh.
Paulyn, we use Gin thye, it's $6.80 a box with a pound cake, 2 eggs,2 ang Ku kueh &amp; 2 glutinous rice. it's the cheapest.

Jowinbaby, i tried the cake from Pine gardens, love the lychee matini, yum yum... i might order one for my own family to eat cause we giving cakes to relatives oredi...but emicakes are oso yummy....

emeraldbride, heard the Lansinoh milkbag is quite good, my sis coming back frm US tonite, i got her to buy me a 100bags, a bit KS hor... i am using the pigeon ones one, agree with u, it's quite exp. the Lansinoh one oni cost US9.99 for 50bags.
emeraldbride, i totally opposite of u, i go out with my hubby, nvr miss bb, hehe, my CL so sayang our bb till i tink we lack of bonding with our bb. once my CL carry her, she stop crying. tink we r in deep trouble once my CL is gone...
Lansinoh milkbags not bag i order liao.. I use The First Years milk Bags too! also not bad. I duno what to do with so many freezing milk bags leh.. i keep pumping n pumping till i got not enff of bottles so i took my milk bags and freeze. How to stand by? when my below fridge got already 6 bottles havent even clear! and i pump it will increase more milk bags. My mum ask me to go donate my milk -___-. I really duno when can i use my milk bags when i got so much bottles liao. haiz

I got my lansinoh milk bags from a mummy 1 pack = 20 bucks inside got 50. i got from her 2 Box of it. And i think she left 3 boxes. If you want you can contact her, i can give u her email.

Ya.. when u go out u will miss your lil one de.. and not only that when u bring them out on the stroller you will scare this and scare that will hurt your little one. Today i go foodcourt and eat im so scare tat the ceilling will drop on her pram when there's nothing on top. so topid of me. and when people walk pass my baby i will like stare at them to make sure they dun touch my baby pram. lolx.
hi fabbie
ur milk alot alot har.. haha.. my HB start to ask me freeze my milk when he saw 6 spare bottles in the fridge. I run out of bottles liao...

Hi ah bur
ya. Pine garden also nice. but my house opposite got one emi cake store.. i very lazy to travel to amk to see or call them at their store...
Hi Mommies,

I am a Nov 07 mommy and has only stopped bfg recerntly. So I am left with excess stock of lansinoh milkbags to let go. Willing to let go at S$10 per pk (i.e. 25 milkbags). Can consider waiving postage fee if you buy in bulk of at least 5.

I have at most only 15 packs left. Pls PM me if you are interested.

For those who are bfg, perservere... its a tough road but I m sure u all can make it. For me, I didn't latch on coz bb cldnt latch on well, so I hv been expressing for almost 12mths. A lot of pple have the misconception that expressing will dwindle supply and i beg to differ coz I hv more than enuff supply for my baby. It will only work when you r diligent enuff to pump. Also, I am a FTWM, so choice of EBM is definite since I can't be with her after ML. So jia jia you ! okie!
nipple pain
I found some useful links on how to improve your baby's latch, so as to reduce nipple pain. I tried these out and I really feel the improvement. My sore nipples are not so pain now. Only have pain during the initial latch, but will ease off as Emma continues to nurse. I hope these links will be useful for those mummies who are still suffering from nipple pain.


What I found to be useful was to think of getting baby to latch as an 'up and over' movement. So I aim my nipple at her nose, position her upper lip under my nipple (chin resting on my breast) and get my nipple to brush her upper lip as she opens wide. Then I smoosh her head into my boob and she latches nicely, without any pain.

Hope this is helpful!
my menu
1. fried bee hoon - sm like n sm find no taste
2. curry chicken - good
3. braised duck - good
4. lohan vegetable - not bad. elders luv it.
5. sweet n sour sliced fish - fish not veri fresh
6. deep fried butter prawn - good. prawns were veri fresh.
7. braised beancurd - not bad
8. deep fried crispy chicken - ordered fried chicken wings but they make mistake.
9. sambal sotong - tasty. diff from wat we eat at east coast food court.
10. mushroom wif sea cumcumber - good

so far, all say food is nicer dan delihub (i alwaz order from them.) hehe.

my freezer got no more space for my milk bags le. onli left one small shelve for my food one. tink gotta place there soon n clear my food. now i onli pump 4x a dae due to no space for storage. =(
jo, BM stored in fridge onie can last 48hrs leh..how u going to clear? I at most store 2 bottles in fridge to last for 2 feeds.

