(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

ya. shower head is the nipple. actually my left neh neh sometime like shower head, sometimes also dripping oni. but it will still achieve around the same amt of milk as my right neh neh..did yr both neh neh yield around the same amt? me too, pump ster 1 time per day, but sometime wil still pour hot water to rinse aft washing. my cl very funny one, dun like to use the bottle detergent to wash bottles, always say her also not too nice, so when ever i wash my pump, i see the bottles there, i will also wash them altogether wif detergent.

now i can get around 100ml- 125ml per pump for both breast. multiply by 7 times a day, min I have abt 700ml for my boy.
I also hope i can carry on and BF my boy 1 year at least..

Maternity Leave
btw, how many of u taking 4 months ML in a row? I email my dept manager few days before i start my ML but he oni reply on my last day n tell me he prefer me to take 4 months in a row. but i have already submitted my leave form liao. so mayb i will go back after 3 months.

now damn xianz, every nite got to wake up twice by alarm to pump. worst than working...@_@

i'm taking 4mths MIL in a row..
wow, 700ml!! that's good output!!

water retention
can drinking H20 (water) during confinement cause water retention in body (which old folks says is difficult to shed)?
lol i overslept till now! pumping now. =S I always pump my pump with the detergent is quite tiring leh. everytime brush brush pump pump brush brush pump pump lolx

For my ML im taking one row. Infact i wanted to split but my company told me to take 1 row. Reason is better for them and easier for them lor. So Whatever lar. give them lor.

if i faithfully everyday pump like maybe 3 to 4 hrs each pump i will get 3oz each breast if i overslept like now(6hrs) will get about 6oz each breast. and damn pain lor now =(
hei hei..i onie pump like 2x per day. Once in the afternoon and once before i go to bed. Other than that is total latch on. Both time will yield abt 100ml - 140ml. Usually i never pump early in the morning, my left breast is always engorged but i let it be cos my bb usually will wake up ard 8.30am to feed, so i want him to have more milk from mummy...hehe

I must agree, latch on is very easy esp when going out. Just bring the nursing cover and diapers and wet wipes and I am off liao..hahaha.

Once my confinement lady leaves, I may feed baby with bottle during day and onie latch at nite so that I can establish a pumping schedule. Hopefully i will be able to do it..pump too often my breast is so sore.. this thursday when i go orchard, i will go buy all the different size of breast shield. The current Large one that I bought fr MumsFairy also suck my areola till very pain and I onie turn on the level to 3 onie leh..

Fabbie, i also dunno how to shove the whole areola into bb's mouth..is so big leh. Hahaha.. if this is not a online forum, i wanna take photo n show u how my nipple is so red! Oh.. how u dig ur nipple to hv better flow? Y u dig ur nipple ah?
i saw like alot of dry white stuffs stuck i think is milk so i dig dig it out so at least can see abit depth inside but its painful to do it lar. cus nipple is sore le. I think i can double confirm is my shield liao. cus its became like blue black after i pump!

lol alot of times i wanted to take photo and let u all see also hahhaa to let u see my nipple is it normal anot or take photo of the sucktion when im pumping is it the correct way? and i want to take photo to show u gals when my baby latch correctly a not. lolx but dun think we can post here ba. haha
yeah lor, later we are banned from this forum cos we post R(A) stuff..hahaha

Oh..my nipple got the depth (the left nipple) but the right one dun hv.

mum2ndx, sometimes mine also like shower head but will onie happen when my breast is really really full! I will be very happy to see a steady flow of milk out.. n when i m happy, milk flow out more!..so amazing hor our body.
btw do you mummies sometimes feel like insercure, as in scare our lil one will anytime will leave us. scare something will happen lor. like i went out with my in law to eat at food court i will take a look at everything like people will stand near the pram or i scare on top something will fall down(but nothing on top). i duno am i siao or what. sometimes i carry her in the car i will scare that the other cars will bang me or something like that. Aiyo i just can say im so scare to lose her lor! and i very scare something will happen. sighz.. is this normal? or im crazy liao. too timid le. and i think i keep thinking of rubbish!
i think that's part of being a mom-bah..
i also worry for my #1.. sometimes for not reason at all..
don't worry.. u not going crazy..

