(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

Xiao Pooh, thanks!

I've booked my post-natal massage too. Had a different lady the first time around, this time around is a family friend. $70/2h-session including baby massage. If able, planning to do for 10days but if expenses still sky-rocket after birth, will only do for 7days.
can i get some references for the post natal massage...prices and recommendations??

Anyone knows if the kaki bukit baby kingdom store sells strollers/prams...wanted to buy the combi miracle turn but there is no discount..anyone knows if where have discount for combi?
there're a few thread in SMH that warn us on some massage lady,Do read up.

I know Malay Heritage Jamu Massage is having a promo now (1 hr and 15min for binding ) and their cmt is quite good so far. but promo ends tmr... better call them if interested.

I'm trying this Maya lady for pre-natal. If good will use her for post natal too. She charge 500 for 7 (90min)
lilee - i think i have stretch marks at my butt leh!. but then i still duno whats like stretch marks. hmmm

AdelChia - rashes? i only bath then i started to see my tummy red red de.. itchy at times lor.

MeiLik si mi is freckles ah? =X

Hi Gerry welcome to this forum. so the little moles are really homos. Hmm i think once i give birth and slim back liao im going for a tan! to make my skin even! lolx and gerry is good that ya tummy is not itchy or dry. hehe

Eh ask you all ah.. a massage for what de? sorry i abit blur blur hehe
Hi emeraldbride
er... i dun know abt pumping the milk one time at lunch time is enough anot... my cousin pump once in morning b4 work, pump around 12pm, then 4pm/5pm.. N latch at nite for bb.. then rest, she did not tell me already..
combi...anyone bought stroller??what brand....any recommendation? so far...i have seen stroller...still prefer the miracle turn combi...
hi Xiao Pooh
my msn is [email protected]
U can add me too
i'm intending to get Capella S705. Was previously comparing btw Capella vs Combi & Maclarren. But narrow down to capella & Combi as these 2 can have Reversible handle. Of cos there's aprica that is as light weighted as combi & capella & with Reversible handle but the price of Aprica too ex.

Decided on Capella finally after try both capella & combi out.
for 1, the Reversible handle of capella is just by one hand pressing the top of the handle to shift over. Many others brand/model requires u to use both hands to "unlatch" the side of the handle before it can be reverse.

2. though there are many models of Capella,but the S705 is more spacious , more leg room for baby. 4 recline level. Fm 0 to 48mths.

3. the canopy can be covered all the way.

More details on the features check out this: http://www.taime.com/tnv/index.php?act=viewDoc&docId=15

Anyway, I've manage to contact Kiddybee to get a good offer for Capella S705. Retail going at $299 & going to up to $329 soon. (some place already up its prices to $329). If anyone's interested in getting a Capella S705, let me know as we need a few orders for the good price of $260 fm KiddyBee.
Hi! I'm new here...

EDD: 12/12

I'm contemplating btw Avent and Ameda pumps. Wanted to get Ameda and use bfree bottles but seems like the bottle neck can't fit. Any comments?
pastilies...it is quite heavy right...did saw it..but compare with the combi it is heavier if we mummy go out alone very troublesome...

does the wheels move flexibly like combi miracle turn...
Hello MTBs! Nice weather to start the weekend off! ^_^

Yesterday night very suay. Was taking cab home with hubby after dinner, and the cab got into an accident. Was thrown forward...face and leg left some damage on the seat in front of me. In the end, spent the rest of the night in TMC monitoring BB's heartbeat. I should have put on seat belt...very important even if it's uncomfy for belly. Thank goodness baby is ok. He was kicking kicking non-stop when I was at the hospital.

Caffeine intake: I haven't been taking much coffee lah, but still cannot kick caffeine altogether. Still drink one or two tea every day.

Pumps: I kiasu, bought my Medela PIS at FFY a long time ago when the price dropped to S$599. Very expensive, so I hope that spurs me on to breastfeed!

