(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Hi mummies,

Another Dec MTB reporting on board. I am due to deliver on 11th Dec. So far, gynae said all ok. Am not showing signs that I will deliver earlier than EDD. At my last appt at 32 weeks, baby weighs 2.3kg. My next appt will be at 37 weeks. Eager to know the weight of my girl then. ^_^


eh, how come your gynae did a VE at 35 weeks plus? Mine didn't .. and my last appt last week I was at week 36. Any reason you had for her to decide to do a VE?

Anyway, the gynaes here quite daring to give estimates on when you will give birth I notice .. in the states, they DIE DIE won't say when you give birth .. they won't even make a guess .. they'll just say .. "soon" .. and "we don't know ... it could be anytime" .. guess they scared kena sue if they make a wrong guess ... lol ..

why does she think you'll give birth at week 37? Because baby's head is low ? hmmmmm we'll just have to wait and see if she is correct .. HOW EXCITING for you !!!
emeraldbride, fabbie .. i think to these men .. it's so surreal .. feeling the baby's movements from the outside .. for us, we feel it's so fascinating cos we're carrying the baby within us .. for them guess not so interesting lor. hahahaha.

My hubby also same .. from the 1st baby to now the 4th baby ... ask him to feel when baby is moving .. he feel for a while then that's it. hahahahahah.
May visit SMH Biz Thread for Postnatal Home Service Massage Promotion For Nov & Dec MTB. Wish all of your have a smooth & easy delivery.
jowinbaby - don't upset into falling into minority. as long as the baby and u in the end turns out ok, then ok liao. u want to try the rough & ruggard approach? by telling baby if she doesn't turn u will wrack her. -_-" looks like i'm the only 1 who always threaten my baby.
if u pre-natal depression, i'm even worse eh.

Chantalle - when baby cot does into my bed room, between bed n wardrobe, i don't even have space to open wardrobe.

Gerry - i don't think i have BH at all. chaim, i don't want a tough n pro-longed labour. coz i want to eat.
gals, i will be stuck in the hospital till i deliver. gynae advise is to stay in hospital cos i still got contraction on and off. he says if i go home, i might bleed again without any notice and the flow will be heavier than before and it's dangerous for me and baby and we decided to stay in hospital till i delivery. i started crying yesterday after i knew that i will stay in hospital till i deliver. my gynae will be doing an ultrasound scan for me on either monday or tuesday to check on baby's weight.

now that i got to stay in hospital till i deliver, i dun even have the chance to pack my hospital bag. my cot will be delivered next week, everything not done yet. now got to rely on my mum and sis to help me pack hospital bag and get ready baby's stuff liao cos i dun know when i will deliver (gynae says i will need to delivery immediately if i start to bleed, if not i will csect when 36w)

U all nite owls is it? Juz is most solid 1, at 5am. Haha...

Not trying to scare u. My cot become white elephant. Only use for changing purpose.

My BB gal prefer yao2 lan2 during the day. I also bought a rocker cum bouncer from Kiddy Palace. That can be put on my bed and my gal sleep in between us. Cause this way neither me or my hubby will crash her. But me n my hubby sleeping space become very small.

We sleep like this. Sorry for the mess.
dun worry.. everything will be fine *hugs* staying in hospital to deliver is not a bad idea. at least there's the nurses can take good care of you. =)

yeah i agree. lolx sometimes it depends on their mood too. haha

baby cot in room
My room is even worst. i dun have space to put my baby cot, mine is not a masterbed room that is big size. But have a toilet. I have study table lar.. cupboard lar.. queen size bed lar.. lolx. in the end i decided to put my baby cot in my mum's room. HEE
wow ypg, u & hb's space really look small with that rocker on the bed. U're not afraid it will spoil the spring of the bed?? Hahaha, I will not change the bb on my own bed, scared he will pee or poo on the mattress! Hahaha, my mattress is less than a year and i still wanna use it for my customary next year so i hv to take good care of it!