guess we must learn to think more +vely for them.. if not we'll end up not wanting to do anything at all.. like that more crazy.. haha..
hello Ladies
*sigh*,now I can hardly find time to log into the forum liao. Bryan has grown a lot and now knows how to look for attention and the moment he hears my voice or see my face, he will want to be cuddled. Used to be so easy to pick him up but now, I feel like l'm doing weight lifting! hahaha

Hope you're coping well handling your little one alone
I did some googling abou BM having a metallic smell and it looks like it could be this thing called excess lipase. I kinda guessed it because my EBM smelled sour after just 2 days of being in the fridge. Not sure if you have the same thing, but thought I'd share this with you anyway.

Basically what this means is that your milk has too much of lipase, a fat-digesting enzyme. If you store milk with excess lipase, it can end up having a soapy/metallic smell or taste and could also go bad more quickly, because the lipase will start to breakdown the fat in the milk. From what I've read, this seems to be a bigger problem for frozen milk than refridgerated milk, because the reheating will activate the lipase, which will cause the thawed milk to smell sour.

This is a pretty good forum thread discussion about excess lipase: http://forums.llli.org/showthread.php?t=297 There is also a more concise write-up here: http://www.kellymom.com/bf/pumping/lipase-expressedmilk.html

I'm doing some experiments now with my EBM, to see how long it will keep in the fridge before smelling sour. Hopefully it will last at least 24 hours, so that I can still pump when I go back to work.
i sent out the baby bonus around 1-2weeks ago...together with the CDA account opening..will it ready in three weeks when the cash is bank into my account?i wanna use the CDA to pay for the vacinnations...anyone can advice?
i didnt smell my milk everytime leh.. Hmm maybe one day i should take out my freeze milk and see is it sour or not.. but like that how to avoid leh. Hmm

my gal too always cry to need cuddle.. and its very tiring when u carry them they dun even wan to sleep! that time i carry my gal for 3 hours and i canont take it i sleep on the sofa carrying her. -____- Ya and how nice hor when u carry them u can feel they are getting heavier le hehhe But my last check for my gal is only 3.8kg! so light lolx

okai so i know its normal and not like siao siao kind. hahha
Its better to just get a haircut, and not do any hair treatment wor..I had wanted to do high-lighting n rebonding de, but my aunties were all against it..They told me usually pregnant women will start to lose hair ard 3rd - 4th mth..so if we still contd to do hair treatments, the hair-loss will be more..so scary..plus if do rebonding, next down we old already, we will have terrible headache de (like needles poking our head)..I tink better to be safe better dont do..must wait till 6 mth later then do treatment..So i simply get a hair-cut only..

Anyway, for CNY, guess everybody will be focusing their attention on bb, who cares abt mummy? haha..

me oso hope my CDA application will be ready before CNY, as im bringing my ger for vaccination end Jan 09..But i tink if MCYS side approve the cash gift, we still will need the bank (OCBC/Standard Chart) to process..so may take even longer time than 3 weeks..just hope can be fast..
better not to keep carrying our bb leh..cos once you start to contd carryin them, they will get use to it and will need us to cuddle them more..thus we will be super-tired..

For me, i let my ger sleep on bb cot..she will sometimes cry for me to carry her..i will see one..if she cry for a short while, i will just help to change her sleeping position cos she may be feeling warm after sleeping in a particular position..if she cry longer, fiercer, then i will just carry awhile only n put her back to sleep in her cot..then ok liao..this excludes her feeding n changing diapers needs lah..
scarletGal - the food eh ok lor. there r some dishes which are sth i never tried in my life until now - hong shao chix, vinegar trotter. u can always call the hotline to ask them can give u wider variety or not... haha.

mum2ndx - i overslept until ard 5am, my bra was soaked w BM.
Hi gals, luthadel
Finally get online at home.
i m ok. coping well.. still trying hard.. very stress lately and my BM ss dropping..