Stroller: Bought Capella Prime Sense at discount...S$199. Ok lah. Think I will be using a carrier more than the stroller if I'm out with baby.
pastilles ... yeah, it looks kinda cumbersome and heavy (although looks nice) .. seriously, from someone who has had MANY types of strollers ... u can probably use this for a while ... then once baby is past 6 months old, you'll probably get a MacLaren or something less bulky. If that's your intention, then it's ok .. if u intend to stick to just one stroller for a long time, then Combi will be the way to go.

just my opinion
i got the capella stroller for my new born 2 years ago (wonder its the same model).. all the features are ther, eg reverse handle, full canopy, comfortable padding etc... however, i stop using that and bought another maclaren quest instead..
reasons: capella are too bulky for for my car boot, my hubby complain that its too heavy and not convenient for mi when i bring my girl out alone coz too heavy and bulky.
juz to share my personal experience..

gald to know that ur bb is fine
take care
hi Ivy,

actually I found it not too heavy. Maybe combi is much lighter of cos. But also hear alot of frens tell me not to get too light strollers as not very stable.
yes the wheels are flexible turning, but dunno if it's like the combi miracle turn cos I when i tried both out, to be both turns very well & flexible leh;p

hi kris, thanks for sharing
cos i tried out the MacLaren Techno X & XT but Hubby & I find capella S705 more suited for our preference. hee , guess it's really individual preference

hi lilee,
as capella has many models, i dunno if the one u brought 2 yrs ago is the same one? cos they did mention that this S705 is the 2008 improved version. didnt try out the Marclaren Quest as it's not fm newborns onwards, so cant really say abt it

hee well my HB's the one who quite like this capella so i dun think he's "complaining"abt it being bulky. Also it's less bulky compare to the capella S802, which yes i must say it's really heavier & more bulky. I've tried to close the S705 myself (the one hand close feature), ehh so far still so good la;p

hi jowin,
no problem , take ur time to check it out. They have it at OG & John Little. if u interested after checking out, let me koe.
I also took awhile to try out the different strollers (Combi/Capella/Maclaren/Aprica/Graco) then finally narrow down to capella (not just any model but the S705).
hmmm...i dont know which one to get..the S705 capella or the combi miracle turn...cos i can get the combi at cheaper price anyone interested maybe if we purchase more together will be cheaper...i am still checking with the supplier...

if for me, i dont drive, think it will be better for me to get the combi which is almost half the weight of the capella...right?
Hello ladies,

We went for our glucose test today + my routine checkup.

Glucose Test
The sugary drink that they gave me at the lab tasted a lot like the usual CNY orange we get when we go visiting. It only gets a little overwhelming as i approached the last bits of it. Overall, not too bad in taste. My results are normal!!! Phew...

Our little boy
Mine oh mine, he has certainly grow and double his weight since we last saw him a mth ago. He is now 27wks4days and weighs 1065gm!! We could roughly see his features on the scan and I think he looks more like my HB

I lost weight!!! My weight is the same as 1 month ago when I went for my checkup and so far only baby gained weight. I'm really pleased with the results as I'm trying not to gain too much for this pregnancy. So far, doctor said I've gained 8kg in total and based on 27Wks4days, she said it is a good achievement.
luthadel is ur nick make up of your husband and your name?

i am going to have my glucose test on my next check up, if the results not normal what will happen??so scared...my family have diabetes history...wow...your baby now 1kg...mine was 900grams at 24 weeks...if he were to double within a mth he will be 1.8kg??!! is it normal?
yeah, pastilles .. it is definitely an individual thing hence the many different types of strollers u see out there .. I don't like the MacLaren X or XT too ..

like lilee .. I love the Quest .. although it is not suitable for newborns ...

For myself, I recently got a Quinny Buzz .. bulky but very stable ... I love it ..
Hi everyone,
I am new here. Currently staying abroad will be coming back to Singapore to give birth.
Getting as many info about shopping for baby stuff in singapore.

Been following the strollers thread. I like combi too. Was thinking of getting a miracle turn and still considering.

Brief Intro..
EDD: 3.12.2008
Gynae: Not sure yet. I have just booked online for Dr Heng Tung Lang at east shore.
Hospital: East shore.