My freezer got abt 15 milk bags liao. I onie freeze if my pumping session yield more than 100ml else no point storing lar..haha. I onie pump 2x a day so someday I will not freeze and someday I will freeze 2 packs. Today whole day hv not pumped anything yet.. waiting for bb to latch on but he has not wake up yet leh since his last feed at 12.30pm.

ah bur, u shuldnt let ur CL carry ur bb too much! When she leave, u will hv difficult time handling ur bb cos she will be so attached to her and her smell. This was what happened to alot of my frenz. I never let my bb being carried by CL for too long. Usually when he cries, I will be the one that carry him. Only feeding EBM, my CL will be the one doing it tat's y i onie limit to 2x and it is middle of the night so that i can sleep! Hehehe

I will need to clear my freezer once my confinement is over! Now i really regret buying 3 compartment fridge. The freezer space is so small. Mabbe i shuld throw away the remaining ice cream since I cant eat cold stuff for quite some time.

fabbie, can pass me ur fren's email?
emeraldbride: check with u, if u let BB drink from bottle will he get too used to it liao then dun wan to latch on. I juz given birth n BB is gd on latching but yest being crying whole nite, HB worried not enuff milk so ask mi to pump n keep the milk. But I worried wait to used to bottle, she dun wan to latch on anymore.
sperzz, how old is ur bb?? So far my baby only get milk fr bottle twice a day and he dun hv problem with latching. Initially he does, but u need to guide him. I read from a book that we need to alternate the latching position so that bb can latch on properly.

if u r worried abt nipple confusion, u can try cup feeding.
iemik0 - ah no no... my husband n me only share 1 meal twice n we can't complete. i only order lunch service, will normally split portion into half - half for lunch, half for dinner... just for myself. usually i can't finish all.
Yes my baby too! At first, she was only perspiring where I was holding her, so I thought that she was feeling warm from the body contact. But I later noticed that she was also sweating on her forehead even though I wasn't holding her there. I guess she must be really working for her food! :p
Hi Ladies!
I finally see some signs.. had a little blood stain! but still no contractions yet..called my gynae.. he said to monitor until contractions 10 mins apart then head down to hospital. 10 mins is too short rite??

anyone can advise? I'm both eggcited and worried at the same time... argh..
thanks for your menu.

i give EBM to my boy is the day and latch him during the nite. So far he is ok with both bottles and nipple.
Thank for the info, but also getting voucher for frens n relative if not so many boxes so troublesome. I thought of buying a nice cake to eat during the buffet. By the way any recomemend for nice vegetarian buffet.
wow the sign coming liao. Soon u will give birth already. 10 mins apart should be ok lar. when i have my 1st boy i go hopsitial when my contraction was 5 mins apart. And i didnt give birth until the next day.

But diff ppl diff lar. is still better to go early than late rite. Waiting for your good news.

this is ur 1st labour rite? if 10min apart still not too short bah coz normally we'r advised to go to hospital when contraction comes in 5-10mins apart... for me my 1st contraction came in 10mins apart then very soon to 5mins apart (within an hr), and by the time i rushed to hospital i already 6cm dilated... hehee, anyway mine is 2nd time liao so faster...
baby and you must be comfortable and confidant with latching on b4 you start on the bottle, otherwise bb might prefer the bottle and refuse to latch on later. My friend's bb was like that. I latched Olivia on for 2+ weeks before starting on the bottle, and even so, I only feed EBM 1-2times a day MAX. I just want her to get used to the bottle so that I can have peace of mind when I go back to work. So as long as you and bb are very comfortable with latch on, you can start on the bottle. Lactation consultants/midwives usually advise to wait 1month but that may be too long. My sis's bb refused the bottle and still refuses the bottle, we think cos she waited out the full 1month. bb too used to the breast already

not only does my baby perspire, I'm dripping with perspiration too! So sticky by the end of the day yucks! that's why I feed her in air conditioned 26degree comfort
Hi Japooh &amp; Jes
thks for ur advise! contraction pain is pain down there or pain at the tummy?? rite now my pain is at he virginal part.. n whole tummy feel bery hard.. w urge to go do "big" biz.. is tat it?
Guess depends on how far your house if fr hospital and whether or not you'll meet rush hour traffic! My sis went to hosp when her contractions were 6min apart. My contractions when they started out were 3-6min apart but when I reached hospital they were 5-8min apart. But better to go earlier in case you dilate quickly. Good luck and enjoy your birth experience!
xuelyn my contraction pains came with lower back pain which grew increasingly unbearable. For me it started out aching from upper thighs upwards. Very different from BH. Monitor your contractions and see if they progress!
the pain supposed at ur tummy, some said like menses cramp... if it is at vaginal part then it's not, this was wat my gynae said when last time i oso had the pain down there... anyway, when the contraction pain comes in, u will know... coz it is regular &amp; will get stronger...
Hi Ladies,

Spree for maxi cosi tori car seat good for 0-4 years old @ bulk purchase price, also on still spree for capella s705 stroller closing soon..pls PM for info
Hi Emeraldbride and ladies, here's my birth story



24 December 2008 Wednesday

1300 hours - Pregnant at 39 wks+ 4, Went to KKH due to spotting.
1335 hours - Waited for M.O. to come and check me.
1445 hours - M.O on duty, Dr Carrie Ho came and checked, said i'm only 1cm dilated. Two choices: (1) Induce labour, failing which, will need caesar; or (2) go home and wait for spontaneous labour (i.e. either waterbag bursts, or intense contractions.

1500 hours - Not sure what to do, called mum, mum-in-law, cousin for opinion.

1545 hours - Decided to head home to wait, after hearing the "caesar" part.

1700 hours - Washed up and tried to take a rest. Spotting increased. Fresh blood alike menses flow. Decided to wait and monitor.