My idiot MIL have been very insensitive and interfering my own family abt my grandpa wake. Now the wake is over, she still very pantang and demand alot of ridiculous things yet dun offer any help. I m very angry n stress . Quarreled with HB a few times over his mum . Happy Happy she change the full month celebration to 01 Jan.. N i did not order anything yet.. wat shit...

Coping with my cranky ger already not easy, yet still need to listen to all sort of nonsense.
baby 17 days old. last few days have been cranky, suspected either wind in tummy or colic. there will be certain blocks of timing when he will keep crying. offer milk he doesn't want, diaper is clean, carry him & pat him, tried ru yee oil, give a bit of grip water in milk... all don't work. so usually afterall these, i will just leave him to cry... and he can really cry for a long time. sigh.

i am taking 4 mths ML in a row.

Now i pump like 4x per day and each time will have 100ml to 150ml of milk. My higest record so far is 210ml.

After 10pm at nite i will latch my boy till the next morning 8am. Morning he is on EBM fed in bottles. So far he is ok with both bottles and nipple.
jo, actual day is on Saturday 3 Jan if u follow chinese calendar cos 5 Dec is 8th day of chinese calendar and this coming saturday is the 8th day of chinese calendar - tat's y we are doing the traditional stuff on saturday then go makan @ hua ting on sunday onie.

i m so 'buay song' wif my cl..alr very obvious my son has heat rash, yet still wrap him like a dumpling and dun turn on the fan in such hot weather. When i tell her, she say they (she and my son) cos they are not doing confinement. I noe, but look at the scorching sun, normal human oso will feel the heat lar moreover my son is being wrapped like being mummified!! Then he is very cranky todae, i purposely carry him to my room and turn on air cond..yet he still dun wanna sleep, she came in my room and carry him back to his own room and say she wil pat him to sleep. Lately she's been carrying my son alot which i do not want. I suspect that is their tactic of letting our bb be familiar wif their smell and then ur mummy cannot cope, extend their service..alot of my fren fell for such things. Their CL leave, their baby all started crying non-stop cos used to the CL way of carrying etc..siah!!!
Just want to share what my CL thot me. She's really really good with babies and cooking.

Babies are born to be very afraid of heat (tho they may not know the difference initially as they were used to our body heat whilst in the womb). Babies with jaundice are even more so, therefore, they need to be in cooling cotton wear and not be wrapped so much.

My CL kept my baby girl very cool. In fact, brew water-chestnut water, barley, crysanthemum & gold-silver flower tea for baby to drink everyday since she returns from the hospital to cool down her system. My girl had heat spots, which she said was normal due to baby's heaty nature and need to be purge out - so the cooling drinks helps (Padae, Dr Veron Toh said it's ok for baby when we checked with her). Now it helps baby to rid of her heaty spots, rid of wind and help poo soft stools.

CL also kept some of the fluid in fridge and when bathing baby, use cotton wool to dip the fluid and dap o baby's heaty spots. Baby loves it and it keeps her cool and happy. We shall continue till baby's heaty spots are 'vanished'.

Once hit 1 month, we need only offer baby the cooling drink once a week and not daily.

You may wish to try it.
Anyone’s bb got jaundice? How to reduce besides sunning? My MIL asked maid to boil some herbs for bb’s bath water, after 2 days still yellowish lei

Aiyo, I only pump 3-4 times lei, me not so hardworking type. If I were to pump 8 times a day, meaning every 2 hrs pump once… wow, it’s like continuous pumping .. like milk factory like that.. keke..
Re: water retention
I thot not supposed to drink water during confinement? Can only drink red date drink?

You’ve got mail

Not sure about your boy, but sometimes my girl cries bcos she just wanna suck to soothe herself to sleep, even after a feed. And sometimes by swaddling her to make her feel secure also work.

interesting to know your CL brew so many types of drink for your girl. Does your girl drink all the different types everyday?
Hi Kath
Yes, i know the actual day on Sat. MIL wan it on 01 Jan. Public Holiday ma.. actually she already said on Sunday..then suddenly change...

My own celebration with friends are on Sat itself. My own parents will be attending the Sat one.. not the one on PH cos my in laws dun welcome them as my grandpa just passed away. I bo chap... i welcome my own parents.