When I was cleaning the floor earlier, how i wish i hv a maid, then i will ask her to clear my storeroom, my study room and my guest room and my kitchen cabinet.. The thought of me clearing all these alr put me in the 'sian' mode!

Me going Vivo later, wanna go Daiso and buy ziplock bag to store bb's clothes! Hehehe..

Mimi, cheer up ok. AGree with fabbie tat staying put in hospital is not a bad thing, at least there are nurses for u round the clock! U must stay positive, dun tink of the cot or hospital bag, m sure ur mom can take care of it!
Hi any mummy here with Dr KT Tan from KKH? Is she a pro natural? my #1 is via C Sect... I ask her can I have VBAC this time round but she did not really answer me... when is the best time to ask about birthplan (i mean at which weeks can I discuss birthplan)?
Hi mimi
OH..poor thing.. Yes, its good to stay in hospital at least anytime the nurses n doc are there for u.. Which hospital are u at? Take care..

Hi Juz
haha.. yes i did.. but only once.. told BB that mummy going to smack her buttock when she is out if she still notti.. haha... My colleague joked tat i will not be the 1st to smack her butt.. its the gynae... kekeke!!! No la. will not always use this rough method.. I was talking to her this morning n playing music for her....

Hi emeraldbride
u can get the changing mat to change ur bb on the bed ma...

Hi carmen
miss out u post yesterday. thanks for the concern..

My bed dun have spring. I bought latex mattress. More cooling though it cost me a bomb.

Luckily my hubby small size so it is quite ok. The bouncer take up his space more. Hehe...

My BB love to give me super big poo. Everytime she poo, tend to be me who is changing her. Use 10 pcs of wipes to clean up her buttock. So u can imagine how big it is, but I din use changing mat. Just put her buttock on the clean side of the dirty diaper.
heyo.. i cal my malay massage auntie.. she cost me about 1 day session 50 bucks. is this normal price? its my first time! and. she told me to choose how many sesstion i wan. Im not really very sure leh. what you think gals? any comments like how long should i do?
Fabbie: I also have this pain "down there"...and i can't sleep properly at night!!! Very xin ku!

I think the massage lady's price is considered average? $50 per session sounds good to me. Haha...

Sam: Remember i was having preterm contractions at Week 33? At that checkup, i already had a VE so that she could check my cervix. Yesterday's VE confirmed that my boy is ready. Haha...i haven't dilated yet but because he's soooo low, my gynae is pretty sure i'll be popping soon.

YPG: My hub & i have no intentions to co-sleep with baby. In fact, he has a room all to himself. We're going to rely on the baby monitor & the maid (coming soon) who is going to sleep in the same room.

Mimi: *hugs* Don't be too upset ok? At least you'll have the care of the nurses & doc at the hosp. The safety of your baby & yourself is the most important now. Think positive & take care ok?
Hi Ladies
Tomorrow is the D-Day for us! So today, we got Bryan's room ready
You can see it on our blog

The sofa bed that we bought from Ikea fits nicely into the room but later have to head down to Ikea again 'cos we realised that the pillow is kind of too low and soft. So intend to get another one for the CL.

Good to know that Preston is a good boy and hanging in there

Thanks for the well wishes !! I'm keeping my fingers cross that the induction will be successful for me to have a natural birth
welcome to Dec MTB thread! How come yr gynae arrange the next appt to be so far away? Where will u be delivering? I start my fortnightly check up frm 32-33W, and now dat im into 37W (officially as of today), im seeing my gynae next week again (think will become a weekly thingy till i pop).

