(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs


Check with you all..any good reco for good stylists ard hougang/amk ard? Dun really want to travel so to Funan for my usual haircut..


wow, long labor but managed to get ur bb out!

how big was bb's head?
u doing TBF?
morning ladies
confinement ova le!! hehe. smhow like not doing confinement as hav been hitting d malls long ago. lolx.

as u ah. ur elder boi drink how milk how many times a dae? =)
mum2ndx, ur bb will not hv nipple confusion after so long on bottle??

Last nite gave my baby EBM in bottle twice n this morning he suck my nipple like sucking bottle, so painful!! I have to keep telling him "Darling, dun bite mummy's nipple!! U hv to learn to differentiate the sucking.." Not that he will understand but..oh well!! As long as he is happily sucking and getting the milk, mummy suffered some pain is okay.

bubble, when u going to cut ur hair? I will prob be going on 1st Jan. Will go to Shunji @ Wisma Atria. Still prefer to go thr for my hair cut and rebonding services..
my boy drinks milk 3-4 times daily..

- morning (sometimes he doesn't want)
- mid morning (just before nap)
- mid afternoon (just before nap)
- nite (just before sleep)
we actually fed him fresh milk before but coz it wasn't handled properly (heating at certain temp and leaving at room temp will encourange bad bacteria growth), he fell sick several times..
so we fed him some yoghurt drinks instead.. haha..

ur boy? is he drinking any particular milk brand?
at his age we bo-chap abt the brand liao coz he gets most of his nutrients from solid food.. :p
i not sure leh.. i will need to call them to book for a slot! I hope they will not cos cutting and rebonding will prob cost me $400plus liao.. if increase, i will faint..haha

I heard that Reds at Ngee Ann is also quite good leh
even at infant care oso like tt ah? my boi drinkin almost same as ur boi. afta afternoon nap will drink oso. i juz received schedule of childcare. dono they will feed him milk so many times anot. mine is milk drinker. can don eat but drink onli one.

my boi takes gain iq. hehe. now giving him some milo n fresh milk.

he still takes porridge onli. gonna crack my head to find ways to get him to eat more other stuff. =(
at the infantcare, they'll feed him milk in the mid morning and mid afternoon.. the morning and nite is done at home..

not sure abt playgroup (> 18mths) tho..

ur boy milk drinker but he's quite big size leh.. i wanna fatten my boy up lah.. his fats are going vertical! he grows tall faster than he grows side ways..

ur boy takes the watery porriage or the drier type? maybe can slowly transition him to soft rice (boiling w/ more water)?
tink i gotta check out wif d teachers abt feeding.

hehe. my boi was small when born. onli 2.77kg. den by d time he man yue, oreadi 5kg le. kip dirnkin latchin every hr one. mi chubby tt's y my boi chubby ba. hehe.

his porridge is drier type. my mil use slow cooker to cook one. tink tmr gonna cook macaroni to try.
mum2ndx & emeraldbride
me also have this problem. bb not good at lactching & have high jundice therefore pump out to make sure she take enough. now want her to lactch on quite difficult as she is so upset after go sucking cos milk is thin at first. she have no patience
is the apple crumble at Melvados nice??anyone ordered before?

it is cut into 10 pieces already...can we cut it into half again?thinking of getting as desserts for full mth...
winnie, Zach is not always like tat. Like today his latching is okay and so far I am thankful that he is quite patient and never frustrated during latching if the milk flow is slow. If milk flow is slow, he juz suck till his tummy is full which could take up to 1hr or 2hrs sometimes. I juz let him drink till he stop on his own cos during latch he sumtimes stop to rest or fall asleep..hehe
emeraldbride, i know what u meant, we jia lat liao loh, my Cidney gg to have her full mth this wkend, so my CL had been carrying her 4 a mth liao...my CL always tell me to rest & rest...
bur, i always ignore my cl when she ask me to rest! Even middle of the nite, she feed baby with EBM, i oso wake up and prepare the milk for bb..when she feed, i will go peep! Then once finish, i will kiss bb goodnite and say mummy love u..so that baby knows who is the mummy..haha

if u r tired..u shuld rest lar. In between i always take catnaps like 15mins or 30mins which is enuf liao.
home sweet home. hehe. brought kayson to my clinic to pass colleagues d custmoized kit kats. all liked it veri much. hehe. took d opportunity to weigh my boi as well. not one mth old yet n his wt is 5.05kg. one small pack of rice. gosh.

immunizations at kkh
hav checked wif my colleague. can use cda for vaccination packages. =)
my boy has jaundice too and i was discharged w/o him. he can oni go home on day 6. so i bring my pethatic lil milk to him everyday... During the first 2 days in hos, i tried to latch him and he just bite on my nipples!!! every suckle so painful it's like a knife thru my heart man!!!