I read there is a combi spree going on now. For strollers they have 15% discount.
you have the link to the spree??

i am trying to get discount for combi strollers but am still waiting for the person to reply...

you interested in combining our orders?
Just now went to the shop near the GuangYin Temple there to buy baby clothes.

I only targetted at the $1 per piece :p Bought around 7pcs, long sleeves and short sleeves type. Bought 1 packet of mittens (4 sets), 1 packet of baby bibs (3pcs), price seemed reasonable overall

After that went to OG to buy Pigeon milk storage bag, nappy rash cream, pacifier chain, two rompers, already costed me like $83! Got to apply for the OG membership card also, keke.

Went Toa Payoh Song&Song also to look at the baby clothes, but seems like not so nice. Didn't buy anything there.

Spaghetti : U must be extra careful leh! Hope u are feeling better. Next time better use seatbelt bah. I also dislike using seatbelt cos its very uncomfortable, haha.

I'm also thinking of buying the Medela PIS since its $599 at First Few Years. But i'm still hasitating due to the price.

I am in Morocco now. I gave birth to my first DS in France and hopefully to have my second girl in Singapore near family and friends this time.

So long never log in.... So busy with my work and OT almost veryday. So sad becos I dun have time spend with my unborn baby.

Went for my checkup 2 wks ago and I gained 3kg within 4 weeks but my baby only weighs 632gm... Is it normal? I am so worried.
I bought the pigeon electric pump during takashimaya sale.. I see the demo and it was so silent so I bought it. Actually, how we determine whether the pump is good to buy?

I bought majority of my baby stuff except the bathing tub and diapers. What brand is good for the diapers? My friend said mama poko is good for newborn leh.
Hi Ivy,

I am now 26wks. Till now, I gained around 12kg but I am still worried about my baby becos of my work, I always have late dinner.
i also saw the pigeon electric pump at the fair but didnt buy it cos want to wait till give birth see if flow is good then buy one.

lotsa of people recommend mammy poko...i recently got a G.OON diaper sample... www.diaper.com i think forgot if have .sg register then you can get a free sample.
oh... My friend told me you need to bf consistently to have good flow. She told me inital stage is very messy... Have you consider to buy a manual pump 1st?
my cousin recently just gave birth, she bought a manual pump but in the end the flow was not good...no flow...she will be passing me hers.

i am 24 weeks and i gain total around 13+kg..baby weighs 900grams...since i got pregnant i dont do any OT anymore...just want to leave office and dont work.
Alot of my mummy frens advise me against buying manual pump because the flow is not good!

Funshine, if ur gynae did not say ur baby weight is not normal, means it is normal lor..hahaha..

Adel, good that u can maintain that weight!! U still hv 3 mths to go onie hor..very fast! Have u bought most of baby stuff?
hi kristangel, yup individual pref

hi funshine, wow! u bot most stuff already?! OMG, i' havent gotten any yet! i'm going BK next mth, hence kept delaying to buy baby clothes first as wanted to see if i can get anything in BK.
then i still deciding btw baby cot or Playpen/bassinet.. i tot of a baby cot, then heard that sometimes baby might not want to sleep in baby cot. Also baby cot can only sleep till 4to 6mths, then aftertat the cot becomes too small for the baby to sleep (at least tt's wat my colleague says for her little boy).
& aftertat a lot of ppl start letting baby sleep on mattress instead so got more space for baby to flip n turn...

any advice?

For breastpump, i also been told manual pump not good:
1. flow not good, 2. if intending to express frequently(like after going back to work), then manual is too troublesome. 3. too tiring to keep manual expressing..
funshine... what emerald said was correct. dont worry so much. baby will gain more in the last trimester and fast.

anymore recommendations for strollers?
combi? is it a stable stroller?

pastillies, my colleague recently bought baby clothes for me in BK. i find that the quality is not that good. regarding the baby cot or play pen, for me, i bought a 4 in 1 baby cot at taka that cost 359 and is suitable to the age of 5. you can consider getting that now as it is having promotion. it coms with a fiber flux mattress, bedding set and a musical mobile cot toy.