Yes, my mum wrapped my baby afraid she catch a cold.. then she sweat like mad.. then hor.. after i shift back my own house for confinement, i open her up.. no wrapping.. she indeed felt better..
No need to wrap babies like mummies la..
cda: i gotten the letter fom mcys n they say they will credit into the bank account..but wat happen is MAH called n said my boi birth certificate hanyu pinyi name is incorrect..cannot split into 2 names..must link up together..wat the fish...now ask us to go down ica to redo...argh..

janice: noted..will go for cut instead
ladies, thanks for the advice on the latch and EBM. Now I got no choice but to express my BM for my gal. She is admited into hosp yesterday for the light lvl of jaundice. I can onli manage to pump 90ml every 3hrly. Hope the supply can increase faster.
mine bb also have jaunice. quite high. going down but very slow. still more than 200/300. i give her breastmilk. Think if milk powder will go down faster but i insist on giving breastmilk.

bubble pearl & jappooh
mine gg also taking about 60-70ml every 3 hrs now at 15 day old.

didn't know that bb is afraid of heat, i thought they are afraid of cold cos bb will sneeze.
izu, thanks for the great tips! Now that my confinement going to be over soon, i cant be bothered liao.. one more week then my CL will leave, then i dun need to follow her way. Btw, bb drink those sweet stuff can meh? tot their tummy is not matured yet? Mabbe i will follow ur way of putting water in fridge and dab on my son tmr..
jo, meaning ur in-law wanna celebrate earlier lar..which is ok oso lar. Can celebrate early but not late..

Try not to argue wif ur hb lar..he oso stuck in between u n his mom.. hahaha..
for d kitkat i paid $144 for 120pcs. exclusive of delivery charges of $15. self collection in malaysia. =)

nipple black color? mine when pump will be brownish. b4 pink abit pinkish.

hehe. im under expect bm to decrease category. i onli pump 4x a dae now. too tired. =X

ur boi takes quite a lot wor. kayson is almost one mth old. takes 120ml bm every 2.5hrs n weighs 5.05kg currently.

aha .. no wonder we haven't seen u around here for a while ...

Babies grow fast, don't they ... they grow HEAVY fast I mean .. lol. Calista is one month old today and I can feel her getting heavier .. lol.
eh xiao_pooh,
i just did my rebonding leh....mmm actually my mum & CL say shd wait till my confinement over (which is next wk) then do. But then, coming Yr 2009 le, my HB will be more busy at work, so I take the opportunity to do this wk. But i requested the salon to use hot water when washing mine hair...So for all the shampooing & washes they use hot water, instead of just cold or lukewarm water.

hee super happy now my hair has been rebond
Next on my list...to find some time to color before CNY..
This is my shortest record for rebonding: 4hrs! The last round of rebonding I took almost 6hrs man!

BB Pespire
Ya, my Boi pespires a lot when he drinks milk. Me too actually! my CL says drink milk also need energy to suckle, thats y.

EBM milk feed
actually I also dunno hw much my boi takes as he is on total latch on, but just now when i went out to do my hair, HB says he took 2 feeds of 70ml each...

actually, there is no need to exactly know how much your baby takes ... my girl is on total latch on too ... as long as your baby is growing and getting heavier ... no prob ..
Ivy/Xiao Pooh

For cash bonus, MCYS will give around 3 weeks after ur application.

For CDA, unless u managed to put in $ by 31 Dec, or else the govt wun match it in mid Jan. Cause for every deposit, it will only be matched the month after by the govt.

If your injection is in Jan, then high chance u will be paying using ur own $ (be it u deposit into the CDA account or hard cash)


The Carter bag tat u bought, is it the mini diaper bag? This website is selling at $19 including postage. http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/2004990.html?1230628833
Hi guys...

Just got back from distributing full month cakes.. and now I'm super tired..

Thought I share this with u all.. All my frens says the cupcakes are very nice and tasty...
Not too sweet too... which is good!!

i remembered someone here writing a letter to expedite the process for the baby bonus....can share?i really want to use the CDA account for the injection....
My gal’s jaundice actually went up after discharge fr hospital. Do u know how to convert the jaundice reading into mg/dL? My gal’s reading is 135 today, lower but doc says she still looks yellowish all over & asked to return for blood test again. Did the doc do blood test on your bb, or izit a forehead scan?