I jus did my 1st massage wif Rose this morning. very comfortable. the cream she put on tummy one really HOT man!!! hhahahah
my cl always say dun let him drink too much. she say doc mentioned b4..strange... now he's 2 week old liao n she jus increased his milk to 100ml.is it enough for him? everytime he will ask for milk 2hr after feed than cl will feed him water 1st.
my boi drinks 120mls from 3wks old onwards. if he ask for milk earli, den can try increasing abit more. juz monitor how is he tolerating d feed eg got vomit or spit out milk anot.
120ml? yr boi is drinking FM or EBM? cos Kasia is drinking 110ml EBM or 90ml FM every 2-3hrs. FM of cos seems to last her longer, but i wan her to get as much BM as possible. Infact, i try really hard to pump the pathetic 40-50ml EBM every 3-4hrs, definitely not enuff lor.. so i give Kasia EBM (till it finishes) in the day and FM from evening onwards.

btw, it seems dat Dec thread is missing from the main forum page. i got the url link from Phyl, who has archieved the link. now im doing the same. how come our thread kena "cleaned" out leh.. Hmm...
hehe. my elder one was latching all d way so i oso dono how much he drinking at tt time.

my boi takes 120ml bm every 2.5hrs during d dae. nite time 120ml fm every 3-4hrs.
oic... thanks for sharing. Kasia is a bit cranky recently, not sure if she's confused with the EBM and FM milk taste. honestly, i have yet to taste my own BM, cos everyday drink the longan red dates tea till my taste bud now taste everything oso sweet! hahaha... but i notice dat she will cry for more milk 1-2hrs after feed, if she poo poo/pee, my CL advises to give her some "dim sum", 60-90ml FM, then she will really settle to sleep. Any mummies having the same experience?

im very worried dat i may overfeed her. but dun give Kasia milk, she will scream the house down! hahaha...
Carmen, the formula definitely taste better, it smells so good, i tried it b4 and it's sweet, BM is thinner, not so fragnant & not as sweet as FM...
wow mum, ur cl is totally opposite of mine! Mine ah.. keep asking me how come bb still drinking 60ml/70ml onie..but if happy and sleep after feeding and can last for 3 hrs, shuldnt be a prob mah!

Not tat i do not want him to drink more but i want him to gain weight healthily lor.. instead of force feeding him. Last nite I gave him 80ml and my CL practically shove the bottle to his mouth. When he is done drinking, his upper lips is so red!! i so heartache to see tat..angry!
eh..i tasted my own BM cos when heat up tat time, need to see the temp first. my EBM for the first week taste fishy! Yucks..cos i had fish for every meal and oso i drank the fish essense to help my c-sect wound heal faster.

Now, my ebm taste sweet...sometimes i tot it tasted like red dates tea..hahaha
my cl say my BM is sweet too... she tried mine n told me. cant remember what she told me why she tried my BM also...something to do wif my boy.
lol my BM smells like iron smell leh. maybe i eat too much of pork liver..

btw i really very piss off! is it true or my method is wrong that nipple is always so PAIN and SENSITIVE?! is really shitty lor! pump also pain.. latch also pain. WTH! really get on my nerves sia! Is like a tissue touches my nipple will be pain. when i take of my bra. my bra strips may accidently touch my nipple and its damn pain.. shower when the water runs down. it will hit my nipple damn pain. T___T i really cannot take it anymore the pain. Is like can feel my nipple dropping off! =( does you gals everyday have nipple sore?! or is it ME only! haiz is really feel like dying sia..
My BM smells like iron too. But I don't eat liver leh...

Your nipple pain sounds quite serious. Is your baby latching well? Or could be other problems, like thrush. You can read this for more info: http://www.kellymom.com/newman/03a-sore_nipples.html If it's really bad, maybe you want to call an LC? It's good that you want to persevere with bfg, but it shouldn't be painful. Maybe you can get some professional advice?
fabbie, mine oso like urs so pain!! Can even see the areola got 2 color liao, feel so raw leh..

Today is not a good day fo rmy bb..he juz latched on since 6.30pm till 7pm den sleep for 5minutes (enuf for me to gobble up my dinner) then wake up to feed again till 7.30pm then sleep..and then wake up again 5 minutes later to feed till now!!! Gosh.. usually at this time he is a good boy..arrghh..
okai will check it out. yours not that painful huh? u latch? do you pump too? ya shield is it just nice for u? im suspecting is it my shield is getting too small for me.

two colors as in? mine i can see my nipple a little portion is black. and that black part is pain as its sore. sometimes dun have..sometimes have lor.
fabbie, my nipple got 2 color. the tip of the nipple is pink color - cos used too much! and the surrounding nipple is darker color which i suspect is full of dead skin. the areola is also the same, par of it is light brown cos of abrasion against the shield and some are darker color..i oso suspect my shield is too small for me
tmw im going to TMC to get a good pump. then after that maybe will get mum's fairy largest shield. Maybe it does help my nipple. cus till now i canont believe that latch + pumping nipple will be everyday so painful. like that so jialet sia.
I don't really pump. I do have sore nipple on my left, but don't have pain on my right. When I pump, the shield covers my whole areola. You should change your shield if you think that will help.