read your blog and can feel yr HB's happiness and excitment. Judging from the other MTBs posting, i think yr HB is the rare one who are excited abt Byran's pending arrival. Like Sam, Fabbie, Emeraldbride, my HB oso not too enthusiastic abt Kasia's movement or dev in my tummy. im te one who always "push" him to feel my tummy. Ah! no wonder some said mother love is the GREATEST! im sure Little Byran will work with u to have a smooth and fast delivery tml, noting dat he has got such doting parents. Jia you, but do keep yr mind open to either natural or C-sect delivery, ok? at the end of the day, the most impt thing is dat u and Bryan are healthy n safe =)

i knw how it feels... to be confined to hosp, i hate the feeling of unable to do anything during my 2 hosp stays too. Did Dr Chen admit u at TMC or MT A? No matter wat, think positive gal. Im sure yr Mum and Sis will take care of the BB stuff. Yr HB can help to pack the hosp bag for u mah. u have the list of things to pack? If not, i can email u the list which i have. Cheer up gal, BB is joining our world soon, so long at the end of the day, u and BB are healthy, nothing else matter, k dokie? =D
Ya lor.. sleep also very xin ku hor. =( sometimes can even feel tearing down there too. Oh 50 bucks okai? she told me say for 60 mins.. then package got include like help me bath baby if i wan. her experience like have 10yrs liao wor.. still not sure how many session i must have. Hmm

Im so excited for you!!! jia you! i cant wait to see bryan's photo! ^___^
take care k. muz be real bored to be confined in hosp but for ur n baby safety k. jia you!!

im under dr kt tan. how many wks r u now? my 1st child was c-sect as well n i juz gave birth laz aug. so far, she asked mi to tink abt VBAC 4 times liao. tink she start ask mi to tink when i was abt 28wks. final decision will be at 37wks. i din use birthplan n let her make decisions as she's a patient 1st dr so u're in safe hands. =)

excited for u. can c baby bryan tmr le. jia you wor!! *hugs*

$50 is pretty good price. mine is $70 per session. usually massage is total of 5-7daes depending on ur preferrence. =)
Luthadel: All the best for tomorrow...and i know that Bryan will love his room. It's lovely!

Fabbie: Most people take 5 to 7 days massage. I have a friend who took 10 days. It's up to you and also depending on how effective the masseur is.

ooooh ... no wonder! Well, keep up updated when baby arrives .. !!

All the best tomorrow .. I LURVE Bryan's room .. !!!
Hi All,
Went to Ikea and Vivo today to get some walk! Bumped into Snowger at Ikea and we had lunch together, it was really fun

I notice that I'm having really achy bottom now, everytime Bryan moves his head, I can feel him near my anus and when he has his hiccups, my anus area will also moves!!! I hope tat this is a sign that he has finally engaged!!!

Stay strong ok. The hospital bag is secondary now as you are in safer hands when you can be monitored. Just ask your hubby or mum or sis to bring what you need from time to time.

Dun worry ok, your baby will arrive when the time is right. Perhaps your baby just wants you to have a good rest so that you'll hv all the energy to play once he/she is here
Big Hugs to you.

Yes, I think my HB is thrill to bits that his son will be in his arms tomorrow! He already said he won't be able to sleep tonight and me....i just feel normal leh! *Sigh* I dun get excited easily and now i think I'm truly abnormal to be tat calm! Jia lat!

He went to install the car seat this morning and just before we head out to Ikea, he took one of our toy (the size of newborn) to have trial in the seat! It was so funny!!
luthadel....good luck and wish you have a smooth delivery!!so good...able to see baby bryan...remember to post pictures of him...
Adel, i was at vivo todae as well.. went daiso to get some plastic containers and vacuum bag to store Zach's clothes!! Ur bb's room is nice and comfy.. love the cheery color combination..jia you for tmr ok!!

SMS us once Bryan is out ok!! I will be at TMC too tmr morn for checkup..
Hi gals
me addicted back to The Sims again. playing whole day round.. haha....

Hi Adel
Yeah.. tomorrow is the day.. Jia You!!.. Will wait for your sms and wish you good luck..

Ladies, wat happen if i really need to c-sect and when can we start massaging? After 2 weeks?
jo, if u go for c-sect, it all depends on ur gynae's advise.. i dun tink 2 weeks is enuf for ur muscle to heal properly leh.. actually, u dun worry too much abt weight now, most impt thing is ur bb is gaining healthy weight and mummy is getting enuf nutrients to product milk for bb!!