I don’t see the design of my bag I bought on the link you post lei

I go back archives, saw the bag u bought. Different from mine. But I din buy the $19 Carter mini diaper bag. I bought the big one at $25 cause my baby on FM so need to bring quite a lot of things when I am out.

My gal go see polyclinic for jaundice. They use 100 plus indication also. For my gal, the doctor say dun need to see doctor if level is 100 or below. She got to do blood test also, blood drawn from their feet.

U can go Chinese medical shop to get Ng Kee (hokkien). Boil with some water n let ur gal shower in it or put some under her pillow. My gal jaundice is down quite fast using this method.


I wrote in to ask for authorisation letter to open CDA account earlier. But some mums here din have to get the authorisation letter to open their CDA account.

I think a bit too late cause tmr is 31 Dec liao. So most probably u can put in $ into ur CDA account in Jan, which will be matched in Feb by the govt. Not to worry, u can still put $ in the CDA account in Jan, u use this $ for injection n govt will match in Feb n u can use it for further injection.

So when ur baby going for injection? Is it 6 in 1? or just Hep B 2nd injection?
oic....so hopefully i can at least get the CDA account ready....

so i can just deposit the money today then use it the next and the gov will still match the money that i bank in?

i am going for 6in1..total 270 including consultation which is considered quite cheap...can this jab be done any later than 6weeks old?cos scared later by then the CDA account not reADy..
today no chance to pump at all.. my baby must be going through his growth spurt! He practically live on my breast today except from 3pm - 6pm when he was sleeping other than that he is stuck sucking my nipple.. arrggh..
hey all just came back from TMC, ParentCraft. The people at there is very friendly and im quite happy. Mrs wong was there and played with my gal for awhile when i ask her alot of questions and i bought a Medela pump in style. ONe thing i dun understand why Medela Pump in Style is slower than the eletric pump? but one thing i like medela pump is not pain at all. but i just dun understand why is so slow! im getting so frusted liao. they said 15 mins can pump finish but it seems like half an hr liao im still pumping and bottle is not even half! ARghzzz Helppp!

Oh i ask mrs wong can drink coke or seafood she say can. but coke dun drink too much. She tout me how to handle my gal. and im quite happy about it. =)
I'm glad you went got some help with your latch. Hope bfg will be less painful for you now.

Yes the sessions have to be paid for. I was at Parent Craft previously for 'latching training' and the session was about $40+. Different problems have different prices, I think.

Hi Scarletgal,
My bb girl also has jaundice. The 1st few days was with waterchestnut (no sugar) drink and later alternate every two days with different ones (all are cooling for bb system). Jaundice apparently creates great heat in bb and nurses also confirmed to provide bb with lots of fluid.

My gal was at 13.7and came down to 4.3 within 4 days. According to CL need to flush the heat and jaundice from bb's body.

You would need to cut ginger and rice wine too. In fact, if your bb's jaundice is on the high side, u may have to cut BM as usu it worsen the state. Go back to BM when bb jaundice drops.

FYI, we didn't sun the bb at all and that's advise by padaetrician as she said that sunning doesn't really quite help.

We've continued the regime of those fluid till today and shall continue daily till her one-month.

Apparently, bb r afraid of heat. Do remember to cover their stomach and wear mittens and booties. For the rest, i just dress my bb with a short sleeve top and diaper and cover lightly with a cloth diaper napkin (cooler). Only wrap bb after a nice bath (cools system - do once in Morning & latest 5pm in evening. BB loves it.)

Also, it's better for bb to sneeze as she's blowing out mucus that's stuck. Also, good for bb to vomit out milk at times, which is really phlegm. M learning lots from this CL and miraculously, it works for my bb and she sleeps better and cries less.

All the fluid are without sugar & in fact, baby will find the crysanthemum & golden/silver flower drink bitter and take a while to get use. But they are babies and will try to drink it even tho don't like taste. Oh, use these fluids to dap on baby...not plain water. Cotton wool need not be too wet so not so cold for bb.