The tip of my left nipple (the painful side) is red too. I just finished feeding Emma and I think I saw a drop of blood! I will give my left breast a break tonight and will just feed from my right side. Hope it will feel better tomorrow morning.
kath, my boi having his full mth party this cmg sun..so i think i gog 4 cut either fri or sat..dunno want do chemical or just cut..think, i go to kovan kimage bah..4 cut..chemical scared my hair condition getting bad. My boi is now intaking abt 120-140ml fm every 2.5hr but sometimes..still nt eluff 4 him..then we will feed him abt another 30-40ml..scared overfed him.
my shield like suck my whole areola area in the tube. maybe its bcus of that hmm duno lar. i must try it man! btw when u latch the whole areola got to be in baby's mouth so that it wont be painful right? but our areola so so big and baby mouth so small how to push it in sia? baby always suck not pain huh? not even a chichi feeling? but im thinking some how also will feel abit pain ba?

btw your nipple there got a few white white thing leh. is not a blister. but is like dry milks. duno will it stuck the holes from my milk coming out anot. its quite painful when i use nail to take it out -___- wonder how to avoid it. faints
I c.. how u find the food? My hb says he’s starting to get sick of the repeated menu after 1+ wk. Then I told him luckily he’s not the one doing confinement

I admire those mummies who can produce so much milk to TBF. Up to today (12th day), I can only pump out 120ml per day, thus I’ve to supplement with FM, no choice. But hor, it’s very satisfying to see my bb’s expression after she finished drinking my bm.. she looks as tho’ she’s high on drugs.. hehe.

The carter bag is nice hor, & not that ex, ~$22 incl postage.. hee.. thinking of ‘opening ceremony’ during CNY
i think i know whats the problem is my shield too small le. cus i remember when i take off my bra to pump my nipple is normal color then after i pump finish some parts of my nipple became black color! so its bcus of my shield is too small right?!
All in all i have 3 shields liao. 1 comes with the pump, 2nd one think i bought wrong size(30mm)cos i read e manual inside box that "the shield will be correct size if minimal or no areola is been sucked into the funnel." if i remember correctly cos i cant find the manual liao..so ytd, when i went to CK Tang wif hb to get spare cot bedding, i saw varies sizes of funnel!!!!better than robinson which i oni saw XL & XXL!! so i bought e size M, which is e same size as the pump set.

when u all pump, did u see the "shower head" effect har?? meaning the milk actually spray into the funnel! very shiok one!!! hahaha sometime i will purpurly up the suction power to see the spray. ah hahahah
usually i will use a wet hanky to clean off the white white thing. it's like dead skin. after that, milk flow out quite good.
up till today, i've not really tried to pump out.. only occasionally i'll express using hand to check if got milk when bb fuss..
dare not pump yet coz don't wanna get discourage to see the output.. hahaha.. but so long as my bb can sleep good hours, i suppose he's having enough..

maybe next week, i'll try to start pumping and start storing BM.. heard that our breast needs to get used to the pumping suction to get good output..
i salute those who pump exclusively.. coz pumping not easy..

how many times a day do you pump?

i've read that:
Strategies for Maintaining Milk Supply
The number of breast emptyings (nursing or pumping) per every 24 hours is critical:
8 times is optimal
7 times is minimal
6 times - expect milk supply to decrease
so, maybe can up the # of times u pump?
Im in between 7-8 times one. hahaha actually I envy mummy that total latch on one. dun have to wash pump and bottles. go out also seng nang...so far hubby brought me out for gai gai 4 times. all 4 times I need to go back to pump..xian...
Ive problems with my right breast. I use a wet hanky to clean leh just now. but the milk flow so slow! i even let my baby to latch on the RIGHT so will flow faster. But no is not working. My left side flow so fast like running water but my right is like dripping only when i pump! why huh? i try to dig my right breast liao leh. but still flow so slow!

I think i will get mum's fairy again and get the largest size! btw whats shower head? u mean nipple huh?

i lost count how many times i pump liao. cus i always pump..pump... wash..wash... ster.. ster.. till i damn sianz. But pump 1 day i ster ONE time. bottles i ster everyday.

wow, how much do usually get in a day?

latching on easy but when it comes to returning to work, if not persistent w/ pumping, can easily give up BF..
that's what happened with my #1.. so sad..

so, am a bit phobic when it comes to pumping..
