(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

i realise i miss your post.hee.. pai say.. think will be easier if u r still fully BF yr bb when u travel, cos u dun have to sterilise yr boobs.. haha...but would suggest that u bring along both stroller n sling, cos when u r tired, u still have a stroller to put yr bb. n also.. load in more diapers, wet tissue cos infant poo more when they r still BF..

I have bought Medela Swing, tested at home, noise level so much better than my previous NUK. But i have a problem.. Medela milk bottles just comes in 1 size,i think 180m, and i 1 2 let my boy use pigeon wide neck bottle. then cant fit lo. so how.. if i heng heng got lots o milk, meanin g i have to pump in few medela bottle than pour them into my wide neck bottle? Long winded ho... but i dun like the pigeon standard neck leh though i think it fit e swing.. hai ya.. so mafan...

morning ladies

draggin myself to work. veri tired out ova d wkend. hope u ladies had a enjoyable one. =)

jowin n spag
my bois got ai xin bean pillow as well. juz received another 2 from my grandma for my lil baby.

pigeon breast pads:
one shop at amk sell them pretty cheap. forgot is it $7.50 or $8. will be popping by tis wkend to check out price n stock up. used abt 6 boxes when i had my boi. breast keep leaking. even when i sleeping. sianz.
morning ladies..

am at home today.. on leave.. coz DS's childcare not open today..

mum2ndx, thanks for responding..

i forgot about the frequent poo-poo.. hee..
morning ladies!

pastillies, i also like red colour for the stroller. have not really tried carrying it myself cos my hubby dun allow me to try carry now. hubby tried and he says the weight is ok.

beansprout pillow :
my mum is doing the beanspout pillow for me. she got the husks from the market.

my mum dun allow me to go now, so i can only go after i pop...
Hey gals
I received the clothings from gymboree.com spree yesterday from a friend..gymboree is abit more ex than babymallonline but quality is confirm chop sign.. haha!!

Girls, no harm trying...
Good morning all,
So sianz ya, its monday again..haiz..hope it will be friday soon..so tired..

Can anyone advise me if its okay to go for an oversea trip when Im in my 30th-31st week? Cos im planning to go oversea end Sept but again not sure if i can go cos by then I will be in my third trimester..help
morning ladies,

I'm having diarrhea this morning, with very bad stomach cramps.........dunno if it is a cause for concern...should i go to see the doc?
Morning Ladies
I'm having pain on my lower tummy area near the pubic bone. *Sigh*, guess my little one is doing his expansion programme again lah that why my muscle hurts when i walk.

Wanted so badly to rest at home but when i think about the last leg, which is not too far away, i decided to come to work instead. Now regretting already as I've problem sitting as well.

Ya, was quite amazed that we could make out his facial features from the ordinary routine scan. Can't wait for our 3D scan on 22Sep!
ivy, the rompers are so cute! but i got to control my spending liao... spend too much recently...

xiao_pooh, think u better check with your gynae before u book your air ticket.

adel, u doing 3D scan? how much is it? u counting down to pop already? 2 more mths for u!
morning all.. so damn tired. last night. cant even sleep. till 3am!!! damn.. today will be visiting my gynea. hope to hear from him more.. rather like my husband say that doc always say "okai. this is bb head, leg and heartbeat. Everything is normal" -____- if i ask a question he will reply me "this is normal" haha then thats it. less than 5 mins with doc adrian lolx.

XiaoPooh better not to go overseat trip when ya 30-31st week. it will be your 3rd trimster. you need more rest lor. =)
Me starting to have contractions and lower back pain...also machiam going to lao-sai.

Have to monitor the contractions already.
xiao pooh..think you got to get your gynae to certify that you are able to be on flight. Yup...am controlling spending....only left with one necessary thing to buy...which is the stroller...don noe which to get. People keep telling me not to get it so fast...but i just cant wait...haha
I also having lower back pain...right side...cant seat properly...any remedies??so tired just feel like going home...
Hi santorini
Sound to me u got slight food poisoning instead.. Take care.. cos i had tat.. LS and then tummy abit cramp...

Hi Ivy
The spree is combination by a few of my friends and we direct order from gymboree..

So far I have not seen babymall online clothing to confirm its quality.. but gymboree.. its good
just tat price abit higher lor..

Hi luthadel
ur gynae machine must be real good...
can make out baby bryan's feature so clearly.. no wonder u are so tempted to go for 3D scan
Yes I'm counting down. Tomorrow I'll be officially in my 3rd Trimester (28wks). I think the 3D scan is around $189 (b4 GST) at TMC lab.

Mei Lik
You're having contraction now? that is so soon!!!
Yes better monitor carefully, it may be just Braxton Hicks.

If you get regular cramps (contractions) it is good to inform your gynae and see what he/she said. Take care.

Ya, I think her scanning skills are rather good. Most of the time the pictures are really clear. Yes, can't wait to see my boy. What do you think, i think my boy look a lot like my hubby

I also have lower back pain....i went for a massage last friday and am feeling much better....maybe you should go to one who is good with prenatal massage...

I thought maybe i didnt cover myself with my blanket last nite, then my stomach caught a "cold" or something...anyway, had one of the worst stomach cramps...and was quite worried....Have called Dr Cheng and waiting for nurse to call me back to see if i need to go and see doc....

Have heard that contraction is about 10 times worse than the worst stomach cramps you ever had...and this morning, i thought i can die already with the pain...dunno how to tahan with the real contractions....
yes.. when i had food poisoning, i also cramp badly... after the LS, i felt much better as the dirty stuff came out.. but b4 tat.. its really crampy..If u still do have much pain now, better go n see gynae..