0045 hours (25 Dec) - Changed of the night sanitary pad for the third time since 1700 hours due to heavy flow. Now, its brownish flow, with brown-like fluid. For fear of the bursting of the waterbag, decided to head to KKH with hubby to check again, and decided to be admitted for observation regardless of results.

0115 hours (25 Dec) - M.O on duty, Dr Carrie Ho checked again, and confirmed that waterbag is not burst, and dilation is still only at 1 cm. Told Dr Ho i wish to be admitted for observation, and to let my gynae, Dr Yeap Min Li check me on 25 December 2008, and see if we want to induce.

0200 hours (25 Dec) - Admitted to KKH Ward 82 Bed 02. After i settled down in the ward, hubby went home to rest.


25 December 2008 (Thursday)

1230 hours - Dr Yeap came to check me. Dilated at 2 cm. Decidedthat we can burst waterbag and induce labour now, instead of inserting prostin into the vagina.

1330 hours- Sent to KKH Delivery Suite, Labour Room 12 to get ready and await Dr Yeap to arrive.

1400 hours - Dr Yeap burst waterbag and I was put on drip to induce labour. Told me she'll be back in the evening to check on me again.

1430 hours - Labour pain commences. Pain is about the equivalence of menstrual cramps, but the intensity increases by about 2x, 4x, 6x as time passes. Snr Staff Nurse on duty, Png Chui Eng asked for level of pain (1 being least, 10 being most). Told her currently at Level 1.

1515 hours - Png came to check on me. Contractions feel like 10x of menstrual cramps. My level of pain remains at 1.

1600 hours - Png came to check on me again. Level of pain increased to 2. Checked dilation. Only 3 cm.

1620 hours - Png came to check on me. Level of pain increased to 3 to 4. Asked if i want epidural. Rejected offer.

1700 hours - Png came to check on me. Level of pain reached 4. Insisted no epidural.

1735 hours - Png came to check and level of pain is at 5-6 now. Png said she's gg for her dinner. Her partner will check on me while she's away.

1800 hours - Pain increased tremendously. Lawrence saw my face and said probably i have reached 8 or 9. Haha, another Indian nurse (didnt see her name) came to say that though my threshold of pain is high and can resist epidural, its advisable to try the laughing gas as it will calm me down a little. And this gas has no side effects to mum and baby. It could release my stress on my thighs as i experience the contractions, and could help cervix to dilate faster.

Decided to heed her advice and take the laughing gas. The gas didnt live up to its name, it merely made me drowsy and relaxes me.

2000 hours - Pain was TREMENDOUS. I was high on the laughing gas, and was battling with the pain. Png came to check, dilated at 5 cm. Png said she's off duty, will hand me over to next Snr Staff Nurse, Nurlini.

2100 hours - Nurlini checked, dilation increased to about 8 cm. She said Doc Yeap will come by at 2200 hours to check me.

2145 hours - Told Nurlini i have the urge to push. Nurlini helped, and told me to try to push when the contractions kick in. Tried pushing but not time yet.

2200 hours - Increased urge to push. Tried to push abit, nope, nothing. Told Nurlini to call doctor quickly, and that i have no strength to push anymore. To assist in delivery. Nurlini said Dr will only want mum to push for an hour at least, before deciding on next course of action. And she told me that forceps will run the risk of damaging the baby's skull. Upon hearing that, immediately said NO to forceps. NO to vacuum.

2215 hours - Dr Yeap came. Started to push when contractions kick in with the help of Dr Yeap, Nurline and Lawrence, supporting my legs and hands.

2230 hours - Too tired to push, told Dr Yeap to assist delivery, by forceps or by vacuum. Dr Yeap says you have to push his head out even if you wan forceps. But when u have done that, you dont need forceps, u can give one more push and baby'll be out.

Continued pushing for about 8 rounds or so, each round has 3 pushes.

2312 hours - Baby Isaac is safely born to the world, during the last hours of Christmas Day 2008!!

The day is here finally!!!

so far my best record is 125ml and i pump every 3-4hourly, so many times per day that i nearly forget my surename...hahahahaha. i stop latching my boy since day 3. now bb sleeps wif CL and drink FM at nite, m thinking after she's gone, i may try to latch him for nite feed cos i also dun 1 2 feed him FM, then stii need to spend time to pump, but scared will b tough cos din latch him for so long liao. n i got short nipples...
me using melrose for my ger's full-mth celebration..had wanted to use sweetest mmt originally but later find their cakes presentation too modern liao (though its really nice n cute)..not sure if relatives can accept..so in the end, me decided on melrose as their presentation is more traditional..hee

Their cakes are nice..service oso good..you can check it out..me ordered the Traditional Pack - A5, consisting of 1 cake, 4 angkus, 4 red eggs n 4 glutinous rices..


Merydith - understand how u feeling abt ur mil. i also pek chey w mine. she visit my house occasionally n enjoy taking things out of plastic bags, washing bottles without detergent &amp; without separating teats n caps for washing, throw away breastmilk (when i have so little of it)