My mom never fail to remind me to eat everyday and say if i wanna go on diet, onie start after my confinement period...cos during confinement, it is impt for the mum to nurse back to her pre-pregnancy health, only when u get the strength u hv the determination to lose weight!! So i m really taking my weight to my stride and at the moment eating Lays potata chip..hehe
hi corrine,
I'm also in my 32wks. My #1 is also born in 2005, Dec to be exact and that makes my #1 & #2 exactly 3 years gap.

Btw heard that vbac is not recommended by some gynaes if bb's wt is >3kg as the risk during birth increases. I recently heard of a vbac case where bb is >3kg & the mommy's womb ruptured during labour! Sounds really scary. Bb was in distress & eventually didn't made it. So unfortunate. I think the best is still to listen to your gynae's advice.
Jowin: I haven't play The Sims for these couple of days...cos my hubby is around to keep my company. Haha guess i'll be back to the game starting from tomorrow.

Snowger: Sooo nice bumping into you yesterday. Heh...very qiao right? Just at my block somemore...did you manage to buy the Pigeon breastpads?
Bah...is it only me or does anyone experience as much problems getting into the forum?

Anyway, just dropping by to say good luck to Luthadel for tomorrow! Post your birth story and piccies of Bryan okie? The room is lovely and cosy!
Chantelle..keke..i am the kind that cannot stand dust or hairs in my house..ok lah..cleaning grilles are v easy lah..30mins chop chop done..today wipe the whole house flooring..while my hb was out for jog..else he will nag nag nag again...as i dun like to use mop..and like to wipe the floor..i find it is more cleaner lah...even my friends come over and see me why kneel down to wipe the floor..they also shake head..hahaha

Adel..wahoo...couldn't wait to heard abt ur birth story and see bryan's photo

Pris: opps..so u likelyhood to deliver next week ah? Guess we dun have chance to bump into u at Mt A.

Mimi: dun worried and relax and rest well..till ur bb ready to see you ok?

Cot: Adel, i call Randy on fri abt the cot and he say the batch you ladies order have been OSS and the new batch which he say another design will only be in end nov..now I am starting to worried..dunno will i get the cot in time..
Mimi - i think gynae knows what's best n safest for u n baby. just relax in hospital, u can always let me know how's ur neighbour. i think u maybe able to meet Loveangel when she deliver, same hospital i think.

ypg - i can't zzz well nowadays. i'm always up at unearthly hrs. wondering what's with life. and i have not finished my homework, got lesson in evening. wah, my baby can't zzz on same bed as us. two fat pple on a queen size bed already slammed into each other like anything.

jowinbaby - ooo, i c.

scarletGal - just to find out "Bb was in distress & eventually didn't made it" meaning that the baby...?

Mei Lik - thanks for stroller as well. Have wiped n stored it. any idea what's the "age range" for the stroller?
morning ladies
m back to work todae. =( wana stay at home n sleep. lolx.

dr kt tan will inform us. it depends on case. wat's d cause for c-sect when u had ur 1st child? it will be taken into consideration as well. for mi, my cervix din dilate at all so had to c-sect. seek her advice at next visit n weigh d pros n cons. i decided to go for c-sect again as it will be safer for mi n my boi in case of uterine rupture.
thanks for all your concern. i am 34w today and this is the 2nd goal my doc set for me. well, 3rd and final goal is to deliver when 36w.

jowin and carmen, me at Mt A. this morning did CTG and had 1 big contraction (ard 120) and 2 contractions at 70+, now waiting for gynae to come which he will arrive around 8.15am.

hubby bought PSP to keep me company, he worry that i think too much.

adel, love bryan's room and remember to post his lovely pics for us to see.
G'morning to all!!

Me back to work.. Last nite, i couldn't really sleep.. During my awake moments.. I suddenly thought "Oh dear!! Another 4 more weeks!!" I'm not too scared about the delivery.. I trust that I'm in good hands but how about when I bring home my little girl... I'm scared I dunno what to do.. I guess we learn as we go along...