Ya, lets wait for Dr Cheng's reply..

Hi Luthadel
aiyo.. can see Baby Bryan has very boy boy look... but then i can't make out look like who la.. haha!!! Charlie Brown lor... kekekekekek.... joking!!
mine contractions machaim mense pain..lao-sai pain like that..so got to stay calm. It will start about 20mins at each interval. The backage is hurting like mad.
LuthAdel most likely will look like you de.. i heard alot of people say gal come out look like daddy.. boy come out look like mummy de.. now i see closely then i can see ya little bryan's face abit. could see his eyes and lips and nose hehe. and Yeah. congrats luthadel tomorrow we are 7 months le!! ^____^
Mei Lik
Have you contacted your gynae? Sounds like you're having a contraction but it is a little too soon! Take care yah. The last time i experience this, my gynae gave me Salbutamol which would stop the contraction. So do check with yours.

^5! Yes we are in the last leg tomorrow!!! Hahah, in that scan picture, my little Bryan was frowning. I think he must be quite put off with the ultrasound waves
i tot it's only me, till i read the forum this morning...i also think i kenna the contractions thingy...since this wkend, have on-off been feeling cramps...

Last nite suddenly cramp twice & i woke up...so pain.. clutch my tummy then after awhile the pain went away...HB tot i Constipation , ask me go toilet...but i sit for so long also nothing ..

sianz...already been waking up so frequent at nite bcos of toilet trips , now still kenna awaken at nite bcos of cramps..

hi santorini, can go for massage?? i koe there's prenatal masasges but mum's saying better not go for massage now tat preggy...i'm dying for a massage, my back aches!
OMG if the real contractions is 10X worse than stomach pain/cramp...how to tahan..
yes Ivy, pls go home n have a good rest. Esp u throw up, i think better take a good rest. can u make ur way home alone? if not better ask ur HB to bring u home..

i'm still trying to tahan the cramps at office. but if i cant take it, i'll go off later home to rest too...

Yes, can go for massage, but the therapist should know how to give prenatal massage, cos cannot be too hard, and you have to lie on your side to massage the back....i went last week...no problem and i intend to go alternate week...cos i suffer very bad backaches...even before preggie already got backache...nowadays its quite bad so i need to go so i wont suffer so much.......
Ade, for the 3D scan, must book appointment through our nurses or the Lab?

Ivy, I bought the romper from the BP u mention. The quality is good.
Xiao Pooh,
thk besides your gynae, better to also check with the immigration of the country you visiting. Some may access case by case basis at immigration counter esp if you are after 6mths.

Read that some of you bought baby clothes at the wholesaler shop opp the temple in Bugis. Can advice on the directions? And opening hrs? Wld like to make trip there.. thanks!
mimi, fabbie & cindy,
Thanks for your advise..haiz tink play safe maybe will not go for the trip lah..stay in spore safer hor..
I juz saw ur blog..so nice & sweet..can feel ur eagerness to be a mummy liao ya..

I tink ur gynae very good cos able to capture ur bb features..Im goin to ask my gynae to try for me on my next routine visit..so eager to see my ger ger face oso..envy envy envy!!

btw, the 3D scan that you are going for, is it that you need to ask ur gynae in addition one? they dun usually do it for us rite? we have to ask for it? Im tinking of doin it but not sure KKH-TPS got the facilities or not..
hihi all,
Can anyone share what is the feel of having contraction like huh? Im trying to feel if I can stand it cos I want natural birth w/o epidural..but again really no idea if i can tahan or not..

I have slight cramps yesterday at both sides near my lower abdominal area..dun noe why got cramps? is it bb getting bigger? I thot was due to me doing household chores yesterday..so worried..
xiaopooh i also wish to go tour(BBK) haiz. im so desprate going there lor! and cus our 3rd trimster is here. cant. =( we got to bear with it ya! =|
i'm also suffering from cramps. That time was week 21, continuous 4 full days of cramp, then on the 2nd day when to see gynae, he everything also okie.....check my cervix opening also okie, so think it's fine...also scare preterm labour

after that checkup, on the same day itself coz dr says it's okie, i still go shopping then kana suffer from terrible contractions. think within that evening till night time, contract at least 8 times....it's that super tight sucking and squeezing feeling on your uterus until i have to pause on the spot for a while before i take a step...in the end, rush home to bed rest...next few days cramp persist, contraction on and off...but luckily 5th day cramp go off le, contractions also never come back....
halo ladies,

just back fm my trip back to hometown, KL. fell sick as i hv not been feeling well since last Monday. today on leave as i wanted to rest before go back to work.

how's everyone doing? there're so many posts to read n to follow!!!
Great that your cramp & contraction are gone..I still cant imagine the contraction feel..guess got to own-self been thru then will noe..
Ade, ur gynae's machine really top-notch, can see baby's feature so clearly!! Mine usually only can see side views, sigh..hahaha

Jo, I was at OUB Ctr juz now, tried Meritus Mandarin, not bad leh their mooncake..u hv special discount? I tot I saw u standing beside the booth earlier..keke but i was rushing to go Arcade, so din stop by to chat..;)
Hi Emeraldbride.. yes i m there..solving some issues.. sigh.. today real busy

Yes, i can have 25% off.. let me know if u wan

Thanks scarletgal.
It just normal contraction. It will be fine.
This is my 2nd bb, so kinda used to it. See gynea, gynea will say either normal or monitor. As long as no show or waterbag burst, all okay.

The solution is to walk about and eat chocolate.