I went for my 35weeks 4 days scan and doc told me that my girl is 2.6kg.. sounds big.. but doc said ok.. she never say anything about early delivery or difficult labour.. Maybe I got big butt so no probz!! hahaha!!!

Mimi.. Dun be upset.. Ur doc has his reason for u staying in the hospital till delivery.. placenta previa is a very serious condition for both mummy and baby.. In case u bleed too much or have some other complications, at least there are doctors and nurses to help make sure that U and BABY will be ok..

Fabbie.. Yeah the menses cramps quite scary esp if it happens frequently.. My doc told me that so long as the pain level and frequency do not increase, it is just BH. Real labour, u should be wincing!! Man I really dunno what to expect from labour pain.. *yikes*

Juz.. Maybe u have BH but didn't notice.. anyway 1 of my frens didn't have it and she had an easy labour.. gave birth to a ~4kg baby with no epidural.. She said the pain was OK...
gerry, ya my gynae did mention that i might need blood transfusion if i lost too much blood (if i insist to go hm and got heavy bleeding on my way from home to hospital). so we decided to stay in the hospital.
morning....have been vomiting past few days..like baby is squeezing my stomach...so no space...this will be my last week working then i will begin my ML!!!!

mimi...how's your contraction now?doctor arrived and check on you?
Hi Ladies

Feeling quite down today, yesterday my hb saw stretchmarks!!! on my lower abdomen...I of course, couldnt see them and needed a mirror to see....i think they are the beginning of stretchmarks....

sigh...thought I could escape with me applying the Clarins oil and stretchmark cream.....but they still appear...

Now I just cant wait for baby to be out....cos I scared to get more stretch marks and put on more weight....

Feeling so heavy nowadays...everywhere I go...people will comment.." wah!! tummy so big!" !! sianz
Morning gals,
i feel so tired today. Feel like vomiting as well.
Keep apply medicated oil.

These few nites didnt sleep much. cos i have to look after my boy. Dunno wat happen to my boy he just refuse to sleep with my MIL for straight 3 nites. Wanted me to be with him. And i gena his kick few times liao.. He keep waking up cos i think he having dreams so i cant sleep as well.
wish u a smooth delviery today.

do rest well in the hosptial. All other things can get others to help u.

i dun have any BH for my previous preg as well (Or i didnt notice at all). This time i do feel it
i think is BH lar.
Yah! Was mentioning to Adel when i saw her ikea!Didn't expect to see u downstairs ur blk! So qiao! Me bought 4 boxes at one go. The aunty was v friendly. Saw them sell the same bouncer I bought 2nd hand for $19.90. Heng, i pay half price niah. :p

Nice catching up n hving lunch w u yesterday! Can't wait to see bryan's photos n updates on ur blog!

I have some reddish spots all over my legs... Think they are also strechmarks! And I think I am suffering from Carpal Tunnel syndrome. My finger tips tingle... And my left n right hand fingers do get numb or pain. Will ask my gynae if it's the case this saturday.

I lazy to refer backwards to the old post... Do u hv the address of those ubi baby hypermart shops?
Santorini - I also notice i had stretchmarks on my lower abdomen but at both the left and right side. Quite sad too as i also apply the Clarins oil and stretchmark control cream.. Same sentiments as u, i also hope i will deliver soon. Am 36 weeks now.

Of late i started to feel pain down there too.. sort of like sng sng kinda pain. Especially on the right side down there.
Morning gals..

last nite was not good nite.. my down-under pain like never before especially when lying down changing position.. aiyo..

Wish you a smooth delivery too.. update us with your birth story..

hmm.. maybe your boy just wants to be with you more coz he sense that he might not have that much attention when baby is born?
i heard of such stories before..

me on the left side! can't even sleep comfortably on the left side..

have been having the pain since 2nd tri but it seems like it's getting more painful..
funny thing is, when standing upright, don't really feel the pain.. weird!

Dee - ya lor, feel uncomfy when lying down and change position. But for me, i sit down i feel ok. But i stand up or getting up or walk i feel the pain there..
